Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Trump Russian Noise Is A Diversion From What Is Revealed and The Drip, Drip Drip Has Just Begun. Ryan Runs.

                                             Trump A Russian Agent and                                                            Putin's Karate Partner!
From a friend and fellow memo reader:   "Dick,

Wonder how many Americans would know the sentences toward the end of Rabbi Goldson’s essay, in the section called Let it Go are, in fact, the preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America had he not told us... There a few grammatical and syntactical errors... but I would readily admit ... they are  carping and inconsequential compared to his basic message. This was a good addition to your daily homilies.

Enjoy these lessons very much indeed. Thanks for including me in your list.


As I noted in a previous memo, Democrats relish engaging in character assassination and identity politics.  Consequently, they are now going to begin a bait and switch effort in order to shift attention away from Hillary, America's great change maker artist.

After all, we know Donald is a Russian Agent, is in bed with Russian business interests and is one of Putin's karate workout partners. Obama did his best to defeat Netanyahu and now it is time for Obama and Hillary to attack Russia and Trump for leaking e mails Putin may have obtained through hacking the DNC and lord knows who else.

The real question we should be asking ourselves is were Hillary to be elected would Russia be in a position to blackmail her after Trump returns to building hotels and golf courses and will another try at a reset-button cost us and the citizens of another nation more than the first? Second,were the leaked e mails factual? I believe a lot more e mails are going to be released before this election is over and most will be an embarrassment  regarding Hillary. The drip, drip, drip has just begun.

When Hillary's Trump Russian connection plays out I suspect her next attack will be why hasn't Donald released his tax returns and he will respond by asking Hillary to release her speeches and fees.

While this drama plays out, ISIS will continue to kill directly or through surrogates, Russia will strengthen its hold and control over the Middle East, Iran will march steadily towards becoming nuclear and murders of police will continue.

For almost two years we have witnessed those seeking the presidency spend billions of dollars, throw mud all over the place and what have we learned? I have learned what I already knew - Hillary is not trustworthy and Trump is weird but an effective campaigner. No wonder I, along with millions of American voters, remain concerned that after 8 years of Obama, we are probably in for 4 more years of instability. and our ship of state is likely to remain adrift as the seas rise.

Also, watch for the heat to rise as the campaign gets into high gear and the dirt flies. I am told the nastier the campaign the more women are turned off and will not vote.
Ryan runs from mom's whose children have been killed by illegal immigrants. (See 1 below.)
My dear friend and fellow memo reader has nailed it! (See 2 below.)
U.S.a  serious ISIS target. (See 3 below.)
If the young supporters of Bernie Sanders learned anything from their unsuccessful attempt to have him the become the Democrat nominee it should be at least three things:

a) The fix for Hillary was in from the beginning and the method, by which, Democrats select their nominee is rigged,

b) Their candidate played them like a violin in order to gain publicity for his own purposes knowing that he might draw big crowds, raise a lot of money but could never become the nominee. Then, when he lost he sold them out, again, for his own purposes.

c) If you get involved in politics don't be naive. It is a dirty business and generally brings out the worst.
I will be out this evening so I will miss Obama telling us how America needs to become united.  I doubt he will make reference to the fact that our disunity is, in large measure, due to his incompetence and willful desire to divide us. After all, the more we are divided the better it is for him and his ability to shove his ideological priorities down our throats. A strong and united America goes against his belief that America has been a threat to the world.
Will our local paper's editorial board demand Hillary comment about this and if not will they accuse her of being an anti-Semite? (See 4 below.)
Paul Ryan Flees Home As Moms of Kids Killed By Illegals Approach Him

A group of grieving mothers whose children were killed by illegal aliens attended a press conference Saturday in front of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s “border wall” at his home in Wisconsin.

The “angel moms” expressed their endorsement for Ryan’s challenger, Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen, who is running against him in Wisconsin’s August 9th primary election. 
Paul Ryan has made it clear he supports amnesty for illegal aliens, and the mothers said he has done nothing to secure the border and stop illegal immigration – while maintaining a “border wall” around his own property.   They said they deserved to be able to give their children the same security Ryan gives his children.
After sharing their personal stories of their murdered children, the mothers laid out large banners with photos of their children in front of Ryan’s border wall.
Also attending the press conference were several volunteers from the Paul Nehlen campaign.
The mothers then picked up the banners to deliver them to Ryan.    Just as they started to walk toward his home with the photos, Ryan and his security team sped away in two black SUV’s.
“I saw Ryan on the back porch as the banners were being picked up and folded up,” said Tania Vojvodic, a volunteer with the campaign. “As I was walking with the mothers to the front, he entered into the back door of the house and slammed it. A few minutes later I saw him get into an SUV that departed with another behind it.”
During the press conference, Ryan’s security team appeared to have called for backup, as they said three state police cars and additional officers showed up to monitor the situation.
angel moms pics 4
“I wasn’t surprised, but I was hurt,” said angel mom, Laura Wilkerson, whose 18-year-old son was tortured to death by an illegal alien.
“We were there because we wanted Ryan to realize what’s happened to our kids and our families. I don’t understand it– Ryan didn’t have the time or courage to talk to four moms who had lost their kids? It would have taken him all of three minutes to come outside and say hello and say sorry and listen to our stories or hear the changes we’d like to see put in place to better secure our border. But I guess, at this point, this doesn’t surprise me coming from Ryan. He’s had 18 years to do something about it if he were really worried about immigration, and he has not. This won’t work anymore. It’s time to replace him with someone that will do something for American families.”
“They were asked why did they go to Ryan’s home to hold the press conference.  The mothers of children murdered by illegal immigrants have felt ignored by Ryan.   He could have seized his opportunity, walked over and offered his condolences to those mothers, and he chose to drive away instead.   An honorable man would have told his security team, ‘Give me a moment, I need to address this.’ Instead, he ditched them at his front door,” said Vojvodic.
“Paul Ryan has ignored our Angel Moms and Dads for far too long,” Paul Nehlen said during the press conference. “We are here today to say, ‘Not One More.’ We will not tolerate one more death of an innocent American because Paul Ryan wants to satisfy his donors. We will not let one more family be torn apart by open borders.”
A security vehicle pulled up while the group was still there, and gathered up all the banners to get them out of sight.

For everyone who would rather not have a gun in the house!
In view of the recent Supreme Court ruling, sales of this new product may skyrocket.
Washington thinks they are going to take away our guns, so check this out. I like it!
NAIL GUNS! AND, you don't even have to REGISTER them or have LICENSES for them!
AND, you don't have to worry about them being CONCEALED!
Just a LOT of good stuff to do with THIS!
Once in a while something so totally cool comes out that even a guy who doesn't normally even know what he'd like for Father's Day or Christmas would immediately ask for it:
Thank you, DeWalt!!!
New Nail Gun, made by DeWalt.  It can drive a 16-D nail through a 2x4 at 200 yards.



By Jeannette Richard

The United States is the “top target” of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which has directed or inspired 101 terrorism plots against Western countries since its rise in 2013, according to a report released Wednesday by the majority staff of the House Homeland Security Committee.

“ISIS has now been linked to 100+ attack plots against Western countries—an unprecedented wave of terror,” the report, entitled Terrorism Gone Viral, noted.
Forty-one of those plots (40 percent) targeted the United States, its citizens, and its presence overseas – the highest number directed against any particular country, and more than double the number of plots against France, the next most targeted country, the committee report stated.
However, the three highest-casualty attacks – in Paris (480 casualties) last November, Brussels (335) in March, and Nice last week (286) – have all occurred in Europe during the last nine months.
“ISIS terrorists have reached an alarming and horrific milestone, continuing their unprecedented pace of global terror. Never before have we seen so many jihadist plots against the West in such a short period of time,” said Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX).
“What’s worse, our communities have now become the battleground, and our enemies are hiding in plain sight. ISIS has remotely radicalized operatives to carry out attacks, including right here in the homeland, and they are increasingly dispatching their own operatives for deadlier and more complex plots,” he continued.
“This is the consequence of our failure to take the fight to the enemy overseas. And it should be a wake-up call that we need to get serious about destroying ISIS—not eventually, but immediately.”
4)  Israeli Flag Set on Fire Outside DNC

Other protestors were holding signs in support of Bernie Sanders.
US media reported that nearly 2,000 demonstrators, predominantly supporters of Sanders, marched on the convention to vent their anger over recent controversies that have embroiled the Democratic party.
Fox News reported that police had detained dozens of people, however authorities said no arrests were made, but more than 50 people were cited for disorderly conduct.
 This isn't the first instance of anti-Israeli sentiment from the Democrats. Back in 2012, delegates booed and hissed as a measure passed that recognized Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel.  Most recently, leaked emails revealed by WikiLeaks showed the staffers at the Democrat National Committee were irritated they had to commemorate the Holocaust for Yom Hashoah.

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