Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Unworthy Elitists. Ordman. New York and Crime.

Last night the nation suffered through another assemblage of America's tuxedoed elite at the Correspondent's Dinner so they could roast the President. While doing so, the voters were also mocked for their own credulity but probably did not know this was happening.  If Biden and the mass media believe attacking FOX, Carlson, DeSantis and Trump is a coherent foreign and domestic policy then Xi  has to be laughing.

Polls tell us a man who is basically incoherent will be-elected, not for his accomplishments but because the personality of his "accomplished," prospective opponent is a turn off.

We know the school teacher union has been spending decades dumbing down our children and society so no one's feelings are hurt and now the entire society is being effected. 

(When all else fails lower your standards.)

MLK has to be turning over in his grave.

Furthermore, I share Mahr's recent expressed grievance.  Though I understand members of the nation's black population need to  spew forth their angst and anger, I also believe it is now past the point where I want to hear more of their white racism.  Yes, it is time blacks stop killing each other, demand a better education that "Randi" is offering and the renegades and radicals  among them start acting like good citizens.

It is also past the time for law and order to determine the dictates of the police departments in states controlled by Democrats and the nation return to a civil society and reject all the nonsense that has ripped up apart, ie. CRT, BLM etc.

Finally, if corporate America wishes to turn capitalism into political entities then they must be prepared to suffer the consequences and reactions of their stockholders and stop their whimpering as in the case of Disney and the adherents of ESG garbage economics.

And while I am mounted, another matter disgusts me.  Soros' is planning on buying The White House with his $75 million campaign offer.

Ordman and Israel's 75th (edited.)


As it completes its 75th year, Israel continues to build up the modern Jewish State. This latest Positive newsletter contains medical advances to build up the strength of the sick and injured everywhere - physically and mentally; young and old; collectively or individually. Israeli volunteers help rebuild the lives of the vulnerable from Israel to Brazil and all points in between.

In hi-tech and business, Israelis are helping build a society with clean energy, pollution-free agriculture, clean water, healthy foods, and sustainable products. Israel strives to build a better future for all.

The photo was taken during Israel's 75th Independence Day fly-past. It aptly highlights the Israeli spirit and determination to reach new heights.

My next newsletter will hopefully be issued on or after Sun 7th May. If this email arrives in your spam / junk folder, please mark it as "NOT SPAM".

Please recommend and forward this email to friends, family and colleagues and especially to any individuals who you think need to know about the good work that Israel does.

In the 30th Apr 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:

Innovative Israeli therapy causes cancer cells to collapse.

A simple Israeli device will save numerous babies from suffocation.

Israel opens a permanent embassy in another Muslim country.

Three Israeli startups have won awards for hydrogen-based technology.

A record number of passengers used Ben Gurion Airport in March.

Israelis are “all a flutter” from a heavy dose of butterflies.

Some great stories to celebrate Israel’s 75 birthday.

Click here to see the 16th Apr newsletter on IsraelSeen, Ruthfully Yours with another great intro, IsraPundit, and United With Israel with extra feature on Medical. Also (TY Sandra) in German here and posted by Stuart Palmer here. Also (TY Zachy) for Hebrew translation of 2nd Apr newsletter here and 16th Apr here and (TY Stuart) posted here. Please pass on this newsletter to German and Hebrew-speaking contacts. Also (TY Esty) please visit the Facebook page.

Please click here, to donate (a small or large amount) to help me publicize VeryGoodNewsIsrael.

Click here to keyword SEARCH almost any topic in the IsraelActive archives (over 22,400 articles). It would have helped avoid a media headline error (see here) that the JUICE space mission is the first to carry Israeli tech into deep space (see this previous occasion and also this).

If someone wishes to be added to the free email subscription list, they should either click here or send a request (with their name) to


Cancer therapy breakthrough. (TY WIN) Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed nanoparticles containing RNA that silences the protein CKAP5 – essential to the stability of many types of cancer. The therapy causes the cancer cells to collapse and is 80% effective in lab tests targeting ovarian cancer.

Diffusing radiation therapy for inoperable cancer. Israel’s Alpha Tau Medical (see here previously) has used its Alpha DaRT radiation therapy to treat its first patient with advanced inoperable pancreatic cancer. The Montreal trial will treat 30 patients with Stage II, III, or IV pancreatic cancer or an inoperable pancreatic tumor.

Preventing mosquito bites. Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers have discovered that a thin coating of natural, sustainable, cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) applied to human skin, decreases the number of mosquito bites by 80%. In combination with the naturally occurring amino acid Indole, it is over 99% effective.

Relieving social anxiety without pills. An Israeli-led study of 105 adults with social anxiety disorder used therapy based on eye-tracking, combined with a musical reward. The “gaze-contingent music reward therapy” (GC-MRT) was just as successful (50%) as the standard psychiatric medicine.

Relieve stress with an AI-based nutrition coach. April is Stress Awareness Month in both the USA and UK, Israeli-US startup myAir has marked it by launching its stressless routine smart food platform. It includes 24/7 personal support from an AI-based nutrition coach to supplement its nutrition bars (see here previously).

Turning out alright. It took an Israeli - Dr Abraham Yaari - to invent the Yaari Extractor™- a simple device that solves shoulder dystocia – an emergency where a baby’s shoulders are preventing safe delivery. The device allows the obstetrician or gynecologist to turn the baby 45 degrees, thus preventing its suffocation.

Matching patients to the best treatments. The normally anti-Israel BBC has discovered Israel’s Genetika+ (see here previously) which is developing a precision tool that uses Artificial Intelligence to determine if a particular antidepressant will work for an individual.

Super-paramedic. Benny, a United Hatzalah volunteer EMT, treated two victims of a terrorist stabbing.  Before that, however, he helped immobilize the terrorist.  A real life Israeli super-hero. 

Israeli doctor saves passenger. For the second newsletter in a row, another Israeli doctor saved an airline passenger. This time it was a teenager who suffered a severe anaphylactic attack. United Hatzalah volunteer Dr. Natan Ungar used adrenaline to treat the patient, and the El Al plane continued from Tel Aviv to New York.

Robotic surgery saves Jerusalem doctor. When Dr. Ariel Lipschuetz fractured his back skiing in France, he called Dr Schroeder, Director of Hadassah’s back unit. Amazingly, he was skiing only 26km away and arranged for robotic percutaneous fixation surgery at Hadassah. It saved Dr Lipschuetz from almost certain paralysis.

Celebrating the Remarkable 3. I highly recommend watching this inspiring video of some of the pioneering medical science and researchers at Israel’s Ben Gurion University. It describes BGU’s groundbreaking discoveries and innovations in 3D printed science, cancer research, biomedical engineering, and so much more.


Helping to feed the vulnerable. Israeli charity Sayeret Hessed Yihudit - SAHI (see here previously) has grown to 1,500 volunteers ages 13 to 19. Comprising 44 chapters with 80 leaders, they perform voluntary community service in depressed communities. SAHI’s Ofri Butbul lit a Yom Ha’Atzmaut torch in 2021.

Five examples of Israeli Jewish-Arab partnership. (TY UWI & I24 News) Yoseph Hadded reminds everyone about the partnership between Arabs and Jews in Israel.  You won’t see this in the Mainstream media.

Israeli soldiers rescue trapped camel. When a camel got itself stuck in between rocks in the desert, soldiers from an IDF unit helped extricate the distressed animal.  

Eurovision contestants plant saplings in Israel. 36 participants in the Eurovision Song Contest in May have planted saplings in the KKL Eurovision Forest, halfway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. KKL-JNF’s Karine Bolton complimented the musicians, “Your music is like a seed of hope being planted for the future.”

Saving billions of plastic bottles. Israel’s SodaStream (now owned by PepsiCo) says it has prevented five billion single-use plastic bottles from being used last year. SodaStream systems use pressurized cylinders to add carbon dioxide to water and create soda at home, thereby not wasting single-use bottles.

Moroccan diplomats hold “Mimouna” celebration. (TY WIN & I24 News) Morocco’s liaison office in Israel – soon to be expanded to a full-fledged embassy – marked the Moroccan Jewish tradition of ending Passover festival with a “Mimouna” gathering.

Opening Israeli embassy in Turkmenistan. Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen landed in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, to inaugurate the permanent building of the Israeli embassy in Turkmenistan and meet with the Jewish community. This year Israel and Turkmenistan mark 30 years of diplomatic relations.

70 years of diplomatic relations with Mexico. 1,200+ people attended a concert in Mexico to celebrate 70 years of diplomatic relations between Israel and Mexico. The soloists were Israel’s Evgenia Epshtein and Mexico’s Adrián Justus, who has given two performances at Monday concerts in Netanya.

Heroes. Israeli NGO Heroes for Life (see here previously) is sending dozens of ex-IDF personnel to volunteer in deprived areas of Brazil. Israel also just held a ceremony for Outstanding Soldiers. Three are Haredi Jews.


Jupiter mission launches with Israeli tech on board. The European Space Agency’s JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) mission launched on Apr 14. It carried an Ultra Stable Oscillator made by Israel’s AccuBeat (see here previously) which will measure the composition of Jupiter’s atmosphere when it arrives there in 2031.

Hydrogen’s rising star. Israel's GenCell (see here previously) received the Rising Star in the Hydrogen Field award, in the framework of the Hydrogen Future Awards 2023. Presented at the Connecting Green Hydrogen MENA conference in Dubai, it recognizes GenCell’s zero-emission hydrogen and other technologies.

Another Hydrogen award winner. Bloomberg’s New Energy Finance energy-transition research arm has awarded a BloombergNEF Pioneer award to Israel’s H2Pro (see here previously). H2Pro is building a plant capable of producing 73 tons a year of hydrogen from water electrolysis, for commercial deployment in 2025.

Hydrogen-powered drones. Israel’s Heven Drones has unveiled its H2D55 hydrogen-powered UAV. It can fly for 100 minutes with a 7kg payload. HevenDrones won the Monaco Hydrogen Alliance Award for Disruptive Hydrogen Mobility.

Israel’s largest solar project. Israel’s Teralight has launched the “Ta’anakh” - the country’s largest solar project - in the Jezreel Valley. It is expected to provide electricity for around a quarter-million Israelis living in more than 60,000 households by the end of the first half of next year.

Reversing the flow of water. The Israel Water Authority (Mekorot) Reverse Water Project is complete, and water can now flow from Israel’s desalination plants back into Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). It is the first project of its kind and will ensure that the world’s lowest freshwater lake will never be at risk of running dry.  

Soil sensor launched. (TY OurCrowd) Israel’s DOTS (Data Of The Soil) has now launched its electro-optical soil sensor and information system (see here previously). Real-time nitrate monitoring can significantly reduce the use of fertilizers.

AI and Beyond. Some 500 experts, students, and guests attended the annual Tech.AI conference of Israel’s Technion Institute, focusing on ways to translate AI theories into useful applications. Companies involved included Microsoft, IBM, Mobileye, Nvidia, Harel, and AI21 Labs, plus many Israeli university professors.

The future – one circuit at a time. (TY UWI & I24 News) The 7th Israeli Conference on Robotics featured many innovative Israeli startups including Cogniteam (software for autonomous robots), Israeli founded Momentis (Anovo surgical robot), and Forsight Robotics (eye surgery).

Green MED diet is great for the heart. Studies of the Green Mediterranean (high polyphenols) diet (see here previously) show its benefits for the gut and brain. Now, Ben Gurion University research shows it is twice as good as the standard Mediterranean diet for the heart aorta that carries oxygenated blood throughout the body.

Reduced sugar berry juices. Israel’s Better Juice (see here previously) has completed successful trials of its technology to lower the sugar content (sucrose, fructose, and glucose) of natural berry and other fruit juices. It also works on fruit products such as jams. These products are predicted to reach the shelves next year.  

Look who’s eating vegan. At a visit to Israel’s Steakholder foods (see here previously) a high-profile Israeli politician said “Today we ate fish produced without fish, meat produced without cows. This is a global revolution. Soon we will bring new approvals and new heights that will change the world,"

Green Product award. Israel’s Balena (see here previously) won a Green Product Award in the fashion category from the Green Future Club at a ceremony in Berlin. The international award program, now in its 10th year, recognizes products and services in sustainability, innovation, and design.

All the medals at Maths Olympiad. (TY Nevet) In a historic first, a team of Israeli students took home every medal possible at the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO) for grades 10 - 12 in Slovenia. Noga Friedman beat 214 from 54 countries to win gold with a "perfect score." Israelis also won silver and gold.


Ben Gurion Airport’s busiest ever month. Israel's Ben-Gurion Airport saw its busiest month in history during Mar 2023.  A total of 1,983,428 passengers passed through on 13,490 international and domestic flights – 57% more than in Mar 2022. El Al flew 432,365 passengers – its highest monthly total and 50% more than in 2022.

Toyota prize to fund Israeli gardens. Israeli non-profit Venatata has won Toyota’s NIS 1 million Israel Earth Prize. The prize money will be allocated towards Venatata's 100 Gardens Project, which aims to establish 100 therapeutic gardens in medical and social rehabilitation centers across Israel.

Fish for Morocco. A consortium of Israeli-based startups is partnering with Morocco’s Mohammed VI Polytechnic University to produce high-protein fish food for Morocco’s fish farms. They are Seakura (seaweed), Shachar Group (recycled waste), FreezeM (insect protein), and Hungary’s Celitron (organic waste).

Managing wastewater down under. (TY OurCrowd) Israel’s Kando (see here previously) is partnering Australia’s Detection Services to deliver Kando’s wastewater management technology to customers in Australia and New Zealand. It follows a successful Proof of Concept project at Rotorua New Zealand.

Controlling drone deliveries in Brazil. Israel’s High Lander (see here previously) is partnering Brazil’s Speedbird - one of Brazil’s largest UAV operators - to safely steer drones delivering fast-food and groceries across Brazil. Locals order with the app iFood and a High Lander-controlled Speedbird UAV delivers the food.

Intelligence for brokers. Israel’s Capitola offers a productivity and market intelligence platform for broker teams. Its platform brings together brokers and underwriters, removing many of the operational inefficiencies around manual processes and repetitive tasks.

Wind farms in Poland. Zephyrus Wing Energies is the first company to list on the TASE since August; raises NIS 145 million at a company valuation of NIS 935 million. Zephyrus’ projects in Poland include Potegowo - the largest wind-energy project in the country, comprising eight wind farms at multiple sites.

Israel is a critical market. Vesey Ventures, based in the US and Israel, has launched a $78 million fund investing in early stage fintech companies. Vesey was founded by three former female Managing Directors at AMEX Ventures, focusing on Israel as a critical market for enterprise software, cybersecurity and data and AI.

Exits, takeovers and mergers to 30/4/23. US-based Akamai Technologies is acquiring Israel’s NeoSec for “several dozen millions of dollars”.

Investment in Israeli startups to 30/4/23: Zephyrus Wing Energies raised $40 million (IPO);  CropX raised $30 million; Quantum Source raised $27 million; Volumez raised $20 million; Capitola raised $15.6 million; Safeguard (construction) raised $8 million; Floodlight raised $6.4 million;


A summer of music. Israeli performances this summer include Shlomo Artzi, Gidi Gov, Static, Nunu, Marina Maximillian, Idan Raichel, Ishay Ribo, and Chava Alberstein. International stars include Backstreet Boys, Robbie Williams, Sam Smith, Papa Roach, Guns N’ Roses, The Black Keys, Buddy Guy, & Imagine Dragons.

From Israel with Love. The Technion UK will be holding an event in London on May 15 to celebrate Israel’s 75th Anniversary. All proceeds from the show will go towards funding the Integrated Cancer Research Centre at the Technion.

Butterfly exodus. (TY UWI) The fields surrounding Israel’s Hula Lake are currently covered in Pink Lady butterflies enroute from the Arabian peninsula to Europe. Its an intergenerational migration, as the butterflies that arrived from Saudi Arabia lay eggs in Israel that eventually turn into butterflies that continue onto Europe.

National butterfly. With its colors matching the Israeli flag, the common blue butterfly has been voted Israel’s national butterfly. It joins the hoopoe (national bird), the anemone (national flower), the olive (national tree), and the Canaan dog (national dog), as symbols. Tens of thousands of Israeli schoolchildren voted.

Sportstech Emmy winner. Israeli sports-tech company WSC Sports (see here previously) won an “AI-ML Curation of Sports Highlights” award at the 74th Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards. The awards are presented by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.


4 sets of twins in 24 hours. Four women each delivered twin babies within the same 24-hour period at Israel’s Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba. Prof Shantal, director of the Women's and Midwives department said that when the mother embraces two babies, the room is double happiness and magic.  

Toronto friends celebrate in Israel. 300+ members of UJA (United Jewish Appeal) of greater Toronto have been touring Israel (Apr 24 - May 1) on an “Israel @ 75” mission. It explores Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Sderot, the Dead Sea, and much more, with a variety of tracks. It ends with a gala in Tel Aviv for 1500+ Israel supporters.

Why I love Israel. (TY Jacob Richman) To celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Jacob has updated his hot-sites of Israel links.  I particularly recommend Barbara Sofer’s 75+1 new reasons I love Israel.

Babies in Blue & White. For Israel’s Independence Day, Israel’s Assuta Hospital in Ashdod dressed the newborns in its maternity ward in the colors of the Israeli flag. "Our flag symbolizes our inseverable connection to this land and our responsibility to stay united for the sake of the children of tomorrow," the hospital wrote.

Happy 75th birthday Israel. Some new videos and recent photos to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the declaration of Israel’s Independence. (Omri Caspi – We Had Faith) (Knesset in Blue & White) (Israeli flag in Eilat)

Here forever. Ofra Haza and Zohar Argov were two of Israel’s most loved singers. They never sang together, until now. For Israel’s 75th birthday, their families agreed that a team of Israeli producers could use Artificial Intelligence to create a new song and a video of the two, performing a duet “Kan Le’Olam” (“Here Forever”).


New York confused regarding crime:


Saturday, April 29, 2023

Nikita's Warning. DeSantis' Truth. Uncle Joe Mean Spirited Bomb Thrower. Allen West. 2024 Election.

Nikita Khrushchev
For those too young to remember.  I was not and believed it when he said it and have watched it occur.

DeSantis Exposes Why This Allegation Against Him From His Time Serving at GITMO Is 'Total BS'

ByLeah Barkoukis

Uncle Joe is a bomb throwing, mean spirited one and always finds a way to inflame. His association of MAGA with GOP is nothing less.


Joe Biden uses the word "freedom," but what he is speaking of is the freedom of government to dictate, mandate, order, and decree your life. This is the same fella, who as president, stated, "no amendment is absolute," referring to our rule of law, the US Constitution. The very first ten amendments of our Constitution are the individual Bill of Rights. Here we have Joe Biden, who as a sitting president sworn to uphold our Constitution, claims it is not absolute. This is the same Joe Biden who just released a presidential reelection campaign video saying he is fighting for freedom? What freedom?

LTC Allen West

Executive Director, American Constitutional Rights Union


One more down, many more to go.


Top Iranian cleric gunned down in broad daylight

Ayatollah Abbas Ali Soleimani was a member of the Assembly of Experts, a group of 88 clerics that selects the country’s supreme leader.

Ayatollah Abbas Ali Soleimani, a high-ranking Iranian cleric, was assassinated on Wednesday at a bank in the city of Babolsar in the northern province of Mazandaran.

He was a member of the Assembly of Experts, a group of 88 clerics that selects the country’s supreme leader, and a former representative who officiated at the provincial level on behalf of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Soleimani was reportedly shot dead while in the financial institution. CCTV footage showed him sitting on a chair, apparently waiting his turn, when the assailant nonchalantly approached him and shot him in the head with what appeared to be a submachine gun.

The governor of Mazandaran, Mahmoud Hosseinipour Nouri, said the attacker was a local man and that “our information and documents indicate that this was not a security or terrorist act.”

The assassin’s motive remained unclear as of Thursday.


There are many issues parading as background in the2024 election such as domestic, foreign and social. However,  the  key elements remain the Democrats desire for power at any cost and contempt and utter disregard for America's welfare versus America's needs and The GOP's inability to construct a winning message that resonates and produces honest victories against our adversaries. 

Put another way, a failed president versus a successful former president who has a failed personality.


'Salt of the earth' — the stories that make America 

By Salena Zito

OXFORD, Pennsylvania — Despite the wealth of information at our fingertips in the information age, there is a glaring emptiness that plagues us in our storytelling. 

We remove nuance and replace it with sensationalism. We shun original stories because they stray too far from the pack. In the process, we miss the beauty, pain, and magic, the simplicity and grace of simple, real-life stories about the ordinary lives of people who work the soil to make America possible. The result is that we lose touch with who we are as a nation.

Bill Hostetter was sitting in the

Click for the full story:

For the past two weeks I have been on the road more than not so some of my stories weren’t sent out and I’d love for you to catch up with them here if you’d like: 😊❤️


Strong arming FBI ?


FBI Agents Were Forced To Sign NDAs

According to a report, an ex-FBI agent claimed he was coerced into signing a non-disclosure agreement which did not incorporate the legally mandated whistleblower exceptions permitting him to come forward to Congress. 

Republican senators Ron Johnson (WI) and Chuck Grassley (IA) wrote to the Justice Department demanding answers. 

Federal agencies cannot utilize public funds for confidentiality agreements without containing whistleblower exclusions since whistleblower rights have been embedded in federal regulation for over a decade. 

After coming forward in the fall with allegations that the FBI had used extreme tactics and not followed its own rules in investigating the January 6 riot, former Special Agent Steve Friend supplied the senators with the NDA (nondisclosure agreement) Friend had been forced to sign, which did not include the required anti-gag provision.

The senators want to know how the FBI handled Friend and how often it got workers to sign nondisclosure agreements without including the proper anti-gag language.

The report shows the Senators also requested an investigation into the FBI’s alleged retribution against former Special Agent Friend by writing to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz and informing him of further actions of apparent impropriety by the FBI.

Empower Oversight’s president, Tristan Leavitt, argued that the FBI isn’t above the law and that Congress should hold it responsible.  Congress must not let agencies ignore its authority over funding. Whistleblowers should be safeguarded, not silenced and penalized.

According to the GrassleyWorks website, when it comes to protecting the rights of whistleblowers, no one in Congress has done more than Senator Grassley.

Senator Grassley has been the only lawmaker in either chamber to regularly and vigorously advocate for the protection of whistleblowers. 

All key whistleblower legislation enacted in the previous forty years has his signature. Before President Richard Nixon dismissed Military Department officer Ernie Fitzgerald for testifying to Congress regarding billions of dollars in waste and fraud in military contracts, he showed bipartisan support by siding with Fitzgerald.


A true American Classic.  Most  young people of today have no idea how this anthem originated....and they need to know!

A Nice Bit of History

(Did you know there are lyrics before the words "God bless America, land that I love."?)

Frank  Sinatra considered Kate Smith the best singer of her time and said that when he and a million other guys first heard her sing "God Bless  America" on the radio, they all pretended to have dust in their eyes as they wiped away a  tear or two.

    Here are the facts... The link at the bottom will take you to a video showing the first public singing of "GOD BLESS AMERICA". But before you watch it, you should also know the story behind the first public showing of the song.

   The time was 1940. America was still in a terrible economic depression. Hitler was taking over Europe, and Americans feared we'd have to go to war. It was a  time of hardship and worry for most Americans.

This was the era just before TV, when radio shows were HUGE, and American families sat around their radios in the evenings, listening to their favorite entertainers, and no entertainer of that era was bigger than Kate Smith. 

     Kate was also large; plus size, as we now say, and the popular phrase still used today is in deference to her, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings". Kate Smith might not have made it big in the age of TV, but with her voice coming over the radio, she was the biggest star of her time.


Kate was also patriotic. It hurt her to see Americans so depressed and afraid of what the next day would bring. She had hope for America and faith in her fellow Americans. She wanted to do something to cheer them up, so she went to the famous American songwriter, Irving Berlin (who also wrote "White Christmas") and asked him to write a song that would make Americans feel good again about their country. When she described what she was looking for, he said he had just the song for her. He went to his files and found a song that he had written, but never published, 22 years before - way back in  1917. He gave it to her and she worked on it with her studio orchestra. She and Irving Berlin were not sure how the song would be received by the public, but both agreed they would not take any profits from God Bless America. Any profits would go to the Boy Scouts of America. Over the years, the Boy Scouts have received millions of dollars in royalties from this song. 

    This video starts out with Kate Smith coming into the radio studio with the orchestra and an audience. She introduces the new song for the very first time, and starts singing. After the first couple of verses, with her voice in the  background still singing, scenes are shown from the 1940 movie, "You're In The  Army Now." At the 4:20 mark of the video you see a young actor in the movie, sitting in an office, reading a paper; it's Ronald Reagan.

   To this day, God Bless America stirs our patriotic feelings and pride in our country.  Back in 1940, when Kate Smith went looking for a song to raise the spirits of her fellow Americans, I doubt whether she realized just how successful the results would be for her fellow Americans during those years of hardship and worry... And for many generations of Americans to follow.

     Now that you know the story of the song, I hope you'll enjoy it. 



Thursday, April 27, 2023

My Friend. His Math. Best Speech Writers ,Link Arms. "From Scratch." Must Watch.

Sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader. I cannot argue with his math or feelings. We no longer have our own bed to sleep in. We share it with the world..
Democrats are not interested in sharing our country because they are compassionate but to buy votes so they will be a dominant party.  Power is what they always seek.
The biggest factor of why Seniors are losing more and more benefits. They are getting blamed for part of our country’s increasing deficit.

It's easy to dismiss individual programs that benefit non-citizens until they're all put together and this picture emerges.

Someone did a lot of research to put together all this data. Often these programs are buried within other programs making it difficult to find each of them.

The following 11 reasons should be forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the readers gets sick of reading them. Included are the URL's for verification of all the following facts.

1. $11 Billion to $22 Billion is spent on welfare to illegal immigrants each year by state governments.

Verify At: [] eServer?pagename=iic_immigrati onissuecenters7fd8
< [] Pag eServer?pagename=iic_immigrati onissuecenters7fd8 >

2. $22 Billion dollars a year is spent on food Assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal immigrants.

Verify At:

< [] 20 04/fiscalexec.HTML

The High Cost of Cheap Labor | Center for Immigration Studies [] []

About the Author Steven A. Camarota is Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C. He holds a master's degree in political science .

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal immigrants.
Verify At: [] 04/fiscalexec.HTML

The High Cost of Cheap Labor | Center for Immigration Studies [] []

About the Author Steven A. Camarota is Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, D.C. He holds a master's degree in political science .

<http://www [www]. [] ec.HTML >

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on Primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
Verify At:
http://transcripts.cnncom/ []TRA NscriptS/0604/01/ldt...0.HT []ML
< []T RA NscriptS/0604/01/ldt...0.HT []ML >

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for Education for the American-born Children of illegal immigrants, known as Anchor babies.
Verify At []TRA NscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HT []ML
< []T RA NscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.HT []ML

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal immigrants.
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7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison Inmates are illegal immigrants.
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8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on Illegal immigrants for Welfare & Social Services by the American taxpayers.
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9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal immigrants.
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10. In 2006, illegal immigrants sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their Countries of origin.
Verify At:. nih [] []m >;
11. The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes committed By Illegal Immigrants In The United States ..
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Are we THAT Stupid?


The GOP needs to get their very best speech writers ad draft a factual, rational speech that lays out, in a logical manner, a rebuttal, hand it to every candidate for national office and speak in unison.

If they cannot win with the way Biden has made every mistake in the book and sell it, this republic doe not deserve continuance. If the American voter is willing to throw away the best punch bowl ever devised by man then we should go parched as if we were left on the desert in the blazing sun.
A couple of years ago urged everyone watch movie entitled 5 to 7 on NETFLIX. Some did and loved it. Some not so.  I am now urging only one season Netflix 10 video series entitled "From Scratch." Think you will enjoy.

Israel Unique and Devine Politically Turned Conservative. Biden, Careful What You Wish For. Henninger Disagrees Bibi Must Calm Troubled Political Waters. The List.

Everything about Israel seems unique and Devine. It is a complex nation because it rests upon a religious base while at the same time it seeks to maintain it's democratic political structure.  For decades the Orthodox did not have the political numbers but in the last election they aligned themselves with Netanyahu and eked out a narrow controversial victory. 

Not all the professed concerns of Israel's more liberal segment of the nation are valid  by this turn of events but it has widened the divide among the various factions.
 As we celebrate Israel's 75th anniversary today (Wednesday , it is instructive to look back at the actions that led to the UN vote in November of 1947, which approved the partition plan for Palestine. The attached MP3 file contains a very interesting podcast from Rabbi Meir Soloveichik describing this amazing series of events which included both Russia and the US voting in favor of the establishment of a Jewish state.


Israel’s Independence Day Marks a 75-Year Odyssey From Left to Right

The Jewish state has lived up to its miraculous creation, but not in the way its founders expected.

By Elliot Kaufman

How did Israel, a liberal cause at its founding 75 years ago, become right-wing? You could begin the tale in 1935, when a Jewish state was still far from assured. Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the father of right-wing Zionism, despised by the socialist mainstream, made a promise and a threat to David Ben-Gurion, the Labor Zionist leader of Palestine’s Jewish community:

“I can vouch for there being a type of Zionist who doesn’t care what kind of society our ‘state’ will have; I’m that person. If I were to know that the only way to a state was via socialism, or even that this would hasten it by a generation, I’d welcome it. More than that: Give me a religiously Orthodox state in which I would be forced to eat gefilte fish all day long (but only if there were no other way), and I’ll take it. . . . In the will I leave my son, I’ll tell him to start a revolution, but on the envelope, I’ll write, ‘To be opened only five years after a Jewish state is established.’ ”

That Jabotinsky’s heirs kept his promise and threat allows us to trace the nation’s journey from left to right as the world’s most successful postcolonial state.

In 1944 right-wing Zionists revolted against the British, the colonial power blocking desperate European Jews from immigrating to Palestine. Ben-Gurion, focused on a postwar settlement, opposed the revolt. His forces betrayed hundreds of members of the Zionist underground to the British. This turned Jew against Jew and could have easily spiraled into civil war. But it didn’t. “There will not be a fratricidal war,” said Menachem Begin, successor to Jabotinsky. “Perhaps our blood will be shed, but we will not shed the blood of others.”

A worn-down Britain withdrew from Palestine in 1948, and Ben-Gurion declared Israeli independence. Rather than create an Arab state alongside it, as the United Nations had envisioned, five Arab armies invaded Israel immediately. The Irgun, Begin’s paramilitary, sought to smuggle in weapons to resupply Jerusalem during the fighting. Ben-Gurion knew, however, that a state with private armies would be a tinderbox. He suppressed Israel’s far-left military faction and ordered his new Israel Defense Forces to fire on the Irgun’s weapons ship, setting it ablaze. Again, Begin refused to retaliate: “It is forbidden for brother to raise a hand against brother.”

East Jerusalem, with Judaism’s holiest sites, fell to Jordan, which expelled every last Jew. Yet Israel emerged with one army under a single command, loyal to the state. This unity, achieved via the ruthlessness of the moderates and the restraint of the extremists, allowed the country to develop the social solidarity to hold off repeated invasions, integrate hundreds of thousands of refugees, liberate Jerusalem and stand firm against terrorism—all while flourishing as a democracy.

Labor Zionists, secular and Ashkenazi, governed Israel for its first 29 years. But Jabotinsky’s envelope had been opened. The “Second Israel,” led by traditional Mizrahi Jews expelled from Arab lands, powered Begin’s 1977 election victory, known as ha’mahapakh, the upheaval. The right would push for a more-Jewish state and attempt to break the power of the left-wing Ashkenazi bastions, from kibbutzim to state corporations, unions and, most recently, the Supreme Court.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose father had been Jabotinsky’s secretary, led free-market reforms in the 1990s and 2000s, unleashing a dynamic Israeli economy with a gross domestic product per capita exceeding Britain’s. In 2020 Mr. Netanyahu secured the Abraham Accords, a diplomatic flanking maneuver that junked the liberal consensus on a moribund peace process. Now, as the country shakes, he leads a once-unthinkable all-right-wing government into uncharted territory.

One man who foresaw Israel’s transformation was political theorist Leo Strauss, a Jabotinskyite in his youth. In 1956 he wrote to the editors of National Review with a then-outrageous argument: Zionism was conservative. When “the moral spine of the Jews was in danger of being broken” with false promises of European emancipation, he wrote, Zionism had held Jews to their Jewishness. “Zionism was the attempt to restore that inner freedom, that simple dignity, of which only people who remember their heritage and are loyal to their fate, are capable.” It “helped to stem the tide of ‘progressive’ leveling of venerable, ancestral differences; it fulfilled a conservative function.”

Even a purely political Zionism, he explained in a 1962 speech, was bound to raise deeper questions of culture: How should citizens of a Jewish state live? A serious cultural Zionism, in turn, had to conclude that Jewish culture’s most profound sources and purposes are religious. The logic of Zionism, he said, leads to Judaism.

Welcome to Israel, the new global center of Jewish life and learning. Israel has experienced a religious and cultural renaissance, leaving the old socialist Sparta in the dust. Scripture is woven into hit songs and novels, lives of piety the stuff of TV dramas. Birthrates remain elevated among all types of Jews. The “national-religious” lead a settlement movement to return Jews to Judea and Samaria, the biblical heartland from which Jordan had expelled them. These Jews, piling into the officer corps, may one day lead the army.

Meanwhile, Israel’s Labor Party, discredited by the waves of Palestinian terrorism that answered Israeli peace offers, has been reduced to four Knesset seats out of 120. Only foreign pressure and an increasingly aggressive Supreme Court, protected from ideological change by its unique selection mechanism, preserves the left’s power.

Israel’s opposition is now center-left and center-right, led by new parties with little vision beyond stymieing Mr. Netanyahu and his religious allies. They can be formidable, however, when the right forgets that favorable demographic trends for the future don’t settle disputes today. The judicial-reform fight has proved that. But here, too, is a confirmation of change—even the opposition to the right has shifted rightward, dropped all talk of surrendering territory and draped itself in the flag.

India, founded a year before Israel, provides a parallel. Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s secularist first prime minister, stopped short of crushing religion, even making certain concessions to help legitimate the new state his party would dominate for decades. Like Ben-Gurion, he was confident that traditional religion would wither away with progress.

Over time, however, some Israeli Jews and many Indian Hindus sought deeper meaning for their states. Had they won sovereignty merely to modernize along British lines? Looking for a different source of values and solidarity, both nations have seen a conscious return to religion, in many cases yielding not at all traditional national-religious fusions with great vitality and expectations.

The outcomes in Israel and India may be as different as Judaism and Hinduism, but the challenge for the right is the same: to marshal the best in its tradition to revise what is no longer sustainable from the old regime. The worry is that it will marshal the worst to squander its national inheritance.

Once upon a time in Israel, the left-wing majority knew how to lead and the right-wing minority knew when to hold fire. The combination produced a state worthy of its miraculous creation. Now, as Israel’s third generation beckons, the roles are reversed and neither side is content. The right struggles to consolidate control; will its flailing only tighten the no longer subtle restraints on its power? The left convinces itself that the greatest danger to Israel is the majority of its fellow citizens; will it ever accede, like Jabotinsky and Begin did for a time, to a different kind of Jewish state?

Only Mr. Netanyahu keeps his eyes fixed on Iran rather than internal squabbles. Increasingly it seems that he must solidify the state and redeem the revolution or be devoured in its wake.


Be careful what you wish for because it could happen and the consequences might turn into a surprise. Why? Because Biden now has a record - not a good one. Voters know more about  him as a person. Turns out he is a prickly sort, not your "Uncle" maybe even a treasonous crook and quite "pissy fanny." 


Biden Is Desperately Seeking Trump

Will the GOP again give Democrats the nominee they covet?

By The Editorial Board

President Biden’s re-election announcement video on Tuesday was unusual, if not surprising. The early scenes are less about Mr. Biden’s record, and the sunny uplands of second-term hope, than they are about Donald Trump: images of the Jan. 6 riot, Trump signs, and a reference to “MAGA extremists.

Joe Biden Is Running in 2024 to 'Finish the Job'

The video betrays a little too obviously what Democrats and the press know but don’t like to admit in public: Mr. Biden desperately wants a rematch with Donald Trump. He doesn’t want to run on his own record. He wants to run one more time by stoking fear about what might happen if the former President returns to the Oval Office.

Mr. Biden won in 2020 by campaigning largely as the anti-Trump—a reassuring old hand you wouldn’t have to think about every day—and he figures he can do it again. The campaign strategy of putting Mr. Trump front and center worked to minimize Democratic losses in 2022. And the party is rolling it out again as Democratic prosecutors line up to keep Mr. Trump center stage with real and potential criminal indictments designed to stretch from here to Election Day.

It might work if Republican voters decide to let Democrats and the press choose their presidential nominee. But it’s also risky for the country given Mr. Biden’s 80 years, his decline in physical and mental acuity, and the known unknowns that might transpire in the next 19 months. We wrote Saturday about the selfishness of running again, given his decline, on a promise he knows he can’t keep to serve until he is 86 years old.

There is also his record in office: unprecedented federal spending that contributed to the worst inflation in 40 years, declining real incomes, worsening culture wars, and growing disorder and declining U.S. influence in the world. His approval rating is down where Mr. Trump’s was at this point in his Presidency.

A political poser is why no one serious in the Democratic Party is stepping up to challenge Mr. Biden given his age and record. One likely reason is that Democrats, especially on the left, are happy flying under the cover of Joe from Scranton with a history of political moderation before he became President. They’ve arguably achieved more of their progressive policy goals under Mr. Biden than they did in two terms with Barack Obama.

Another reason is the fear, bordering on panic, that they might be stuck with the demonstrably poor political talent of Vice President Kamala Harris as their nominee if Mr. Biden bows out. It’s a rational worry, yet Democrats also aren’t being honest about the likelihood that she could become President if Mr. Biden wins a second term.

The possibility that Mr. Biden’s decline could accelerate is real, as is the chance that he wouldn’t serve out his second term. Democrats will deny it, but a vote for Mr. Biden in 2024 is in a practical sense a vote for Ms. Harris as President as well. Resigning the office in his second term may even be part of Mr. Biden’s private calculation. That way Ms. Harris would become America’s first female President and could run in 2028 as an incumbent.

All of this explains why Mr. Biden is counting on Republicans to nominate Mr. Trump. The former President will be 78 years old in 2024, which would remove any age and generational advantage for the GOP. He might be able to defeat Mr. Biden if there’s a deep recession, a widening global conflict that involves the U.S., or a marked decline in Mr. Biden that even the White House and media can’t cover up.

But no one motivates Democrats to vote more than Mr. Trump, who also divides Republicans and has lost support among independents and suburban voters since his 2016 victory. Since that lone triumph, he has been an electoral loser for Republicans.

That’s why Mr. Biden is aching for GOP voters to take the Democratic and media bait and nominate the opponent he covets.


Henninger disagrees:


President Biden won’t negotiate, doesn’t do press conferences, does only canned events, can’t maintain focus, has minimal factual grasp and his foreign-policy activity is totally ceremonial. So naturally he’s running for a second term. With the total support of the Democratic Party in Congress.

Mr. Biden likely wouldn’t be running if his opponent were any of five or so Republicans not named Trump. A presidential debate next Tuesday evening against any of them would be a catastrophe for the incumbent.

Most Americans of any age or party affiliation don’t want Mr. Biden to run again. But the odds are strong—affirmed by the midterm election results—that even more voters don’t want Donald Trump to be president again.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s pseudo-indictment of Mr. Trump worked like clockwork. Annoyed Republicans increased their support for a Trump nomination, reassuring Democrats they could pull off the improbable re-election of their 80-something candidate.

The standard political model holds that politicians do what they gotta do to become the party in power. But even that pragmatic standard assumes the party’s path will be diverted by the interests of the person who has made it to the top of the presidential greasy pole. Not this time.

I’ve come to think of Joe Biden not so much as the commander in chief as the maître d’ in chief, master of the happy handshake. What needs explaining is the current disconnection between professional Democrats and most everyone else over the idea of continuing Mr. Biden’s official-greeter presidency. What do they see that normal people don’t?

Last year, professional Democrats seemed in sync with noncareer Democrats discomfited by the implications of the world’s most powerful man’s constant gaffes. Articles appeared suggesting primary challenges to Mr. Biden might come from prominent party governors—California’s Gavin Newsom, Illinois’s J.B. Pritzker or Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan.

Then almost overnight, the party seemed to embrace the idea of a second Biden term. Yes, the close midterm results were a triggering event, and the prospect of a Trump rerun helped. But I think the Democrats realized they had backed into a system that suits them to a T—the non compos presidential model of American politics.

Not a joke. Since at least Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, progressives have tried, with success, to make the states subject to the authority of administered bureaucracies in Washington. “Inside the Beltway” is a phrase mentioned frequently here, but during the first Biden term Washington has become more like a black hole, with the entire country being pulled into its gravitational force field.

Their control of the bureaucratic levers today is unprecedented. Unless you are a reader of the editorials in this newspaper, you would have virtually no idea of the relentless mandating activity of the people running this administration’s departments and agencies. A significant piece in these pages days ago by Phil Gramm and Pat Toomey summarized the scale of this juggernaut. If you missed it, read it

As noted, even a progressive Newsom or Pritzker presidency would just get in the way of the comprehensive agenda now being executed by progressive academics and former congressional staffers allied with Sen. Elizabeth Warren. They are, for instance, writing expansive interpretations of the implementation rules for the $400 billion of climate subsidies Congress just passed.

The suggestion that Mr. Biden should avoid the curse of second-term failure is about him personally. It’s irrelevant to what the activists running the agencies could do daily. The EPA’s just-announced 2027 deadline for tailpipe emissions may be unachievable, but so what? The marching order is a done deal. There would be more of that in a second term.

A beside-the-point president is the best thing that has ever happened to the progressive centralization project. That is why Washington’s Democrats would embrace a Kamala Harris succession. A tip of the hat, incidentally, to departing Biden domestic adviser Susan Rice, the former Obama operative who surely has helped design this passive presidency model.

The greatest peril is foreign policy, whose execution requires presidential leadership. Kissinger needed Nixon, Shultz needed Reagan, and Acheson had Truman. Antony Blinken is on his own, and it shows, as allies like Saudi Arabia and France flirt with China. The U.S. needs to increase spending on national security beyond 3% of gross domestic product. No matter what happens in the world, these Democrats won’t do that.

The cliché happens to be true: It’s early. The Hunter anvil hangs over Mr. Biden, along with a fragile economy and tense world. All kinds of stuff hangs over Mr. Trump. We are in a familiar phase, with opinion polls representing reality. They show Mr. Trump with a big nomination lead, thus the coverage has defaulted the election to a Biden-Trump grudge match. Like the Bragg indictment, that advantages the incumbent’s sleepwalk to re-election.

To paraphrase Dirty Harry, Republicans staring down this barrel have to be asking themselves one question: Do you think Donald Trump will run from here until November 2024 saying the 2020 election was rigged and stolen? If he does—and of course he will—you lose.


There are many dangerous people wanting to destroy our nation.  This is just a hand full, who have enormous wealth/power, who deserve to be on that list.

Larry Fink - ESG anti-capitalist Wants corporations to support, with stock holder money, all kind of radical, insane social programs like BLM, CRT etc. and is intensely anti-fossil energy Runs trillions of dollars through BlackRock.

Soros - anti-law and order- finances campaigns of radical D.A"s who refuse to enforce laws.

Anthony Fauci - Former Chief Medical Adviser to president causing schools to close and refuses to admit horrendous mistakes he made.  Highest paid government official.

Randi  Weingarten - Anti-Democratic education unionist. Liar, socialist very pro CRT. Disregarded  health science, received enormous sums of money to restart schools and used same for unintended purposes including raising salaries of balking teachers. 

Hans Schwab - founder of Davos. Hugely pro large government. Opposes freedom of the individual and republic form of government. Uses illogical green concepts to cause our nation to be energy dependent, our manufacturing ability non-competitive so as to destroy America's ability to commercially compete.

Mike Bloomberg - multi-billionaire who uses money to support vastly liberal causes and opposed to Justice Thomas.


Klaus Schwab - founder ofDavos. Intensely pro 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Trust Gone. Wake Up America. Carlson Speaks.

                                                                     worth repeating

I have been consistent in believing America's ship of state is taking on water and sinking.  I know this get's boring, like "Johnny One Note, "but I believe we have lost control of our government, our leadership is weak, disorganized and incapable of rational thinking.  It is evident, in every major decision, Biden has been wrong and the results reflect these facts,  This is not a desire to bash Democrats, though they deserve it. It is simply an expression of disgust about what they are doing to our nation in the face of momentous threats. Threats we have never faced before that can prove catastrophi as China is on the ascendancy..

Our adversaries are outstripping us militarily, scientifically and psychologically.  They have penetrated every facet of our society and clawed together advocates that have proposed insane challenges on raising our next generation, flirting with reparations for past activities that were wrong,  turning voters against each other through weaponization and you know the rest.   

The numbers of radicals are not huge but they have been effective because it takes only a few bad apples as the saying goes.  There are always a larger number of malcontents waiting on the sideline/bench ready to cause problems because they are ignorant, hot heads and prone to expand the numbers.  

More importantly, Soros, for a nominal amount of campaign dollars, has been able to elect District Attorney's who no longer enforce laws. They selectively pick and choose and the result is breakdown of societal law and order.  In conjunction with this, the hue and cry of defunding the police has also diminished/dispirited our police department ranks, so enforcement has collapsed in may major cities predominantly run by Democrats and black radicals to boot.

Finally, intimidation is the weapon of choice. Whether it be an attempt to express a different view on a college campus or write, as I just have, pointing out a fact. Intolerance has expanded to the point that America is no longer a  nation where free expression is tolerated.

Debate is both frowned upon and physically restrained. This is not the America envisioned by our founding fathers.  The GOP always finds itself in a defensive position because Democrats strike first and are more aggressive regardless of what the issue is and when it comes to voting they began harvesting votes while the GOP historically trudged to the polls.  Numbers and methods that lend themselves to fraud became acceptable and election results became more questionable. 

Bad as that is, Democrats also raised issues that Russia was engaged in campaign interferences.  The current Sec. of State enticed 51 high profile intelligence operatives to sign a letter attesting to same and released it knowing it was all concocted right before the 2020 election.

How many times will 'the unwashed masses and "deplorables" fall for these shenanigans? They did twice in order to impeach Trump.

I daresay,  Democrats will explore another version in the 2024 election. Winning, at any cost, is so much a part of their DNA.  They have utter contempt for their opponent as well as the nation.  They have besmirched and manipulated  The FBI, IRS and most every significant Agency to the point most Americans no longer trust their federal government and frankly, why should they?


Biden shirks his responsibility as a politician, as president not to negotiate so he can blame Republicans for whatever happens regarding his desire to have it his way totally when it comes to spending and budget negotiations. Yes, he may be clever, he may even get his way but his cleverness is destructive, his contempt for his opponent is sick and the further destruction of the dollar as the world's medium of exchange continues to be threatened.

A devalued dollar adds more inflation to our need to buy from abroad. 

Wake up America!!!!


Tucker Carlson Issues First Public Comments Since Fox News Exit

By Jack Phillips

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson issued his first public comments since it was announced that he would be departing the network earlier this week, appearing outside his home in Florida with his wife.

“Retirement is going great so far,” he joked to the Daily Mail, which published photos of him and his wife outside of his Boca Grande house while driving a golf cart. “I haven’t eaten dinner with my wife on a weeknight in seven years.”

When asked about his future plans, Carlson again joked: “Appetizers plus entree.” According to the Mail reporter, he drove away in the golf cart with his wife without elaborating on what he is going to do next.

Neither Fox News nor Carlson have provided any details about why he suddenly left the network after hosting one of the top-rated cable news programs for years. A news release issued by the company said the two parted ways and said it would use a rotating slate of hosts for a temporary show during the 8 p.m. timeslot until a new host is named.

There has been speculation that a lawsuit filed by a former producer, Abby Grossberg, may have been one of the reasons for his departure. She claimed Carlson fostered a toxic work environment in which producers allegedly would make vulgar remarks, although Carlson hasn’t responded publicly to the allegations, and a Fox News spokesperson told news outlets that the company  “will continue to vigorously defend Fox against Ms. Grossberg’s unmeritorious legal claims, which are riddled with false allegations against Fox and our employees.”

Other than Grossberg’s claim, a number of anonymously sourced articles have asserted that Carlson may have been let go for a number of reasons. On Tuesday evening, a Vanity Fair report—which The Epoch Times cannot authenticate as true—alleged that Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch removed Carlson after remarks he gave at the Heritage Foundation over the past weekend.

“I have concluded it might be worth taking just 10 minutes out of your busy schedule to say a prayer for the future, and I hope you will,” Carlson said in the keynote speech. The former Fox News host also made note of what he described as widespread moral decay across society and issued warnings about the future of Western civilization.

While Fox has shed big-name hosts with little damage in the past, the ouster of Carlson comes at a precarious moment for the network, said Nicole Hemmer, a Vanderbilt University professor and author of “Partisans: The Conservative Revolutionaries Who Remade American Politics in the 1990s.” Carlson was the person there who best excelled at exciting the base of the Republican Party, she said.

“If Carlson now begins attacking Fox as ‘corporate media’ that despises its Trump-supporting viewers, he could cause the network to begin bleeding viewers” as it briefly did after the 2020 election, Hemmer told The Associated Press this week.

Carlson was named to replace O’Reilly on the day O’Reilly was fired. It may take some time for Carlson’s replacement to be known: Fox took a year, using guest hosts, before naming Jesse Watters as its 7 p.m. host last year. Watters was an immediate hit, and Fox learned that the audience likes to be part of the selection process.

“People are creatures of habit,” conservative talk show host Erick Erickson said. “Fox will offer another host who speaks into the audience’s concerns. There’ll be a dip, just like after O’Reilly, but I expect the host will be competent enough to earn the audience’s trust quickly.”

Several current and former Fox hosts reacted to Carlson’s exit this week. Both Glenn Beck and Megyn Kelly criticized the move and said it would harm Fox News in the long-term—with Beck saying that the move is tantamount to “suicide.”

“I don’t know what drove Fox News to make this decision, and it was clearly Fox News’s decision because they’re not letting him say goodbye,” Kelly said Monday. “That’s my supposition. That’s not inside knowledge … I think this is a massive error. I think this is a massive misjudgment of what their audience wants.”

Current host Sean Hannity, whose show appeared after Carlson’s, said during a radio show that he doesn’t know what caused the two parties to part ways.

“My phone has been blowing up all day. The hard part for me is I don’t have a clue … I have no idea. Was it Tucker’s decision? Was it Fox’s? Was it a mutual agreement that they had? I don’t know,” he said.

A Fox News spokesperson has not returned a request for comment.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

