Friday, April 26, 2024

More Accumulated Pesach Memos.

It is pretty evident, what is happening in America is tragic but, for me, not unexpected.

The question is, what, if anything, will ultimately be done about what is being allowed, by a weak president, to occur?
Tom Cotton Is Right. Again ‘Pogrom’ is an accurate description of what we’re seeing on campuses. 
By Noah Rothman
Posted Ruth King

There’s something about Senator Tom Cotton that drives his critics to madness. That condition becomes particularly acute when he’s obviously correct. Indeed, Cotton’s correctness maintains a directly proportional relationship with the degree to which he compels his detractors to abandon their good sense.

The latest example of this phenomenon comes to us via Mediaite’s Michael Luciano, who accused the senator of indulging in “hysteria” in his recent comments about the ongoing convulsion of nominally anti-Israel but functionally pro-terrorist demonstrations on some of America’s most elite college campuses.

“Whatever scant coverage these abominations were receiving in the U.S. press has been supplanted by abject hysteria about anti-Semitism supposedly running amok on college campuses – particularly Columbia University,” Luciano wrote. He accuses the press of promulgating lurid tales of protesters shrieking xenophobic attacks at their Jewish classmates, some of which “did not actually occur on campus.”

True enough. When, for example, Jewish students were attacked at Tulane University last year for objecting to the burning of an Israeli flag, leaving one traumatized student to reflect on the “Jewish blood on my hands,” defenders of the current campus culture were quick to note the event occurred just outside the campus’s property line. Presumably, those who raise this objection believe it to be indisputably dispositive of . . . something.

But this was not Cotton’s sole offense. In what became an indictment of the Israeli government and the “war crimes” he believes it has committed — the lack of evidence notwithstanding — Luciano attacked the senator for indulging in hyperbole.

“I do agree that if Eric Adams won’t send the NYPD to protect these Jewish students, if Kathy Hochul won’t send the National Guard, Joe Biden has a duty to protect these Jewish students from what is a nascent pogrom on these campuses,” Cotton told Fox News this week. “These are scenes like you’ve seen out of the 1930s in Germany. They should never be witnessed or tolerated here in America in 2024.”

To give you some clue as to how far gone Cotton’s prosecutor is, Luciano attributes Cotton’s rhetorical excesses to the hothouse atmosphere cultivated as much by Fox as the New York Times. Regardless, it was that “absurd” phrase — “nascent pogrom” — that seemed to set Luciano off. But it’s Cotton who has the firmer grasp on events here. The only thing “absurd” about the senator’s remark was his judicious decision to append “nascent” to his assessment of what America is witnessing on our campuses.

The Russian word “pogrom” refers to an organized effort to displace Jewish populations from the spaces in which they reside by force. That is precisely what we’ve seen on far too many college campuses since the October 7 attack.

That’s what we saw at Cooper Union, where a braying mob of what we’ve been assured are only anti-Israel protesters threw themselves at the doors of a library in which a handful of Jewish students took refuge. Chanting “globalize the intifada,” in reference to the outbreaks of violence that targeted Israeli civilians with murder, the demonstrators terrorized their Jewish colleagues and compelled them to evacuate their refuge under guard. The Jewish students are suing their school for “being locked in a campus library to shield them from an unruly mob of students that was calling for the destruction of Israel and worldwide violence against Jews.”

Similar language could be used to describe the successful effort to scare Jews away from campus facilities at Cornell University. Following an outbreak of threats to “shoot up,” rape, and slash the throats of Jewish students on campus by pseudonymous harassers calling themselves “hamas,” “jew evil,” “jew jenocide,” “hamas warrior,” and “kill jews,” the school threw up its hands. Cornell advised its Jewish matriculants to avoid the campus’s Kosher dining hall lest they risk bodily harm. Of course, those students heeded their school’s warning.

“What shocked me the most,” said one witness to Rutgers University’s conciliatory attitude toward its agitated pro-Hamas contingent, “was the fact that the Jews attending the town hall were escorted out by police, not the individuals protesting and breaking the rules.” The event that so enraged the anti-Jewish protesters was only a banal effort by university president Jonathan Holloway to hold an event in which students could ask questions about the war in Gaza and the school’s approach to it. “Before he was able to answer a single one, anti-Israel protesters unleashed chaos,” Zach Kessel reported for NR.

And at Columbia, host to the recent spasm of anti-Jewish sentiment that led Cotton to call for reinforcements, the threat of violent antisemitism has forced many Jewish students off campus. The activists who called Jews “inbred,” demanded they “go back to Poland,” and chanted “Burn Tel Aviv to the ground” and “Go Hamas, we love you, we support your rockets, too” somehow managed to convince their Jewish colleagues that they meant business. Columbia administrators appeared to agree. It facilitated their flight to the shadows by moving classes to a “hybrid” setting so Jews could continue to study out of the sight of their tormentors.

These and many more incidents like them suggest the rabble’s aim is to harass and intimidate Jews into hiding. The college administrations that have catered to this mob have assisted in the evacuation of their Jewish populations to safer redoubts. We can call this many things, but Russian linguists already provided us with one descriptive word for it. It’s a fine word, and its use in this context is woefully appropriate.

So, too, is Cotton’s outraged response to what we’re witnessing. His critics object not to the senator’s accurate assessment of what we’re all seeing but the fact that his indictment of both the mobs and their coddlers on America’s campuses also impeaches those who would tolerate these grotesque displays. If those who would defend these menacing hordes cannot separate their anti-Israel advocacy from calls for violence against Jews, why should Senator Cotton? Indeed, why should any of us?

Cotton was as correct today as he was in 2020, when he called for the deployment of the National Guard to the American cities besieged by violent rioters — a call that led left-wing activists to purge from the New York Times masthead anyone who dared countenance Cotton’s advocacy. The Left would have been better served had it taken his advice in 2020, and it would do well to heed his admonitions today. The only “hysteria” to which we are privy is the sort on display from those who don’t want to recognize the true nature of the mobs to whom they’ve ceded America’s colleges.

Posterity vindicated Cotton once already. We don’t have to wait for the verdict of history to prove him right again.

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Hezbollah’s vast subterranean network in Lebanon is in a different league

Brig. Gen. (res.) Ronen Manelis says the tunnel system is ’10 levels above anything we have come across in Gaza.’

By Nadav Shragai, 4/25/24


WATCH: IDF pounds Hezbollah weapon depots

 April 25, 2024


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Mass exodus of Gazans from Rafah as IDF operation looms

200,000 Gazans have evacuated Rafah as IDF prepares to enter final Hamas stronghold.

By David Rosenberg, 4/25/24


WATCH: NYU professor – ‘Israel isn’t allowed to win a war’

NYU professor Scott Galloway slams the ridiculous double standards applied only to Israel, Jews, and the IDF.

 April 25, 2024



From Herbert Marcuse to Jew-hatred
By Richard Berkowitz

We have come a long way — and all in the wrong direction, from religion being protected to being penalized.

How did this happen?  A reading of Christopher Rufo’s America’s Cultural Revolution is most insightful.

Rufo begins by describing a person, totally unknown to me, by the name of Herbert Marcuse, who is behind the cultural revolution that has gripped America since 1967.  Marcuse was convinced America had become a repressive, intolerant society that  promised freedom of conscience, speech, and assembly while depriving citizens of the mechanism for making those rights meaningful. 

Eventually, Marcuse’s writing became the blueprint for the “New Left,” as the new proletariat substituted race for class in preparation of the revolution, which became an instant success.

The next phase of the revolution became known as the “Long March” through America’s institutions.  What began at the university and college level spread like wildfire and came to encompass virtually all of society, including the corporate and media world, reaching the pivotal conquest of The New York Times. 

Even bureaucrats working in government agencies, unions, and the military have now come under the sway of CRT and DIE as the new ideological philosophy driving our institutions.  Because the long march was subtle, it also went unnoticed.

After capturing the various institutions enumerated above, the long march began to infect the state.  Grant-making in education, humanities, sciences — i.e., the Department of Education, the National Endowment for the Arts — also became infected.  This was happening while I was a Board of Advisers member of the State of Georgia’s Museum of Art.  Though I knew we could use the money, I was opposed to the concept because I also knew tax money was being used and would eventually be spent with abandon.  Nothing in government ever stops.  It simply grows, like “Topsy.”

Even worse, the bureaucracy eventually does what it wants because its members cannot be fired.  Over time, politicians come in and out of office, giving “worker bees” power over the “queen bees.”

How did CRT and DIE sneak into the corporate world of capitalism?  Rufo believes  corporations no longer reside in the domain of the conservative establishment.  He writes culture captures the mind, and politics follows.  Because business always knew there was a cost, executives now treat it as simply another innocuous cost of doing business, but such a cavalier attitude fails to recognize how serious the ultimate effect is when the lines of demarcation are ignored.  As for the university, Rufo suggests it no longer exists to discover knowledge, which has been replaced by “critical consciousness.”  The profit motive is out the window and has been replaced by “diversity and inclusion.”  

Woe is Us!
Someone Has to Be the Adult in the Room: Clear the Quad and Expel Them All

By Derek Hunter


Dear Dick,

The threats of violence against Jewish students that we have recently witnessed on campuses across the country are signs of a moral darkness spreading out across the land. It's alarming enough to those Jewish students at Columbia, Yale, and the dozen other campuses where activists have established encampments from which they hound and harass the Jews in their midst. But the presence of these activists—and the universities that accommodate them—is an evil loosed upon all Americans. One of the lessons of Jewish history is that once a society allows anti-Semitism to metastasize, more rapid social decline will soon follow.

But in the face of this vile assault on our values and institutions—greatly worsened by the moral cowardice and confusion of so many university leaders—Tikvah students and alumni are courageously standing up for Jewish dignity.

At Columbia, opposition to the insanity and essential reporting on it has come from sophomore David Lederer. David got the attention of the media when he posted on X the results of a "social experiment": He took an American flag to a New York "pro-Palestine" rally to see what reaction he would receive. See for yourself what happened.

Also at Columbia, junior Michael Lippman took his school's president to task in the pages of the Wall Street Journal, and Dore Feith, in National Review, clarifies the larger menace these protests pose beyond the Jewish community.

At Yale, Sahar Tartak and Gabe Diamond have been at the forefront of the fight. You can see Sahar argue her case on Piers Morgan and read the harrowing account of the assault she suffered in the Free Press. You can hear Gabe's account of the rot at Yale in the Wall Street Journal and, in a piece that anticipated the latest swell of anti-Jewish terror weeks before it broke out, in the pages of the Hill.

Daniel Samet, in National Review, warns activists against trying to sow disorder at his campus, the University of Texas at Austin, as they've already done elsewhere.

At Princeton, Alexandra Orbuch and Darius Gross explain the effects of anti-Semitic hysteria on the educational purposes of the university.

At George Washington University, Sabrina Soffer—who months ago gave an unforgettable speech at the March for Israel in Washington—continued her prolific writing about the state of the American campus with her own recent piece in the Hill.

And at Cornell, Ari Kapelyan helped organize the Jewish Unity Rally that took place on April 14.

These young women and men exemplify Jewish moral confidence and bravery in the face of intimidation. They embody Tikvah at its best—alumni of our Beren Summer Fellowship, members of our Beren Collegiate Forum, attracted to Tikvah by their desire to learn about Jewish history and the majesty of Jewish civilization, and now in the arena of action rising to Jewish responsibility.

Tikvah's opponents know this about us. I happened to see Tikvah singled out by the anti-Semitic activists at, of all places, Princeton University. On their list of demands, here we are, at #8:

"Princeton must stop sponsoring and facilitating Birthright Israel trips and Tiger-Trek Israel, and end its relationship with the Tikvah Fund."

What our critics fail to grasp is that our calling and our purpose is defined by education, not activism. And one habit we've learned from wrestling with great texts and big ideas is to seek out the truth. These students, and many others in our network, have come to cherish what they have inherited as Jews and Americans. They have come to see the truth about how precious these inheritances are, and that is why they are moved to defend them.

Alongside moral formation and civilizational inspiration, we're working hard to make sure that these students don't feel alone on their campuses. The purpose of the Beren Collegiate Forum is to link up the many Tikvah students at various institutions, and to help forge the bonds of friendship among them. We've now got Tikvah chapters up and running at over twenty campuses, and we plan to expand to 50+ chapters in the year ahead. We will always stand behind our students, wherever they are.

Yet we also wonder: Hasn't the time come for Jewish talent, energy, money, creativity, and leadership to build new and better institutions of higher learning, or to migrate to those citadels that value what the Jewish people have meant to Western civilization? Hasn't the time come for a new exodus?

With best wishes for a Shabbat Shalom and a happy rest of Passover,

Eric Cohen

CEO, Tikvah  And:



Consul Update Edited

Due to Shabbat and the Passover holiday, our next newsletter will be delivered on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.

Operational Updates

Entire Gaza Strip

  • The IDF, through collaboration with Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) agency, has approved efforts for the new Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) initiative led by the United States Central Command (CENTCOM). The initiative will create an enhanced ship-to-shore distribution system to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

  • The IDF will operate to provide security and logistics support for the JLOTS initiative, which includes the establishment of a temporary floating pier to deliver humanitarian aid from the sea into Gaza.

  • The IDF's involvement in the JLOTS initiative is one of many humanitarian aid efforts, further demonstrating the IDF's commitment to working with the international community to ensure the continuous entry of humanitarian aid to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.

Former International Court of Justice President Debunks South Africa's Libelous Genocide Claim Against Israel

Recently, the former President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Joan O'Donoghue, was interviewed by the BBC. During the interview, O'Donoghue debunked much of the misinformation surrounding South Africa's libelous claim of genocide against Israel, which was previously adjudicated by the ICJ. To learn more, click HERE.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards: Purveyors of Terror

THIS VIDEO examines Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Ayatollah regime's elite military force which funds and directs terror throughout the world.

Operation: Swords of Iron Humanitarian Update

  • 344 aid trucks were inspected and transferred to the Gaza strip, yesterday (Apr.25). 214 trucks were distributed within Gaza, 151 of which contained food. The content Of 300 aid trucks are waiting on the Gazan side of Kerem Shalom to be collected by UN aid agencies.

  • Airdrops: 199 pallets containing tens of thousands of packages of food aid were airdropped over northern Gaza yesterday.

  • Aid to northern Gaza: 100 food aid trucks were coordinated to northern Gaza via the corridors for humanitarian purposes inside Gaza.

  • 4 tankers of cooking gas and 2 tankers of fuel designated for the operation of essential infrastructure in Gaza entered the territory yesterday.

  • Jordanian Route: 65 trucks were coordinated via the Jordanian Route.

  • Ashdod Port: 8 trucks of flour were coordinated through the Ashdod port program.

  • Coordinations: Out of 46 general coordination requests, 39 (85%) were approved. 12 UN requests for coordinations were submitted with 9 being approved, and 16 coordinations to northern Gaza were requested with 12 being approved. Since 1/1/24, 87% of all coordination requests have been approved.

  • 26 bakeries are currently operational in Gaza, providing close to 5 million breads, rolls, and pita breads daily.

  • So far, 3,204 injured and sick individuals and 725 escorts have been evacuated from the Gaza Strip.

  • 27 foreign nationals were scheduled to leave Gaza yesterday.

  • The repair of vital infrastructure is underway.

  • Today, (Apr. 26) between 10:00 and 14:00, the IDF will pause operations in the Rafah camp to enable the movement of humanitarian aid.

The Groups Behind Pro-Terror Demonstrations in the US

THIS ANALYSIS by Dr. Hayim Iserovich of Israel's Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center provides an in-depth look at the groups which continue to organize pro-terror demonstrations in the United States.


My fellow Americans: 

This is Vivek Ramaswamy. I hoped to email you on a lighter note but I didn’t have another choice with everything happening right now. 

The unholy alliance between Joe Biden, the corrupt Deep State, the DC Swamp, the Liberal Media, and the Radical Left Democrats is a national disgrace. 

We, the American People, will never forget what they’ve done to us. Luckily, we have a plan to stop these radicals who:

– Desecrated Easter Sunday with wokeism

– Arrested the leader of the Republican Party

– Removed Trump from the ballot in key states

– Raided Mar-a-Lago with armed agents

– Censored Conservative voices

– Spied on Catholic worshippers

– Gutted election integrity measures

– Peddled the Russia Hoax for years 

– Threw open our border to illegals

– Abandoned Americans in Afghanistan

– Caved to the Chinese Communist Party

– Moved to pack the Supreme Court

– Forced propaganda into classrooms

And the list goes on and on and on! Never before in the history of the world has a truly great country fallen so far from grace in such a short time. If the Radical Left Democrats somehow win control of the White House, the Senate, and the House… America will be lost forever. 

I know this to be true. You know it too. But when everything is on the line, moments like this separate the strong from the weak. And make no mistake – the future of our country hangs in the balance.

That’s why I’m partnering with Majority Leader Steve Scalise for the FIRST TIME. Together, we’re rallying the STRONGEST American Patriots from across the country and building the biggest surge of grassroots support this country has ever seen.

If you consider yourself a strong American Patriot – like the two of us do – I’m personally asking for your full commitment right here and right now. 

The resources we collect today will help build the largest GOP voter turnout operation in history, deploy an army of volunteers in swing districts, run hard-hitting ads in battleground states, harvest ballots where it’s legal, and help make this the most secure election EVER. 

THAT is how Conservatives will win in a landslide…

THAT is how we take control of the White House, Senate, AND House… 

THAT is how we stop the Radical Left Democrats from destroying America…

THAT is how we save our country as we know it…

AND THAT is how we send shockwaves through the heart of the Deep State, DC Swamp, and Liberal Media…

I’m asking for 100% participation from every strong American Patriot reading this. If that’s you, we need your help for the sake of the country. It’s the only way we win. So what do you say? Can we count on you?

If you can’t afford to pitch in $100 or $50 right now, I understand completely. If you can spare JUST $5 or $10, it will still go a long way in the fight for what we believe in. I only ask that everyone contributes SOMETHING.

No matter what, I’m honored to fight alongside you. 

Thanks for all you do,

Vivek Ramaswamy


Former Meta Executive Releases Documentary on Hamas's Gender-Based Crimes

Today, the former COO of Meta, Sheryl Sandberg, released her documentary titled "Screams Before Silence," which examines the gender-based crimes perpetrated by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women and girls on Oct. 7th, 2023 and since. To watch the documentary, click HERE.


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