Saturday, December 23, 2023

Maxine At Her Best. Virtue Of Historian. Wurmser-Hamas War Different. Israel's Palestinian Issue.







                                      RIGHT ON MAXINE!!! 

This is the best analogy yet!

  Leave it to Maxine to come up with a solution for the mess that America/Canada/UK/Germany/ Australia/NZ is now in economically.

 Inline image


I bought a bird feeder.  I hung it

On my back porch and filled it

With seed. What a beauty of

A bird feeder it was, as I filled it

Lovingly with seed.

Within a week we had hundreds of birds

Taking advantage of the

Continuous flow of free and

Easily accessible food.


But then the birds started

Building nests in the boards

Of the patio, above the table,

And next to the barbecue. 


Then came the shit. It was

Everywhere: on the patio tile,

The chairs, the table...



Then some of the birds

Turned mean. They would

Dive bomb me and try to

Peck me even though I had

Fed them out of my own Pocket.


And others birds were

Boisterous and loud. They

Sat on the feeder and

Squawked and screamed at

All hours of the day and night

And demanded that I fill it

When it got low on food.


After a while, I couldn't even

Sit on my own back porch

Anymore. So I took down the

Bird feeder and in three days

The birds were gone. I cleaned

Up their mess and took down

The many nests they had built

All over the patio.


Soon, the back yard was like

It used to be ..... Quiet, serene....

And no one demanding their

Rights to a free meal.


Now let's see......

Our government gives out

Free food, subsidized housing,

Free medical care and free

Education, and allows anyone

Born here to be an automatic



Then the illegal’s came by the

Tens of thousands. Suddenly

Our taxes went up to pay for

Free services; small apartments

Are housing 5 families; you

Have to wait 6 hours to be seen

By an emergency room doctor;

Your child's second grade class is

Behind other schools because

Over half the class doesn't speak



Corn Flakes now come in a

Bilingual box; I have to

'press one ' to hear my bank

Talk to me in English, and

People waving flags other

Than ”ours” are

Squawking and screaming

In the streets, demanding

More rights and free liberties.


Just my opinion, but maybe

it's time for the government

To take down the bird feeder. 


If you agree, pass it on; if not,

Just continue cleaning up the shit!


Robert S. Rush, PhD
Command Sergeant Major, USA (ret)

The cardinal virtue of the historian is objectivity, or freedom from bias or special interest.  The historian’s responsibility is to discover the truth and to put it on record.  To this, he has to keep a constant watch on his prejudices and assumptions. 

The military historian in theater works under conditions that make it difficult to maintain an impartial attitude toward persons and events, and will deal, not with remote times and places, which can be approached without heat but with living persons and current events that directly affect the historian.  The historian will be on intimate terms with many of the key figures in the story, and may participate in many of its events

Although the historian must be impartial and objective, he or she must not be neutral unless the evidence forces it.  Usually the balance of the best evidence will favor one conclusion or judgment over its alternatives.  It is the historian’s duty, when the evidence is found so distributed, to pronounce in favor of the conclusion supported by most of the best evidence.  The historian should not end the inquiry in a weak refusal to take a stand or make a judgment.
When negotiating with Islamist terrorists there is more than one kind.  Some will manipulate  but stick to what they agree if you are tough like Trump.. Then there are terrorists, like Hamas, that are totally unreliable, nor worth their blood you hope the IDF spills.  The Palestinians are no different.

Wurmser believes a Palestinian State would also be a comparable  disaster because they are equally unreliable. Israelis get it and will do what must be done.  Wurmser was in Israel when Hamas attacked and was very impressed with the clear-headedness of the IDF. 

Letting a threat masticate is foolhardy and that is Biden's problem and this is why the divergence  between Israel and the U.S.

This is why I was always opposed to the "Oslo Accord" and Rabin was a dangerous dreamer. 

See attached by: Aaron David Miller

Why the Oslo Peace Process Failed

Sitting on the South Lawn of the White House on Sept. 13, 1993, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Under a brilliant, cloudless sky, an uncomfortable Israeli prime minister and a beaming Palestinian leader clasped hands in pursuit of peace as an exuberant U.S. president embraced the duo, smiling like a proud parent.

The occasion was the signing of the first agreement of what came to be known as the Oslo Accords, which established an interim framework that, if implemented successfully, might actually lead to final status negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Even with all the challenges that lay ahead, I was convinced that the Arab-Israeli peace process was now irreversible.

Efraim Halevy, who in just a few years would become the head of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, would later write to me questioning my faith in that irreversibility and fearing the confrontation that could follow. Halevy’s analysis proved all too prescient. Today, 30 years after that historic day, what remains of the spirit and much of the substance of the Oslo agreement lies bloodied, buried, and betrayed across an Israeli-Palestinian landscape that seems to leave little room for hope and none for illusions.

The most right-wing and fundamentalist government in Israel’s history sits in Jerusalem, committed to the annexation of the West Bank in everything but name only, as well as expanding settlements and enabling settler terror and violence against Palestinians. The Palestinian national movement is deeply divided, resembling a kind of Noah’s Ark where there are two of everything—constitutions, governments, security services, patrons, and even visions of Palestine. In Gaza, Hamas and Palestine Islamic Jihad plan and encourage terror attacks against Israelis, while in Ramallah, a weak and discredited Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority is unable or unwilling to control terror emanating from the northern West Bank.

Yet the lessons of Oslo still have some relevance, whatever the future holds for Israelis and Palestinians. Having had a ringside seat during those fateful years, four key takeaways stand out for me personally.
The attached is a must listen to video. One of the very best.

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