Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Pro Hamas Turk Has Heart Attack. Biden Generals Talk Nonsense. Much More.

This Turkish, Hamas supporter got what he deserved:
US generals wrongfully blame Israel for 'creating terrorists' - opinion
When it comes to understanding what causes young Palestinian Arabs to become Hamas terrorists, President Biden’s generals are getting it all wrong.
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, a retired general, says Israel is “driving” Gazans “into the arms of the enemy.” 

A few weeks ago, another general, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Q. Brown, charged that Israel’s anti-terror actions in Gaza are turning the average person there into “someone who now wants to be the next member of Hamas.”

Generals deserve our deepest respect for their service and sacrifice. But that doesn’t mean they are always right. General George Patton used Nazi Party members in the postwar US administration in Germany, resulting in his dismissal. General Douglas MacArthur was fired for defying President Harry Truman’s orders in the Korean War. General Curtis LeMay wanted to use nuclear weapons in Vietnam. 

When it comes to understanding what causes young Palestinian Arabs to become Hamas terrorists, President Biden’s generals are getting it all wrong.

It is not Israel that drove Gazans into the arms of Hamas or turned young Gazans into terrorists. It is the Gazans themselves who long ago chose Hamas as their leaders. Democratic elections were held there in 2006, and Hamas was allowed to participate, at the insistence of Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. Hamas won 76 out of the 132 seats in parliament. 

Afterward, Rice acknowledged she was “caught off guard” by the outcome; the result “does say something about us not having a good enough pulse,” she conceded. At the same time, Rice defended the inclusion of Hamas, on the grounds that “You ask yourself, ‘Are you going to support a policy of denying the Palestinians elections that had been promised to them at a certain point in time because people were fearful of the outcome?’”

For the Truman administration and the US military governors of postwar Germany, the answer to an earlier version of Rice’s question was a resounding “yes.” They barred the Nazi Party from running in postwar elections, regardless of how many Germans wanted to vote for it.

Defense Secretary Austin and General Brown might want to ask themselves why it is that children in postwar Germany did not grow up to be Nazis. The American military’s devastation of much of Germany did not cause those children to embrace antisemitism or terrorism. Yet tens of thousands of Gazan children, who grew up in a region from which Israel completely withdrew in 2005, embraced antisemitism and terrorism; they are the ones who fill the ranks of Hamas today.

Postwar Germany taught children democracy; Gazan schools teach antisemitism

A CRUCIAL difference between postwar Germany and Gaza today concerns their respective educational systems. Under the Allies’ deNazification program in postwar Germany, school curricula were purged of Nazi racial ideology, militarism, and antisemitism. Similar methods were used in postwar Japanese schools. The Hamas-controlled schools in Gaza, by contrast, glorify Jew-hatred and terrorism. Young Gazans are not being “driven into the arms of Hamas” by Israel; they have been indoctrinated by Hamas for nearly two decades.

Where there is substantial domestic opposition to a totalitarian regime, those kinds of indoctrination efforts will be only partially successful. In Iran and Syria, where the governments have used schools to spread extremist beliefs similar to those of Hamas, there has been significant evidence of opposition. Large numbers of Iranians have risked their lives to protest against their regime, and Syrian opponents of their dictator have been waging a civil war for years. Not so in Gaza.

Moreover, the advice that Secretary Austin and General Brown are now giving Israel feels like a case of “Do as I say, not as I do.” On November 9, the day that Gen. Brown made his statement, US bombers carried out an airstrike on a target in Syria. And a week before that, they bombed two other sites in eastern Syria. Yet Austin and Brown do not appear to believe that those military operations will turn Syrians into anti-American terrorists.

American or British leaders in World War II apparently didn’t fear they would cause German or Japanese children to grow up to become anti-American terrorists, even though the Allies leveled Hamburg (40,000 dead), destroyed Dresden (many tens of thousands killed), firebombed Tokyo (over 100,000 civilian fatalities), and used nuclear bombs against Hiroshima and Nagasaki (approximately 135,000 and 64,000 killed, respectively).

In fact, even though the Allies deliberately attacked those civilian targets (unlike Israel, which takes great pains to avoid civilian casualties), Germany and Japan became close allies of the United States after the war. 

If Secretary Austin and General Brown want Gazans to one day relate to Israel the way Germans and Japanese today relate to the United States, they need to recognize that Israel is not to blame for Gazans’ attitudes, and they need to support a postwar policy in Gaza similar to the ones the Allies imposed in Germany and Japan after World War II.

The writer is founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies and author of more than 20 books about Jewish history and the Holocaust. His latest is America and the Holocaust: A Documentary History, published by the Jewish Publication Society & University of Nebraska Press.
Why Are There So Many Mentally Unstable Progressives In Education?

By Derek Hunter


Here's When Israel Thinks the First Stage of the Gaza War Will End

By Matt Vespa




Sent to me by a very dear and long time friend and fellow memo reader:


My Cousin Robert and his family were guests last night of Prime Minister

Rishi Sunak for Hannukah celebrations at 10 Downing Street.

His son Eliav (16 )  was invited to sing a prayer for the falling Israeli


Like in the movies so it happened that my childhood friend in Bucharest

Ingrid Manoliu , later in life married my Cousin Dr.  Puiu Stafler;  Robert

is their son and Eliav is their grandson



I was unable to transfer the video of her speech.
"This is the same climate of antisemitism that has led to the massacre of Jews throughout the centuries. This is not just harassment. This is our lives on the line."

Student Talia Khan highlights the rise of antisemitism at MIT.
A post election survey suggests 20% of those who voted admitted they cheated. You are welcomed to believe it or not.

I believe every effort will be made by Democrats to do whatever they can to cheat in the 2024 election because retaining power is central to their core ideals.

Here's the Number of Mail-in Voters Who Admit They Cheated During the 2020 Election

The 2020 election is over. Joe Biden is president, but the 81 million votes number will never be accepted by half the country, especially given the visible mental and physical decline of the aging Delaware liberal. The COVID pandemic permitted Democratic secretaries of state to finagle the in-person and mail-in voting protocols, which courts retroactively ruled illegal. In states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, the state legislatures, then run by Republicans, had to sign off on the new measures. That was the steal, folks.

The number of integrity issues and allegations of electoral impropriety could scale Everest, but Rasmussen and the Heartland Institute conducted a survey where 20 percent of mail-in voters admitted that they cheated in the last presidential election (via Rasmussen): 

More than 20% of voters who used mail-in ballots in 2020 admit they participated in at least one form of election fraud. 

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The Heartland Institute finds that 21% of Likely U.S. voters who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election say they filled out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child, while 78% say they didn’t. 

Thirty percent (30%) of those surveyed said they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election. Nineteen percent (19%) of those who cast mail-in votes say a friend or family member filled out their ballot, in part or in full, on their behalf. Furthermore, 17% of mail-in voters say that in the 2020 election, they cast a ballot in a state where they were no longer a permanent resident. All of these practices are illegal, Heartland Institute officials noted. 

Seventeen percent (17%) of those who cast mail-in ballots in 2020 say they signed a ballot or ballot envelope on behalf of a friend or family member, with or without their permission. Heartland Institute officials noted that “forging a signature on a ballot or ballot envelope are fraudulent activities that invalidate votes. 

”Among other findings of the Rasmussen/Heartland Institute survey:– Forty-six percent (46%) of those surveyed voted for Joe Biden in 2020, while 45% voted for Donald Trump. More Biden voters (36%) than Trump voters (23%) say they voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election. Thirty-eight percent (38%) of Democrats voted by mail in 2020, as did 24% of Republicans and 27% of voters not affiliated with either major party. 

I’ll let you debate and comment below concerning the findings of this poll. It confirms what many have held for years about the last election. In general, it brings into question how the temptation to commit fraud stems from the proliferation of mail-in and absentee voting, which favor Democratic Party candidates. The last election wasn’t the most secure, a point so unbelievable you’d think it came from a North Korean state media report. Now, are we a banana republic? Some think we’re already there or steamrolling toward one, but we’re not Afghanistan 2009…yet. But Democrats continue to believe that voter fraud and election malfeasance is a conspiracy theory. It’s not; the people who committed these crimes are confessing.


Pictures of Hamas savagery evoke the opposite effect from the supposed civilized.


The murder and rape of Israelis on Oct. 7 led to a spike in antisemitism, not anger against Hamas. And yet, the world can’t tolerate photos of defeated Palestinian terrorists.


I was poised to go on a live broadcast of WION, an English-language Indian television network, last week to discuss the war against Hamas. But before my turn to speak came, I was startled by the program host’s introduction to the segment. He spoke of images that were shocking the world and the world’s outrage about them, and gave what might be termed a trigger warning for those about to see them for the first time.

As I soon learned, he wasn’t referring to the evidence of the indescribable atrocities committed against Israeli civilians by the Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7. Nor was he even talking about the impact of the war that followed that attack on civilians in the Gaza Strip, who are being used as human shields by those very same terrorists.

Instead, the pictures that really upset him (and, apparently, others throughout the world) were those depicting Palestinians who had surrendered to the Israel Defense Forces. The pictures show the men, all of military age, who had either given themselves up or been captured (most of whom were Hamas operatives), reportedly after having been forced to exit the terrorist organization’s tunnel network.

Images of defeat

The men, heads hung low, are kneeling and stripped down to their underwear with their hands tied. The images are redolent of defeat. Those who not so long ago gloried in the unspeakable suffering inflicted on Oct. 7 as Hamas succeeded in murdering more than 1,200 men, women and children, as well as the rape and torture of the victims and the kidnapping of more than 200 others, were now reduced to the status of helpless captives. The bravado they displayed in the aftermath of the assault on Israel was gone. On their faces could be seen the impact of their defeat, and perhaps, the realization that the calculations of their leadership that those who once ruled Gaza could wage war on Israel with impunity were wrong. While Hamas’s senior leaders live in luxury and safety in Qatar, the terrorist rank-and-file is now paying the price for their folly.

To anyone familiar with the history of warfare in the last century, the sight is hardly unique.

Similar pictures depict those Japanese soldiers who surrendered during World War II as well as other combatants in various wars, especially against terrorist groups. When facing those who are indoctrinated in a cult of fanatical hatred against their enemies and who are likely to attempt to continue to kill even after surrender, stripping prisoners down and ensuring that they are not still armed or wearing booby-trap explosives is simply common sense. The alternative is to risk letting members of a group committed as a matter of faith and political objectives to destroying the State of Israel and slaughtering its population, kill Israelis who believe their opponents have already given up.

Are such images humiliating for those in the pictures? Of course. But if you’re angry about the wounded pride of members of a barbaric terrorist group, then maybe you’re the one who has no moral compass, not the Israelis.

The segment about this issue was not the most elevated discussion in which I’ve participated. I challenged the premise of the host, Mohammed Saleh, about this being an outrage and tried to remind him of the context. He tried to talk over me while the images being shown as we spoke were clearly part of an attempt to depict the Israelis as the villains of the story. Saleh seemed to have trouble grasping the concept that Palestinians could be anything but victims in any interaction with Israel. Nor did he seem to understand that what Palestinians and their sympathizers were protesting was not genocide but the natural consequences of the war they had started. 

But he wasn’t alone in his interpretation. Indeed, publications and broadcast networks around the world shared his point of view. Predictably, so did The New York Times, which described the capture of military-age men in areas that most civilians had largely abandoned weeks ago as “mass detention of Gazan men.” The photos were treated as evidence that the IDF was rounding up innocent bystanders as part of a policy of cruelty to poor, oppressed Arabs rather than merely what happens to those who are presumed to be combatants when they are caught by an army conducting a mopping-up operation in areas formerly held by terrorists.

It is true that some of those captured turned out not to be members of Hamas, although most of them were. Any that the IDF determined were not part of the Islamist terror movement were subsequently released. Conspiracy theories floated on social-media sites about those so detained about the prisoners being killed or subjected to torture are easily debunked.

But for all of the ruckus made over the photos—compared to the widespread and utterly false accusations of genocide being hurled at Israel by those who sympathize with Hamas or just hate the Jewish state—the contretemps over these images is small potatoes. After all, taking pictures of captured Palestinians in undershorts is a very small offense compared to the charges based on the unreliable, inflated statistics about casualties supplied by Hamas that assert that all those killed in Gaza are civilians, the majority of them being children.

Those numbers—which, as in past conflicts involving Hamas, likely have little relation to reality—as well as the pictures and video of the devastation inflicted by the war on Gaza are ammunition for those determined to vilify Israel. They also buttress the demands from left-wingers both inside and outside the Biden administration for a permanent ceasefire that would allow Hamas to remain in control of at least parts of Gaza not yet taken by Israel and to essentially let a group bent on the genocide of Jews to get away with mass murder.

But the anger about the photos of the captured Palestinians is still significant.

Hypocritical outrage

The main reaction on the part of much of the international community to the largest mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust was not so much indifference as it was outrage that Israel would use military means to ensure that such a horrific crime could not be repeated.

That so many people who cared nothing about the slaughter of Jews by Hamas two months ago, and ignored the widely distributed photo and video evidence (largely compiled by the terrorists themselves on GoPro cameras to publicize the humiliation of their victims) of those crimes, remains deeply shocking to Jews. So, too, is the hypocrisy of feminist leaders and organizations that seemed uninterested in the Palestinians’ deliberate use of rape—against women, children, and, as new reports come out, even men—as a weapon of war.

These crimes against Jews were ignored or quickly forgotten in the rush to deprive Israel of the right to defend itself. It soon became clear even to many Jews who had always been critical of Israeli policies or who sympathized with the suffering of Palestinians that the protests showed that something deeply troubling was behind the outrage about the fighting in Gaza.

Those chanting for a “free Palestine” from “the river to the sea” weren’t advocating for peace or a two-state solution. Their position was that Israeli suffering was unimportant because the Jewish state had no right to exist and should be “decolonized.” If that meant more Oct. 7-style atrocities, then so much the worse for the Jews, who were supposedly guilty of possessing “white privilege” and oppressing “people of color.” The fact that this conflict has nothing to do with race—and that the Jews are the indigenous people of Israel and that the majority are “people of color” who immigrated from other parts of the Middle East and North Africa—counts for little among those who buy into intersectional myths and think the Jewish state should be erased and its people subjected to genocide.

Jews are no longer ‘dhimmi’

But the pictures of Palestinian prisoners do touch a nerve throughout the world, and the reason for that goes far to explain why Palestinian Arabs—with the support of much of the Islamic world—persist in their century-old war against Zionism.

It is hardly surprising that images of Jewish suffering do not move the not-insubstantial percentage of the world’s population that thinks the Jews are not entitled to sovereignty or the right of self-defense in their ancient homeland. But what they really can’t stand is the idea that Jews are no longer homeless or at the mercy of a hostile world, as they were before the establishment of modern-day Israel in 1948. The notion that a despised minority, against whom the virus of antisemitism continues to incite unthinking hatred and demonization, are now powerful enough to defeat their foes is difficult for them to swallow.

This goes beyond sympathy for the Palestinians. They are trapped in an irredentist mindset that not only prevents them from accepting the multiple offers of statehood and peace Israel has made over the years but causes them to see a refusal to accept the Jewish state’s legitimacy and permanence as inextricably linked with their national identity.

The photos of Hamas prisoners are, by the standards of war photography, nothing particularly unusual or outrageous, and certainly not evidence of abuse. The documentation of their detention is certainly preferable to the silence that Hamas continues to adhere to about the fate of the hostages they have not yet released of whom no proof of life in any form has been forthcoming.

Yet the photos do seem outrageous to those who, whether Muslims or not, see Jews as what the Islamic world traditionally referred to as dhimmi. In Islamic societies, the dhimmi were “protected” residents of a country but treated as inferior to Muslims. Indeed, the photos provoke anger because they show that Hamas, which rightly anticipated that their atrocities would spark a surge in antisemitism rather than a backlash against them, is losing the war they started against the Jews. Their humiliation is evidence that their understanding of the world has been turned upside-down with the Jews no longer relegated to the status of a despised and powerless minority.

The anger about the images of Palestinian prisoners is not a reaction to evidence of Israeli crimes. Instead, it is more proof that the anti-Israel protests that have proliferated in the United States and elsewhere are motivated largely by antisemitic motives, whether rooted in modern leftist theories or historic religious hatred. Rather than a sidebar to the debate about the war, the anger about the photos shows us just how deep intolerance for Israel and the Jews runs.

Jonathan S. Tobin is editor-in-chief of JNS (Jewish News Syndicate). Follow him: @jonathans_tobin.


Israel's invisible victims

To the west, Israeli military casualties don't count


Funeral of Sergeant Major (Res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot who was killed in Gaza; son of Israeli war cabinet member Gadi Eisenkot and his wife Hana

The sickening reaction of so much of the western public to Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza doesn’t just reveal a frightening degree of bigotry, double standards and moral bankruptcy.  It doesn’t just involve a staggering absence of knowledge about the Middle East, the history of the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland and the fact that the forces Israel is fighting are also waging a war against the west itself.  It also displays a brutalised callousness based on profound ignorance of Israeli society.

The hostility towards Israel’s military action is based on understandable revulsion at the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza whose homes have been flattened by the Israel Defence Forces. Through relentless, disproportionate and often deeply distorted media coverage, this has eclipsed the brief window of sympathy that opened towards Israeli suffering from the depraved Hamas atrocities of October 7 in which more than 1200 Israeli women, men, children and infants were slaughtered, raped, tortured, decapitated and burned alive by Palestinian Arabs.

In the war that has followed to destroy Hamas, Israel has been portrayed as attacker rather than victim. In fact, the toll of Israel’s victims is steadily mounting. Yet to the west, these victims are invisible.

At time of writing, 433 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, with 104 IDF soldiers killed during ground combat in Gaza so far.

This toll is not just a tragedy for the families of the fallen. Every one of these losses is also experienced as a knife to Israel’s heart. For these young men and women are felt to be the sons and daughters of all of us here in Israel. 

This is simply not understood in the west, where the killing of soldiers in battle is regarded in a quite different way from the killing of civilians. When the west’s soldiers are killed in battle, this is obviously a tragedy for their loved ones. Such soldiers, however, are not regarded as victims but as fallen combatants. Their deaths are felt as a personal wound by their families but as a national wound by the country. In Israel, the killing of any soldier is felt as a personal wound by the country as well as by the family.

This is because the military occupies an entirely different space in Israel’s psyche than it does in Britain, America and other western countries. Those armies consist of recruits who have chosen to make soldiering their life. Israel, by contrast, has an army of conscripts, with young people required to undertake national service when they reach the age of 18.  Although unprecedented numbers of reservists have enlisted in this current war because they understand Israel faces a battle for its very existence, these are mostly young people who are required to tear themselves away from careers, university courses, new wives and young children to put themselves in harm’s way. 

When they fall in battle, their loss is not distanced from the daily lives of most people as it is in Britain or America. Israel is a society that exists year in, year out with the fear of losing its young people in the never-ending battle against those who attempt to wipe the Jewish state off the face of the earth. Families watching their children grow up have to live with the background dread that, when the children reach 18, they may be drafted into harm’s way. 

In this tiny country, those killed in combat are mourned viscerally across the community as someone’s son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter. When they fall, their death not only shatters their family but also tears the nation apart. 

What makes it unbearable is that the flower of Israel’s youth is being sacrificed for one reason alone —  the oldest hatred that wants the Jewish people gone.

Israel arose as a reborn state from the ashes of the Nazi Holocaust. On top of that inherited trauma, which is seared into Israel’s collective consciousness, erupted the genocidal barbarities of October 7. In addition to the horror over those who were slaughtered, kidnapped into the unimaginable hell of Hamas captivity or left physically and psychologically damaged for life by depraved forces intent upon wiping out the Jewish people, yet more Jews are now being forced to sacrifice themselves in the attempt to defeat this evil. In the desperate attempt to ensure that no more Jews are added to the murderous toll inflicted on October 7, Jews in military uniform are themselves dying every day. 

And to add to this agony, the so-called civilised world doesn’t offer sympathy or support in this struggle against barbarism but instead blames its Jewish victims. When people in the west  falsely and malevolently accuse Israel of recklessly or wilfully causing the death of Palestinian civilians, it never occurs to them that Israel would go to enormous lengths — indeed, has always gone to enormous lengths — to avoid any such military action because it knows the horrific cost that will inevitably be borne by the remnant of a people whose numbers have already been so viciously reduced through the centuries. 

In a country where every child is a miraculous reaffirmation of Jewish resilience against the attempts over the course of more than two millennia to wipe out the Jewish people, the death of every one of these young Israeli soldiers tears open the historic wound.

This war has many midwives. A reckoning is due in Israel itself for the role played in the October 7 catastrophe by the governing class, from the prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu down through the top brass of the IDF and security establishment. And both the Obama and Biden administrations in the US bear a heavy responsibility for having empowered and incentivised Iran, the infernal godfather and patron of Hamas and Hezbollah.

But the fundamental reason for this war is that the world will not permit the Jews to live in peace and security in their own ancestral homeland. There is no other conflict in the world in which the west has encouraged, funded and incentivised those waging a war of annihilation as the west has done with the “Palestinians” for the best part of a century. There is no other conflict in the world in which an indigenous people that is the victim of existential attack is regarded as aggressive interlopers, and their defence against annihilation wickedly misrepresented as deliberate mass killing and even genocide, as much of the west has done with Israel.

More Israeli soldiers are being killed than would otherwise be unavoidable because, in this as in every war Israel is forced to fight against an enemy bent on the extermination of the Jews, the west insists that Israel go to lengths to which these countries themselves would never go to protect the lives of its enemy civilians — lengths which cause more IDF casualties than if Israel had a free hand to defend its people.

Not only does the west refuse to acknowledge Israel’s desperate plight; not only does it display indifference to Jewish suffering in Israel; but those demanding an Israeli cease-fire or that the IDF put their own forces at risk in order further to protect Gaza’s civilians are also making it shockingly plain that, if there’s a choice between the lives of Israelis defending themselves against genocide and the unintentional killing of Palestinians in a just war waged by Israel for its survival, it’s the Jews who must die.

May the memory of all of Israel’s fallen children in the lion-hearted IDF — Jews, Arabs, Druze and others — be a blessing. And may their sacrifice not be in vain.

10 more IDF troops have been killed and two of them as they sought the bodies of two dead hostages.  That is the American equivalent of over 300 victims.


About 350 terrorists have been killed in Shejaia, and the military believes it will have most of the area clear of Hamas’s major forces by the weekend.


Also because she was a black woman?


Claudine Gay survives as president thanks to the school’s double standard.


Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan holds up poster with Hamas’ number, urges UN members to call it for ‘real ceasefire’

Worldwide Chaos Courtesy President Crusty 

By Kurt Schlichter


We're Fighting Fascism With an Islamic Face 

By Matt Vespa


Today Wed. 12/13, some interesting things occurred if you have any interest in legal matters.

1) Hunter decided the Congressional subpoena did not have to be followed.

2) He stated his father was not "financially" involved in his business dealing which included some of our adversaries.

It all began with his father saying: " I have never talked with him about his business..."

3) Now both an inquiry into an impeachment inquiry  of his father and an effort to hold Hunter in contempt as this AG did regarding Navarro and Bannon.  Will there be another incident of double justice stanTurkishdards?


Who Is Sara Biden?

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations

Trouble has followed Sara Catherine Jones since she married into the Biden family almost three decades ago.

Not long after her 1995 wedding to Jim Biden, she took a job with one of his brother Joe’s Senate donors, who later accused her of “fraud” and “unjust enrichment,” according to court records reviewed by RealClearInvestigations. In the years since, she and her husband have been accused of reneging on debts and failing to pay their taxes, court and property records show. Like their nephew, first son Hunter Biden, they have reportedly sold the promise of access to their powerful relative to companies, several of which have gone bankrupt, some of which are tied to foreign countries hostile to the United States.

Now, Sara Jones Biden has emerged as a key figure in the mushrooming Biden foreign influence-peddling scandal.

GOP lawmakers seek to question the 64-year-old licensed attorney as part of their investigation of President Biden for possible impeachable offenses, including bribery. They are especially interested in subpoenaed bank records that include almost a quarter million dollars in checks Sara Biden wrote to her brother-in-law Joe, conspicuously marking them as “loan repayment.” Republicans want to ask her about the origin of those loans and whether checks “were funded by Biden influence-peddling schemes with China.”

“The Committees require you to provide details of these payments and other related matters,” the chairmen of the House Oversight and Judiciary committees said in a joint letter they sent to her last month demanding she make herself available for a transcribed interview. In addition, they sent a subpoena to her husband for testimony and information.

Although Hunter and Jim Biden’s questionable business dealings – and their possible blessing from the president – are drawing increasing scrutiny, Sara Biden has drawn little attention until now. But court records and other documents show she has been a central player in the Biden family business for decades. They show how her and her husband’s desire for a lifestyle they could not quite afford has repeatedly led them to form relationships with shady figures and enterprises that often ended in lawsuits and even criminal investigations.

Looming over it all is Joe Biden. Documents recently obtained by government watchdog America First Legal, under a Freedom of Information Act request, reveal that Sara and Jim’s main business, the Lion Hall Group, shows up in more than 3,735 emails generated by the former Vice President Biden’s office. The sheer volume of communications concerning his brother and sister-in-law’s business appears to contradict Biden’s repeated claims over the years that he was never involved in, or even aware of, his family’s business dealings.

A Match Made in Kentucky

Owensboro (Ky.) Messenger-Inquirer

Owensboro (Ky.) Messenger-Inquirer

Sara Biden’s links to Joe Biden date back to the early 1990s, when she landed a committee job with his close personal friend, Sen. Wendell Ford, a Kentucky Democrat.

“Sen. Ford has been an important part of our family for a long time,” Joe Biden said after Ford died in 2015. “He gave Sara Jones Biden, from Owensboro, Ky., her first job on the Hill when she graduated from Duke Law School, and that’s how she met my brother Jimmy.”

Jimmy and Sara weren’t just sweethearts; they were also business partners – with a taste for high living.

In 1997, Sara and Jim Biden formed consulting firm Lion Hall Group with the help of Joe Biden’s old law partner, David Walsh, who acted as their registered agent, according to incorporation records they filed with the Delaware Department of State.

That same year, they bought an expensive home in the Philadelphia suburbs and struggled to make payments on the $650,000 mortgage, records show, even though a longtime Democratic fundraiser for then-Sen. Biden, Joel Boyarsky, loaned them as much as $200,000. In 1998, the IRS filed its first lien against their home to collect $145,000 in unpaid taxes.


Leonard Barrack, Philadelphia attorney: His firm accused Sara and Lion Hall Group of “fraud,” “unjust enrichment,” and “breach of contract.”


In 2000, they borrowed $353,000 from another Biden donor – Leonard Barrack, a Philadelphia attorney who a few years earlier had agreed to hire Sara Biden at Jim’s urging for $300,000 per year, according to court and other records. Barrack would soon regret helping them out.

According to a lawsuit he filed against Sara Biden four years later, Barrack said Jim had convinced him that by hiring Sara as a partner, the Bidens would be able to attract clients to his law firm through their political connections.

“Jim Biden assured Barrack that he would be able to generate business for the Barrack Law Firm through his family name and his resemblance to his brother, United States Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware,” according to the 2004 complaint filed in Philadelphia County, Pa.

Instead, the document said, Sara Biden developed business opportunities for Lion Hall Group, where she served as president, a potential conflict of interest she allegedly never disclosed to Barrack.

The law firm, also known as Barrack, Rodos & Bacine, further alleged that she used its resources, including a travel budget, for personal benefit. The lawsuit said Sara Biden spent almost $250,000 to travel with her husband to Hawaii and Alaska and across Europe, including England, Ireland, France, and Italy. They even brought their son, Nicholas (now 26), and a nanny on some of the “lavish” trips.

“Contrary to Sara Biden’s representations, none of the foregoing trips generated any business for the Barrack Law Firm,” the suit stated. “The Bidens never intended to generate business opportunities for the Barrack Law Firm during their travels, using the trips instead for personal pleasure and to develop opportunities for Lion Hall.”

The couple also allegedly received a total of $500,000 in loans before Sara left the firm in 2003. These salary advances were never repaid, according to the legal complaint. The case, which charged Sara and Lion Hall Group with “fraud,” “unjust enrichment,” and “breach of contract,” was eventually settled. The terms are undisclosed.

NorthPoint Communications Group, Inc.

Sara and Hunter Biden were invited to join the board of this venture ...

NorthPoint Communications Group, Inc.

Sara Biden did not respond to requests for comment. However, in a law publication profile she asserted that she “co-founded” the Barrack law firm’s “institutional development and claims monitoring program.” Barrack apparently was unaware she was pursuing other outside interests while allegedly looting his firm.

In 2000, then-Vice President Al Gore and HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo announced a new $2 million partnership with NorthPoint Communications to help “bridge the digital divide” by providing broadband Internet access to more than 800 low-income urban neighborhoods.


... announced by Vice President Al Gore the same year he ran for president. It soon filed bankruptcy.


Looking for political juice to help it win the licenses needed from the FCC for telecom development, NorthPoint invited Sara Biden to join its board, along with Hunter Biden. At the time, Hunter served as executive director of e-commerce policy at the Commerce Department, a Clinton-appointed position. It’s not known if his Aunt Sara did any lobbying for Northpoint, but Federal Election Commission records show that in 2000 she gave $1,200 to Northpoint’s PAC – People for Digital Competition.

Sara Biden does not appear in federal lobbying disclosure records as a registered lobbyist. Northpoint filed bankruptcy in 2001.

Dianne Bond/Wikimedia

Dickie Scruggs: Mississippi trial attorney made introductions.

Dianne Bond/Wikimedia

Several years later, another Biden donor retained her and Lion Hall Group to lobby Sen. Biden and other senators for passage of a bill to help resolve tobacco-related medical claims. Although the bill, which Joe Biden supported, died in the Senate, the donor who pushed it – famous Mississippi trial attorney Dickie Scruggs – introduced Sara Biden to two associates, also Biden donors, who proposed bringing her into a potentially lucrative venture, according to legal documents.

Mississippi lawyers Steve Patterson and Timothy Balducci were looking to build a Democratic lobbying firm in Washington with global reach, and offered to make Sara a partner in the firm, which they planned to call “Patterson Balducci & Biden.” But the deal fell apart when Balducci and Patterson were indicted on federal bribery charges in an investigation that also ensnared Scruggs. After all three men went to federal prison, Biden was forced to return their donations.


The "Biden Bungalow": It accommodated the whole clan, including Joe, and a whole lot of debt.


Sara and her husband had more trouble with the IRS in 2013, when the agency slapped them with another lien for unpaid taxes, this one totaling $589,000. They also faced state and local tax liens, property records show.

The couple had just purchased a $2.5 million luxury vacation home in Naples, Fla., which the entire Biden clan, including Joe, used. But they racked up debt renovating the home – dubbed the “Biden Bungalow” – and went in search of more bailout money.


John Hynansky: He helped out financing the "Biden Bungalow" ...


Owing a combined $700,000 in tax and vendor liens, they quickly found another Joe Biden supporter to rescue them. Over the next few years, millionaire car magnate and major Biden donor John Hynansky of Delaware floated Sara and Jim Biden “loans” totaling $900,000, records show.

During this same period, as then-Vice President Biden was the point person for U.S. policy in Ukraine, a federal lending agency – OPIC – authorized loans Hynansky’s company used to build a 7,300-square-foot Porsche dealership along the highway that connects downtown Kyiv to the Boryspil International Airport.

Winner Imports Ukraine

... and the feds helped out financing Hynansky's Ukraine expansion.

Winner Imports Ukraine

Mortgage records initially reported Jim and Sara Biden’s lender as “1018 PL, LLC,” obscuring Hynansky as the source of the loans. But the corporate entity is controlled by Hynansky, a 2018 document would later reveal.

The Bidens sold the waterfront house for a loss in 2018, and Hynansky released his lien on the property. However, Hynansky did not acknowledge full payment and satisfaction of the loans, according to the details laid out in documents recorded in Collier County, Fla.

Hynansky wasn’t their only white knight.

Americore Health

The Bidens joined this struggling hospital chain and it went on the critical list -- hemorrhaging cash.

Americore Health


Joey Langston: The convicted Mississippi lawyer made payments to the Bidens' Lion Hall Group, records show, shortly after unsuccessful efforts to clear his criminal record for bribery.


As the Bidens struggled to find money to pay contractors for hurricane-related repairs on their beach home, and find a buyer for it, they went back to Joe’s old cronies from Mississippi. One of them, Mississippi lawyer Joey Langston, who had been sentenced to three years in federal prison for improperly trying to influence a judge, introduced them to the founder of Americore Health, who needed money to aggressively expand his chain of rural hospitals. Jim invoked his brother’s influence and said they had the political clout to drum up investment money, according to court documents and published reports. Impressed, Americore not only hired Lion Hall Group but loaned Jim and Sara Biden $650,000 for their personal use, even as the company hemorrhaged cash. The funds could have been used to help the company’s failing hospitals, which had to lay off hundreds of employees after Americore failed.

Mark Hemingway/RCI

A photo of an Americore business card that James Biden reportedly handed out listing him as a “principal” in the company. A plaintiff described Biden as a con man.

Mark Hemingway/RCI

As soon as the couple received their loan payment, however, they stepped back from the venture and the promised investments never materialized, according to a lawsuit filed against Jim Biden and Lion Hall Group by Americore’s medical partners after it went bankrupt in 2019. In a declaration, one plaintiff described Jim Biden as a con man who repeatedly made false promises “on the Biden’s [sic] family name.” According to a recent court filing, Diverse Medical Management and Azzam Medical Services, which hoped to manage Americore hospitals, claimed “Biden and his wife, Sara Biden” made false assurances during a dinner they held at their home near Philadelphia that funding for the venture was forthcoming.

Meanwhile, Americore trustees have tried to claw back the $650,000 from the Bidens in bankruptcy court. An attorney for Jim Biden maintains that his client recently repaid Americore half the amount to settle the dispute.

After rural hospitals were forced to close their doors in Pennsylvania and other states, the FBI stepped in to investigate the Americore debacle as part of a criminal fraud investigation. While agents have questioned witnesses about Jim Biden’s role in the collapse, according to multiple reports, it’s unclear if his wife has been questioned. She did not reply to inquiries.

House Oversight Committee

This $40,000 check from Sara to Joe Biden matches the 10% "held by H for the big guy” formula described on Hunter Biden's laptop. That is, Joe got $40,000 of $400,000 that Hunter got from the Chinese.

House Oversight Committee

Around the same time the couple was raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars from the crooked hospital deal, Hunter Biden was sending hundreds of thousands more to his Uncle Jim and Aunt Sara – and impeachment investigators on the Hill hope to question Sara about the origin and flow of these funds.

Starting in the summer of 2017, Hunter began sending large wire transfers to Sara and Jim’s Lion Hall Group – some of which ended up in Joe Biden’s bank account. The source of the funds was CEFC China Energy, a Chinese conglomerate tied to Chinese military intelligence. After a year, Lion Hall had received $1.4 million from Hunter Biden.

On Aug. 14, 2017, Hunter Biden wired $150,000 to Lion Hall after receiving $400,000 from a joint account he held with CEFC. On Aug. 28, 2017, Sara Biden withdrew $50,000 in cash from Lion Hall’s account. Later the same day, she deposited it into her and Jim Biden’s personal checking account, according to bank records subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee. On Sept. 3, 2017, Sara Biden wrote a check to Joe Biden for $40,000 for a “loan repayment,” exactly 10% of the $400,000 – matching a “10 held by H for the big guy” arrangement Hunter had made for Joe in the Chinese venture that was discovered in emails from his abandoned laptop. 

House Oversight Committee

Another unexplained "loan repayment" to Joe, this one for $200,000. The check is in Sara's handwriting though the signature appears to be James'.

House Oversight Committee

Another personal check to Joe made out in Sara’s handwriting, this one for $200,000, was cut on March 1, 2018 – the same day Jim Biden got an equal amount from Americore. “Loan repayment” was also filled in for the memo line of the check.

If there were in fact loans between Joe Biden and his sister-in-law, the White House has not explained the reason for them or provided any details about their terms, such as the interest rates charged. A White House spokesman has only said that the release of the bank records is part of “a smear campaign against the president” by Republican investigators.

“There is nothing more to these transactions,” said Paul Fishman, a lawyer representing Jim Biden, “and there is nothing wrong with them.”

However, the wire transfers raised red flags with Hunter’s bank, Wells Fargo, which asked about their “purpose” and also questioned the recipient, the Lion Hall Group. The bank noted the owner, Sara Biden, is a “relative [and] the address appears to be a residential address,” adding “What is the business type?”

Unsatisfied with Hunter’s explanations, the bank flagged the transactions as potential financial crimes, including money laundering, prompting the U.S. Treasury Department to issue a series of suspicious activity reports.

When her bank asked Sara Biden about the large transfers, she claimed the payments were for international consulting work (neither she nor her husband is registered with the Justice Department as foreign agents). However, she refused to provide any supporting documentation. The bank, in turn, closed the Lion Hall account, according to a 2020 Senate report.

Impeachment investigators tell RCI that they have subpoenaed related bank records from Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, and Cathay Bank, in addition to Wells Fargo.

The Senate report noted that Jim and Sara Biden also benefitted from a $100,000 line of credit a CEFC executive opened for Hunter Biden in September 2017. After credit cards were issued to Hunter as well as his uncle and aunt, they went on “an extravagant global shopping spree.” Records show Hunter, Jim, and Sara Biden used the cards for plane tickets, hotel rooms, and electronic devices, among other things.

House impeachment investigators tell RCI that Sara Biden, who acted as an apparent financial conduit, may hold answers to whether the president also benefitted from the Chinese largesse as part of a “foreign influence-peddling scheme,” which they say could “compromise his decision-making and threaten national security.” They also seek to find out how much interaction Biden has had with her business, the Lion Hall Group, while in office.

Congressional investigators suspect that Lion Hall, which was incorporated by Joe Biden's old law partner, was set up to act as a pass-through vehicle to launder possible bribes to Joe Biden. They point out that Biden's Mississippi donor pal Joey Langston pumped almost $200,000 into Lion Hall for unspecified services while Biden was vice president. According to subpoenaed Lion Hall bank records, Langston Law Firm Consulting Inc. began wiring money to Lion Hall within weeks of Langston losing his appeal in February 2016 to have his conviction for bribing a judge thrown out. A federal judge also turned down his petition to have his criminal record cleared. Records show that between March 2016 and October 2016, Langston made four payments to Lion Hall totaling $187,000. Investigators have asked Langston to come in for questioning and explain the nature of the payments. Attempts to reach Langston for comment were unsuccessful.


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