Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Six Personal Thoughts. Then What Do I Know.

Obviously not so but defines the times.
These are personal thoughts:

1) The longer Bibi waits the more difficult it will become to strike Iran as they move closer to nuclear grade weapon materiel  (It has gotten this close apparently.)
Iran can make fissile material for a bomb 'in about 12 days'

While US officials say Iran has grown closer to producing fissile material, they do not believe it has mastered the technology to actually build a bomb.

Iran could make enough fissile for one nuclear bomb in "about 12 days," a top US Defense Department official said on Tuesday, down from the estimated one year it would have taken while the 2015 Iran nuclear deal was in effect.

Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl made the comment to a House of Representatives hearing when pressed by a Republican lawmaker why the Biden administration had sought to revive the deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

"Because Iran's nuclear progress since we left the JCPOA has been remarkable. Back in 2018, when the previous administration decided to leave the JCPOA it would have taken Iran about 12 months to produce one bomb's worth of fissile material. Now it would take about 12 days," Kahl, the third-ranking Defense Department official, told lawmakers.

"And so I think there is still the view that if you could resolve this issue diplomatically and put constraints back on their nuclear program, it is better than the other options. But right now, the JCPOA is on ice," Kahl added.

US officials have repeatedly estimated Iran's breakout time - how long it would take to acquire the fissile material for one bomb if it decided to - at weeks but have not been as specific as Kahl was.

While US officials say Iran has grown closer to producing fissile material, they do not believe it has mastered the technology to actually build a bomb.

The 2015 Iran deal
Under the 2015 deal, which then-US president Donald Trump abandoned in 2018, Iran had reined in its nuclear program in return for relief from economic sanctions.

Trump reimposed US sanctions on Iran, leading Tehran to resume previously banned nuclear work and reviving US, European and Israeli fears that Iran may seek an atomic bomb. Iran denies any such ambition.

The Biden administration has tried but failed to revive the pact over the last two years.

2) If we choose to withdraw more manufacturing from China the next president will have to explain to voters the cost of living will become higher and permanent. The mass media will also have to be fought because they will make trouble. Making trouble sells papers and profits are their motive,  not veracity.

Crime is up, borders out of control, Government agencies have been corrupted and inflation is through the roof. The foreign affairs picture is bleak and we are seen as weak.  Yet, the GOP probably cannot roll this into a winning pudding. It is ironic, matters are so bad no one is able to conclude and grasp the truth how far we have declined in every sense of the word..

3) Republicans cannot bet on Biden imploding. They must investigate, expose and then sell the hell out of  revealed facts. They are good at the first two and lousy at getting the ball over the goal.  If one objectively returns in time, the Democrat Party has been engaged in corrupt practices before the Clinton's. Bill and Hillary accelerated the trends and Obama placed the icing on the cake. Biden is simply a tool Obama is using to be in charge a third time. 

If America can be convinced to revere Carter because the mass media have placed their revisionary empathy hat on in order to have more stories that use ink to earn profits as they did the BLM and other such fraudulent occurrences, anything can be manipulated and sold by being shoved down the collective throats of  easily duped Americans.

GW made his share of tragic plunders because he never comprehended the tribal aspects in The Middle East, made some horrible personnel mistakes. 

4) I associate the '60's as the beginning of America's decline because this was when respect for law and order was challenged. This challenge continued eventually culminating in significant anti-law behaviour, rioting and a defund police attitude. These circumstances were associated with unacceptable actions by several rogue police based on a populace that had been conditioned to lump all police as corrupt, racially prejudiced and therefore, beyond public support.  

America's Svengali,  George Soros, took advantage of the perfect moment to fund, on the cheap, many critical campaigns and was able to get radical non law enforcement district attorneys elected to office. 

The impact of these broad decisions led to a sharp rise in crime, property destruction, commercial store closings and a host of anti-social decisions impacting those in most need of protection. It did not take long for major cities to embrace this radical nonsense because police commissions had, over the years, become infiltrated with social disrupters bent on creating social distrust and discord no different than  what was taking place at every level of American Society.  

One might conclude these actions and attitudes peaked with the recent defeat of Chicago's Police Chief named Lightfoot where crime has continued to escalate exposing her incompetence and misguided attitude. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, other attempts to recall Soros' elected district attorneys have surfaced as discontent of their results have soared. Time will tell how far it will take for sanity and a return of  enforcement will occur.  

The buck does not stop with police departments but extends to and through every American institution from public education to heightened sexuality of children and escalating death to illicit cartel supplied drugs and other heinous such activity.

For whatever reason, other than the decision to destroy America and/or create a one party nation, the Biden Administration has ignored these actions.  Corruption of every institution is occurring even reaching our disciplined military by reaching into the upper ranks of The Pentagon.

Yes, America is under attack from well financed Trojan Horses who have been planning our military, commercial and economic collapse for decades. Why?  Because freedom threatens the desires of those whose ambitions are autocratic. America's extraordinary progress through capitalism threatens the goals of socialists and communists. We stand in  their way of world domination by oligarchs.

5) SCOTUS  is now deciding on whether Biden has exceeded his authority with respect to any president's ability to side track the Senate by unilaterally excusing personal debt.

I see this as an unconstitutional act akin to affirmative action which bordered on discrimination of one kind being employed to discriminate another kind. It goes against the intended grain of the law, the legal system in order to correct acts that were unfair at one time.  It goes against morality and produces bad future potential behaviour and unethical advantages that simply send wrong messages, favors actions that have no basis in logic. It is the kind of decision which has been employed by progressives to plunder America's economic system at the cost of winning voter loyalty.

It is simply reverse discrimination which sends terrible ethical signals.

5)Conviction voting is the last straw and I believe the GOP must comprehend the importance of voter harvesting as repugnant as it has become.

Some neutralization of same would be passage, by states, of voter identification of this sacred screed. Honest elections are central to a government based on freedom and participation by citizens who are informed and care enough to express their desires. We have been indifferent far too long regarding  a) caring to vote, b) caring enough to inform ourselves and c) most important of all, holding the elected's feet to the fire.  We have allowed politicians to bankrupt our nation, to act in far too many self serving manners, as if any are acceptable, due to voter indifference.

This leads me to my last thought.

6) As for markets, if interest rates increase, as seems the case, the next question, in terms of stocks, is are they due to correct more. I believe the market will remain choppy until such time as we know more about their impact on corporate earnings and how long this effect lasts.

I do not envision a collapse because I do not see a steep recession nor a long lasting one. The market has discounted a good bit of a mild recession and interest prospects but doubters are always present and their more negative assumptions could prove correct.

Ultimately time, of course, will tell. It always does and then, what do I know?



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