Tuesday, March 28, 2023

My Whopper Of A Bar Tab And I Don't Even Drink.

The American voter is in an ugly mood and they are also frustrated because they mostly are turned off by Trump, believe Biden is wrecking the progress Trump accomplished, distrust the mass media and know our government is unresponsive if not totally corrupt.

Virtually every institution is under attack from without. China has become an effective peeping tom and spies on us as if there are no shades in our bedroom and our other adversaries have found plenty of turncoats who hate our country, are willing to do anything to disrupt our tranquility and what they cannot receive by way of cash just walk in and steal it off shelves. 

I have yet to speak about our borders where we leak like a sieve, fentanyl pours in killing citizens, illegals attack our citizens and both our president, v president ignore the entire matter as if it is not even happening.

The Democrat Party attacks the GOP's prospective nominee because he has been successful at governance and following an independent course that proved he knew more than all the experts in DC. and they could care less about the nation's needs.  Everything the GOP does is met with Biden lies and there you have it.

If I have overstated anything please let me know.

As for the black segment of our population the Democrats have played them for fools and only want their votes. The Governor of California patronizes them by giving them slavery Newsom Dollars. in the billions, as if that will pacify the radicals among their ranks or be spent on educating their children.  Newsom remains silent as if the idea be birthed is a virus. After all, Biden is giving money to students by way of excusing their school obligations so why should not blacks get their fair share of "equity"/graft.

These are the teaching lessons oozing out of the faucets in the White House and no one seems either to give a damn or able to  point out the hypocrisy and have the guts to end this theft. Even the more  righteous and enlightened politicians, call up witnesses, berate them but talk is a cheap commodity that runs D.C. The town is one big belch.

While all of this is going on, China is on the move because they are convinced Biden is a patsy and America is a shrinking shadow of it's former self. According to a recent poll, this nation has cast aside the values that made it pre-imminent and powerful. Patriotism -what's that? Self-determinism - what's that?  Faith in religion and belief in God - what's that? Even freedom and our constitution are low priorities.

We are too busy killing 9 year old school children because we cannot control the nut cases we bred/indulged in the 60's and beyond. They wore love beads and sang songs, walked round nude smoking pot and little wonder we are today's screwed up remnants. 

In 2 months, if I make it, I will be 90. Never thought I would live that long. Only my father's brother, Jesse (they called him Tony because he was handsome and looked Italian) lived that long. Jesse was a lovable rogue and I miss him.

I have spent a good part of my life railing like southern Beagle baying at the moon. The fact that I have been unwittingly accurate in my broad observations and commentary gives me no comfort.  I wrote my LTE's, spoke out when provoked, still do, however, I never did anything that changed the trauma I saw forming. I do have a host of kids, grandkids and greats and they are all good citizens and productive but I can't put them in a XEROX.  Wish I could.

I am leaving them a bar tab that is a whopper and I don't even drink.


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