Sunday, March 5, 2023

A Major Memo!!!!!!

Maybe the following should be chiseled on some prominent stones:
“The truth is that once you get old, you stop being polite and start being honest!” 
Has Someone Taken Over Fetterman's Office Because He Can't Do What Was Just Announced

By Matt Vespa


From my daughter Lisa:
CNN Correspondent Chloe MELAS, granddaughter

Elizabeth MURPHY, daughter

The Middle East Forum exposes CAIR which exists to undermine American society and destroy Israel.  The young Muslim female presenter has written many books and  based on a successful civil law suit exposes CAIR and its fraudulent effort to link itself to "GO DADDY" and other legitimate social media  technologies for the sole purpose of eventually legitimizing  it's efforts to break into the mainstream of American communication acceptability  etc.  This is a must listen to presentation.

CAIR is "Dangerous, radical and totally anti-American" and against our value system.

Obama's coup de grace:

I maintain the following opinions. Obama has proven the most dangerous president America has ever endured and if you deny my ability to say so you have proven my case that freedom of speech no longer is the American way.

When Obama became president he did so promising he would transform America and he has been mostly successful. He allowed Muslims to disperse themselves and some were radical while others became positive citizens.

Obama is no fool and he inferred, correctly, America was ripe for transformation.  Yes, he actually became The Manchurian Candidate I feared we might be electing. He  simply needed a spark because there were enough radicals and money to finance their nefarious goals of disturbance and causing radical change in our social and financial institutions. Every facet of our society has come under siege, even voting. We have been shaken to our very core and politics has been weaponized to the point that deep distrust between the two parties has paralyzed our expanding government.  

Citizens no longer trust government as well as capitalism. Our youth are being exposed to  sexual challenges, education is being drowned in extreme ways, even our military is being  "woked."  Parental control and free worship is also at risk and so it goes.

Again, if you deny my right to express these thoughts the battle is lost because our campuses no longer permit open and free discussion/debate and class rooms have become institutions of educational didacticism  where open expression is  forbidden and even punished etc.


The Middle East Forum cordially invites you to a webinar. 

Islamism's Woke Army with Asra Nomani

Asra Q. Nomani has discovered a network of keyboard warriors who hide behind fake identities and pseudonymous Twitter and Facebook accounts. These digital trolls launch virulent attacks against Muslim reformers and other critics of Islamism who challenge their effort to destroy the American freedom of free speech. What successes has this army had? Is it getting stronger or weaker? How can it be countered?

No secret that this was coming, now here is the media announcement.  Big Brother poised to secure total control over your personal currency.  This will enable a lot of other things, including the ability to drain taxes out of your accounts, or fine you for owning a gun........just let your imagine go free and you can see the possibilities.   -  Bob

The crypto world has taken a beating since the FTX disaster, which reverberated through the entire system in recent months, and this week witnessed a solvency crisis at crypto-focused bank Silvergate Capital (SI). However, Bitcoin (BTC-USD) (+34% YTD), Ethereum (ETH-USD) (+29% YTD) and other tokens have managed to shake off the headlines, and talk of a more centralized industry is heating up again. In fact, Nellie Liang, Treasury Undersecretary for Domestic Finance, shed some light on the possible launch of a digital dollar, as she leads a new senior-level working group that will explore central bank digital currencies.

Snapshot: Popularly known as CBDCs, these tokens would represent a nation's fiat currency, and became notable after President Biden signed an executive order on cryptocurrency policy (see what SA contributor Allard Peng said it would mean for DeFi at the time). Current discussions center around whether a CBDC would preserve the dollar's global strategic role with regards to the architecture of the international financial system, and benefit U.S. households in terms of lowering transaction and borrowing costs. Other priorities include preserving national security, protecting privacy and preventing illicit financial transactions.

Liang also noted that CBDCs are only one of several options for upgrading the Fed's legacy capabilities in terms of efficiency and competitiveness. Another one is real time payment systems, like the Fed Now Service, which is expected to launch later this year. "There are also risks of a retail CBDC, including the potential for runs into a retail CBDC that could destabilize private sector lending during stress periods," she added. "The Fed is conducting technology research and experimentation to inform design choices so that it is positioned to issue a CBDC if it were determined to be in the national interest."

How do CBDCs differ from electronic cash? When money is deposited into a bank account, the commercial entity takes responsibility for the sum. The cash is then held in electronic form and can be used across a variety of platforms, but it's limited to the bank's ledger. In the case of CBDCs, the government is the counterparty and takes liability for the money, while the ledger that's being used (known as the rails) can be a very different structure than a commercial institution

I certainly am glad we have lived in the best of times in America. These are certainly powerful words from General Flynn. The future looks grim if we don’t stand for our beliefs.


I am stepping outside my educational comfort zone because this will be a more unique memo than usual.  In prep school, I was subjected to a smorgasbord curriculum.  At Wharton, I was immersed in financial courses and focused , in my elective opportunities,  on liberal arts and read a great deal of economic literature and took some music courses.  In law school, I came in contact with my first courses pertaining to social studies and disparities between citizens and government, specific roles of freedom.

I have concluded today's major social problems come down  to disparities in both education and different age related populace impacted by out of the norm solutions and proposals offered by progressives and radical liberals. 

Let me expand.  

In the case of those subject to prejudice reaching back to one period versus another the impact the consequences produce different attitudes and results. Education has a lot to do with how each person reacts. Less educated respond one way, more educated another. The solutions offered by the more radical community, in this regard, takes on a one size fits all approach. 

A less sophisticated and educated victim of prejudice may not comprehend subtle differences between rights of citizens versus those of government. Our Framers and Fathers were brilliant and dealt with very sophisticated issues in crafting America. However, the biases that ensued were contrary to what was drafted. Jefferson wrote "all men are equal" and yet, owned slaves. 

I have a learned friend who believes Jefferson was always indebted and his slaves became his security blanket.

America is now being bombarded by radical ideas that are harmful to our nation's well being, domestic tranquility and yet touch upon legitimate disparities of our different socio sectors because of past prejudices which were created by slave status, eventual segregated freedom and educational economic disparities.  A difficult melting pot was created and now we are paying an enormous price for these unresolved issues because we are being confronted by years of indifference and loss of control as government expanded beyond limits our founders ever intended but feared. 

As a result of my personal social, military and economic concerns and diminished health condition my physical activities have been curtailed but my mental desire to stay involved remains so I am working with with two brilliant friends and their associates who live at The Landings and who are engaged in a technology project that could revolutionize both our state as well as the nation and even the world. 

They have perfected lab experiments involving hydrogen fusion and are currently involved in building a facility in Massachusetts and want to build a smaller one in another state. I am assisting them in contacting Governors in Georgia, Kentucky, and Alabama through sources I have.  If they are successful, as they have proven at this point to be, it would be revolutionary both to the world as well as to developing an entire nation of linked technology states that could place and keep America ahead of China and enhance the status of our state's educational facilities in all matters related to safe, less expensive and available hydrogen power.

Their fusion  technology involves heating hydrogen to the degree created by the sun through magnets. The power produced leaves a non toxic nuclear residue, so unsafe storage is not a factor and the amount of hydrogen used is more than is left at the conclusion. They have already raised over $2 billion (yes billion) from investors and currently have hired 400 engineer and scientific oriented personnel.

The State of New Mexico has signed up because of the existence of Los Alamos and The Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and they are seeking other states to do as well through their university systems.  Ga. Tech being an important such university is a perfect Georgia candidate.  MIT has granted Dan and his two associates everything developed by MIT.

I am trying to get former Sen.Nunn, Bernie Marcus and Governor Kemp interested because I believe a plant of such magnitude, located in GA, would be momentous technologically speaking and would greatly expand our economic and scientific scope while, raising the income level and standard of living.

I am attaching Dan and Evelyn's resumes. and I always invite comments.


Readily available hydrogen should become the next acceptable clean power source.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells are set to shake
up the stock market.


HOME SCHOOLED in many ways.  See below - in our parents own words!

1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.

"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

2. My mother taught me RELIGION.

"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

3. My father taught me about TIME TRAVEL.

"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"

4. My father taught me LOGIC.

" Because I said so, that's why."

5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.

"If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT

"Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

7. My father taught me IRONY.

"Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about."

8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS.

"Shut your mouth and eat your supper."

9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.

"Just you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!"

10. My mother taught me about STAMINA.

"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."

11. My mother taught me about WEATHER.

"This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."

12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.

"If I told you once, I've told you a million times, don't exaggerate!"

13. My father taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.

"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION.

"Stop acting like your father!"

15. My mother taught me about ENVY.

"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do"

16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.

"Just wait until we get home."

17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.

"You are going to get it from your father when you get home!"

18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.

"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to get stuck that way."

19. My mother taught me ESP.

"Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"

20. My father taught me HUMOUR.

"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."

21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.

"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up"

22. My mother taught me GENETICS.

"You're just like your father."

23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.

"Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?"

24. My mother taught me WISDOM.

"When you get to be my age, you'll understand.

25. My father taught me about JUSTICE.

"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!”

This should only be sent to the over 60 crowds because the younger ones would not believe we truly were told these "EXACT" words by our parents…



Edlyn V. Levine, Ph.D.

U.S. Citizen, DoD TS SCI


Harvard University

165 Jefferson Laboratory

17 Oxford St., Cambridge MA, 02138

Work Experience

America’s Frontier Fund

Co-founder, Chief Science Officer

• Lead all scientific and technical-focused efforts for America’s Frontier Fund

• Developed and lead the fund’s pioneering science-led investment strategy

Arlington, VA


Harvard Kennedy School for Government

Faculty for Executive Education; Science, Technology, and Society

Cambridge, MA


Harvard University

Research Associate, Department of Physics

Cambridge, MA


University of Maryland

Visiting Associate Research Scientist, Department of Physics

College Park, MD


MITRE Corporation

Chief Technologist, MITRE Acceleration Office (2020 - 2021)

• Lead planning and execution of MITRE’s strategy to drive technology innovation and

technology transition; manage team to lead growth of our technology portfolio

• Responsible for the incubation and commercialization of emerging technologies and the

growth of public-private partnerships with leading industry & government stakeholders

• Launched The Semiconductor Alliance, a coalition of the largest semiconductor companies

in the U.S., to define a strategy for and address challenges facing CHIPS act legislation

Chief Engineer, MITRE Engenuity (2020-2021)

• Developed, launched, and managed the Open Generation 5G consortium, an industry led

effort focused on collaborative, breakthrough innovation on 5G vertical industries

Project Leader, MITRE Innovation Program (2018 - 2021)

• Developed NV diamond magnetic field imaging of semiconductor devices to enable

magnetic field fingerprinting for supply chain assurance and failure analysis

Project Leader, MITRE Innovation Program (2017- 2020)

• Established a research program to determine the physics of disturbed ionospheric plasmas

and their impact on radio frequency propagation in modern communications systems

Task Leader, MITRE Portfolio supporting DoD Chief Intelligence Officer (2018)

• Led an analysis of free space radio frequency communications capabilities in disturbed

environments on behalf of MITRE for the senior executive staff of the DoD CIO

Senior Physicist, Quantum Information Sciences Group (2017)

• Analysis of capabilities of D-Wave’s Quantum Annealer for optimization problems

Senior Engineer, Electromagnetic Sensors and Systems (2016)

Individual contributor to the development of an aerial radar target generator

Bedford, MA



Research, Schlumberger Gould Research

Research, Schlumberger Doll Research

Cambridge, UK

2014, 2015


Harvard University

Ph.D. Applied Physics, S.M. Applied Physics

Cambridge, MA


University of Pittsburgh

B.S. Physics with Honors, Summa Cum Laude

Pittsburgh, PA


Leadership Experience

Hoover Institution at Stanford

Contributor to an ongoing study on geopolitics and technology in Asia

Palo Alto, CA


Defence Science Board

Special Government Employee, New Dimensions of Conflict

Washington DC

Summer 2020

American Physical Society

Elected Member at Large, Forum for Industrial and Applied Physics

Elected Member, Committee on Careers and Professional Development



Harvard University

Associate Editor, Harvard Data Science Review

Graduate Director, Harvard Alumni Association

Member, Alumni Council for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Member, Dept. of Physics Research Scholar Advisory Committee

Coordinating Fellow, Dudley House, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

President, Harvard Graduate School Sciency Policy Group

Cambridge, MA


Teaching Experience

Technology, Commerce, and National Security, Harvard Kennedy School

Faculty for Executive Education Program

Cambridge, MA


Leading in Artificial Intelligence, Harvard Kennedy School

Faculty for Executive Education Program

Cambridge, MA


Cybersecurity: Intersection of Policy & Technology, Harvard Kennedy School

Faculty for Executive Education Program

Cambridge, MA


Graduate Kinetics of Condensed Matter Phases, Harvard School of Arts and Sciences

Teaching Fellow

Cambridge, MA


Graduate Electromagnetism, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Teaching Fellow

Cambridge, MA



Maitreyi Ashok, Edlyn V. Levine, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Randomized Switching SAR (RS-SAR) ADC

for Power and EM Side Channel Security. Accepted in IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, Sept. 2022.

Pauli Kehayias, Edlyn V. Levine, Andrea Rodarte, Jeremy Walraven, Andrew Mounce, Electronic Failure Analysis

Using a Quantum Diamond Microscope. Submitted to ISTFA, 2022.

Richard A. Gottscho, Edlyn V. Levine, Tsu Jae King Liu, Paul C. McIntyre, Subhasish Mitra, Boris Murmann, J.

Rabaey, Sayeef Salahuddin, Willy C. Shih, and H.-S. Philip Wong, “Innovating at Speed and at Scale: A Next

Generation Infrastructure for Accelerating Semiconductor Technologies,” Stanford Digital Repository, Mar. 2022.

Pauli Kehayias, Edlyn V. Levine, et al. Measurement and Simulation of the Magnetic Fields from a 555 Timer

Integrated Circuit Using a Quantum Diamond Microscope and Finite Element Analysis. Phys. Rev. Applied, 17,

014021, January 2022.

Edlyn V. Levine, Willy Shih, H.-S. Philip Wong, Semiconductors: The US Should be Asking How We Can Lead,

The Hill, 1 December 2021.

Edlyn V. Levine*, et al. American Innovation, American Growth: A Vision for the National Semiconductor

Technology Center, MITRE Engenuity Publication, November 2021.

*Project leader and lead author with over 60 contributors

Sean M. Oliver, Dmitro J. Martynowych, Matthew J. Turner, David A. Hopper, Ronald L. Walsworth, Edlyn V.

Levine*, Vector Magnetic Current Imaging of an 8 nm Process Node Chip and 3D Current Distributions Using the

Quantum Diamond Microscope**, ISTFA2021 Proceedings, November 2021.

*Senior Author, **Voted Outstanding Paper of the 2021 Conference

Maitreyi Ashok, Matthew J. Turner, Ronald L. Walsworth, Edlyn V. Levine, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Hardware

Trojan Detection Using Unsupervised Deep Learning on Quantum Diamond Microscope Magnetic Field Images,

submitted to ACM JETC, April 2021.

Edlyn V. Levine, The Die is Cast: Hardware Security is Not Assured, Communications of the ACM, January 2021,

Vol. 64 No. 1, Pages 56-60. Reprinted from ACM QUEUE, Aug 2020.

Edlyn V. Levine, Matthew J. Turner, Nicholas Langellier, Thomas M. Babinec, Marco Loncar, Ronald L. Walsworth,

Backside Integrated Circuit Magnetic Field Imaging with a Quantum Diamond Microscope, ISTFA2020

Proceedings*, November 2020.

*Voted Best Paper of the 2020 Conference

Matthew J. Turner, Nicholas Langellier, Rachel Bainbridge, Daniel Walters, Srujan Meesala, Thomas M. Babinec,

Pauli Kehayias, Amir Yacoby, Evelyn Hu, Marco Loncar, Ronald L. Walsworth, and Edlyn V. Levine*, Quantum

Diamond Microscope Magnetic Field Fingerprinting of Integrated Circuit Activity, Phys. Rev. Applied, 14, 014097,

July 2020.

*Senior, Corresponding Author

Edlyn V. Levine, Paul A. Bernhard, Michael P. Sulzer, Peter J. Sultan, Brian S. Henderson, Eliana Nossa, Stanley C.

Briczinski, Phil Perillat, Plasma Cavity Formation During Ionospheric Heating, Journal of Geophysical Research:

Space Physics, 125, 2020.

Edlyn V. Levine, Algirde Pipikaite, Hardware is a Cybersecurity Risk. Here’s What you need to Know, World

Economic Forum, Centre for Cybersecurity Online Forum, Dec 2019.

Edlyn V. Levine, Matthew J. Turner, Pauli Kehayias, Connor A. Hart, Nicholas Langellier, Raisa Trubko, David R.

Glenn, Roger R. Fu, and Ronald L. Walsworth, Principles and Techniques of the Quantum Diamond Microscope,

Nanophotonics, 8, 2019.

Edlyn V. Levine, Peter J. Sultan, and Lucien J. Teig, A Parameterized Model of X-ray Solar Flare Effects on the

Lower Ionosphere and HF Propagation. Radio Science, 54, 2019.

Edlyn V. Levine, Michael M. Burns, and Jene A. Golovchenko, Nanoscale Dynamics of Joule Heating and Bubble

Nucleation in a Solid-State Nanopore. Phys. Rev. E. 93, 2016.

Gaku Nagashima, Edlyn V. Levine*, David P. Hoogerheide, Michael M. Burns, and Jene A. Golovchenko,

Superheating and Homogeneous Single Bubble Nucleation in a Solid-State Nanopore. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 2014.

*Joint First Author


Edlyn V. Levine, Integrated Circuit Magnetic Field Imaging with a Quantum Diamond Microscope, Invited Talk,


Edlyn V. Levine, Ensemble NV Sensing and its Applications, Invited Talk, APS March Meeting, 2021.

Edlyn V. Levine, Matthew J. Turner, Nicholas Langellier, Thomas M. Babinec, Marco Loncar, Ronald L. Walsworth,

Backside Integrated Circuit Magnetic Field Imaging with a Quantum Diamond Microscope, ISTFA2020

Proceedings*, November 2020.

*Voted Best Paper of the 2020 Conference

Edlyn V. Levine, Quantum Diamond Sensing: Advances and Applications to Integrated Circuit Activity Monitoring,

Booz Allen Hamilton Distinguished Colloquium in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland,

College Park, 2020.

Edlyn V. Levine, Peter J. Sultan, Lucien J. Teig, A Parameterized Model of X-ray Solar Flare Effects on the Lower

Ionosphere and HF Propagation, APS Division of Plasma Physics, 2018.

Edlyn V. Levine, Gaku Nagashima, Michael M. Burns, and Jene A. Golovchenko, Bubble Growth and Dynamics in a

Strongly Superheated Electrolyte within a Solid-State Nanopore. APS March Meeting, 2015.

Edlyn V. Levine, Gaku Nagashima, David P. Hoogerheide, Michael M. Burns, and Jene A. Golovchenko, On the

Strong Localization and Rapid Time Scales of Superheating and Vapor Nucleation in Nanopores. APS March

Meeting, 2014.


Edlyn V. Levine, Daniel F. Brunner, Matthew J. Turner, Ronald L. Walsworth, All-optical High-field NV-Diamond

Magnetometer and Methods of Making and Using the Same; Provisional Patent Filing 2020

Edlyn V. Levine, Matthew J. Turner, Nicholas Langellier, Daniel Walters, Pauli Kehayias, Marco Loncar, Ronald L.

Walsworth, NV Diamond Integrated Circuit Activity Imager; Provisional Patent Filing 2020.

Funded Research

DOE SC Quantum Information for Fusion Energy Sciences

MITRE Innovation Program: NV Diamond Magnetometry ($1060K)

MITRE Innovation Program: Nuclear Effects ($1185K)

MITRE Innovation Program: Ionospheric Modification ($30K)

Nationally competitive award, 2021-2024

MITRE competitive grant, 2018-2021

MITRE competitive grant, 2017-2020

MITRE competitive grant, 2018-2019

National Defence Science and Engineering Research Fellowship

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

Brackenridge Fellowship for Undergraduate Research

Nationally competitive award, 2013-2016

Nationally competitive award, 2011-2014

University of Pittsburgh, 2010

Selected Honors and Awards

EFADS 2021 Conference Outstanding Paper

EFADS 2020 Conference Best Paper

MITRE Breakthrough Award

Young AFCEA 40 Under 40 Award

CY2019 MITRE Best Paper Award

MITRE Trailblazer Award

MITRE Catalyst Award

COMSOL Conference Program Committee Member

MITRE Women’s Leadership Conference Speaker

Bravo-Zulu Award

EFADS, ASM International, 2021

EFADS, ASM International, 2020

MITRE Corporation, 2020

AFCEA International, 2020

MITRE Corporation, 2020

MITRE Corporation, 2019

MITRE Corporation, 2019

COMSOL Multiphysics, 2018

MITRE Corporation, 2017

MITRE Corporation, 2017

Harvard Commencement Marshal Harvard University, 2016

Hanson Award for Special Service to Graduate Students Harvard University, 2016

Smith Graduate Fellowship

James Mills Peirce Fellowship

Koehler Academic Achievement Award

PA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship

University Four Year Full-tuition Scholarship

Harvard University, 2012-2013

Harvard University, 2011-2012

University of Pittsburgh, 2010-2011

University of Pittsburgh, 2007-2011

University of Pittsburgh, 2010


Dan Brunner

Dan Brunner  3rd degree connection3rd

Turning science fiction into reality.

Commonwealth Fusion Systems

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Greater Boston  Contact info

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Co-Founder and Chief Technology OfficerCo-Founder and Chief Technology Officer

Commonwealth Fusion SystemsCommonwealth Fusion Systems

Mar 2018 - Present · 5 yrs 1 moMar 2018 - Present · 5 yrs 1 mo

Cambridge, MACambridge, MA

Making big magnets to burn some plasma.Making big magnets to burn some plasma.

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Scientific Advisory Board MemberScientific Advisory Board Member

Quantum Catalyzer (Q-Cat)Quantum Catalyzer (Q-Cat)

Jan 2021 - Present · 2 yrs 3 mosJan 2021 - Present · 2 yrs 3 mos

Will fusion power the first quantum computer or will the first fusion power plant be designed on a quantum computer?Will fusion power the first quantum computer or will the first fusion power plant be designed on a quantum computer?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology logo

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

3 yrs 8 mos3 yrs 8 mos

Cambridge, MACambridge, MA

Research ScientistResearch Scientist

Jul 2016 - Feb 2018 · 1 yr 8 mosJul 2016 - Feb 2018 · 1 yr 8 mos

Working on systems to actively avoid melting to various degrees of success.Working on systems to actively avoid melting to various degrees of success.


Jul 2014 - Jun 2016 · 2 yrsJul 2014 - Jun 2016 · 2 yrs

Back at it melting probes.Back at it melting probes.

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Design EngineerDesign Engineer


Aug 2013 - May 2014 · 10 mosAug 2013 - May 2014 · 10 mos

Veldhoven, NetherlandsVeldhoven, Netherlands

Hitting droplets of liquid tin with lasers to make a bright flash. Trying to make the flash brighter and stop the tin from exploding everywhere.Hitting droplets of liquid tin with lasers to make a bright flash. Trying to make the flash brighter and stop the tin from exploding everywhere.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology logo

PhD CandidatePhD Candidate

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Plasma Science and Fusion CenterMassachusetts Institute of Technology Plasma Science and Fusion Center

Sep 2008 - Aug 2013 · 5 yrsSep 2008 - Aug 2013 · 5 yrs

Cambridge, MACambridge, MA

Poked at 2,000,000 C plasmas with probes. Fun!Poked at 2,000,000 C plasmas with probes. Fun!

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology logo

Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of Technology

PhD, Applied Plasma PhysicsPhD, Applied Plasma Physics

2008 - 20132008 - 2013

Activities and societies: Energy Club, Fusion Future, IM sportsActivities and societies: Energy Club, Fusion Future, IM sports

Minor: mechanical engineeringMinor: mechanical engineering

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology logo

Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyRose-Hulman Institute of Technology

BS, Engineering PhysicsBS, Engineering Physics

2004 - 20082004 - 2008

Activities and societies: Football team, IM sports, Junior class presidentActivities and societies: Football team, IM sports, Junior class president

Concentration: semiconductor processing and optical engineering

Minor: mathConcentration: semiconductor processing and optical engineering Minor: math



Endorsed by 5 colleagues at Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEndorsed by 5 colleagues at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Endorsed by 2 colleagues at Commonwealth Fusion SystemsEndorsed by 2 colleagues at Commonwealth Fusion Systems

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Jim Tomich profile picture

Jim TomichJim Tomich

Merlham Consulting-Retail Fixtures, MillworkMerlham Consulting-Retail Fixtures, Millwork

July 29, 2015, Jim was Dan’s mentorJuly 29, 2015, Jim was Dan’s mentor

Dan's development of the fishing technique that uses a lawn chair in a small flat bottomed boat for small, remote lakes has given anglers access to a kind of fishing rarely experienced. Trial and error, his trial and partner Wally's error solidified the system by substituting a metal lawn chair for the original plastic one that had a tendency for the leg or legs to collapse when if rough water. 

Thank you Dan!!Dan's development of the fishing technique that uses a lawn chair in a small flat bottomed boat for small, remote lakes has given anglers access to a kind of fishing rarely experienced. Trial and error, his trial and partner Wally's error solidified the system by substituting a metal lawn chair for the original plastic one that had a tendency for the leg or legs to collapse when if rough water. Thank you Dan!!…see more




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