Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Jane Fonda, at 19, Did Far More Harm.

My dear friend and fellow memo reader cautioned me regarding this memo I listed pertaining to Warnock several days ago ( Brighter Day? Warnock - Which One? Can Jordan Pull It Off W/0 Turning Voters Off? Proud Veteran. Fitton. Fund, Trump Ego Trip..Israel and U.S.)

His comments were:


Don’t anything you see on the internet.

First clue: If Warnock would have been arrested you would have known where and by what police department and for what. It is public information.

Second clue: The “case” was supposedly in July. It only circulated in November?



Are the NYT owners and senior staff getting worried the Grey Lady is losing it's audience and all their mis-reporting is catching up with their readership? Are they looking over Bill Maher's shoulder and getting cold feet?


Suddenly, the Times is publishing some news that doesn’t fit the left-wing line

By Post Editorial Board

The New York Times this week actually ran a fairly balanced news story on the city's charter schools -- one of several reports that have departed from the lefty line . . . since Election Day.

How about that: The New York Times this week actually ran a fairly balanced news story on the city’s charter schools — one of several reports that have departed from the lefty line . . . since Election Day.

The account noted that charters “typically outperform district schools in math and reading on state standardized tests,” that “the vast majority of students in charters are Black and Latino” and that “families in New York have clamored for more access to charters.” More: “Most Democratic lawmakers remain firmly opposed to allowing any expansion of the schools,” but teachers’ unions, as “major political players,” are a key stumbling block.

Amazing: The paper’s public-education reporting usually focuses exclusively on the claims of charter haters.

Other recent remarkable-for-the-Times stories include a belated account of the horrific (pre-election) Hudson River Park rape and even cautionary news that “concerns are growing among some medical professionals about the consequences” of puberty-blocking hormones for teens ID’ing as transgender, a story that even cites “emerging evidence of potential harm.”

The account noted that charters “typically outperform district schools in math and reading on state standardized tests,” that “the vast majority of students in charters are Black and Latino” and that “families in New York have clamored for more access to charters.” NurPhoto via Getty Images

We have no idea how many of these pieces were actually ready to roll before Times readers voted, or if the Gray Lady’s editors only dared give reporters the go-ahead because the paper’s enormous “you can’t say that” crowd was in a post-election torpor.

Or perhaps (can it be?) a few brave souls at Times have suddenly decided to truly publish “all the news that’s fit to print.” Either way, we welcome it.

You have been warned and advised. Each university is subject to the "camel's nose sneaking under the tent."


Before You Give to Universities ... Know This

News from the Middle East Forum

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Dear Friend:

The Middle East Forum keeps a close watch on North American universities, seeking to end anti-Western, anti-Israel, and pro-Islamist biases. That keeps us very busy.

Oberlin professor Mahallati's (left) ties to Iran has prompted a congressional investigation. Princeton's Mousavian (center) bragged about attending the funeral for Quds Force commander and arch-terrorist Qassem Soleimani in Iran (right) after he was killed by the U.S.

Tomorrow, Giving Tuesday, is an important fundraising day for non-profits, including universities. So we thought you should know the following:

Princeton – Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a Middle East security and nuclear policy specialist, is Tehran's man in America. He even attended the funeral of Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani, killed by a U.S. drone strike in 2020.

Oberlin College – Our exclusive reporting on Professor Mohammad Jafar Mahallati has prompted a congressional inquiry into "Mahallati's current association with and open loyalty to the Iranian regime."

Harvard, New York University, Princeton and UCLA – These institutions are affiliates of the American Institute of Iranian Studies, which has connections to the upper echelon of the Tehran regime.

Georgetown – Home to the Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, founded by a 2005 gift from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. It has since served as a propaganda arm for Wahhabi Islam, a radical, fundamentalist sect.

Brown University – Beshara Doumani, director of its Center for Middle East Studies, is taking a two-year leave of absence to become president of Birzeit University on the West Bank, informally known as Terrorist University for producing generations of suicide bombers and other jihadis.

For further information, the Forum's Campus Watch maintains lists for Professors to Avoid, Israel-Boycott Supporters, Israel-Boycott Opponents, and Survey of Institutions. On the bright side, we also maintain a list of Recommended Professors.

If you make end-of-year donations, please consider the Middle East 

(donation page, here).

Yours sincerely,

Gregg Roman, Director


Biden seems to be a president who is not only mentally incapacitated but reckless and  who favors all the wrong people and nations.

China, Iran, Venezuela and Russia all benefit from omissions and commissions Biden chooses to make or not make and the latest disaster, as I have noted recently, is his high regard for the Palestinian's leader who condones terrorism and rewards his blood thirsty citizens for their killings.

Our president is without scruples and his sole efforts appear to be vindictive acts towards his predecessor's successes by cancelling them or doing his very best to reverse their positive effects.  His most egregious efforts have been directed at Israel.  

Here are a few:

a) He has allowed the FBI to harass an Israeli investigation. 

b) He has allowed our State Department to dictate whom BIBI can have in his cabinet.

c) He has decided the Palestinians can have a diplomatic mission in Jerusalem which is a step toward allowing Palestinians to eventually assert their own capital is in Jerusalem.

d) He has done his best to encourage Iran to agree to terms that give them billions, which they can use to fund terrorism, accelerate their nuclear development, so he can further Obama's unconstitutional JCP agreement.


Biden Rewards Palestinians for Terrorism, Incitement

by Bassam Tawil

The Biden administration's recent decision to upgrade its relations with the Palestinian Authority (PA) is yet another sign of how the US is rewarding the Palestinians, as they are the Iranian regime, for their ongoing toxic incitement and terrorism against Israel. 

The Biden administration's recent decision to upgrade its relations with the Palestinian Authority (PA) is yet another sign of how the US is rewarding the Palestinians, as they are the Iranian regime, for their ongoing toxic incitement and terrorism against Israel.

The decision sends a message to the PA and its president, Mahmoud Abbas, that the Biden administration does not care if the Palestinians continue to glorify and embrace terrorists who murder and wound Jews and others.

A senior US State Department official was quoted as saying the Biden administration notified Congress that it has appointed Hady Amr as a new "special representative for Palestinian affairs."

The move is an upgrade in US-Palestinian relations. It is the first time the US has created a position at the State Department that is solely responsible for Palestinian affairs.

The decision coincided with two bomb attacks in Jerusalem, in which a 16-year-old Jewish boy was killed and 14 other people wounded.

It also came hours after Palestinian gunmen snatched the body of Tiran Pero, an 17-year-old Israeli Druze, from a hospital in the West Bank city of Jenin. Pero was taken to the hospital after being critically injured in a car accident near Jenin. His family said that the gunmen who stormed the hospital disconnected Pero from the life support machines while he was still alive. The gunmen held his body for more than 24 hours before handing it over to the Palestinian Authority.

The PA has not condemned the twin bombings in Jerusalem. In fact, its leaders stopped denouncing terror attacks against Israel a long time ago. Instead, Palestinian leaders often praise terrorists who murder Jews as "heroes" and "martyrs."

They, in fact, offer stipends to the terrorists and their families as part of the PA's "Pay-for-Slay" program -- which serves as an incentive, especially in an area that is not wealthy, for its citizens to continue their violence.

The Biden administration's decision to upgrade US-Palestinian relations also came as Palestinians were celebrating the Jerusalem terror attacks by handing out sweets and praising the terrorists. Some of the celebrations took place in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority, which did not take any measures to stop this practice -- one that has been taking place after almost every terror attack against Israel.

Several Palestinian groups issued separate statements lauding the Jerusalem bombings as "heroic operations" and calling for the murder of more Jews. Two of the groups, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) are part of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which is headed by Mahmoud Abbas. The Palestinian Authority president did not criticize these groups for praising the terror attacks.

The abduction of the Israeli-Druze teenager took place in Jenin, a city which is under the exclusive control of Abbas's security forces. In the past few years, Jenin has become a hub for various terror groups responsible for a series of attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians. These groups have been able to operate freely in Jenin thanks to the Palestinian Authority's failure or unwillingness to crack down on terrorism.

One of the terror groups, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, is openly affiliated with the ruling Fatah faction headed by Mahmoud Abbas. This group continues to claim responsibility for shooting attacks against Israelis in the West Bank. Abbas has never called on the terror groups to halt their attacks.

One would have expected the Biden administration to demand that the Palestinian leadership dismantle the terror groups operating under its auspices in the West Bank.

One would have expected the Biden administration to demand that the Palestinian leadership stop its massive campaign to delegitimize Israel and demonize Jews through mosques, the media and official speeches.

One would have expected the Biden administration to demand that the Palestinian Authority halt the monthly payments for terrorism to the terrorists and their families.

Moreover, one would have expected the Biden administration to pressure the Palestinians to return to the negotiating table with Israel and abandon their long-time policy of rejecting all offers without even proposing a counteroffer.

The Biden administration, which resumed financial aid to the Palestinians -- without any conditions attached -- has chosen to ignore the Palestinian leadership's role in encouraging violence, hate and efforts to eliminate Israel, and to erect, in its place, yet another Islamic state.

The payments to the terrorists and their families successfully encourage many Palestinians to carry out attacks against Israelis: they know that they or their families will be added to the Palestinian Authority's payroll. The daily incitement against Israel by the PA and its leaders is what prompts young men and women to carry a knife to go out to stab the first Jew they meet.

The Biden administration is dead wrong if it thinks that upgrading its relations with the Palestinian Authority will have a moderating effect on the Palestinians or prompt them to improve their policies toward Israel. On the contrary, the move is likely to increase the Palestinian leaders' intransigence because now they feel that the US is on their side, notwithstanding their incitement and support for terrorism.

The policies of the Biden administration do not bode well for the future of any peace process between Israel and the Palestinians.

The Biden administration is also ignoring the fact that Palestinian leaders were the first to condemn the Abraham Accords between Israel and four Arab countries – the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco.

By upgrading US-Palestinian relations, the Biden administration is also sending a message to these Arab countries that it stands behind the Palestinians' rejection of normalization and peace between the Arabs and Israel.

The Biden administration has anyway done nothing to support the Abraham Accords or try to get more Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, on board. Instead, the Biden administration has done everything in its power to antagonize America's traditional allies in the Arab world, first and foremost Saudi Arabia. The Biden administration's policy of appeasement of the mullahs in Iran has already alienated some Arabs, especially the Gulf states.

Some of these Arab countries have turned their back on the Palestinians, accusing them of being ungrateful and biting the hand that fed them for decades. Because of their rhetorical attacks on the Arabs who signed peace treaties with Israel, the Palestinians have lost the financial and political support of several Arab countries, especially the wealthy Gulf states.

While the Arabs have finally woken up to the fact that the Palestinians are dead-set on continuing their jihad (holy war) to eliminate Israel, the Biden team is rushing to embrace Mahmoud Abbas and his associates, who have rejected every peace offer made to them by Israeli leaders over the past two decades, and who continue to push their people to bathe in Jewish blood.

Bassam Tawil is a Muslim Arab based in the Middle East.


After many back and forth's it now appears BIBI has knitted together his coalition.  

In his autobiography, Bibi discusses past efforts he was forced to make in order to form coalitions and the multitude efforts to placate bruised egos', ministerial positions and even some sticky legitimate demands etc.


Smotrich, Deri to split Finance Ministry, Interior Ministry

Coalition agreement expected to be signed Wednesday after breakthrough during marathon talks between the parties.

The 1/6 weaponized effort to rid the nation of Trump will soon be at an end. The involvement of the FBI cast a dark cloud over the proceedings which were a combination of a modicum of legitimacy mixed  mostly with guile and attempts to muddy the water prior to the mid-term election.

It was not one of Congresses' finest hours but then Pelosi wanted to rub Trump's nose in his own misbehavior  and I assume she will wrap herself in the flag and assert how she saved the republic.

I submit, Jane Fonda, at age 19, did far more harm.
Congress’s Unfinished Business of Jan. 6 
By William A. Galston

This challenge of counting electoral votes has a long history. As the votes were counted in the 1876 presidential election, several states submitted dueling slates of electors. The Democratic candidate, Samuel Tilden, had 184 undisputed electoral votes, the Republican, Rutherford B. Hayes, had 165, and the remaining 20 were contested. If all these electoral votes were awarded to Mr. Hayes, he would win; if not, Mr. Tilden would prevail. Congress established an independent electoral commission to adjudicate the competing claims, but its findings failed to break the deadlock.

There the matter stood—until the political parties resolved the controversy through an informal agreement. Historians still contest the details, but the result was clear: The Republican became president in March 1877, and federal troops were withdrawn from the former Confederate states they continued to occupy, opening the door to a long era of white supremacy in Southern politics.

After a series of failed Republican efforts to clarify the rules for resolving disputes and counting Electoral College votes, the two parties finally came together in 1887 to pass the Electoral Count Act, which sought to establish clear procedures for determining and counting electoral votes after votes had been cast in the states. Since its enactment, however, the law has been criticized as poorly drafted and virtually unintelligible.

The ECA was not put to a real test until the 2020 election, when its inadequacies were fully exposed. Disputes over the certification of slates of electors and the role of the vice president contributed to the violent storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that led to several deaths and a serious threat to Mike Pence’s life.

Alarmed by these developments, senators begin bipartisan consultations that led to draft legislation in the summer of 2022. On the House side, two members of the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack—Republican Liz Cheney and Democrat Zoe Lofgren—proposed their version of ECA reform, which passed the House with unanimous Democratic support but only nine Republican votes. Meanwhile, the Senate Rules and Administration Committee sent a slightly amended version of the original bipartisan Senate bill to the floor with only one dissenting vote. This bill now has 37 cosponsors—22 Democrats and 15 Republicans, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Minority Whip John Thune and former Majority Whip John Cornyn.

Although the House and Senate bills differ, they would both accomplish three key objectives: eliminating the “failed election” provision of the ECA, which gave each state legislature the power to appoint presidential electors if its election had failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law; requiring each state’s executive to certify a slate of electors by a date certain; and making it clear that the vice president’s role is confined to opening the envelopes containing the certified slates of electors and presiding over the count.

In addition, the House and Senate bills both define an expedited judicial review process for challenged certifications before they are deemed conclusive, raise the threshold for a congressional challenge to electors from a single member of the House and Senate to one-third of each chamber (the House version) or one-fifth (the Senate version), and narrow the grounds on which such objections can be lodged.

Against the backdrop of the turmoil that engulfed the 2020 elections, enacting legislation that would prevent repetition is vitally important. Congress must do so before it adjourns.

This matter is urgent. If the bill dies, it is virtually certain the new House majority wouldn’t revive it during the 118th Congress, leaving the 2024 presidential election to be governed by the same flawed legislation that failed to prevent havoc in 2020.

This means that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer should bring the ECA to the floor for a vote as soon as possible. It also means that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should use her influence to ensure that her caucus doesn’t allow the best to become the enemy of the good enough. Although the House bill is preferable in some respects, Democrats shouldn’t insist on measures that would make it impossible for Mr. Schumer to retain the support of at least 10 Republicans. If this means accepting the Senate bill as it is, so be it.

Biden says help is coming, but will it arrive in time for Christmas? 
Democrats want absolute power and one party remains their absolute goal:

The most fundamental virtue of our constitutional government is that the public has supreme power over the government. The civil service system has effectively eliminated that power. This is what a slow-motion coup looks like. 

This is what a slow-motion coup looks like.
The solution to patronage isn’t professionalism, it’s smaller government. Government is not a meritocracy and there’s no point in keeping up the pretense that any part of it is merit-based. The most fundamental virtue of our constitutional government is that the public has supreme power over the government. The civil service system has effectively eliminated that power.



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