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Blacks, for whatever reason seem to be involved, disproportionately, in recorded criminal behaviour . Their crimes are also more likely to be against their own people. I assume this is because they live among their own. Police do not force black citizens to commit these crimes. Criminal behaviour simply seems to have become part of their culture and their method of resolving issues and disputes. You can blame the rest of the population on why they commit their crimes but it really does not hold water. Whites, in particular, have allowed their sense of guilt to accept blame for the way others act because they feel, and rightly so, intimidated.
As long as white citizens allow themselves to be intimidated for attitudes they do not hold, black citizens will: a) get away with criminal behaviour, b) never learn to look inward and correct their own malfeasance and/or accept responsibility, in some measure, for their own plight and, most importantly of all, will continue to be subjected to the conditions about which they rightly complain.
Every time I watch blacks citizens resort to rioting, as a method of expressing their discontent for some terrible act perpetrated against them, I become less empathetic because their behaviour serves no purpose other than to make their situation more miserable and less easy to defend.
Being Jewish, I know what prejudice is but so far I have never rioted thinking that was the way to respond. I use my unwillingness to torture and maim as a model/mirror against which I judge the actions of others experiencing similar prejudice so I guess that is why I am less empathetic.
When it comes to knee jerk reactions on the part of politicians, who are the worst of hypocrites, I also become less empathetic because I refuse to patronize bullies and abhor those who do.
Finally, I am repulsed by those who believe I must pay retribution for slavery. Once I am held responsible for acts I never engaged in I, too, become enslaved.
Consequently, my reaction to what happened to Mr. Floyd does not parallel what the mass media demands and if that means I will be branded a racist so be it.
Sheer lunacy: Los Angeles Mayor Wants To Cut $150 Million From LAPD Budget And Steer Funding Toward Programs For Black Community
Defunding the Police Would be a Suicidal Move Veronika KyrylenkoUnbeknown to most on the left (or maybe it is just ignored), there is extensive data-driven research that proves cutting budgets for the police while simultaneously demonizing their image increases crime rates. More
National Public Radio (NPR) posted a tweet Saturday urging every reader to begin “decolonizing your bookshelf.”
Why tax dollars fund "NPR" is evidence of what I just stated above. Pusilanimous conservative politicians succumb to intimidation from liberal politicians who buy votes through pandering.
Stick a Fork in the Gray Lady: Leftists in Control at NYT Michael Goodwin, NY Post
If America becomes a nation that allows competence to be replaced by race and sexual orientation preferences we will become less competitive and the bottom will grow to the detriment of all. Dumbing down is not the solution because it is easier. We must seek to elevate even though it is the more difficult course.
When all else fails lower your standards should not become the nation's model.
When all else fails lower your standards should not become the nation's model.
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