My thoughts are: Apparently Brees was denounced by some team mates for supporting his country He should tell them to go screw themselves, resign and seek to play for another team. They can hire Kupernick, or whatever his name is, and when Brees' former teammates line up for their new quarterback they can do so by kneeling.
Brees was a fool to back down. Feed bullies and you increase their appetite. Think Ali!
Life still goes on outside of the destroyed streets of America.
Israeli aircraft said to bomb weapons facility in Syria, killing 9
War monitor says four of those killed were Syrian, five of unknown nationality; area that was targeted has reportedly been hit by IDF in the past
Israeli airstrikes targeted a weapons facility in the area of Masyaf in northern Syria on Thursday night, killing nine people and causing massive damage, according to reports from Syria.
According to the Syrian state media outlet SANA, the country’s air defenses were activated by the attack.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor reported that at least nine people were killed in the strike, with the death toll expected to rise. According to the Observatory, four of those killed were Syrian nationals and the other five were of unknown nationality.
Video footage from Syria, shared on social media, showed Syrian anti-aircraft missiles being fired into the sky, as well as large fires on the ground apparently caused by the airstrikes.
Israel did not immediately comment on the reports.
Syrian war analysts identified the target of the strike — based on photographs and videos of the scene — as Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center, also known as CERS, a defense laboratory associated with the manufacture of chemical arms and advanced missiles, which was also reportedly bombed by Israel in July 2018.
Israel has repeatedly warned that Iran and its proxies, notably the Lebanese Hezbollah terror group, are developing precision-guided missiles, which Israel sees as one of the major strategic threats facing it.
The general area around Masyaf, which is also believed to have a major Iranian presence, has reportedly been targeted by Israel many times in the past.
The Masyaf facility is located just a few kilometers from Syria’s advanced S-300 anti-aircraft battery and a yet more advanced Russian-operated S-400 battery, neither of which appeared to have been used to repel the attack.
Lebanese media reported that in the moments before the attack Israeli aircraft were spotted flying over Lebanon. SANA said the missiles that struck the Masyaf facility came from Lebanese airspace.
The reported Israeli attack on Thursday night came days after an airstrike in eastern Syria that was attributed to Israel and was said to have killed five non-Syrian fighters backed by Iran.
The strike targeted three military vehicles belonging to Iran-backed paramilitary fighters near the Iraqi border, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Observatory head Rami Abdul Rahman said that “Israel was likely responsible.”
Israel has launched hundreds of strikes in Syria since the start of the civil war in 2011, targeting government troops, allied Iranian forces and fighters from the Lebanese Shiite terror group Hezbollah.
Israel, as a rule, does not comment on specific airstrikes, but does generally acknowledge carrying out attacks inside Syria against Iranian forces and Iranian proxy militias.
IWe are learning ANTIFA has been engaged in recruiting tactics used by Islamic terrorists relating to organizing in order to create havoc from within. It is easier to accomplish their goals in America because they can take advantage of the fact that, until recently, we were a free, open society which allows these anarchists to manipulate our right to free speech and assembly etc.
Apparently, innocuous book stores have been quietly opening up as recruitment stations and many are staffed by members of academia, ie. radical college and university professors and other such types. Recruits undergo extensive background checks and training and we are beginning to learn about their tactics. One such is pre-positioning items of destruction, ie. bricks, learning how to penetrate peaceful protesting etc. Frankly, I am surprised they have not been using ball bearings against police but maybe that is yet to come.
I remember walking in Israel and passing by an innocent looking Arab dentist office in The French Quarter Sector which was actually a location where Palestinian terrorists met and planned attacks on Israeli buses. The office was within two blocs of housed UN personnel who were engaged in caring for Palestinian refugee camps where many volunteer terrorist recruits sought refuge.
Liberal cities, which are being torn apart, are blind to what is happening right before their very eyes. Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, some substantial funding of ANTIFA is coming from a variety of private sources including ranks of corporate America which have unwittingly been contributing to innocent sounding entities - one such corporation is Pepsico.
An excerpt from the CEO of UBER ( Dara Khosrowshahi) Apparently UBER is willing to drive Anarchists to work.
"...We are committed to driving lasting change through criminal justice reform. On Sunday, we announced a $1 million donation to the Equal Justice Initiative and Center for Policing Equity to support their important work in making racial justice in America more than just a promise."
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