Buy American and the next time Trump does something and is roundly criticized ask yourself if Obama did the same thing what the reaction might be? I daresay if Obama went to the same church Trump did the mass media would be gushing with praise.
I challenge anyone to listen to this speech and find fault. The previous memo did not include the correct speech. Go to this site and click on this address:
Speech: Donald Trump Delivers Address at the Kennedy Space Center After SpaceX Launch - May 30, 2020
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This is why The New York Times has lost all sense of purpose and gone off the rails:
New York Times reporter says destroying property is ‘not violence’
By Jackie Salo
New York Times reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones argued that rioters destroying property is “not violence” — and referring to the crimes as such goes against what’s moral.
“Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence. To use the same language to describe those two things, I think is really not moral to do that,” Hannah-Jones, who is Pulitzer Prize winner, told CBSN.
Hannah-Jones, who writes for the Times Magazine, said the language should be reserved for crimes such as the killing of George Floyd, a black man who died in Minneapolis after a white cop, Derek Chauvin, held his knee on Floyd’s neck for several minutes.
“Violence is when an agent of the state kneels on a man’s neck until all of the life is leached out of his body,” Hannah-Jones told the outlet.
Her comments come as cities across the nation have been locked in days of heated protests over the death of Floyd — some of which have resulted in vandalism, looting and arson.
“Any reasonable person would say we shouldn’t be destroying other people’s property, but these are not reasonable times,” she said.
“These are people who have protested against police violence again and again and again, year after year after year and still, we can have videos of law enforcement with witnesses taking the life of a man for the alleged crime of passing a fake $20 bill.”
“The law is not respecting them. You can’t say regular citizens should play by the rules when agents of the state are not,” she continued.
So it goes.
Democrats at WarThe Democrat party is at war with America. That is the clear message of the Democrats’ responses to the crises that have engulfed our nation over the last six months MoreDemocrats and Antifa: Fighting Racism with Racism and Riots By Veronika KyrylenkoConstant oppression of "people of color" by their evil white counterparts has been at the heart of the leftist discourse for decades. More
William Jacobson, Legal Insurrection
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