Saturday, September 21, 2019

Three Hurdles Trump Can Overcome In Getting A Second Term.

This from someone who thinks as I do when it comes to why a Bibi led government is critical at this time.

"Subject: Israeli politics are like a hall of mirrors. Here's another look inside - Netanyahu wins again, eventually | DPS Note - I haven't a clue how this will play out but I do believe that Bibi is profoundly needed by Israel at this moment in its history and that the opposition is composed of fine men, fine soldiers, but no one with any experience in foreign policy/relations, economics/finance, etc."
I have many more items I could add to this memo but I want to devote, from this point forward, laying out three case that could take place consistent with  re-electing Trump.

Once again, I do not countenance a good bit of Trump's behaviour and methods but I totally embrace virtually all he has been trying to do by way of policies and addressing those issues that must be reversed if our republic is to survive/overcome the ominous threats we face. In this regard, I believe ,as I do re Bibi, Trump's re-election is critical at this time when I ponder what would happen to this nation were any of the Democrat candidates be elected.

The three cases I am making are random and not listed in any order of relative importance.

1)  When David Bossie and Corey Lewandowski spoke here this past February, in our drive from the airport, they stated emphatically if Trump garnered an additional  8 % of the black vote he would win re-election.

In order to accomplish this increase I believe he must physically campaign in Black Churches, Neighborhoods and before Black Organizations. Yes, the economy has floated all ships but historically, Republicans have failed to show their faces in the black community assuming doing so was a waste of time and money.  Democrats also only come around at election time but they get the black vote because blacks remain enslaved to the Democrat Party.  Thus, because Republicans never show up and make their case, they lose by default.  Furthermore, black Democrat politicians most always get re-elected so that is another incentive for black voters to stick with Democrats.

The Black Caucus benefits from Democrat rules on seniority. Thus, a lot of dingbats are able to impose their nuttiness on the nation. In the case of Republicans, seniority is not pervasive when it comes to Committee Chairmanship appointments. Rotation drives many Republicans to serve limited terms as is happening in the 2020 election cycle..

Thus, Democrats win by reason of  Republican default. Trump has provided an economy that has greased the tracks for his re-election. He should take advantage of this fact and let black voters  hear the story directly.

2) For Trump to get re-elected voters must be made to comprehend several complex matters:

a) They must understand the threat to our nation's adherence to the rule of law by alleged illegal actions on the part of Comey, McCabe and their cohorts and how they used the Steele Dossier to obtain illegal warrants from FISA Courts.

In the coming weeks and months Justice Department investigative reports will, most likely, link the activities of Hillary to defeat Trump. Voters will also begin to see compelling  evidence The Mueller Investigation was biased from the start for several reasons:

i) The constitution of  Mueller's staff was highly biased and was orchestrated by one of Hillary's strongest supporters.

ii) Mueller spent a lot of time and tax payer money investigating Trump and his associates but never sought to interview anything Hillary and Hillary sympathizers did who were engaged in seeking to set up and defeat  Trump. Those in support of an Hillary Victory mostly guided Mueller's investigation path. Mueller's recent testimony convinced a lot there was no there, there. It also convinced a lot of voters Mueller was a poorly informed puppet.

iii) The reports, soon to be released,will be complex and most voters will neither take the time nor have any  interest in comprehending what was afoot.  Therefore, those who want our republic to thrive and survive must rely upon others to drill down and simplify in order to reach the average voter.

American's, at heart, are fair minded and I trust their judgement once I am confident they understand the issues  involved.

Newt Gingrich and Sen. Lindsey Graham are masters at simplifying. Trump, left to his own devices, is also good at phrasing but he needs more people laying out the case for what really took place.

3) The third thing Trump must do is explain, to the unwashed voters, were any of the Democrat Candidates  to win our republic and the economy would be dealt death blows from which we may never recover.

Why and/or how can I say this?

At the root of most Democrat candidates is ;

a) A belief in expanded government which leads to increasing deficits which will eventually result in either inflation or deflation which will run out of control. In this regard achievements of  Republicans are equally flawed.
b) Socialism has always failed and thinking motivated by radical policies proposed by Sanders, Warren, Beto and their like are anathema to our nation's Constitution and detrimental to our capitalistic system.. Why? Because freedom is a critical foundation upon which a democratic society rests.  Adherence to the rule of law is vital (We learned, again, from the Kavanaugh Hearings, everyone has the right to be presumed innocent.)

 A strong defense is critical as is border control.

The American Character, buttressed by Capitalism and free market exposure, is what built this nation, saved the world from tyrannical leaders and frees entrepreneurs to take risks in pursuit of rewards.

Voters need to realize and connect character assassination is a dangerous ploy used by Democrats as well as their willingness to win at any cost. Ruining  reputations serves to intimidate and when spread to campuses free speech becomes the victim.

Other Democrat actions that destroy American Character is the effort to divide by pitting haves' against have-not's. Excusing legitimate education debt can expand to car and house loans. It makes a mockery of personal responsibility and insults those who have  and are paying off their obligations. Government taking over health care, government dictating  pricing are possibly the worst policies being proposed/floated by a host of Democrat Candidates and confiscation of personal weapons threaten our inalienable freedoms.

Finally, I believe more than the majority of voting age adults are repelled by our biased mass media and how pernicious fake reporting and  pressure to be first is undercutting the importance of The Fourth Estate's role of ombudsman.

In the final analysis, voters must separate Trump's turn off personality traits and focus on who best can resolve the knotty issues we face.

When and if voters can reject efforts on the part of Democrats to destroy the office of the President  Trump himself, his appointees and his entire family then Trump's re-election should be assured.

All elections are important but not all elections entail policies that will alter, and even reverse, America as we know it and as it was intended.

Our Constitution has allowed our nation to rectify past prejudices and mistakes.  It has allowed our nation to prosper and raise the standard of living of everyone who puts forth effort. Our Constitution was drafted by men of exceptional ability who created a document that allowed for changes and accommodates rather than defeats progress.

Historically, I believe Republicans/conservatives have one negative trait in sync with Israelis.  They are terrible when it comes to knowing how to sell themselves and their better ideas. Until recently, Democrats spoke with one voice because winning meant everything.  They now are divided and this makes them vulnerable to reason, to the call to patriotism and to what should define America and Americans.

An improving economy is an advantage but it will take more than that if Trump is given four more years of addressing the problems we face. The fact that Democrats have placed impeachment in the forefront is another advantage Trump has been given that he should be able to take advantage of because all accusations seem based on supposition and every charge thrown at Trump has arguably won him more voter empathy.


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