Wednesday, June 26, 2019

XI. Zito In S.C. Missed Debate. UGH! Class Warfare Is Alive And Well and Nothing Is Right With America.

 I had lunch yesterday with a good friend and fellow memo reader who made several cogent points as we discussed a broad array of topics.

With respect to Trump's personality he pointed out we elected a real estate developer who was constantly involved in negotiations so we should not be surprised when he employs this style/tactic as president when it comes to implementing his initiatives.

As for China, my friend believes, as I do, Trump is in the cat bird seat in many ways.

First, many manufacturing enterprises are leaving China placing pressure on China's employment picture.  Second, China's leader was elected leader for life so everything that happens lands on Xi's doorstep and that places him in a precarious position. However,  Xi can take an obstinate position thereby, depriving Trump a trade victory prior to the 2020 election.

Third, China's economy is declining while our own remains strong. Fourth, China can always try and extract a favor if  XI chooses to help us with N Korea.

My friend says our energy independence  and willingness to protect shipping in The Strait of Hormuz is a gift to China etc.  The world benefits from our willingness to protect the shipping lanes vis a vis energy dependency.

Finally. he is more sanguine about Trump's re-election chances than perhaps I am though I do think  after this and tomorrow evening Trump might gain additional advantages as voters are exposed to the team the opposition is fielding. (See 1 below.)
Zito in S Carolina. (See 2 below.)
Last night I got in my favorite chair around 8PM all prepared to watch the first Democrat debate and , lo and behold, awoke at 9:53 P M.  Missed the entire debate so my fall back was to listen to the re-cap.

Seems several issues were prominent.

First, the border crisis that was no crisis suddenly became Trump's fault and the solution seemed to be to decriminalize the issue of illegal immigration. In other words, instead of enforcing our own laws we should break them in order to accommodate those engaged in breaking the law.  Apparently those who foot balled this problem for decades have decided they no longer care about our nation's security because it is all a humanitarian issue and Trump is to blame.

The other main issue seemed to be we need to change everything about our nation because our economy does not serve everyone's interests.  Those who make this claim purposely disregard any improvement that has taken place on Trump's watch.

I am not sure the debate, I missed, did much to add intellectual fervor/heft to the solution of our nation's problems. It confirmed my view our government continues to dysfunction.

The picture of the father and daughter,who drowned, was also deemed Trump's fault because, as our elected executive, he has been denied funding to accommodate the crisis, that did not exist, because he sought to enforce the law he swore to uphold.

Spartacus got "up - manned" by Beto who started speaking in Spanish. According to those who recapped  more time was given to Pocahontas who found nothing going right for America.

Democrats continue to keep class warfare alive and well.

If I have overstated the case please point out where I have sinned.

Meanwhile, Mueller has agreed to testify so he would not have to hire a lawyer to defend his failure to respond to a subpoena.  Nadler apparently believes if he can resurrect this dead horse it will box Pelosi in and drive the impeachment nail further  into Trump's coffin.
1) Women SPITS In Eric Trump’s Face, Then This Happens

The Trump family deserves so much more respect…

A cocktail waitress in the urban nightmare city of Chicago was arrested by the Secret Service on Tuesday after she spit in the face of Eric Trump.
The attack occurred at the famous Aviary bar in the West Loop where the woman spit on the president’s son and said something to him after he walked in, The Daily Mail reported.
The Chicago Police Department quickly arrested the woman who was held in handcuffs for around two hours by the officers.
But Trump, who she apparently thinks is a monster, asked the police to let her go because he decided to not press charges.
“It was purely a disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems,” Trump, 35, told Breitbart News in an interview.
“For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility,” he said in the interview.
“When somebody is sick enough to resort to spitting on someone, it just emphasizes a sickness and desperation and the fact that we’re winning.’
“The Secret Service has no comment on this matter,” United States Secret Service spokeswoman Julia McMurray said to
“CPD was on scene and assisting the United States Secret Service with a law enforcement matter. Any and all inquiries regarding a federal protectee must be directed to the Secret Service,” Anthony Guglielmi, Chief Communications Officer, said.
2) South Carolina Democrats have a very simple demand of the eventual nominee: Beat Trump
GREENVILLE, South Carolina — Amanda Garrett has narrowed it down to three choices: Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Pete Buttigieg. 
The 38-year-old telecom engineer isn’t ready to commit, she says, until after at least the first debate. Probably not until after the second or third.
“If I had to pick one right now, I would probably go with Elizabeth Warren. I think that she has really thought through all of the issues that we're facing. And I don't feel like her ideas are pie in the sky,” Garrett said of the Massachusetts senator, whose slogan has become “I’ve got a plan for that,” thanks to her white papers on many issues liberals care most about.

Click here for the full story.

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