Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Why I Remain Concerned and Saddened!

Feel good video for a change!
Democrat's summer of discontent. (See 1 below.)


Americans being subtly manipulated. (See 1a below.)
Before Trump ran for the presidency he may not have been loved but he was favorably treated by the mass media and because of his wealth and basic personal generosity he was embraced in the black community and by others  and was given all kind of awards and recognition in order to  fund raise for a variety of good causes.

However, when he ran against the mass media's chosen queen, like a light bulb being turned on, things began to change.  The mass media's long knives were unsheathed and the vicious and unprincipled attacks began.

When he won and became our next president not only did his opponent act like a spoiled, petulant brat but also the entire mood of the nation's radical progressives changed. Nothing he did was acceptable and the melt down even spread to his family. Vicious attacks on the new First Lady cascaded down the mountain as if a dam of welled hatred had broken loose.

Then he took office and began to move forward and a second wave of tsunamic force rushed ashore as if the gods had become angered. Trump the ingrate was castigated for his appointments, then he was attacked for the disorder in The Oval Office and the  collusion drum beat heightened. For the last two and a half years Trump has been placed under a microscope and every hair on his head has been examined and found to be unsuitable.

Yes, he has brought a lot of this calumny on himself and he even laid the keel for this rejection during the campaign when he over reached to attack, mock and go out of his way to show his pugnacious style. That said, the Trump derangement reached a level of desperation when a Hollywood personality held up a severed Trump head and DeNiro exploded with filthy verbal attacks which continue to this day.

As in the '60's many of those whose riotous behavior spilled over into the streets subsequently came to regret their aberrant conduct. Perhaps the Trump Haters will, one day, look back and,if they are intellectually honest, will possibly recoil at their own despicable behaviour.  For now, they seem content to use prior attacks on Obama as their shield but that dog will not hunt.

No president in my brief history on earth has been vilified as Trump and I include Carter, Johnson, Nixon, GW and I will even throw in McCarthy for a bonus.

I understand Trump is not your usual presidential model but the level of vituperation in this nation even extends to Chick-Fil-a!  Something is really rotten in Denmark. I daresay it may take another terrorist attack, god forbid, of 9/11 proportions to re-unite our nation. and even then I have my doubts.

What is it that is making American's project their  bile on this man who has accomplished a great deal and against enumerable odds?  Granted Trump is an impatient doer who has willingly touched many third rails in order to put the nation's train moving forward and back on the tracks but he told us that would be his course of action. Are we angry because he has endeavored to keep his word?

No, I believe the anger is largely because he has chosen to shake up the "establishment," to diminish their power and control over the way they have had their way and he has done so in a manner that is both unorthodox and callous but also somewhat effective. The economic recovery has embarrassed those who were content to  allow us to wallow in an historic period of pitiful growth. He has caused employment to rise and wages to increase.  His efforts have resulted in a significant rise in consumer confidence. He has taken the toothpaste out of the tube never to be put back as before.

Overseas, Trump has applied the same efforts to rectify decades of kicking the ball down the field and looking the other way when the effect was negative and bad results self-imposed.  This has caused many of our allies to be told they must measure up to the fact they have been dragging their feet at our expense and America says no more.  It is as if the baby's candy has been taken away.  The breast milk has been supplanted by strained vegetables and our so called friends have been told it is time to grow up and bear proportionate burdens. How rude of this man with the yellow hair.  How dare he break with convention and tell all what they know but do not want to hear.

No doubt a psychiatrist might have a deeper understanding of why Making America Great Again is so aggravating and why Trump is the dog the mouth foaming left have chosen to beat.  Derangement has many aspects and perhaps I have glossed over something more pernicious and deep seated which is now systemic and a permanent and dangerous  part of our nation's DNA.

If that is the case, surely what Obama said he would do has proven destructively effective and he actually was able to transform America under the umbrella of clever but empty rhetoric and slick phraseology and various nefarious circumvention's of our constitutional form of government and sacred rules of law.

Time will tell.  Meanwhile, I remain justifiably concerned and saddened.
1) The Summer of Climate Change Discontent

Trump derangement syndrome is reaching new levels of insanity. The left is increasingly frustrated over all things Trump, with the next three months set to be the Democrat’s summer of discontent.
From Trump’s rising poll numbers to the blatant idiocy of the “best and brightest” Democrat candidates dreaming of beating Trump in 2020. From Attorney General William Barr investigating the origins of the anti-Trump coup to the new tariffs on Mexico, essentially fulfilling Trump’s campaign promise of making Mexico pay for the wall.
Climate change will be another source of discontent for Democrats as their predictions once again get buried under a snowpack of reality.
My local paper, the left-wing Denver Post, reports: “Water content of Colorado’s snowpack raises flood concerns, with levels peaking at 728 percent in the San Juans.” Imagine that, snowpack over seven times more than normal. How can that be with global warming broiling the planet, with only a decade before Earth burns to a crisp, at least according to a former bartender from the Bronx.
Across the state in Aspen, there is also an abundance of snow. This headline doesn’t make much of a case for global warming, “Aspen Mountain bonus weekend returns Saturday, Sunday with solid snow coverage.” It’s rare for Aspen to reopen for Memorial Day weekend, but this year they are opening the following weekend as well.

Nearby Breckenridge also has more snow than they know what to do with. “Breckenridge Ski Resort announced yet another Ski Season extension! Bringing the total to three extensions this 2018/2019 Ski Season.” Most Colorado ski resorts close in mid-April, yet here we are in June with skiing now competing with golf and summer barbeques for weekend fun.
California is also sharing in the snow. “Mammoth Mountain on Friday announced it would be extending its ski and snowboard season into August.” If they reopen in October, that could mean a ten-month ski season, something one might see in Northern Canada or Siberia where it’s really cold. Yet this is California. And the planet is warming, or so we are told.
Does this give any on the left a moment of pause to scratch their heads and ponder the unthinkable, that perhaps global warming is not the catastrophe they thought it was? Nah.
It was only five years ago that the New York Times wrote about “The end of snow.” Don’t hold your breath waiting for their correction or clarification with snowpacks seven times more than usual.
Candidate Amy Klobuchar said, "I'm focused on the issues that matter to California. Focused on climate change, the number one thing that the president attacked me on.” Did any intrepid journalist ask her for a comment on snow skiing in August in California and her position on climate change?
The Democrat establishment is not letting this opportunity go to waste, “The Democratic National Committee is fundraising on the issue, including with an email Wednesday asking for help electing Democrats who are fighting to put a stop to climate chaos.” Such chaos. Californians in the dog days of summer having to decide whether to swim or ski?
When summer skiing becomes as inconvenient as Joe Biden whispering sweet nothings into the ears of ten year old girls, Democrats pivot to “extreme weather.” Colorado skiing in June seems pretty extreme, but not in a useful way for Democrats.
Instead it’s tornadoes, floods, and soon, hurricanes that will be the new evidence of climate change. “Climate scientists say this is only the beginning of what will be decades of increasingly dangerous and damaging extreme weather – and there’s no question that much of it’s being driven by global warming.”
That sounds familiar because it is. In 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we heard similar predictions of gloom and doom. This was a talking point in 2005: “Sea level rise and increasing storm surge risk are the clearest links between climate change and more destructive coastal storms.”
Last year I wrote about hurricanes over the past 170 years and discovered that the number and severity of hurricanes are actually trending slightly downward, not increasing as the media like to claim. What about tornadoes?
Climate scientist Roy Spencer recently explained why we have seen a rash in severe tornadoes. Yes, climate change is playing a role, but not in the way the media and the left wants you to believe.
Tornadoes require wind shear. “These conditions exist only when a cool air mass collides with a warm air mass.” Where are these “cool air masses” coming from? Think summer skiing this year, “The perfect conditions for this have existed this year as winter has refused to lose its grip on the western United States.”
The same cooler temperatures creating massive snowpacks and June skiing are causing tornadoes, “So far for the month of May 2019, the average temperature across the U.S. is close to 2 degrees Fahrenheit below normal.” Global cooling anyone?
The climate is indeed changing, but not in the way the left proclaims. The Democrats and their media comrades are “stuck on stupid” like a skipping record player, playing the same notes over and over again despite contradictory evidence. Never mentioned is the sun and sunspot activity.
We are entering a solar minimum, with reduced sunspot activity and resulting cooling, and some predicting a mini-ice age. This would certainly explain summer skiing and violent tornadoes. Honest scientists would take this new data into account, adjusting their hypotheses accordingly, not ignoring the obvious so as to not disturb their preconceived notions and political agendas.
Unless Bernie, Mayor Pete, and Alexandria know how to control sunspot activity, there are no deals, new, green, or otherwise, that will make a whit of difference controlling future climate. As the weather throws sand on their political proclamations, expect Democrats to have a summer of increasing discontent.

Brian C. Joondeph, MD, MPS, is a Denver-based physician and writer.

1a) Jihad's Infiltration of the Movies

Imagine my shock as I sat down in a local movie theater to spend a restful Sunday afternoon when during the 15-minutes of upcoming attractions, the audience was subjected to one of the latest "Secret Life of Muslims" shorts titled, "What is a Hijab?"
The marketing piece is sheer genius; the subtle propaganda was superb -- and I sat there realizing that the culture war is being won by the other side, and far too many American people have no idea how they are being readied for dhimmitude.

At the Secret Life of Muslims site, we are told that "one helpful rule for being a Muslim on the internet -- [is] don't read the comments."  Thus, the viewer is already set up to censor any comments that might be factual about Islam.
The short that I saw features Reza Aslan and Linda Sarsour. This was the first clue as to the insidious nature of this infiltration of American entertainment. 

Reza Aslan was born in Iran on May 3, 1972. His family fled to the United States in 1979, to escape Ayatollah Khomeini‘s Iranian Revolution, and settled in the San Francisco Bay Area. Raised as a Muslim, Aslan converted to evangelical Christianity at the age of 15. After earning B.A. in Religious Studies from Santa Clara University in 1995, he decided to convert back to Islam.

In addition to his academic duties, Aslan serves on the advisory board of the National Iranian American Council, a lobbying group for the theocratic, anti-Semitic government in Tehran.  Aslan has exhorted the United States to negotiate with the jihad terror group Hamas; he has praised the Hezbollah as “the most dynamic political and social organization in Lebanon[.”]
In September 2015, Aslan told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that the modern GOP [Republican Party] today is rife with “xenophobia” and “anti-Muslim bashing.”
Aslan has spoken at events sponsored by the Muslim Students Association and at an event co-sponsored by the Los Angeles chapter of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
Then there is Linda Sarsour, who is quite comfortable joining with the radical Left in the Red/Green alliance of jihadists and Leftwing radicals.
Sarsour has condemned the prominent anti-Islamists Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the latter of whom was raised as a Muslim and was subjected to female genital mutilation. 'I wish I could take their vaginas away — they don’t deserve to be women,' said Sarsour on March 8, 2011.
In 2013 Sarsour campaigned for New York City mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio. After de Blasio was elected, his office repeatedly featured Sarsour in press releases supporting the mayor’s positions on education and other matters. Moreover, his Mayor’s Fund pledged $500,000 to Arab American Association of New York (AAANY) in 2016.
In 2013 the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) presented Sarsour with its first “American Muslim of the Year” award. The following year, CAIR invited Sarsour to its 20th Annual Banquet, where she affectionately referred to CAIR executive director Nihad Awad as “Uncle Nihad.”
In April 2014, Sarsour celebrated the de Blasio administration’s announcement that it was disbanding the NYPD’s Demographics Unit, which, in an effort to detect budding terror threats, had been tasked with tracking the daily lives of Muslims and the content of the sermons that were delivered at mosques not only in New York City but in surrounding areas as well (including some mosques in New Jersey).
In a November 2014 tweet, Sarsour derided critics of Sharia Law in Saudi Arabia for “worrying about women driving [.]” 
A master of disinformation and misinformation, Linda Sarsour is a media darling.
In a February 2015 appearance on Rachel Maddow‘s television program, Sarsour lamented that a nationwide epidemic of “Islamophobia” was responsible for “anti-Sharia bills trying to ban [Muslims] from practicing our faith,” “mosques being vandalized,” and Muslim “kids being executed” in the United States.
In August 2015 Sarsour spoke out in support of the incarcerated Palestinian Islamic Jihad member Muhammad Allan, a known recruiter of suicide bombers and in October 2015, Sarsour joined Rev. Jeremiah Wright to commemorate anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan‘s famous Million Man March.
Moreover, "[a]ccording to, Sarsour has attended numerous rallies sponsored by Al-Awdapromoted and solicited donations for their events, and … spoken at their rallies.' Sarsour has also solicited donations for the Hamas-affiliated Palestine Children’s Relief Fund."
More than once, Sarsour has expressed her support for Sharia Law and wants it instituted in America.  She also claims that modern-day American Muslims suffer much greater hardship and indignity than black slaves ever did in the past.
She has posed with Salah Sarsour who is closely affiliated with the Holy Land Foundation and was jailed by Israel in the 1990s because of his fundraising activities for Hamas.
In a January 2017 video explaining that the hijab worn by Muslim women is not by any means a symbol of anti-female oppression, Sarsour said: “When I wasn’t wearing hijab I was just some ordinary white girl from New York City.'  In an April 2017 interview, she identified herself as a woman “of color.” She asserts that the root of the problem of terrorism “does not come from within the Muslim community -- instead it comes from a politicized foreign policy of war on [her] people.”
On August 12, 2017 in Chicago, Sarsour attended a farewell party for Rasmea Odeh, the former Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist who masterminded a 1969 bombing that killed two Jews in a Jerusalem food market, and who was scheduled for imminent deportation from the United States on charges of immigration fraud.
A darling of the Women's March, Sarsour is at the helm of what I call the soft jihadist infiltration of American education and entertainment.  These people play on the good nature and open desire of most Americans to be accepting of differences.  The only problem is that there is an ugly ulterior motive behind their actions.
Attractive Muslim women are front and center of these entertainment pieces.  They cater to the notion of being independent and appeal to the idea of "giving voice to the voiceless." 
But the true "voiceless" are never publicized. The average moviegoer will never know that in sharia-ruled countries, a woman who wishes to dance will be publicly shamed with a televised confession of her alleged crime.  The popcorn-eating customer will never learn that Afghanistan publicly lashes women for not being fully veiled; in fact in April of this year, one woman was so badly beaten that she lost consciousness.  An uninformed viewer will never discover that in 2017, Iranian girls and boys were whipped because they had donned Western style clothing and listened to western music.  Every single girl was whipped with 40 lashes while the boys each received 50 lashes. 
Despite Muslim representative Ilhan Omar who asserts that "hijab means power, liberation, beauty and resistance," how many Americans are aware that Aqsa Parvez's  Muslim father choked her to death with her hijab after she refused to wear it?  Is the name Amina Muse Ali, a Christian woman in Somalia whom Muslims murdered because she wasn't wearing a hijab, known in America?  Women in the Islamic Republic of Iran are taking off their hijabs as a sign of resistance to the oppressive sharia regime. At least 29 women have been arrested for doing so.
The hijab is not a sign of anything but oppression and subjugation and no matter how they may prettify this, the Secret Life of Muslims is ultimately devoted to obfuscating this.  Their goal is to create a global caliphate in America.  Movie goers need to resist this indoctrination and see through the propaganda and lies. 


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