Sunday, January 27, 2019

Snopes and Fact Checking. Reading "The Great Revolt." Israeli's Say They Will Soon Have A Cancer Cure. Democrat Obfuscation All A Ruse.

A fabulous ad:

A long time friend and fellow memo reader's comment re Howard Morrison: "I was really sorry to learn of Howard’s passing. He was a good person that I thought a lot of. J----"
There was a time when the words "fact check" was not even in our basic lexicon.

Now, as I have said in previous memos, you do not know what is factual. Certainly for any non-biased person we know the mass media is prone to distortion and mis-information as was evidenced by recent events.

I have been told Snopes is a very small husband and wife operation financed by Soros but I do not believe I should go to Snopes to "fact check" that statement

Why is this important?  Seems to me, the issue of credibility expands exponentially as the amount of material explodes, due to social media and technology.  Consequently, as we become less well educated and thus, less capable of reasoning,  the burden of what we should believe becomes more important/critical.

Furthermore, less well educated people incapable of reasoning tend to become more emotional and believing and thus getting the word out quickly has become the mass media's goal versus veracity and do not forget the entertainment aspect.

The survival of our  republic rests upon freedom, willingness to participate and being informed.

Big government and corrupt officials threaten our freedom.  Poor education curricula, that offers"mind mush," threatens our ability to assess and reason and less informed lower voter turnout means what impacts our lives is controlled by smaller numbers of citizens.  Under such circumstances Democratic Rule always suffers. (See 1 and 1a below.)
Kamala Harris has decided she is qualified to run and become president.  I  see her as the female equivalent of Obama.  She is another liberal gimme, gimme candidate who believes what Lola Wants Lola Gets or Is Entitled To and God will pay the unfunded cost.  (See 2 below.)
A cancer cure in the offing? (See 3 below.)
I am now reading the book written by Salena Zito and her associate, Brad Todd, entitled "The Great Revolt."

I am bringing Salena to Savannah later in the year to discuss why she and Todd were able to predict Trump's 2016 victory. When the date is fixed, place on your calendar and attend.  Stay tuned. (See 4 below.)
Trump needs to better explain a wall is not going to stop illegals from trying to penetrate our borders. It does act as a barrier making it easier to apprehend those who try.  Democrats are simply using their rejection talk  about a wall as a stalling method to obfuscate and continue to make life miserable for Trump whose primary responsibility is to protect and defend our nation.
So what's new:


Does the Stone indictment add up to what is alleged in this oped?

Stone Indictment Underscores That There Was No Trump-Russia Conspiracy

Trust Snopes? Fact-Checker Caught in a Lie

Big-name fact-checker was caught covering for the liberal narrative over Nathan Philips, the native american leader who falsely claimed to be a Vietnam veteran.

Daily Caller has more

fact-checking website given preferential treatment by both Facebook and Google, flubbed its fact-check of American Indian activist Nathan Phillips’ false claim of being a Vietnam veteran.

Phillips shot to national attention after a viral confrontation between him and a group of high school boys from Covington Catholic high school. Phillips, with the help of credulous national media outlets, said the boys mobbed and racially harassed him as he tried to leave the Indigenous People’s March. Video evidence debunked Phillips’s account.

Phillips described himself in interviews as a “Vietnam-times veteran” and groups affiliated with him told The New York Times that he fought in Vietnam. Phillips explicitly claimed in a 2018 Facebook video that he was a Vietnam veteran who served “in theater.”

Snopes’s fact-check incorrectly labeled it “unproven” that Phillips had falsely claimed to be a Vietnam veteran. Snopes declined to change its misleading ruling despite definitive video evidence of Phillips doing exactly that.

Prayer given in Kansas at 
The opening session of their Senate.
It seems 
prayer still upsets some 
People... When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open 
the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is

What they heard:

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask 
Your forgiveness and to seek your direction and Guidance.
We know Your Word says,
'Woe to those
Who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.

We have exploited the poor and called it 
The lottery

We have rewarded laziness and called it 

We have killed our unborn and called it 

We have shot abortionists and called it 

We have neglected to discipline our 
Children and called it building self-esteem..

We have abused power and called it 

We have coveted our neighbor's possessions 
and called it ambition.

We have polluted the air with profanity and 
Pornography and called it freedom of expression.

We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers
and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts 
Today; cleanse us from every sin and
set us free.   

The response was immediate.
A number of 
Legislators walked out during the
prayer in   Protest.
In 6 short weeks, Central Christian   
Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 
5,000 phone calls with only 47
of those calls   
Responding negatively.. The church is now receiving 
International requests for copies of this prayer 
2)  Kamala Harris’ Dark Past Resurfaces

A former California Democrat party boss, Willie Brown, has admitted to an affair with Kamala Harris in the 1990s, where he appointed her to several lucrative positions. The Washington Examiner reports:
California politician Willie Brown downplayed his past relationship with Kamala Harris, now a Democratic senator for California, as she launched her presidential campaign.
The 84-year-old former Mayor of San Francisco also claimed a role in boosting Harris’ political career in a piece published in the San Francisco Chronicle over the weekend titled, “Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?”
“Yes, we dated,” Brown wrote in the piece. “Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco.”
Brown engaged in an extramarital affair with Harris when she was a 30-year-old prosecutor and he was in his 60s and serving as speaker of the California Assembly.
This will likely draw some criticism from the Left, as well as her time as a prosecutor.


“We believe we will offer in a year's time a complete cure for cancer."


A small team of Israeli scientists think they might have found the first complete cure for cancer.

“We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer,” said Dan Aridor, chairman of the board of a new treatment being developed by Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. (AEBi), which was founded in 2000 in the ITEK incubator in the Weizmann Science Park. AEBi developed the SoAP platform, which provides functional leads to very difficult targets.“Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market,” Aridor said. “Our solution will be both generic and personal.”

It sounds fantastical, especially considering that an estimated 18.1 million new cancer cases are diagnosed worldwide each year, according to reports by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Further, every sixth death in the world is due to cancer, making it the second leading cause of death (second only to cardiovascular disease).

Aridor and CEO Dr. Ilan Morad, say their treatment, which they call MuTaTo (multi-target toxin) is essentially on the scale of a cancer antibiotic – a disruption technology of the highest order. The potentially game-changing anti-cancer drug is based on SoAP technology, which belongs to the phage display group of technologies. It involves the introduction of DNA coding for a protein, such as an antibody, into a bacteriophage – a virus that infects bacteria. That protein is then displayed on the surface of the phage. Researchers can use these protein-displaying phages to screen for interactions with other proteins, DNA sequences and small molecules.

In 2018, a team of scientists won the Nobel Prize for their work on phase display in the directed evolution of new proteins – in particular, for the production of antibody therapeutics.

AEBi is doing something similar but with peptides, compounds of two or more amino acids linked in a chain. According to Morad, peptides have several advantages over antibodies, including that they are smaller, cheaper, and easier to produce and regulate.

When the company first started, Morad said, “We were doing what everyone else was doing, trying to discover individual novel peptides for specific cancers.” But shortly thereafter, Morad and his colleague, Dr. Hanan Itzhaki, decided they wanted to do something bigger.

To get started, Morad said they had to identify why other cancer-killing drugs and treatments don’t work or eventually fail. Then, they found a way to counter that effect.

For starters, most anti-cancer drugs attack a specific target on or in the cancer cell, he explained. Inhibiting the target usually affects a physiological pathway that promotes cancer. Mutations in the targets – or downstream in their physiological pathways – could make the targets not relevant to the cancer nature of the cell, and hence the drug attacking it is rendered ineffective.

In contrast, MuTaTo is using a combination of several cancer-targeting peptides for each cancer cell at the same time, combined with a strong peptide toxin that would kill cancer cells specifically. By using at least three targeting peptides on the same structure with a strong toxin, Morad said, “we made sure that the treatment will not be affected by mutations; cancer cells can mutate in such a way that targeted receptors are dropped by the cancer.”

The probability of having multiple mutations that would modify all targeted receptors simultaneously decreases dramatically with the number of targets used,” Morad continued. “Instead of attacking receptors one at a time, we attack receptors three at a time – not even cancer can mutate three receptors at the same time.”

Further, many cancer cells activate detoxification mechanisms when in stress from drugs. The cells pump out the drugs or modify them to be non-functional. But Morad said detoxification takes time. When the toxin is strong, it has a high probability of killing the cancer cell before detoxification occurs, which is what he is banking on.

Many cytotoxic anticancer treatments aim at fast-growing cells. But cancer stem cells are not fast growing, and they can escape these treatments. Then, when the treatment is over, they can generate cancer again.

“If it does not completely annihilate the cancer, the remaining cells can start to get mutations again, and then the cancer comes back, but this time it is drug resistant,” Morad said.

He explained that because cancer cells are born out of mutations that occur in cancer stem cells, most of the overexpressed proteins which are targeted on the cancer cell exist in the cancer stem cells. MuTaTo’s multiple-target attack ensures that they will be destroyed as well.

Finally, some cancer tumors erect shields which create access problems to large molecules, such as antibodies. MuTaTo acts like an octopus or a piece of spaghetti and can sneak into places where other large molecules cannot reach. Morad said the peptide parts of MuTaTo are very small (12 amino acids long) and lack a rigid structure.

“This should make the whole molecule non-immunogenic in most cases and would enable repeated administration of the drug,” he said.

Morad said their discovery could also reduce the sickening side-effects of most cancer treatments, which stem from drug treatments interacting with the wrong or additional targets, or the correct targets but on non-cancerous cells. He said MuTaTo’s having a combination of several highly specific cancer-targeting peptides on one scaffold for each type of cancer cell would increase the specificity to the cancer cell due to the avidity effect. In addition, in most cases, the non-cancer cells that have a protein in common with the cancer cells do not over express it.

“This makes a great difference between the two kinds of cells and should decrease the side effects dramatically,” Morad said.
4)Why Trump Won
Were you shocked at the results of the 2016 American presidential election? Most people were, but Stephen Harper was not one of them. Here, the former Prime Minister of Canada explains the trends that foreshadowed Trump’s victory and left many political elites looking wildly out of touch.

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