Friday, January 25, 2019

Paul Harvey's Intuition. America Is On The Precipice Of Being There! Mueller's Big Brother Bums Hate and Ambition Powerful Elixir.

Paul Harvey's legendary broadcast in 1965.  54 years later and it is too close to coming true.

Once you destroy a nation's character, once you destroy a nation's value system, once you mock everything that is worthy, once you destroy a nation's education system and, most important of all, once politicians serve themselves instead of their constituents it is not long before that nation collapses. (See 1 below.)


So you want Socialism. Corny but believable unless you are a Democrat running for president: Ronald Reagan Tells Soviet Jokes

Mueller caught another fish in his "entrapment" net which is designed to create crimes more than catch true criminals.

He is using the same tactic used by Fitzgerald against Scooter Libby.

The way Mueller ordered The FBI, who conducted themselves in a thuggish manner as if it was a TV Epic, was despicable.  We treat illegal immigrants in a more respectful manner.

When those with power bring the heavy foot of government on a citizen's neck and they do so as if they are not accountable we truly have created the police state run by "Big Brother Bums." (See 2 below.)

FBI Put on an Unnecessary Show for Stone Arrest
It is way past time for citizens to fight back.


The elites who live in their cocoons and who repeat the stupidity they hear from others need to watch this video:

Later in the year, I will be bringing the author of  "The Great Revolt" to town.  Salena Zito correctly analyzed why Trump would become president.  Hope you will come when I have the date and time set to hear her discuss 2020 and matters relating to same.

Schumer and Pelosi Mock Trump Immediately After Trump Opens Gov To Negotiate.  They may live to regret their inelegance but then hate mixed with ambition can be a powerful elixir.  It can also boomerang. 



New York Governor Cuomo Wants To Ban The Death Penalty...Except For Unborn Children. Go Ahead And Kill Those. 

By Ben Shapiro

This week, the media did everything in their power to avoid talking about the pro-life March for Life, attended by hundreds of thousands of people who braved the cold to stand with the rights of unborn children. Instead, the media manufactured stories out of whole cloth – in particular, the story of a group of Catholic high school boys supposedly harassing a kind elderly Native American gentleman. That story turned out to be false. But at least the American people weren’t subjected to coverage of the actual March itself. That could have disturbed the Democratic narrative that abortion is freedom.

How far has the Democratic Party gone at this point? Let New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) tell the tale. This week, Cuomo celebrated a bill passed by the legislature that legalized the murder of unborn infants up to the point of birth – and even changed the criminal code so that there would be no separate punishment for the murder of an unborn infant (so, for example, if a boyfriend beat his pregnant girlfriend in the belly so hard she miscarried, the only crime would be for his assault on her, not for his killing of the baby). Cuomo ordered that state sites be lit up in pink, in honor of the imminent murder of thousands of more children.

Meanwhile, Cuomo came out strongly in favor of banning the death penalty in New York, hilariously citing Catholic doctrine in his own defense:

Now, it’s already bizarre to see Democrats citing the Pope as justification for their politics, given the party’s newfound hatred of Catholicism – just ask the Covington boys, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, and the Knights of Columbus. It’s even more bizarre to watch Cuomo invoke the Pope literally days after celebrating the mass killing of the unborn. It turns out the Catholic Church has had some ideas on abortion for a while.

But this is how extreme the Democratic Party has become: open celebration of the lethal injection of the unborn, while simultaneously protecting rapists and murderers from lethal injection. At least we now know whom Democrats think are the most dangerous among us: innocent children who haven’t exited their mothers’ womb.
2)Auditing Our Auditors
By Victor Davis Hanson 

The Roman satirist Juvenal, in a famous passage, asked, "Who will watch the

That problem of policing the police has troubled Western thinkers from Plato
to the American founders.

The framers of the Constitution set in place a brilliant series of
legislative, executive and judicial checks and balances to thwart the abuse
of power by the powerful. Their pessimistic take on human nature was that
all power corrupts. Inevitably, elites will insist that they should not be
subject to the very rules they enforce on others.

The sexual-abuse crises within the contemporary Catholic Church arose from
the de facto exemptions from the law given to priests. Too many assumed that
men of faith were exempt from prosecution because as holy men they would be
the last to violate the trust of minors.

One of the ironic things about the Me Too movement was that some of the
worst offenders were powerful progressive men such as Hollywood producer
Harvey Weinstein, NBC host Matt Lauer and PBS interviewer Charlie Rose. They
all apparently believed that their loud liberal credentials gave them
immunity from being held accountable for their harassment.

Some of the feminist organizers of the recent Women's March, such as Tamika
Mallory and Linda Sarsour, have been linked to racist and anti-Semitic
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. They apparently assumed that as
supposed victims, they could not be viewed as being sympathetic to

Given President Trump's unconventional background, his wheeler-dealer past
and the hatred he incurs from the left, few ever give him the benefit of the
doubt. The paradoxical result is that his tenure in just two years has
become the most investigated, the most audited and the most closely examined
presidency in history.

Half the country apparently believes Trump cannot be trusted. The result is
that everything he says and does is the object of pushback, opposition and

In contrast, his most frequent accusers - the media - have set themselves up
as the country's moral paragon. Journalists now see themselves as social
justice warriors who are immune from the scrutiny to which they subject

The result of such self-righteous moral exemption has led to journalism's
nadir, with an unprecedented lack of public confidence in the media. "Fake
news" now abounds, from CNN to BuzzFeed.

Recently, BuzzFeed (which first published the unsubstantiated Steele
dossier) alleged that there was proof Trump had ordered his erstwhile
lawyer, convicted felon Michael Cohen, to lie. One of the co-authors of the
hit piece, Anthony Cormier, admits that he has not seen the evidence his
sources cited. The other co-author, Jason Leopold, was once convicted of
grand larceny and has admitted to substance abuse and lying. Leopold has
been cited for past unethical journalistic practices and been disavowed by a
number of his past employers. BuzzFeed has stood by the story.

No matter. Cormier and Leopold's reporting was published as an ethical
takedown of the president of the United States based on supposed sources
inside the special counsel's investigation.

after a few hours, the BuzzFeed yarn drew a rare rebuke from special counsel
Robert Mueller's team, which disputed the veracity of the story.

The Department of Justice and the FBI are supposed to be our preeminent
guardians of justice. But former director James Comey, former deputy
director Andrew McCabe, former general counsel James Baker and several other
top FBI officials have either resigned, retired or been fired - and some may
soon be facing indictments themselves.

On 245 occasions in sworn testimony before Congress, Comey answered that he
either did not know the answers to questions or could not remember the
details of events. Had any private citizen tried such stonewalling in an
investigation, he or she would likely end up in jail.

But Comey apparently surmised that even fired FBI directors are somehow
still exempt from the sort of demands the agency makes of others.
With Mueller, the question is not whether he should investigate possible
Russian collusion in the 2016 election, but whether we need a special,
special counsel to oversee the conduct of Mueller's team itself.

Peter Strzok, a former member of Mueller's team, violated a number of
ethical protocols. He was romantically involved with another FBI official,
Lisa Page, and the two exchanged a number of text messages critical of

One of Mueller's top prosecutors, Andrew Weissmann, was warned in August
2016 by Bruce Ohr, a former associate deputy attorney general, about the
suspect, biased and unverified nature of the Steele dossier. But Weissmann
apparently didn't mind that the dossier was used by his colleagues to
deceive the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court into a granting a
warrant to spy on an American citizen.

Call it karma or attribute it to Nemesis, the Greek goddess of retribution,
but when anyone assumes that they should be uniquely above all suspicion,
they will eventually earn suspicion.


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