Sunday, November 11, 2018

Various Scenarios.

Another my kind of red blooded American:


Food City- Salute - YouTube


Next AG?
The Democrats have two basic choices when they assume control of The House.

First, they will either elect Pelosi Speaker or someone else. If they elect Pelosi a lot of Democrats will be bruised and vulnerable because they ran saying they were opposed to her and wanted new leadership. Second,  should Pelosi be elected the consequence of a fight could result in blood on the floor and the Democrats would need to heal the wounds from the battle. So we will see how they handle their first test of leadership.

Regardless of whether Pelosi wins or not there is a sizable number of Democrats who are hell bent to impeach Trump and many even want to impeach Kavanaugh so this could become another log on the political pyre.

If Mueller's investigation finds no Russian collusion, that could undercut/cool the Hate Trump Democrat  fervor.  Should Mueller find and reveal other issues, though weak but negative, all bets would be off  because party radicals are hell bent on impeachment. I have no doubt there could be  something in Trump's tax returns which can prove damning and provide Democrats a handle/wedge for pursuing impeachment.

If Democrats go for impeachment they could create another Kavanaugh like brouhaha ... Americans may get fed up and conclude it as another pile on and this could result in eventual back lash.

Will Democrats tread lightly?  Time will tell but with the likes of Schumer, Schiff and Waters I cannot bring myself to believe they will put aside their partisanship. Snakes are venomous. 

The other scenario, which I believe is plausible but less likely, Democrats will act responsibly, pass on impeachment and try to press for legislation that is favorable from their viewpoint and use their willingness not to impeach as political leverage.  In this case, Trump, being the consummate deal maker, might hop aboard and things could get done and this could have the effect of raising the Democrat's standing among voters as well as Trump's. That would be a win, win for the nation.

I would like to believe this will happen but I am too cynical to believe it will .

There is a third scenario. The Democrats might conclude they can do both.  Seek Trump's impeachment while pursing compromise on  pressing issues.  I doubt  Trump would bite. He is too combative.

Finally, in the next two years it is obvious Trump needs to bring more pro-Trumper's under the Republican political umbrella.  To accomplish this, the economy must continue strong and Trump must burnish his personal appeal because there are too many outside the tent who cannot separate their distaste of him from this accomplishments. If he cannot soften his persona, I believe, no matter how good the economy, voters may deprive Trump a second term.

I can separate these two issues but I am not blind and it is evident a large number cannot. There are those who will not vote for someone they do not like even if it might be in their own economic interest to embrace. The one thing that can alter this prospect would be if the Democrats nominate another dud which they are more than capable of doing if history is a flashlight.

Stay tuned.

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