Monday, September 17, 2018

Time For Democrats To Give Up Bathing in Slime .Cortez Continues Her Bloopers.

Socialist Cortez continues to blunder.  (See 1 below.)
Lately, I have not been listening to much news. 

That said,  I have finally given thought to the Kavanaugh matter, have posted several articles, read a few more and listened to some back and forth.

The entire Kavanaugh matter rings of what Democrats generally do when their cause is lost. They resort to destroying one's reputation so, even if they lose, their adversary ends as damaged goods and wounded. They did this by "borking" Bork,  Anita "Hilling, " Thomas. Why leave Kavanaugh unscathed?

Thomas said he was lynched.  Well Democrats can claim they are not racists because lynching Kavanaugh , who is white, proves that to be the case.

There is something about bringing a matter of this kind up after almost 40 years and at such a time that just does not pass the smell test but then, Democrats are not above slime. In fact, they have a history of proving they love swimming in it.

Now, let's look at the other side.  Suppose it is a factual allegation, then Kavanaugh's assertive/strong denial is something that cannot be ignored but because this sordid mess will eventually come down to a he said, she said event, I believe the entire matter is questionable because of Ford's exquisite choice of timing and repetitive employment "despicable" Democrats of their "Hail Mary" canard..

It all boils down to the following:

Republicans: Advise and consent.

Democrats: Advise, consent and destroy.

The Democrats should rue the day the way they behaved with respect to the Kavanaugh Hearings and now that Trump has authorized the release of various FISA documents I believe we will see the entire Russian Collusion was an illegal hit job to smear Trump.The leaks were a set up to lay the ground work for calling of a special prosecutor, ie. Mueller, and this entire house of cards should soon begin to collapse.

Time will tell.

Meanwhile, let's take a look at Sen. Feinstein, who had a Chinese driver for years and no telling how many state secrets were spilled by loose talk.

At least with two you get "egg Roll" but in this case the egg is all over her face. (See 2 below.)

Some humor:

"I would like to share a personal experience with my friends about drinking and driving.  As you know, some of us have been known to have brushes with the authorities from time to time, often on the way home after a "social session" with family or friends.

Well, two days ago, this happened to me. I was out for an evening with friends and had more than several beers followed by a couple of bottles of rather nice red wine and vodka shots. Although relaxed, I still had the common sense to know I was slightly over the limit.

That's when I did something I've never done before..... I took a taxi home.

Sure enough on the way there was a police roadblock, but since it was a taxi they waved it past and I arrived home safely without incident.

This was a real surprise to me, because I had never driven a taxi before. I don't know where I got it, and now that it's in my garage I don't know what to do with it..    So, anyway, if you want to borrow it give me a call."
1) Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s 5 Biggest Blunders
  • by: TTN Staff

This socialist upstart is no stranger to idiotic blunders, but we didn’t have to tell you that because it almost seems like it is purposeful. Cortez, who is a current candidate for Congress, is excepted to win her election by a landslide because this district has always been deeply blue. The trouble with her is that she is normalizing the evil that is socialism, this is why it is important to fight back against this new Democrat party. These new age Democrats are extreme in every sense, just the other day one of these “Democratic socialists” threatened to shoot up a MAGA event. This is why we must expose all their mistakes; the mainstream media doesn’t cover them and helps normalize them. Here are Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s 5 Biggest Blunders:


Is Dianne Feinstein the Most Corrupt Senator in the United States?

On top of her McCarthyite smear of Judge Kavanaugh, she’s closely tied to both Chinese and Russian operations in the United States.

To date, only one fairly obscure member of Congress has asked our intel people—in this case, the FBI--to look into the alarming case of a Chinese agent becoming her office manager and personal chauffeur. An excerpt from Rep. Jim Banks’ letter to FBI Director Wray:
It has recently come to light that U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, the former chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, employed a staff member who was using his position to secretly report information to the Ministry of State Security in China. Given the type of information Senator Feinstein had access to and China’s position as a top foreign adversary of the United States, this revelation is alarming.
The Chinese agent is apparently working without annoyance in California. Feinstein is running for reelection. I wonder if he is planning to vote for her.
Banks asked for an investigation and a briefing. That was last month, and I haven’t seen anything since. Have you? Yet the “news” is chock-a-block with thousands of column inches on an unknown event alleged by an unknown woman who claims it happened when she and Judge Kavanaugh were in high school 35-40 years ago.

This is a good way to measure how little Chinese espionage matters to the nation’s law enforcers and opinion makers. Well, of course, and we all know why: nobody is accusing Trump of colluding with Beijing.

Funny world. So many things are backwards. We have apparently hard evidence of Chinese espionage in the office of the number one senator on the Senate Intelligence Committee—the FBI told her about it five years ago, and she did nothing (nor did the bureau)—but nobody seems concerned. Meanwhile, there is no evidence of any collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, yet half the world constantly frets about “it.”

Feinstein is also part of the Russian story. After British former spy Christopher Steele was fired for his misleading “dossier” on Trump and the Russians, he continued work for Democrat-paid lobbyists to provide (dis)information to the bureau. One of his prime contacts was Daniel Jones, as Sean Davis reported:
New evidence suggests that a former top staffer for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) may be directing the post-election efforts of Fusion GPS, a Democrat-linked political opposition research firm, to vindicate a series of memos alleging illegal collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian officials.
Congressional documents and recently leaked texts between Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and a registered foreign agent for a Russian aluminum oligarch indicate that Daniel J. Jones is intimately involved with ongoing efforts to retroactively validate a series of salacious and unverified memos produced by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent, and Fusion GPS.
So Feinstein employed a Chinese agent, who is apparently free and clear. And her former top staffer was—and perhaps still is—paying Fusion GPS to link with Steele to promulgate nonsense to the FBI. One begins to wonder some things:

1. Is she making money out of this? Sean Davis has written that Daniel Jones raised fifty million dollars for his Russian project, and the Chinese agent was being paid from Beijing. Did any of that money end up in Feinstein ventures, or in her husband’s activities in China?
2. Why, after learning that her staffer/chauffeur was an agent of an enemy regime, did she keep him on the payroll and within easy listening distance?
3. Why did she fail to inform colleagues and investigators of her close ties with Daniel Jones?
And finally, does anybody do any counterintelligence in this town? Or is that only when Republicans are involved?
Actually, there are Republicans, or at least one, Senator Richard Burr, who passionately pursued General Michael Flynn, who are inclined to join the lynch mob. Burr is blessedly retiring; let’s hope his replacement is better.

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