Friday, September 28, 2018

Dreyfus Democrat Jurisprudence! Democracy Is Ugly Because Party Hacks Are Slimy.

A response to one of my contemporary memo's from yesterday:

Great post.  I listened to Kav's testimony yesterday.
I wonder what the truth is.  I believe Kav. I wonder
what really happened to Ford.  It would be deeply disturbing
if it is all lies. Were this true, it will make doubtable the 
women who have been abused.  Something must have
happened to Ford.  At another party, with other people
at another time? She has no evidence of anything to
corroborate her story. Is there tangible proof that this
whole thing has been concocted? D----"

Another vent from a strong female friend of longstanding and a fellow memo reader:

"Only answering today because I need to vent:
1) Ms. Ford was handled with kid gloves.
    Doesn’t this go against the feminist who want
     equality? But, only when they benefit.
2) Ms. Ford not only forgot where party was ,
     how she got there, got home and had no witnesses
     She also forgot: how she got her lawyers, who paid for lawyers
     Who arranged polygraph? Who paid for polygraph.

I don’t think she was credible. But everyone is afraid 
to say so. 

Ford is a smart, well educated, professor 
who cannot remember recent facts. How
Can she remember 36 yrs ago?

One last thing.

The demonstrators at the capital: What a disgrace that fellow
politicians allowed  them credentials. You know they didn’t just walk

Sorry thanks for letting me vent. P--"

Another e mail posting, from a dear friend and fellow memo reader, of an op ed he received:

Posted by Stilton Jarlsberg 

Thursday's Kavanaugh hearings were compelling, heartbreaking, enraging, and
disgusting. It was a naked display of the depths the Democrats on the
committee will go to in their attempts to destroy a good man...while
blithely also ruining the life of Christine Blasey Ford, who they callously
used as an expendable political pawn.

Dr. Ford's testimony about an attempted rape 36 years ago was riveting,
emotional, and made a convincing case that she believed what she was saying.
But over the course of the hearing, it became quite clear how ruthlessly and
dishonestly she has been used by the Dems.

She had requested anonymity to avoid having her life shattered. But her
identity was leaked to the press when only Dianne Feinstein, her staff, Ford's
legal team  had the information.

Dr. Ford didn't want to appear in the spotlight to be grilled by
politicians, but her handlers knew that a woman in emotional distress would
make for good TV, no matter how damaging the experience might be for her.
Which is why she showed clear surprise when she was asked why she hadn't
agreed to give her testimony privately, have members of the committee fly
out to her home, or simply answer questions on the phone: her legal team and
handlers had never told her these were options.

In a moment of perfect irony, when questioned on this matter, the woman who
claims to have been traumatized for a lifetime by having a hand clamped over
her mouth was cut off from speaking by one of her handlers who suddenly
clamped her hand over the microphone.

When it was Judge Kavanaugh's turn to be questioned, he revealed himself to
be a man on fire in the best possible way. In his lengthy and passionate
opening statement, he went on the attack about the disgusting and dishonest
spectacle that his confirmation hearing had become. He choked up when
describing the nightmare this has been for his family, and the undeniable
fact that his good name has been stained, if not ruined, forever.

While Ford's testimony contained not a scintilla of actual evidence (all of
the "witnesses" she named have said, under penalty of perjury, that they
have no recollection of any such event), Kavanaugh was able to produce an
abundance of exculpatory evidence about his past, his whereabouts during the
time period of the alleged incident, and overwhelming testimonials about his

In return, the sneering Democrats stuck to a carefully scripted playbook,
asking Kavanaugh repeatedly why he seemed unwilling to put the nomination
process on hold and march into the Oval Office to demand that President
Trump call for a full-blown FBI investigation of Ford's utterly
unsubstantiated and unprovable claims. Note to the Dems: it is not the
nominee's job to conduct the investigation.

And in fact, the committee has investigators at their disposal who can check
out anything the Senators want checked. Tellingly, the Republicans on
the committee did use these resources to check out every allegation against
Judge Kavanaugh, while the Democrats refused to participate.

In the end, we believe that Dr. Ford was sexually attacked many years ago
and is sincere, but that she is wrong about Brett Kavanaugh's presence or
involvement. We further believe Kavanaugh would, and hopefully will,
make an extraordinary Supreme Court justice.

But the whole sickening spectacle of this Grand Guignol confirmation circus
will leave indelible scars, not just on Ford, Kavanaugh, and their families,
but on the entire process of confirming future nominees (assuming anyone is
even willing to go through this meat grinder again). The stench of this
shameful spectacle will linger for decades.

The Democrat members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are, to a member,
unspeakably vile. We can only pray that the November mid-terms don't add to
their despicable ilk.
In about an hour, unless something else occurs, the committee will vote and if the Republican members do not vote to approve Kavanaugh to become a Justice, it would be another sad day.

Sen. Flake just said he would vote for Kavanaugh. As for Blumenthal, he lied about his military service so his hands are not clean.  Feinstein is now defending her crowd and accusing Kavanaugh of being "obnoxious" because of the way he defended himself and how glorious Ms Ford was. as she testified for what appeared per a lawyer-ed scrip.

What we have seen is how politicians in the two parties work together on behalf of those who pay their salaries, provide them with perks that are unavailable to the ones they serve. After this circus, we voters have to feel very comforted. I submit the entire episode is as Sen. Graham passionately described.  You decide.

Finally, I am not a member of The NRA but I embrace their response to the Kavanaugh episode. If Ms Ford prevails then our judicial system will have been altered and the Kavanaugh Affair will become America's Dreyfus Affair.

It works like this: Find someone who is willing to make a questionable charge, withhold the charge until it is propitious, time-wise, then demand the tarred defend  them-self against accusations unaccompanied by credible evidence, in fact no evidence beyond words, then hope  this smearing will defeat them and, if not, at the very least, taint them for life.. This is called Democrat Dreyfus Jurisprudence. (See 1 below.)

I am leaving to play tennis and will return to hear the vote scheduled for 1:30PM /
The Democrats have plunged us into a bizarre fantasy world in which Brett Kavanaugh, by all accounts one of the most honorable men in public life, is effectively on trial as a would-be rapist. Not because there is any evidence to that effect, but because it serves the Democratic Party’s political convenience. I have been waiting for more people on the sane side of the political fence to denounce the Democrats’ accusations for what they are: lies.
If there is one organization that knows how to fight, it is the National Rifle Association. The NRA has released this ad supporting Judge Kavanaugh and denouncing the Democrats’ smears. It features NRA President Lt. Col. Oliver North. The ad is titled “We Stand With Brett Kavanaugh.”
Polite Senate Republicans are being mugged by the political equivalent of hoodlums. We need more Americans to stand up and fight back, as the NRA is doing.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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