Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mosqueville Florida. Obama Cannot See Radial Islam Because He is Blinded By His Ideology!

Another picture of why AF 1 was delayed in taking off from Cuba!

Speaks for itself and needs no further comment!

By those who disturb our tranquility because they
are foolish enough to believe freedom and free speech
are good and silence in the face of radical Islamists
acts of terror is bad.

Choose your path:
A very long time friend and fellow memo reader sent me a list of Mosques in Florida with the name of the Imam, location, address and tel. number.  There were 98. There was no information about how new they were.

This is the question that preceded the list : "How many new churches and synagogues have you seen being built these days????

If SCOTUS concludes Obama can shove birth control pills down throats and make Nun's pay for them perhaps they will conclude we can listen to what transpires in Mosques and shut down those that engage in radical discourse. After all, religion no longer serves a valid purpose because it holds people to an old fashioned concept in our new world of relativity, ie. people are accountable for their actions as if they were guided by a moral compass. Today anything goes in a world where marriage is no longer defined as a legal contract between two consenting people of the opposite sex.

I have said repeatedly, I support anyone who wishes to engage in a "civil union" of the same sex. They should be legally allowed to do so and should be entitled to all the legal rights accorded couples who engage in marriage.  However, I also believe words have meanings and a society that condones the theft and proselytizing of meanings is headed for serious problems not only from a moral stand point but also from a human relations standpoint because when you cannot depend upon language how can you reliably communicate?

Maybe in a robot world of AI, language will be replaced by whirs and grunts.
Apparently, while traveling in South America, Obama defended his stance on ISIL, as he calls ISIS. Printed stories of interviews indicate he has said more people have died from innocuous causes, like home accidents, than have died in terrorist episodes.

I suspect he is incorrect but even if he is, the fact that climate change, coal emissions  and Israeli intransigence are more dangerous threats to world peace than radical Islamists is an amazing stance.

It suggests a level of arrogance and stubbornness that borders on an equally disturbing  level of unreality.  Perhaps the stress of the office and his inability to rise to the awesome challenges is making him delusional. Another shred of evidence validating my concern is his support of his current Sec. of State who travels blithely all over the world blithering voodoism. But then that could be an improvement considering that his predecessor could not reset a button.

If what has taken place over the last 7 plus years was ever made into a movie perhaps then people would comprehend what they seem not to understand.  Since movies began, followed by TV, we have become more visual and perhaps sitting for several continuous hours has greater impact than listening to sound bites, reading articles in newspapers/magazine and trying to connect the dots into a cohesive scenario etc.

While I am on this subject, I am constantly being asked who I am going to vote for and when I say I will vote against Hillarious and/or Bernie and that could mean voting for Trump, they are mostly taken aback.  As I see it,  many who ask have imposed 8 years of Obama on me so I am entitled to serve up four years of Trump as pay back. I feel justified under the Obama fairness doctrine.
Obama redefined the U.S. Israel relationship and Bernie Sanders' refusal to appear at The AIPAC Conference is the extended consequence.

 "The Obama administration has virtually succeeded in undermining the broad bipartisan support for Israel which both Democrats and Republicans had hitherto maintained. In the Democratic Party, there is now a substantial and growing leftist bloc which has adopted the anti-Israeli approach prevalent in most of the European leftist political parties. Obama’s loathing of the Israeli leadership has strengthened and emboldened this bloc, whose influence will expand if the incoming president continues to pander to them."

What I find ironic is Obama's avowed antipathy towards Colonialism yet, he has worked assiduously to turn America into a puppet like carbon copy of  an European nation.  He has weakened us militarily, his foreign policy is all bark with no bite and he has done everything he can to distance the relationship between Israel and America while building up Iran which has sworn to destroy Israel.  

On the other hand, while  diminishing the relationship between America and Israel with one hand, he has continued to supply weaponry to Israel with the other.

Is this sleight of hand dealing of the latter his method of accomplishing the former?

One thing is for sure, the Democrat's move towards Socialism will now philosophically drive their policies, both domestic and foreign and if Hillarious is elected America's Socialistic drift will quicken as Bernie will be in the wings pulling her strings while leading the youth who find Socialism appealing. Why? Because Socialism is all about transferring, by taking, of free stuff from those who have to those who want and are unwilling to pay the 'sweat' price for obtaining their own. This is what Obama's undefined "Fairness Doctrine" is all about.  He laid the foundation for all of this with his "disproportionate wealth" wedge issue.

Most of what Obama has tried, in a foreign policy sense, has failed and one can argue even his domestic policies have fallen sort of their goal but the overall effect of what he has sought has come to pass and has been exceedingly effective as well as destructive.

Our flexibility has been curbed by his success in  burdening us with debt. He has driven a wedge between the races.  He has allowed the continued flood of illegals. He has crippled and/or restrained development of our energy sector thereby, keeping us dependent on less stable sources.  He has weakened reliance of our allies on our commitments to them. He has looked the other way at the slaughter of Christians and chosen to downplay acts of radical Islamists.  If all of this is not bad enough he has abused his office and used Federal Agencies to quiet opposition.   (See 1 below.)

Fall out from The Iran Deal (See 1a below.)

How Obama Redefined Pro-Israel

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