Greatest Threat - Not CO2!
and then:
and finally:
Do you feel you been bagged, if so listen to this and see whether you believe you have been heard:
More commentary regarding Brussels.
Yes, the pesky JV Team is constantly disrupting our president's focus on the greatest threat facing the world - climate change, Black Lives Matter and our out of control racially prejudiced police departments
Radical Islamists seem to be seeding the atmosphere with blood instead of CO2. How naughty they are behaving with their wanton beheadings. But, have compassion for them because they know not what they do!
And never forget, their victims are in our prayers!(See 1,1a and 1b below.)
Of course this is why we need bigger and more cumbersome government. (See 1c below.)
Comment on my last memo from a friend and fellow memo reader: "Dick----you are absolutely correct: He is too busy reforming America so his legacy will be: 'I realized my father's dreams and paid back those evil Colonialists.'
D'Sousa was very explicit about this in his movie Obama's America, but I am amazed about the high percentage
of the population who have no clue what you are talking about in your statement above.
Hope hangs eternal or somewhere????? B=="
Will SCOTUS screw the Nuns, Catholics and others who are religious? (See 3 below.)
Go to "Public Policy from a Constitutional Viewpoint. and see what Hillsdale College has to say about today's most burning issues!
Finally a solution to terrorism and the state of the economy:
===To help save the economy, the Government will announce next month that the Immigration Department will start deporting senior citizens (instead of illegals) in order to lower pensions and healthcare costs (flu jabs, walkers, wheelchairs, free prescriptions, bus passes, etc.)
The Government has established that older people are easier to catch and, in most cases, will not remember how to get back home.
I started to cry when I thought of you - realizing I'd never see you again..
And don't foget to have a nice day!
========================================================================1) An Inordinate Fear of Terrorism?
Obama wants you to keep cool about jihadist mass murder.
Tuesday’s coordinated terrorist attacks in Brussels have left at least 30 people dead and more than 200 wounded, shut down the capital of Europe and raised security alarms from Frankfurt to London to New York. (See above.) So maybe it’s time we all get over our inordinate fear of Islamist terrorism.
Believe it or not, that’s the not-so-subliminal message we keep hearing from President Obama, even as he condemned the attacks during his visit to Cuba. “Obama frequently reminds his staff that terrorism takes far fewer lives in America than handguns, car accidents and falls in bathtubs do,” reports Jeffrey Goldberg in a lengthy profile of the President’s national-security thinking in the Atlantic magazine. Islamic State, Mr. Obama is quoted as telling adviser Valerie Jarrett, is “not coming here to chop our heads off.”
We wish we felt reassured. As Sohrab Ahmari(posted below) notes , there wasn’t a day in the last week when Islamists didn’t undertake a violent attack. That includes a shooting assault on a tourist resort in Ivory Coast that killed 16 people, and the bombing of a shopping district in Istanbul in which four people were killed, including two U.S. citizens.
“In 2014 the total number of deaths from terrorism increased by 80% when compared to the prior year,” reports the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) in its widely citedGlobal Terrorism Index. In absolute terms, that comes to 32,685 deaths from terrorism, up from 3,329 at the turn of the century. The economic cost, the IEP adds, is somewhere north of $52 billion, plus another $114 billion that various countries budget for counterterrorism efforts. Last we checked, nobody was spending that kind of money on bathtub safety.
It’s true that most terrorist attacks take place outside the West. But one reason the attacks in Brussels—or San Bernardino, or Paris, or Tel Aviv—are so troubling is that they are possible portents. If ISIS has no regrets about killing 130 people in Paris, they wouldn’t hesitate to murder many times that if they could. What’s missing isn’t intent but the means. That may change as they expand their network of sleeper cells and lone-wolf sympathizers in the West.
This is missing from Mr. Obama’s analysis, and it reminds us of pre-9/11 thinking. Take an op-ed by terrorism expert Larry C. Johnson, arguing that the data on terrorism didn’t justify the fears it generated. “Terrorism is not the biggest security challenge confronting the United States,” Mr. Johnson concluded, “and it should not be portrayed that way.” The article ran in the New York Times on July 10, 2001.
As Mr. Goldberg documents, Mr. Obama takes it as a point of pride that he isn’t consumed by terrorism. The President, Mr. Goldberg reports, “gets frustrated that terrorism keeps swamping his larger agenda”—the pivot to Asia, his efforts on climate change and, more recently, his opening to Cuba.
It’s not Mr. Obama’s fault that the mass murder in Brussels took place as he was courting a regime that, until recently, the State Department listed as a state sponsor of terrorism. As a matter of symbolism, however, the coincidence is inordinate.
Following Brussels terror attacks:
PA Security Forces spokesman claims
the US and Europe
brought the terror on themselves
"Those who prepare the poison
will taste it themselves,
and today Europe is having a taste
of what it prepared with its own hands"
Text on sign: "Middle East"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 23, 2016]
Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Following the terror attacks in Brussels yesterday, in which at least 30 people were murdered and hundreds were injured, PA Security Forces Spokesman Adnan Al-Damiri wrote in a post on his Facebook page that the US and Europe are the ones who created international terror. He claimed, for example, that Europe and the US are responsible for "exporting Jewish terror to Palestine," and therefore Europe is directly responsible for the terror that strikes it:
"Those who prepare the poison will taste it themselves, and today Europe is having a taste of what it prepared with its own hands."
[Facebook page of PA Security Forces spokesman Adnan Al-Damiri,
March 22, 2016]
Today, the official PA daily expressed the same message in the cartoon above - a person whose head is the globe representing the Western world is shown attempting to blow up the Middle East, but inadvertently blows up himself. [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 23, 2016]
The following text was posted by PA Security Forces Spokesman Adnan Al-Damiri on his Facebook page on March 22, 2016, following the terror attacks in Brussels:"While we condemn and denounce terrorist acts everywhere in the world, we Arabs are the ones who have been most severely burned by the fire of terror, which has been created and exported by the US and Europe since the Arab Jihad fighters in Afghanistan, and before that by exporting the Jewish terror to Palestine, supporting it and justifying it. Today, Europe is being burnt by its [the terror's] fire in its airports and squares. I do not gloat but feel pain over every innocent soul that was killed, but those who prepare the poison will taste it themselves, and today Europe is having a taste of what it prepared with its own hands. Unless you fight terror everywhere, first and foremost in Palestine, since the [Israeli] occupation is the ugliest form of terror, as well as in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan - you will be burnt by its fire, and terror has no religion.
1b) What happened in Brussels on Tuesday was the result of years of negligence.
There are 11 security and inspection points at Ben-Gurion Airport. They spread from a roadblock at the airport entrance to the airplane gates.
It is not just because the Tel Aviv hub is a relatively small airport compared to major European and American airports, which can afford to exercise the strictest security measures regardless of the cost – it is the byproduct of a holistic security doctrine engraved in nearly 50 years of experience from blood and tears. Unfortunately, this it happens only after spectacular terrorist attacks, such as the 1988 Pan Am bombing and 9/11. It took western democracies a while to reach the conclusion that human life is no less important than human rights. Most probably it will happen this time, too. Sure, there is no hermetic security, and terrorists take advantage of loopholes. But there is no need to be a genius to understand that what happened yesterday in Brussels was a colossal security and intelligence failure. According to media reports, Belgian authorities had advance warning about an “imminent terror attack.” Yet neither the country’s police nor its security forces increased their presence in the streets or by deploying check points at the entrances to the airport. No wonder that the terrorists managed to enter with explosive belts. What happened yesterday was the result of years of negligence. For decades, Belgium’s police have been afraid to enter rough Muslim neighborhoods such as Molenbeck, in the capital. These areas first became heavens for criminal gangs dealing in drugs, protection and weapons. Then they turned into hotbeds of radical Muslim and anti-western trends. In recent decades, such neighborhoods across Europe have become fertile recruiting grounds for young Muslims attracted by the slogans of jihadist groups such as Islamic State. Now, radicalized Muslim are returning from the Syrian and Iraqi battlefields. They are ideologically hardened and militarily trained to perform on the home front. To gather intelligence, security agencies need to penetrate terrorist networks, recruit agents and intercept communications. It seems that the Belgian police were either afraid or reluctant, or they lacked the determination to do so. Perhaps all of these. These years of negligence resulted in a reality for which the Belgian public – and the world – pay the price. Belgium’s security services lack necessary intelligence. The writing was long on the wall. Since 9/11, as well as Madrid, London, Turkey, Bali and more, the international community should have come to realize that it is at war. It took measures but was slow, even reluctant, to draw the necessary conclusions. Islamic State claimed responsibility for yesterday’s attacks, and it makes sense. ISIS has been suffering major defeats on the battlegrounds of Syria and Iraq. Its megalomaniacal fantasy of creating a 7th-century state has been shattered. It now finds itself back to square one – being a copycat of al-Qaida. 1c)
=======================================================================As the last guests departed the affair, his wife Angelina turned to her oldest and dearest friend. "Ah well, Pasquale would be pleased," she said.
"You're right," replied Maria, who lowered her voice and leaned in close...."So go on, how much did this really cost?"
"All of it," said Angelina. "Forty thousand."
"Aw No" Maria exclaimed, "I mean, it was very grand, but $40,000?"
Angelina answered, "The funeral was $6,500. I donated $500 to the church. The whiskey, wine and snacks were another $500. The rest went for the Memorial Stone."
Maria computed quickly.
"Mama Mia. For the love of God Angelina, $32,500 for a Memorial Stone? How big is it?"
3)The U.S. Supreme Court today will consider appeals by Christian groups demanding full exemption on religious grounds from a requirement under the Affordable Care Act to provide health insurance covering contraceptives.
Arguments on seven related cases will focus on whether nonprofit entities can object to a compromise measure offered by the Obama administration, which allowed groups to comply with the law without actually paying for the required coverage, under the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
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