Thursday, June 1, 2023

Semper Defried. It Has Happened. Look In The Mirror. Guns ,Vigilantism. Revolution.

 If it ain't broke why fix it?  Tinkering with the Marine Corps is probably a dangerous and dumb idea! Semper Fi.
Congress Must Save the Marine Corps

Shifting resources away from a combined arms Marine Corps to a technologically advanced but combat weak force is the wrong move. Congress should demand in depth hearings and a thorough review of this strategy, which will almost certainly fail its stated intent of offsetting Communist China at sea. 
by Newt Gingrich

I was completely unaware of the crisis building in the United States Marine Corps until I received an article from Bing West “Marine Corps No More?”

West is a distinguished military historian who served in the Marines and wrote an extraordinary book, “The Village,” about a year spent reclaiming a Vietnamese village from the communists.

West has written a dozen books about modern war and is an astute and often critical observer of the modern military. He also served as assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs.

Bing wrote:

“[T]he current Commandant, General David H. Berger, has radically transformed the image and the mission of the Marine Corps.” He went on to assert “The primary focus now is upon developing missile units intended to sink Chinese warships. To fund those units, General Berger did away with 21% of the personnel in infantry battalions, 100% of the tanks, 67% of the cannon artillery batteries, 33% of the assault amphibious companies, nearly 30% of Marine aviation, and almost all assault breaching equipment. The desired number of large amphibious ships was reduced from 38 to 31. Due to these cuts, Marines are less capable to fight as a combined arms force. The Marine Corps cannot seize a city from an entrenched enemy, as it did Fallujah in 2004.”

West condemned the current commandant:

“General Berger concocted his concept in secret, not consulting the retired four-star community that, appalled by his extensive cuts, has united in opposition.” He went on to assert that “Marine resources and organizational cohesion have been severely damaged. General Berger’s injudicious change of direction will adversely affect Marine war-fighting capabilities, internal morale, and recruiting for years to come.”

All of this has been done for a stunningly stupid investment in a land based anti-ship mission against China that will not work. It is competitive rather than complementary with the Navy and Air Force, and it is a scandalous misallocation of Marine resources. Inserting by sea three or four small Marine units, with no support, on atolls in the South China Sea invites capture and defeat.

The Marine Corps has a long and proud history of being America’s immediate response force in a crisis. The Marine Hymn captures this sense of universal duty to protect America.

“From the Halls of Montezuma
“To the shores of Tripoli;
“We fight our country’s battles
“In the air, on land, and sea;
“First to fight for right and freedom”

When the Marines were sent to France in World War I and fought ferociously in the battle for Belleair Woods, they so impressed their German opponents they were called “devil dogs.”

When the Marine First Division found itself surrounded by at least four times as many Chinese Communist troops at the frozen Chosin Reservoir in North Korea, it reversed from attacking north toward the Yalu to attacking south to reach allied forces on the coast. In one of the most heroic battles of modern times (Nov. 27-Dec. 13) the First Marines maintained their unit cohesion and fought aggressively inflicting huge and unsustainable casualties on the Chinese.

Again and again, the Marines have done the job when called.

In this process, they have developed a combined arms battle doctrine and an intense commitment to unit cohesion and effectiveness in battle that are extraordinary achievements.

It is astonishing that a Marine Corps Commandant would abandon this history and its capacity for a China-centered anti-ship strategy. That plan may be useful in the Navy or the Air Force, but it is indefensible as a reason for destroying the Marine Corps’ combined arms capabilities.

It is little wonder that  Politico reported on April 1, 2022, that two dozen retired generals were trying to stop this incredibly stupid overhaul.

Congress should demand in depth hearings and a thorough review of this strategy, which is almost certainly going to fail its stated intent of offsetting Communist China at sea. Shifting resources away from a combined arms Marine Corps to a technologically advanced but combat weak force is the wrong move.

For those who believe somehow drones and computers have replaced ground combat and heavy equipment, it is worth looking at the volume of equipment and ammunition being sent to Ukraine. Ukraine is begging for tanks as the Marine Corps is mothballing them.

This is a dangerous development for American security and safety.
First, the progressives (Demorcrats/Andy Stern) destroyed the middle class, then they allowed the unions to grow like Topsy so they could re-launder ill gotten gains back to the Democrats.  

Now they have destroyed  what was left of the middle class through inflation and the California Technology Billionaires have achieved their objective of controlling government through their social media entities.  

Their socialist concepts have crushed the freedoms of the deplorables and whatever vestige of our founding father's was left lays massacred and/or severely wounded on the kitchen floor.

 Wokeness has virtually destroyed and/or attacked every remnant of out social fabric and the America we all once knew no longer exists. 

We have the radicalized Democrat Party and the go along Republican Party to thank for these events. We have no one to blame but the faces in the mirror.

I take no Pleasure in asserting I have been warning this would come to pass in these memo and crushing spending would be the cause and root of these above evils.

When one spends that which they do not have to have what they cannot afford it is only a matter of time when one's wants crushes them.  

We no longer even work for what we want.  We would rather steal it and society now allows, nay, even encourages, this.  

The break down of law and order leads to a semblance of un-oderliness which results in an ungovernable society and havoc.

Defunding the police simply accelerates the pace.  Having guns does not alter matters unless one is willing to use them to try and restore order, ie. vigilantism which leads to revolution.

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