Sunday, August 14, 2022

How Did This Come To Be? Rather Walker Than Warnock. Lesse Use To Mean More. Kennedy .Carson Speak Out.

Yes, there is always the other side.
If Republicans cannot take advantage of this broad sentiment and the fact that over 70% of voters believe we are going in wrong direction then what does it take?

Our country was founded by geniuses and is now run by corrupt idiots. How did this come to be?
According to polls, Warnock is leading against Walker. The latter is not the most suitable candidate to become a Senator but neither is Warnock, who already is one.. Warnock has run a campaign of smears, deceit and distortions that reveal his true character since he has accomplished nothing as a Senator except to be Biden's lackey, I would rather have Walker than a disingenuous black minister who has proven he is mean spirited, incompetent pawn.

Latest Revelation About Liz Cheney Has to Be the Final Stake in Her Political Career

By Matt Vespa


Did the Justice Department Already Know That No Classified Docs
Were at Mar-a-Lago?

By Matt Vespa


Less use to mean more:

Subject: Civilization in 2022- priceless

� Our Phones - Wireless

� Cooking - Fireless

� Cars - Keyless

� Food - Fatless

� Tires -Tubeless

� Dress - Sleeveless

� Youth - Jobless

� Leaders - Shameless

� Relationships - Meaningless

� Attitudes - Careless

� Babies - Fatherless

� Feelings - Heartless

� Education - Valueless

� Children – Mannerless



Government-is CLUELESS,

And our Politicians-are WORTHLESS!


John Kennedy for Senate


Given their recent history the past few years, the decision by the Justice Department and the FBI to raid former 

President Trump’s home looks totally personal and totally political.

Attorney General Garland and FBI Director Wray need to IMMEDIATELY release a copy of the affidavit and other

 evidence submitted to the federal judge to support the search warrant and a copy of the search warrant itself, and

 hold a press conference to answer questions, so the American people know what’s going on!

Most Americans believe in the rule of law, and so do I, and the DOJ owes us and President Trump an answer.

Honestly, I was shocked by what happened, so shocked that it’s taken me a little while to truly wrap my head around 

all of this. But now, I’m back - and this is the kind of thing that we’ve got to call out.

We need to stop President Biden before it’s too late. I don’t think my heart could take 6 more years of this man and 

his woke cronies.

I’ve never been more sure that we’re on the right side of history. But, unfortunately, if the Democrats can solidify their 

power in November, we’re a hop skip and a jump away from total Tyranny.

It’s up to us, friend. We’ve got to push the Democrats out of Washington, restore our Majority, and hold the Woke 

Left accountable for this ridiculous abuse of power.

I hope we can count on you. Every day it seems the odds are more and more stacked against us, but I know we can 

set this right.

God Bless America,

John Kennedy

John Kennedy for Senate


Letter to my Boss

I have enjoyed working here these past several years. You have paid me

very well and given me benefits beyond belief. I have 3 to 4 months

off per year, and a pension plan that will pay my salary till the day

I die and then pay my estate one year's salary 'death bonus' and then

continue to pay my spouse my salary with increases, until she or he

dies, along with a Health Plan that most people can only dream of


Despite this, I plan to take the next 12 to 18 months to find a new

position. During this time I will show up for work when it is

convenient for me. In addition, I fully expect to draw my full salary

and all the other perks associated with my current job. Oh yes, if my

search for this new job proves fruitless, I will be coming back with

no loss in pay or status. Before you say anything, remember that you

have no choice in this matter. I can, and I will do this.


Every Member of Congress running for Re-Election
Ben Carson responds:

Never in my lifetime did I think I would see an American law enforcement agency be run and weaponized like the FBI this evening. This is a frightening development in our modern political arena. This is the way of Mao and Castro, not Washington and Lincoln. Our Republic is one where we have the freedom to think, say, and believe what we want without fear of government intimidation, that includes the President. If we lose those basic freedoms, we lose it all. I am praying for our country right now because I’m not sure anything else can fix what is transgressing. Pray for our country this evening. It can and will be saved because We the people are waking up.
--Dr. Ben Carson

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