Saturday, July 24, 2021

On The Road Again. This Time To Tyranny and Ultimately Hell. Where I Am Coming From and Why. Why Is Everyone Concerned About CRP?


Traveling the Quiet Road to Tyranny

By Wen Wryte

Could we be traveling a quiet road to tyranny?

Steve McCann’s recent summary of what we now know about the events on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, 2021, indicates why we should all be very worried about the US, leader of the free world, sliding ever closer towards tyranny.

But it’s a slow journey on a quiet road, with the final destination not yet in sight. 

J.B. Shurk has set out how far we’ve already come on this quiet road to tyranny

How do tyrannical despots attain absolute power without a violent revolution?  They do it by stealth.  It’s happened before.  Eighty-eight years ago, to be precise

On Jan. 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was awarded the chancellorship of Germany by the ailing President Hindenberg.  Although the Nazis were losing electoral support, they remained the largest party in the Reichstag, but without anything near a working majority.  Hitler seized the chance to take control of all the reins of power.  His pretext for the assumption of dictatorial powers was the Reichstag fire of Feb. 27, 1933.

Somehow a man managed to get into the Reichstag and -- supposedly undetected -- started a fire which turned into a conflagration.  Where was the security? 

Compare this with what happened on Jan. 6: the videos show the door-security officials at the Congress building inviting the participants in.  Unfortunately for the Democrats’ agenda, there was very little disruption or destruction (although the shooting of Ashli Babbitt has yet to be the subject of a public investigation).

Back in 1933, Germany's parliament building was totally destroyed and with it went any pretense of democratic government.  The man arrested at the scene was a simple-minded Dutch communist.  How did such a man evade the building's security officers and start a fire undetected?  Why did he then stick around to watch?  Why did he not attempt to flee when the police approached him?  He docilely accepted arrest as if acting the part.

Compare this with the behavior of the participants in the ‘armed insurrection’ on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6: the videos show them mostly wandering the corridors of the Congress building as if on a tourist tour.  When apprehended they didn’t resist arrest or attempt to flee (although some had left the scene early). 

These similarities with the Reichstag fire of 1933 are chilling, and we know the Reichstag fire was a set-up.  The practical steps towards installing Hitler's tyranny started with a fabricated national security ‘emergency.’

From then on his grip on power slowly tightened.  For the majority of Germans, these were good years -- living standards improved and the country seemed to be doing well. They might have been disconcerted by the removal of their civil liberties and the demonizing of the Jews, but Hitler kept promising everything would turn out alright in the end.

In the U.S. right now it’s ordinary patriots and everyone on the Right who are being demonized, labeled as ‘white supremacists’ and ‘domestic terrorists’.  And it seems many of those who still support the Left are in denial about the implications for their own freedom and civil rights.

Of course, political subterfuge is much more cleverly organized these days.  And Biden is no Hitler -- he is a political charlatan who has spent his entire career enriching himself and his family through abusing his influence and power.  He is the ideal patsy for the much more sinister people behind the scenes who are organizing all this, who know exactly what they are doing.  At present they are staying out of sight and letting their proxies do the hard work.  This means keeping the official narrative on course for the eventual announcement of a new national security ‘emergency’ and the repression of all political opponents (aka 'enemies of the state', or 'domestic terrorists').

The significant difference between the Reichstag fire and the Capitol Hill ‘armed insurrection’ is that the latter did not turn out as the Democrats hoped because the necessary evidence is lacking and cannot be retrospectively created.  As Andrea Widburg points out, the ‘armed insurrection’ narrative has hit a bump in the road with the first sentence handed down being for a much lesser offense.

The Democrats will need another fabricated national security ‘emergency’ to enable them to install their planned tyranny and, as Terry Paulding explains, the Left will keep pushing the ‘right wing extremist mob’ narrative until they can incite -- or fabricate -- a push-back from ordinary American patriots, and then the real repression will begin.

The fact that the true story of the Jan. 6 'armed insurrection' is still being hidden behind the lies of the official narrative is evidence that those in power do not want the truth to come out.  Ever.  And when the lies start at the top, from the White House, and the legacy media is not interested in uncovering the truth, then we really do have a very big problem as regards saving democracy and freedom from the would-be authoritarian repressive totalitarian despots of the Left.

Meanwhile, the Leftists are still pretending that it’s Trump who has a Fuhrer complex, as demonstrated by Leftist propagandists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker in their book, I Alone Can Fix This (2021). 

Donald Trump’s ‘Reichstag moment’?  This is risible considering Trump was having problems simply implementing his democratic mandate, obstructed on all sides by the operatives of the Deep State, which Leonnig and Rucker tacitly acknowledge was holding Trump back, whilst the Left in general still denies there’s any such thing.  When it’s no longer possible to sort out the truth from the lies the only people who benefit are the ones doing the lying.  

A common political tactic of repressive authoritarians is to accuse their enemies of what they themselves are already doing, as the pretext justifying the imposition of tyranny.

Well, that is now what we are seeing happening in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.  And it’s the brave and the free who are the only people who can now stop the implosion of Western values and culture,  and with it the collapse of the best and most enlightened civilization thus far in the history of mankind.

We have already started our slow journey on the quiet road to tyranny, and it’s the Left in the driving seat.

Apart from the brave and the free, who or what should we put our hopes on?

The one characteristic of the Left is that they always mess up their plans with inept implementation because they cannot agree even among themselves how best to force everyone else to comply with their demands.

And so, as J.R. Dunn has pointed out, we should not forget that the Left are losers when it comes to getting things right.

Sooner or later, the Left will mess up, and big-time.

And then what? 

Wen Wryte is the pseudonym of a retired teacher of philosophy who leads a contemplative life.


My pessimism and cynicism is rooted in the disparity between what is stated and what occurs, particularly as relates to government and politics.

Carter's Department of Education was supposed to correct problems in education.  Education  results are worse.  Guaranteed college loans were going to allow more to get higher education. Now tax payers are being stuck for huge and excessive loans which allowed colleges and universities to increase administrative staffing and the cost of education soared.

The War on Poverty created more poverty and dependency.

I could go on into the night but I challenge anyone to name me something that comes in on time, at predicted cost where government is involved. The closest event was Trump's warp speed COVID vaccine but then Trump is hated  because he proved  government can perform if the executive is un-orthodox, goal oriented, experienced  and avoids bureaucratic red tape. This takes a president not generally from the political arena but one who has a background in business and an history of getting things done.

Getting things done is anathema in politics because it eliminates excuses and politicians make their livelihood off excuses.  History is replete with constant political failings.

Over time, failures destroy the public's faith in government and eventually citizens become cynical and are more willing to experiment with other forms of government like socialism, communism  etc. They are even prone to give up on just about everything, even the few things that work.

That seems to be where America is now. 

We defund police not because it will work, common sense should tell us that, but because we have lost our will to fight back and thus become susceptible to the prattle of radicals.

We allow our schools to be taken over by unions who oppose charter schools which have proven they work  because , again, we have chosen to abdicate  rather than stand up and fight against the radical tide that engulfs. Cynical liberals really don't give a damn about better schools for the underprivileged because most can afford private education anyway. Let em eat cake.

We tolerate a crushing influx of illegals because our politicians are incapable of compromising on what to do about former illegals who are already here.  

We allow legalization of drugs because we failed to suppress or constrain alcoholism.

In essence, we have decided to imbibe small doses of poison in the mistaken belief it will  have little effect on our health all the while ignoring it is destroying our values and culture. Oh, by the way, it is also leading to the death of thousands.

And so it goes as we approach our 250th year as a former great nation.


Bob Livingston Alerts

At the close of the Constitutional Convention, a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what type of government had been created. Franklin's reply: "A republic, if you can keep it."

With the daily, relentless assault on our freedoms by the current socialist-in-chief, President Joe Biden, following the policies of his predecessor Barack Obama, and the socialist Democrat-controlled Congress, we may not. We may yet, if you follow the advice I will share with you in a moment...

But with the constant pounding on the Constitution from Biden and Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the rest of the socialist elite elected class — as they work to not just chip away at our nation's foundation as progressives before them, but to obliterate it completely — it appears their takeover of business and industry will never end until all money flows through government.

It appears their assault on free speech will be never-ending as well. A Washington Examiner editorial points out, "The White House's efforts to deputize social media platforms into becoming de facto government censors should be deeply troubling to every citizen who has ever voiced an opinion outside of the politically acceptable mainstream."

Will the hubris of the elected class never end? Apparently not. Recall that day by day; week by week; month by month the socialist Democrats pounded away at so-called healthcare reform until they enacted a socialist, European-style big government healthcare system and foisted it on America.

Know this: Pelosi, Schumer and Biden... they understand. They just don't care. It's the progressive way. Hey. It's only money, and printing it is cheap. It's only freedom, and restricting it is easy when the people look the other way and ignore the Constitution.

If the Constitution was important to the socialists Americans wouldn't be sitting back asking themselves, "What's next on the agenda: Another stab at lockdowns and direct payments from government? Amnesty for illegals and open borders? Another run at grabbing all the guns? A wealth tax?" All are being advocated for by the lapdog media.

To be fair, all of this can be laid at the feet of the socialist Republicans who blindly followed George W. Bush's big government socialism over the economic cliff. They—the socialist Republicans—are always claiming an epiphany and want to appear to be standing up to the Democrat tyranny. But like all socialist elected elites, when they controlled Congress the socialist Republicans grew government, expanded its power to monitor its citizenry and supported Bush's nation-building, empire-expanding war policies his original $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), Obama's trillion dollar budgets, and Trump's $2 trillion spending spree to combat the COVID casedemic. So what's another $6 trillion to them?

Though they — the socialist Republicans — claim to be strict constructionists when it comes to the Constitution now, they passed the heinous Patriot Act that entrenched government spying and have never shrunk government one iota. They have ever increased government entitlement spending and therefore increased the roles of non-producers eager to sponge off the hard work of the producers.

But that's what you get from the socialist elected elites. They ignore the Constitution because to them the "be all and end all" is government. They like big government and they like bigger government even better.

You can be sure that the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer triumvirate isn't going to rest on its laurels. More big government programs are on the way.

And Pelosi is not afraid to kick in a few doors to accomplish it. As she told a group of Leftwing bloggers leading up the passage of Obamacare, "...once we kick through this door there will be more legislation to follow." And so it has been.

We are experiencing the further socialist takeover of America. It's evidence that sovereignty is in the hands of but a few, as the anti-federalist Brutus – thought by most scholars to be New York Judge and delegate to the Constitutional Convention Robert Yates — warned in Anti-Federalist No. 1:

"If the people are to give their assent to the laws, by persons chosen and appointed by them, the manner of the choice and the number chosen, must be such, as to possess, be disposed, and consequently qualified to declare the sentiments of the people; for if they do not know, or are not disposed to speak the sentiments of the people, the people do not govern, but the sovereignty is in a few."

What can be done to reverse the loss of freedom and restore our Republic? It begins with wisdom, which filters through to only a very few.

I implore everyone to read, however, while words carry knowledge, words cannot carry wisdom. Wisdom is perception and spiritual discernment. It is to know God and reality. It is the evolution of consciousness. It is the fullness of life on earth that God intended. Blessed are those who have it!

This is beautifully described in Madame Ghis' book "Madame Ghis: Escape In Prison." Madame Ghis is a prison name given by inmates to Dr. Marie Eva Sophie Ghislain Lanctot, a medical doctor who spent a few months in prison for refusing to conform to the income tax system in Canada.

She wrote:

"My soul showed me that the world in which I live is made up of lies and illusions. Reality can only be perceived with the soul's eyes. With her (my soul) help, I learned that behind the tax system and all other systems, we find slaves without chains, human beings who are ignorant and unconscious of being the property of the State.

They trust their government enough to entrust it with their children, their health, their property and their entire lives. Citizens cannot guess that the State is a mere legislator and tax collector working for the bank of Canada, and a cartel of private bankers.

When I became aware of this situation, I decided to put an end to my life as the subject of a ‘higher' authority. How could I do this?

By doing the exact opposite of what I had been doing before. How does a slave behave? Like a domestic dog. He submits to the will of his master who uses it as he wishes. In return, the master feeds it and brings it security. The more docile is the dog, the better he gets treated."

Everything turns on the individual imperative to inquire and not act like a dog or a slave. Do you know that most people do not inquire? They ask no questions. They seek no information.

We who inquire are few. But we must inquire, what does the socialist state not tell us? What does the state not want us to know? They do not want us to know that we are on the path to giving up our human freedom, that democracy is a myth, and that the republic is close to being lost right before our eyes — unless we open them.

Yours for the truth,

If this is what Critical Race Theory teaches our kids what is everyone so worried about?

1. In the first book of the bible, Guinness. god got tired of creating the world so he took the sabbath off.
2. Adam and eve were created from an apple tree. Noah's wife was Joan of ark. Noah built and ark and the animals came on in pears.
3. Lots wife was a pillar of salt during the day, but a ball of fire during the night.
4. The jews were a proud people and throughout history they had trouble with unsympathetic genitals.
5. Sampson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by a Jezebel like Delilah.
6. Samson slayed the philistines with the axe of the apostles.
7. Moses led the jews to the red sea where they made unleavened bread, which is bread without any ingredients.
8. The egyptians were all drowned in the dessert. Afterwards, Moses went up to mount cyanide to get the ten commandments.
9. The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.
10. The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit adultery.
11. Moses died before he ever reached canada then Joshua led the hebrews in the battle of geritol.
12. The greatest miricle in the bible is when Joshua told his son to stand still and he obeyed him.
13. David was a hebrew king who was skilled at playing the liar. He fought the Finkelsteins, a race of people who lived in biblical times.
14. Solomon, one of Davids sons, had 300 wives and 700 porcupines.
15. When Mary heard she was the mother of Jesus, she sang the magna carta.
16. When the three wise guys from the east side arrived they found Jesus in the manager.
17. Jesus was born because Mary had an immaculate contraption.
18. St. John the blacksmith dumped water on his head.
19. Jesus enunciated the golden rule, which says to do unto others before they do one to you. He also explained a man doth not live by sweat alone.
20. It was a miricle when Jesus rose from the dead and managed to get the tombstone off the entrance.
21. The people who followed the lord were called the 12 decibels.
22. The epistels were the wives of the apostles.
23. One of the oppossums was St. Matthew who was also a taximan.
24. St. Paul cavorted to christianity, he preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marraige.
25. Christians have only one spouse. This is called monotony.


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