Sunday, October 18, 2020

Emma And Scott's Wedding. Lisa Recognized. No Tanks Available. War With China? Hunter The Hunted and . Erekat Treated By Israel.

We are leaving on the 28th to attend our granddaughter's wedding in Michigan. Emma is our artistic daughter and is marrying a young man who also is in the art field and helps museums, galleries and artists display their work etc. He also is a marvelous craftsman and jack of all trades, like our son in law Brian, Abby's husband.  After the wedding on Nov 1st, we will leave the next day and spend Election Night with Emma's folks, our number one daughter, returning Nov. 5th.  Thus, you will not hear from me regarding the election and results but I  hope we will know whomever the evening of the 3rd.  Things could get ugly if not and we will be in Birmingham, Michigan.  I called Avis and all their tanks were rented.

We voted this week.  Took me only 30 minutes because I am way over 75 and Lynn 2 hours because she is a mere child.


My number three daughter is an accomplished editor, lives with her professor husband in Chicago and lately has been receiving deserved recognition for her editing abilities:

Coming Home: Awakening through the Stillness into the Living Light is Fi Sutherland's inspirational memoir of her recovery from a coma in Peru in 2009, and a guide about the awakening process through personal development, spirituality, and meditation. Meredith Little of the School of Lost Borders wrote the foreword. Lisa Thaler was the developmental editor. 

To order book:

To attend Zoom launch from Glasgow, Saturday, October 31, 5 a.m. Central Time:
Is war with China inevitable?  Would you rather have Biden or Kamala at the helm or Trump? Does it matter if we win or lose?  Do you believe we can win considering how divided we are as a nation? You know radicals  who have captured the Democrat party would take advantage and riot etc.  Am I nuts to even pose this question?  If Biden and Hunter are in China's back pocket does that matter. You decide.

Is War With China Becoming Inevitable?
"Reeducation camps" have been established to cleanse Uighurs of their ethnic and religious identities and convert them into loyal and reliable Chinese Communists.
 It Here


Biden's Going Back Into Hiding. Here's for How Long.


Has it come down to picking on Biden or are all of
these allegations fair game? In other words, has the shoe gone on the other foot?


Hypocrisy is not limited to the U.S. It is all over the world where people reside. Is hypocrisy something associated with animals?

Israeli doctors battle to save Saeeb Erekat's life

If only hateful hypocrisy were a curable disease


The 65 year-old Palestinian chief negotiator, Saeeb Erekat, is deteriorating so badly from Covid-19 that he has been rushed from his home in the “West Bank” to a hospital in Israel. It is Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem.

That fact is presumably deeply unpalatable to Erekat’s comrades in the Palestine Liberation Organisation. In a statement on Sunday, the PLO said: 

Following his contraction of Covid-19, and due to the chronic health problems he faces in the respiratory system, Dr Erekat's condition now requires medical attention in a hospital. He is currently being transferred to a hospital in Tel Aviv.

The Times of Israel reported that the PLO couldn’t even bring itself to say he was being admitted to hospital, in Israel, but said he was 

being transferred to a hospital in the 1948 areas. 

The BBC reported for most of today that Erekat 

has been admitted to hospital in Tel Aviv, Israel with Covid-19.

In fact, as the Jerusalem PostTimes of Israel and correctly reported, he had been admitted to Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem, Israel. The BBC finally updated its report this evening to identify the Israeli hospital as Hadassah.

There he will receive the finest care by Israeli doctors in the attempt to save his life. Those doctors will be both Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs. He will be nursed by a staff consisting of Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs. He will be treated alongside patients who are both Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs, and he will be dealt with, as they all are, according to the priority dictated by his clinical needs.

There’s one further point. On Palestinian Media Watch, Itamar Marcus writes:  

Palestinian Media Watch has reported that while Israel has been giving significant medical training and other aid to the Palestinian population to fight the coronavirus, the PA has been using the pandemic outbreak to spread the libel that Israel is intentionally infecting Palestinians with the virus and trying to kill them. 

Erekat, a Fatah Central Committee member and PLO chief negotiator, went even further when he joined this chorus of hate, penning an op-ed in which he libelled Israelis, claiming they are ”spitting on Palestinian cars and property in order to transfer the Corona disease” to fulfil ”the wild desire to get rid of the Palestinian people in any way.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 30, 2020] 

If Erekat really believed his own libel that Israelis ”have the wild desire to get rid of the Palestinian people,” he certainly would not have chosen Hadassah hospital to treat him and try to save his life. 

This contradiction documents once again that the PA leadership is consciously lying when it demonises Israel to its population with sole purpose of creating hatred toward Israelis and Jews.

It will be interesting to see how many British or other western media outlets do full justice to this.


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