Wednesday, February 19, 2020

There Are Those Trying To Shut Me Down. Bless Their Hearts.

I presume someone is trying to shut me down because this was sent to me this morning. I have no doubt there are those who get my memo who do not agree with my views just as I do not agree with their's but I have no desire in stopping them from expressing themselves.

In fact, I am now reading about Wead's interviews of how Trump and his family felt about the Inauguration and the period following.

If you will recall, Trump's Inauguration speech was not typical. He focused on telling America he would carry out his campaign pledges and thus, he threatened those who dwell in the swamp, ie. the establishment, and that meant their power to drive America as they so chose was threatened.

We know the mass media is now largely controlled by large corporations and these corporations fund campaigns and those whose campaigns are funded pay them back through protective legislation.

We also know Trump and his family have been attacked from day one, were spied upon during the campaign and now the radicals seek to rid him of the best Attorney General we have had in many decades.

After this memo I will simply refer to articles I believe you should read and not post them.  You can then open them if you wish to do so.  We all receive articles from others and I seriously doubt you have received something like the attached.

We have received a DMCA complaint for your blogMiddle East and Other Musings. An e-mail with the details of the complaint was sent to you on Feb 19, 2020, and we reset the post status to "Draft"; you can edit it here. You may republish the post with the offending content and/or link(s) removed. If you believe you have the rights to post this content, you can file a counter-claim with us. For more on our DMCA policy, please click here. Thank you for your prompt attention.
We have only one President and Sec. of State at any given time but , in the past, those like Jane Fonda and Jimmy Carter, among others, decided it was in America's best interest that they negotiate with adversaries their own foreign policy. (See 1 below.)
Obviously, the Democrat Party is in disarray as evidenced by what happened in Iowa and their inability to select, rally round a candidate.  Once again, party operatives seem willing to gut Bernie's chances and succumbed to Bloomberg's wealth by changing the rules like a horse in mid-stream. Every time I watch Donna Brazile,  I am reminded of what a dishonest lackey she is because she helped Hillary cheat in order to knock Bernie out in 2016.

This is the party that offers to solve our many problems which they helped cause and they cannot even address their own misdeeds.

In Wead's book, he described why Trump sought to run for president after interviewing his kids and the president.  Being a problem solver, it took Trump some 20 plus years to say to himself he had seen enough and believed he could do better.  In many ways he has succeeded because he has brought a degree of practicality to government, and, to the extent government can be run as a business, he has applied a business approach.  He has attacked many intractable issues other presidents tried to resolve and mostly failed at and has wrought change against all odds, ie. trade policies, matching business capital with government capital, altering prison issues for minor offenses that were  treated as capital ones, turning our economy around so jobs became available and people had the opportunity of regaining dignity and self worth through employment and the list is actually endless but seldom, if ever reported. Why? Because the mass media hate this man and are beholden to helping elect those whose agenda aligns with theirs. (See 2 below.)
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A potential collision course? (See 3 below.)
1) Pompeo: Iran Without Delusions
Editorial of The New York Sun
2)Happy Presidents Day:

My name is James Golden, but you may know me as Mr. Snerdey, call screener and producer for the one and only Rush Limbaugh. I have worked for Rush for almost 30 years, and I have learned a lot sitting beside him every day. I know Rush and I know liberals. One has profited from keeping blacks down and the other hasn’t.
Democrats fought us then and they still are fighting us today.
Republicans stand for freedom and opportunity for everyone, so Americans of all races can go as far as their dreams and determination will take them. Democrats use and abuse Black Americans, destroying the Black family and convincing them that they need the heavy hand of government to survive.
Enough is enough. If we are going to lift up all Americans, we need to work together and change the culture. I can’t do this without your help – will you make a one time donation of $100 to his effort to have a real and lasting impact on the black community?
It’s time to recover our history, revive our dream and rewrite the destiny of the African American people. I started the New Journeys PAC to make Black America Republicans Again.
The battle lines have been drawn by liberal Democrats and their friends in the media. No sooner did President Trump award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to my friend Rush Limbaugh than they cried “racist!”
Have you looked at the Democratic presidential debate stage lately? All you see are the faces of wealthy, old white people who have the audacity to tell the rest of us how much they care for African Americans. Please. Just four years ago, the brilliant black neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson competed for the Republican nomination, along with two Cuban-Americans, an Indian-American and a successful businesswoman. Tell me again which party stands for inclusion and diversity.
Despite the relentless drumbeat of opposition, I have never seen a more impressive group of African Americans in national leadership than I have under President Trump.
Dr. Carson is helping revive our inner cities as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Sen. Tim Scott is providing inspired leadership to his constituents in South Carolina. Justice Clarence Thomas continues to safeguard the Constitution. And an extraordinary group of principled African-American conservatives --- men and women alike – are running strong campaigns for Congress this year.
We need more candidates like them in the Republican Party, and I need your help to make sure they win!

The electoral clock is ticking as leftwing billionaires pour their money into maintaining the status quo that favors them. The tide is turning, but we can’t break through the liberal bias and share that message without your generous financial contribution.

President Lincoln set African Americans free. Don’t let the liberals send us back to the plantation of dependency. Make a difference by donating as much as you can today.
For a New Journey.
James Golden, AKA Bo Snerdley
James Golden, AKA Bo Snerdley
New Journey PAC
Are Israel and Turkey On a Collision Course in the Eastern Med?
Israel's natural gas and Turkey's aggressive foreign policy are becoming a combustible mix. What's behind their saber-rattling?
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