We all know the past and what we have said and done can bite us. I understand from an op ed I read that: "Bloomberg Once Called Excessive Spending on Campaign Ads 'Obscene'"
In the article I refer you to below, by David Harsanyi, I believe Trump Haters cannot come to grips with their defeat in 2016 because if they do it means an end to their power. Yet, they warned Trump days before the election, he must accept the voter's decision knowing that Hillary was going to win of course.
Time and again, radical Democrats mouth what others must do only to do what they warn about. They are clever, they are good they are also dangerous hypocrites. What Trump has taught Republicans, or some, is that it not only is alright to fight back but also their and our Republic's survival depends upon fighting back.
The fact that in 2016 voters finally felt they had a candidate who fought back is one of the very important reasons they elected Trump. The 'deplorables" always knew something was wrong when they saw their jobs and work leaving America and going elsewhere. They intuitively knew something was out of whack when they saw the cost of living going up, deficits increasing and they were getting poorer. The "deplorables" understood their voice was no longer listened to and their demands/wishes heeded because they had been supplanted by monied interests who worked through well heeled lobbyists who had access.
After many decades they were fed up, frustrated but lacked a candidate they could trust, who they believed actually "felt their pain" and was committed to doing what he promised. The Trump Haters, and their many devoted friends in the mass media, were made to look like the fools they are when Trump won. For three years they have been doing everything in their power to bring him down as the economy rose and jobs increased.
It does not take a genius to realize elitists are more interested in defending themselves, their rich paychecks and wealthy employers than supporting what is best for America. They mock Trump's "Make America Great" slogan. They fund Antifa goons who roam Oregon, March on Wall Street, insist we embrace "Black Lives Matter" and open our borders to illegal immigrants because that is the compassionate way.
Meanwhile, Trump saw American education drop while other nations took our place, he saw jobs leave our shores, he witnessed meek acceptance of our energy dependency, he observed how government failed to maintain our infrastructure, and for a builder this enraged him, and much more. This is what motivated him to leave a cushy life and seek the presidency only to endure attack, after attack because he threatens power.
I repeat, I do not defend many of Trump's unorthodox methods and his style but I recognize his accomplishments, and I reject the hateful methods used to bring him down because they fear their deserved loss of power. These memos rail against those who wish to bring America to its "knees."
Their policies and behaviour go against my grain and what I believe are American values that I was taught are worthy and for whom so many made the ultimate sacrifice. Americans do not covet the territory of others, we stand against tyrants, we believe a free people are preferable to the enslaved and we continue to seek, unlike so many other nations, to correct our mistakes. Capitalism has brought untold riches to our people and freedom is the force that allows us to make improvements. Ironically it is that same freedom that allows the 'haters" to "hate" and to work against our nation's best interests.
I do not understand what demons motivate their tyrannical behaviour and hypocrisy. All I know is they are a threat, their ideas have proven mostly incompatible with our Constitution and if those who treasure America do not fight them we have only ourselves to blame for the consequences.
This is the essence of what Rep. Doug Collins left us to ponder Monday night.
These are some articles you might find of interest:
Barack Obama: A Traitor for the Ages By John Eidson
The Myth of Bernie Sanders’s Honesty By Selwyn Duke
Will the Bernie Bros Burn Down the Democratic Party? By Taylor Lewis
Democrats Still Haven’t Come to Terms with 2016 By DAVID HARSANYI
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