Thursday, February 6, 2020

Romney Better Hope Poison Pal Pelosi starts praying for him.


Curious what young people around the world think about American values? See this exchange between Dennis Prager and a few of our international PragerFORCE students as they discuss cultural differences and universal values. Click to watch this enlightening and inspiring episode! 
Praying Pelosi seems demoniacally delighted she has painted an indelible stain on Trump that he can never erase.  Her goal, as with the other maniacal radicals in her Party, sought impeachment in order to weaken Trump's re-election potential and it backfired.
They quickly realized their facts were not strong enough to lead to a viable impeachment trial, ended it prematurely and sought to badger McConnell, thinking he was a wimpy Romney, into doing the job in The Senate, where The House failed.
During SOTU, Mrs. Petulant sat and it must have been galling to see Trump still standing delivering one of his better, if not best, addresses.  Last year Trump's SOTU called out those who engage in anti-Semitism and this year he spoke to what makes America Great.
Democrats forced Gingrich to resign his Speakership over an inconsequential matter and succeeded because Newt was stabbed in the back by many of his own "Romney like" members.  Today, Trump was right when he acknowledged Democrats stick together no matter what and this is one of their "evil" strengths.
I have no doubt there will be those who want to see Trump's severed head on a stick and will press for more investigations, call for more witnesses and try to drive him out of office.  I was on a conference call this afternoon with a Congressional Representative who said: 'no matter what Trump tells voters, the toll of impeachment has been significant."
This is why it is imperative for Republicans to take back The House. Failure to do so will negate Trump's ability to try and continue solving some of our nation's more pressing problems.
They say you are known by your friends and because radical Democrats, Hollywood hypocrites  and mass media bigots like Chris Matthews now love Romney life will be hell in the remaining years of his Senate term. Romney better hope Poisonous Pal Pelosi starts praying for him

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