Friday, February 15, 2019

Stirewalt Issues Pleas To Audience! Can Bill "Bar" The Door To America's Implosion? Parallels Too Obvious To Ignore!

Democrats are attacking Trump for declaring penetration of our borders has reached a national emergency state.

These same Democrats voted on a huge funding authorization without reading what was in the bill.  That alone should be enough to declare a national emergency.

 Not only do we have a drug epidemic but we also have American citizens being killed by illegal immigrants. Many have previous criminal records and some have been deported to their home of origin and re-entered illegally time and again.

Many of these same Democrat hypocrites voted for existing walls and barriers in the past and now some even consider what they voted on is immoral and they should be taken down.

Finally, 31 state of emergency authorizations have preceded this one by Trump and were based on Democrat legislation passed in 1976.

What I am getting at is anything and everything Trump does and/or seeks to do is subject to resistance and criticism because Democrats hate him, want to defeat him and will do anything they can to bring this about.

Another question that comes to mind pertains to Democrats  ignoring anti-Semitic comments by radical Muslim Representatives and what, if any, impact  will this have on Democrat presidential candidates and their election efforts?

We all know Trump is combative, has said things that have been offensive and thus,  given Trump haters ammunition. The haters have questioned Trump's sanity, called for his impeachment, and, prior to and after  his election, sought to engage in outrageous, if not illegal, activities, to thwart him and members of his administration. The Mueller investigation was contrived and hangs like an albatross.

Last night we attended the Savannah Book Festival and heard Chris Stirewalt who reminded the audience America has faced many crises and survived and prospered.
He acknowledged the sad state of current affairs and petitioned the audience to re-introduce the next generation to learning civics.  He praised our constitution and urged we needed to embrace its dictates.

In a subtle way he connected slovenly dress, our personal insecurity and social media technology as related to our systemic problems. Our broken political system is not the issue.

He went out on a limb and predicted Kamala Harris would be the Democrat nominee and the biggest threat Democrats faced was the internecine attacks that would soon begin among their various announced candidates.

He offered another keen observation and said watch the Democrat candidate who grows and spoke about how Trump had been successful in adapting as the 2016 campaign progressed. (Yesterday I posted an op ed by Daniel Henninger along the same line.  He highlighted Trump's performance in El Paso.)

Personally, I am not as sanguine about our republic's ability to come through our current discord because a) I am cynical,  b) I believe there are not enough voters who are capable of reasoning and able to separate Trump's personality from his accomplishments and c) the attacks on America and Trump are orchestrated, well financed and meant to destroy  both him and our nation. 

Democrats are betting taxing the rich and embracing socialism are back in vogue and approve AOC's "Green" nonsense, wink at  anti-Semitism etc. To me, this suggests they are guilty of seeking legislation and acting in  ways  that appeal to emotion and the basest of instincts and for political reasons have chosen to totally ignore what is best for the nation. 

Frankly, their behaviour borders on treason because their constant pursuit of this president threatens his ability to function and carry out his constitutional authority and obligations. Democrats have chosen a dangerous route simply because they lust to regain power they lost because they consider Trump an unqualified president who beat their candidate.

When an entire party becomes sore losers and take upon themselves arbitrary actions that threaten our nation they deserve a thrashing at the polls.

The election of Obama set a low when it came to choosing a person unprepared and unworthy to be president and after 8 years, of what I believe was a failed presidency,  my greatest fear is we have created  a template for those who are increasingly less capable.  Name one significant qualification and accomplishment of the current crop of announced Democrat candidates and do so with a straight face? Calling yourself a Cherokee does not qualify.

I fear decades of destroying our education system, creating an increasingly  dependent population, attacking those who are patriotic and religious and crushing deficits etc. has reached indelible proportions. Have Americans become  more willing to fight each other than defend our nation.?

Can Bill "bar" the door and help  America avoid an inevitable implosion?

 Time will tell. (See 1 below.)

As any unbiased person knows anti-Semitism is on the rise.  I believe the incessant, unbalanced and outrageous attacks on and tactics employed against Trump are akin to anti-Semitism used against Israel.

Facts: Trump has a daughter who married a Jewish man and then converted and they are raising their children to be Jewish.  Trump did what all previous presidents were reluctant to do, move America's embassy to Jerusalem.  Trump is the only president, in my lifetime, to speak out pointedly against anti-Semitism in a SOTU address. Trump appointed Nikki Haley as our UN Ambassador and she was an unabashed defender of Israel against consistent UN bias trope.  Trump is the first president to hold  the UN accountable for it's bias and de-fund various UN agencies.

The attacks on Trump continue and particularly those accusing him of being a bigot, anti-Semitic etc.

What I am getting at is the same nonsense used to attack Israel is being used openly and un-apologetically against Trump 

The man is attacked constantly, he is consistently being thwarted in his efforts to protect and defend our nation by hypocrites who take issue with his desire to build structures that deter illegal immigration. Those who support sanctuary cities defy federal laws yet demand their right to continued federal funding.  Radical Democrats propose legislation that would break the bank but Trump is accused of deficit spending and reducing taxes on the wealthy. The mass media's bias against Trump is blatant and so the list goes.

In the case of Israel, nothing that tiny nation does goes un-noticed.  Israel is constantly subject to mass media double standard reporting.  They are always attacked when they defend themselves against being attacked. Israel is surrounded by Arab and Islamic nations who have sworn to annihilate them and who accuse them of atrocities they actually commit - think Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran for starters.

Trump, like Israel, is willing to respond. He is anything but apologetic unlike his predecessor who displayed a personal antipathy towards Bibi and, in the dark of night, funneled billions of American taxpayer money to assist Iran, the world's  biggest sponsor of terrorism.

To me the parallels are too obvious to ignore.
1) Bill Barr’s Hot Mess

He arrives at a Justice Department that is in desperate needs of an infusion of credibility.

By  Kimberley A. Strassel

It’s fitting that William Barr’s confirmation as attorney general happened just as two powerful law-enforcement figures were trading accusations involving President Trump. Mr. Barr’s greatest challenge isn’t antitrust deals, immigration policy or even handling special counsel Robert Mueller. His overriding challenge is to reboot a Justice Department that has shredded its reputation and lost the confidence of Congress and the public.

It’s hard to feel confident in law enforcement when a former deputy director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Andrew McCabe, reveals that a small cabal of unelected senior law-enforcement officers held meetings in May 2017 to plot Mr. Trump’s removal from office. In an interview with “60 Minutes” that aired Thursday and a forthcoming book, Mr. McCabe says he and other officials, including Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, did head-counts of which cabinet officials might vote to declare the president “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office” under the 25th Amendment. Mr. McCabe claims Mr. Rosenstein repeatedly offered to wear a wire when meeting with Mr. Trump.

Mr. Rosenstein, who’s expected to resign soon, responded Thursday with a Justice Department statement blasting the claims as “factually incorrect” and highlighting that Mr. McCabe was fired for lying to the department’s inspector general. The rest of the statement was pure spin, in which Mr. Rosenstein never denied the McCabe claims.

That’s the Justice Department Mr. Barr arrives to lead—a hot mess of finger-pointing, leaks, planted press narratives, obstruction and extraordinary self-righteousness. Since the FBI presumed to investigate two active presidential campaigns, more than two dozen Justice and FBI officials have been fired, demoted or resigned. Yet no one in authority has acknowledged the mistakes that led to this bloodbath, explained how these institutions failed so spectacularly, or offered a plan for ending the dysfunction.

That’s Mr. Barr’s opening. For the first time in this presidency, the Justice Department will have a leader who is apart from the Russia stink—neither accused of “collusion” nor obsessed with finding it. He’s also uniquely suited to understand the importance of credibility and accountability, having worked in the 1970s at the Central Intelligence Agency, then under intense fire. The first measure of the “independence” Mr. Barr promised in his confirmation hearings will be his ability to assess ruthlessly the institution he’s about to join and come clean with the public on two key questions—the “whether” and the “how” of 2016.
Whether the Justice Department’s and FBI’s most controversial actions were appropriate. Is it acceptable for the FBI to use opposition research as an excuse to surveil a political campaign? To use back channels to stay in touch with sources it fired? To open counterintelligence investigations (as opposed to criminal ones) into political figures? To actively hide those investigations from congressional overseers? To hold meetings about removing presidents? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, Americans deserve to know that this is the brave new world they live in.
If not, how did it happen, and how can leaders make sure it never happens again? What protections are there against the clear bias that permeated law enforcement’s upper ranks (Peter Strzok), or insubordination (Jim Comey) or obsessive media cultivation (Mr. McCabe)? What are the lines of authority, and what are the consequences for breaking the rules? How is it (as we learned this week from newly revealed emails) that Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, was able to reach the FBI’s general counsel on the phone? How many Americans get that courtesy? The public will never trust a law-enforcement agency that has different standards for the powerful, or appears to prosecute only in one political direction, or operates as a law unto itself.
This accounting is important for the country, but also for the Justice Department and FBI themselves—and their ability to protect the country. Lawmakers, for instance, remain furious about the abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It’s a bedrock tool for combating terrorism, yet it was stretched for use against American citizens involved in political campaigns. Top Republicans have made clear they will refuse to reauthorize parts of FISA until the Justice Department acknowledges that it overstepped its bounds and explains what reforms it will take.
Mr. Barr may be tempted to fob all this off on the investigations by the U.S. attorney for Utah, John Huber, or the Justice Department inspector general. But Mr. Huber appears to have done little by way of investigation, the inspector general’s report could still be a long way out, and in any event these questions merit answers from the nation’s top legal officer. Mr. Barr needs this job like he needs a hole in the head. But if he spends the next years rebuilding trust in federal law enforcement, he’ll have performed an immense public service.

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