Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Pornography and Be Safe!

Worth reading with a  magnifier.

Dear God, please send clothes  
for all those poor ladies on
grandpa's computer. Amen

I watch a lot of pornography so I hope none of those "unclothed" women ever accuse me of attacking them through my computer.

Also, if members of Congress spent more time doing the same maybe we would all be better off because:

a) They would have less time to oppose everything Trumps wants to accomplish in order to "Make America Great Again."

b) They would have less time to consider impeaching him because they do not like him, his hair do, how his wife dresses and his tweets all of which seem to fall short of high crimes and mis-demeanor's.


c) they would not be out and about harassing women and their employees etc.
Tomorrow, I drive to Jacksonville to pick up our son and his family who are flying in and over the entire rest of the week we will be entertaining family and friends, watching "college" football and whatever is normal in these abnormal times.

I have said it before and then broken my word but this is the last memo until sometime next week.

This will be true even if more sexual allegations arise.  However, if N Korea launches a missile, Iran unleashes Hezbollah and Maxine Waters says something stupid my commitment becomes null and void.
This from a very bright friend and fellow memo reader.  I have always said, as he does, there is always a price to pay. (See 1 below.)

1)  "Dick,

One final thought. If one thought in 1964-1968 that the movement captured in the phrase, “If it feels good, do it” would not come back to bite us, have another think. Here we are 50 years later beginning to see the effects of that “free _____(fill in the blank)” movement. Though in truth, the signs were there all along, we simply chose to ignore them. One cannot radically change the moral values of a people without consequences. We turned out a whole generation or two to be completely amoral and to be glad of it and are reaping the results. I’m neither a born again evangelical anything nor a religious fanatic by any means but right is right and wrong is wrong and the sooner we figure out that for fifty+ years we’ve been led willingly down the wrong path by the Devil incarnate, now called progressives (can’t anyone remember the story of Adam and Eve?), in search of our own personal happiness at the expense of the public weal the sooner we’ll get back to knowing how to behave as a civilized society.

Can we all say, “Sodom and Gomorrah,” Boys and Girls? E-----"

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