Saturday, November 4, 2017

Berhdahl Has Nine Lives, Many Who Searched For Him Lost Theirs. War Now Better Than Later. That's The Message Trump Should Deliver To China. Hail Haley!

The attorney representing Bowe Bergdahl was able to get before the judge the deserter had a disturbed youth, had other mental issues etc. and therefore, apparently, that and his imprisonment  by the Taliban weighted heavily on the court's decision.  Also, Trump's comments were understandable but probably not appropriate but Trump is Trump and will continue to be so.  That does not make things right it just means whatever he says needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
Trump is on a very important trip beginning today and it could well determine whether we go to war with N Korea. I believe we will be forced to go to war to curb the leader of N Korea and would hope we do so sooner than later. It is time to take our heads out of the sand and quit thinking this nation will give up their Nuclear Weapons because we want them to, because China may want them to. Realistically,  N Korea's leader has snookered every president prior to Trump and sees no reason things have changed. You feed a bully and he will both grow and seek more nourishment by reason of the fact it increases his appetite.

With every passing day, Obama looks to be what he was all along, a community organizer who was glib but totally incompetent and thus dangerous. Those who found him otherwise will never admit what a bungler, purposeful or otherwise he was and I certainly do not expect reasoning, facts and logic will change their mind.  They will continue to point to GW, they will deny, duck  and dance because they cannot admit they were wrong and continue to be so.

The only chance we have of avoiding what we must do is whether China will act in their own interest and help Trump to keep every president's sacred oath - to defend America.  Furthermore, Iran is also watching and their effort to create an alliance with Russia does not bode well for world peace. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile,  Brazille has let us in on what happened at The DNC.  The Clinton's decided to maneuver their party into nominating Hillary and cutting Bernie off at the knees.  I have listened to some interviews of Democrats who have danced all over trying to deny the obvious. Several came out looking like pretzels. I never knew pretzels could lie like rugs. When it comes to the mass media objectivity is dead.
Haley  flat tells it like it needs to be done.

There has probably never been a clearer repudiation of the foreign policy of a previous administration than what Haley delivered. From telling the UN to bugger off, to reminding them there is a new president, to referring to Samantha Power’s comments as “casual cruelty.” The condemnation could not be more stark. (See 1 below.)

For over fifty-five years, the Cuban Regime has used this debate In the United Nations General Assembly as a “shiny object” to distract the world’s attention from the destruction it has inflicted on its own people and on others in the Western Hemisphere.

For this, each year, this assembly’s time is wasted considering this resolution. And the United States is subjected to all manner of ridiculous claims. Anything to deflect the blame from the regime that is truly responsible for the suffering of the Cuban people. But the United States will not be distracted. We will not lose sight of what stands between the Cuban people and the free and democratic future that is their right.

No doubt there will be some here who do not understand how we can take such opposite positions, separated by just twelve months. They will wonder how we could passively accept this resolution last year and energetically oppose it this year.
To those who are confused as to where the United States stands, let me be clear: As is their right under our Constitution, the American people have spoken. They have chosen a new president, and he has chosen a new ambassador to the United Nations.

This Assembly does not have the power to end the US embargo. It is based in US law which only the United States Congress can change. No, what the General Assembly is doing today, what it does every year at this time, is political theater.

When the United States abstained on this resolution last year, its decision was explained by saying, “We recognize that the future of the island lies in the hands of the Cuban people.” There is a casual cruelty to that remark for which I am profoundly sorry. Regrettably, as of today, the future of Cuba is not in your hands. It remains in the hands of your dictators. The United States opposes this resolution today in continued solidarity with the Cuban people and in the hope that they will one day be free to choose their own destiny .
 We might stand alone today. But when the day of freedom comes for the Cuban people — and it will come — we will rejoice with them as only a free people can.

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