Sunday, October 29, 2017

Democrat Tax Hypocrisy. Well Thrown Opposition Research Boomerang Returns to Thrower. Trump Activism and His Methods Driving Establishment and Anti-Trumpers Crazy.

There is no split in the Democrat Party.  The Cowboys and Indians simply seek Trump's impeachment.

Meanwhile, Trump is accused, in a poll, of causing dysfunctioning  in government. The reason Trump was elected is because government was perceived as not working for most Americans but only for the privileged and ingrained political class.

He came into office pledging to "Drain The Swamp" and "Make America Great Again."  This means getting rid of business as usual etc. Now that he is doing what he said he would I do not find this poll results particularly compelling/convincing. 

I understand many are opposed to some of his Tweeting and food fights but what Trump is doing is breaking up elitism and changing the world's perception of America which, during Obama's tenure, was one of weakness and confusion.

Trump is trying to make government less restrictive on the private sector, trying to grow the economy, restore respect for our police, flag and symbols and respect for and observation of law. He is also trying to rebuild our military and replace negative aspects of globalism with credible nationalization policies, protect our borders and resolve our archaic immigration laws while suppporting enforcement, reduce drugs flooding into our nation and bring some semblance of rationale to our tax laws.

Because he is an activist and not supportive of business as usual it is no wonder people are somewhat confused and overwhelmed.

It also must be recognized that most everything he is for Democrats oppose. Even some in his own party have decided to become renegades either out of true conviction or many out of personal pique.
Democrats love to engage in class warfare until it comes to taxes and then, all of a sudden they want to protect 'filthy rich' tax payers.

As for myself, I am not in favor of double taxation at any level and under any circumstances.  This is why I favor elimination of estate taxes.

The estate tax was originally instituted to break up wealth accumulation.  Since that time Buffet, Gates, Soros and some 397 Forbe's Magazine others have amassed extraordinary wealth so this tax has proven irrelevant.  (See 1 below.)
Well thrown boomerangs have a way of returning. (See 2 below.)
1)This Is Rich: Democrats Fight To Protect A $1.8 Trillion Tax Break That Benefits The Top 1%

Democratic leaders, including Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, are fighting to keep the state and local tax deduction, despite the fact that the benefits of this deduction go mainly to the rich. (AP)

Reprints Investors Business Daily 

Tax Reform: What do you call a tax break that delivers 88% of the benefits to upper-income families and subsidizes rich states at the expense of poor ones? If you're a Democrat, you call it a sacred cow.

One provision of the Republican's tax-cutting plan that has drawn intense opposition from Democrats is the elimination of state and local tax(SALT) deductions for those who itemize. Rep. Nancy Pelosi said it was "an insidious effort to raise taxes on middle class families … across America." Sen. Ron Wyden said that "hardworking middle-class folks are not going to appreciate Congress double taxing them." New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo called it "a pure tax increase."

So what is it that Democrats are valiantly trying to protect?

This SALT deduction, as it's sometimes called, will cost the federal government $1.8 trillion over the next decade, according to the Tax Foundation.

And the benefits go almost entirely to upper-income families.

Fewer than 22% of tax filers even claim the state and local tax deduction, and the vast majority of these are higher-income families. While 78% of those with incomes above $200,000 claim the deduction, just 7% of those making between $30,000 and $40,000 do. For most taxpayers, the standard deduction is more valuable.

In addition, because the wealthy pay more in state and local taxes, and are taxed at higher rates at the federal level, the value of this tax break sharply increases with income.

The Joint Committee on Taxation calculates that for those earning more than $200,000, the SALT deduction cuts their federal tax bill by an average $6,295. For those with incomes of between $100,000 and $200,000, it's just $857. Those earning from $30,000 to $40,000 get an average of $93 off their federal tax bill.

As a result, 88% of the $1.8 trillion cost of this tax break goes to the 10% of families with incomes above $100,000.

In other words, this is one hugely regressive tax break.

And since the GOP plan would nearly double the standard deduction, the cost of getting rid of the SALT tax break will be even more concentrated among upper-income families.

So why are Democrats so intent on keeping it?

To understand that, you also have to understand that the benefits of the SALT deduction are heavily skewed toward wealthy high-tax states, for the simple reason that the more someone pays in state and local taxes, the more they can deduct from federal income taxes.

In fact, just seven states — California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York — account for more than half the deduction's cost, according to the Heritage Foundation. California alone is responsible for almost 20%.

Not only are these high-tax states, but they all just happen to be heavily Democratic. (Hillary Clinton had an average 21.6-point margin of victory in these seven states.)

In effect, then, the SALT tax break has turned into a massive federal subsidy of profligate liberal states, paid for by fiscally conservative states.

That's why Democrats are so determined to keep it. Not because they care about working class families, but because they don't want to see their rich friends who live in deep-blue states get hurt.
2) Are Democrats About to be Hoisted on Their Own Petards
by Jonathan Rosenblum

Since before the inauguration, Democrats have been hyper-ventilating about the Trump Team's alleged collusion with Russia to steal the 2016 election. The end game was undoubtedly the drafting of articles of impeachment against Trump for his treasonous relationship with the Russians.

Having stressed the Russian threat to America and evil of Vladimir Putin, the Democrats cannot suddenly turn around and downplay the Russian menace, as President Obama did in 2012 when he mocked Mitt Romney in one debate for seeking to return to the foreign policy of the Cold War. And that is a problem for Democrats.
Why that is so begins with the machinations of the Clinton Foundation, especially during the time Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State and presumptive next president of the United States. Peter Schweitzer provided the details in his 2015 book Clinton Cash, and they were confirmed by New York Times reporters Joe Becker and Mike McIntire.

The Clinton Foundation never remotely functioned as a charitable institution, unless of course high end travel and large salaries for its principals and their permanent staff of retainers constitutes charity. As Mark Steyn points out, on average out of a million dollars donated to the Clinton Foundation to benefit street urchins in Africa, a mere $64,000 would have reached those urchins, with the remaining $936,000 going to salaries and overhead.
As a charitable institution the Clinton Foundation was a scandal, but as an influence-peddling ATM for the Clinton family and their consiglieres, it was a remarkable success. Consider the Foundation's services on behalf of Frank Giustra, a Canadian billionaire. In 2005, Giustra and partners contributed $10,000.000 to the Clinton Foundation. In return, former president Bill Clinton used his influence with Kazakistan's dictator to secure uranium mining rights for Giustra's company. Those rights proved immensely profitable. Not for naught, did Giustra and partners contribute, according to Newsweek, $145 million to the Clinton Foundation, or a Canadian subsidiary, over the years.

The problem developed when Vladimir Putin set his eyes on the same uranium and prevailed in his subtle fashion of Kazakistan's dictator to imprison the official who had signed the uranium deal with Giustra's company. The threatened revocation of its uranium mining rights had predictable results on Giustra's company's share prices.
Fortunately, for Giustra, Hillary Clinton was already Secretary of State by that time. On a visit to Russia, she arranged for Rosatom, Russia's state atomic energy corporation, to purchase a 17% share of Uranium One (a company formed from the merger of Giustra's original company and a South African mining firm), and all the problems disappeared.

Putin, however, had bigger designs: He wanted a controlling share of Uranium One, which coincidentally controls 20% of America's uranium. In addition, to being the essential ingredient for America's nuclear arsenal, uranium also fuels nuclear power plants that produce 20% of America's power. America's own uranium resources are only adequate to fill one-fifth of its needs.

For Rosatom to purchase a controlling interest required the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (CFIUS). As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was the senior member of the eighteen person committee. To improve its chances of a favorable verdict from the CFIUS, a state-controlled Russian bank invited Bill Clinton to give an hour-long speech for which he was remunerated to the tune of half a million dollars, while the request was pending. Several million dollars were also donated to the Clinton Foundation by figures connected to Rosatom, through a Canadian subsidiary to avoid the reporting requirements imposed on Hillary Clinton when she was appointed Secretary of State (at least in her interpretation of those reporting requirements.)
CFIUS approval of the transfer of control of one-fifth of America's was forthcoming on October 23 2010. Rosatom's chief and former president of Russia, Sergei Kiriyenko, reported to the Duma, "I am pleased to inform you that we control 20% of the uranium in the United States. If we need that uranium, we shall be able to use it any time."

THOUGH THE FOREGOING SORDID TALE has never received the attention it deserves, it has been known and documented for more than two years. Last week, The Hill reporters John Solomon and Alison Spann published an explosive investigative report detailing how the FBI and the Obama Department of Justice Department (DOJ) acted in such a way as to facilitate the Uranium One deal going through.

CFIUS approval of Rosatom's purchase of the controlling interest in Uranium One was only possible at a time of a "reset" of relations with Russia, when Russia was no longer viewed as America's major adversary but as a partner in creating a more stable and safer world. Many Republicans never bought that Obama-Clinton narrative, and there were stirrings of strong opposition to the Uranium One purchase, but the Republicans were a minority in the Senate and lacked a clear smoking gun proving that Russia had not signed on for the reset.
Though Republican senators would lack the proof that the Russian leopard had not changed its spots until Russia's 2014 invasion of the Ukraine, the FBI and DOJ had solid evidence of Russia's untrustworthiness prior to the CFIUS approval of Rosatom's purchase of control of Uranium One.

From 2009, Vadim Mikiren, the head of Tenam, a Maryland-based American subsidiary of Rosatom, was engaged in racketeering, extortion, and money-laundering involving U.S. uranium firms. In return for no-bid contracts and large kickbacks, Mikiren was extorting above market prices for Rosatom's uranium. The kickbacks were then laundered through a series of shell corporations.

As described in National Review by Andrew McCarthy, the lead federal prosecutor in the first World Trade Center bombing case, Mikiren's purpose was twofold: First, to line his pockets and those of senior officials in Moscow, and, second, to compromise leading companies in the American uranium industry by involving them in illegality. From 2009, the FBI had a informer within Tenam, in the person of an American lobbyist hired by Mikiren. That informer provided the FBI with incriminating emails and also recorded discussions with Mikiren.

By May 2010, in McCarthy's expert judgment, the FBI and DOJ already had clear evidence of Mikiren's racketeering activity, and knew that at least one firm engaged in transporting uranium, Transport Logistics, had paid a $2 million kickback.

Had the DOJ commenced a prosecution at that time, it would almost certainly have scuttled Rosatom's purchase of control of Uranium One. DOJ's chief, Attorney-General Eric Holder, incidentally, also sat on the CFIUS committee that approved that purchase

Yet the government did not commence prosecution until Russia's invasion of the Ukraine in 2014. And it did so with minimum fanfare so as not to trigger a retroactive look at the 2010 CFIUS decision or to interrupt Hillary Clinton's march to the White House.

By 2014, the statute of limitations had already run on many of Miken's crimes. He was not charged with money-laundering, each count of which carries a potential 20 years in prison, but rather with conspiracy to launder money, which carries a maximum sentence of five years. McCarthy points out that the U.S. Attorney in charge of the case violated the DOJ's own prosecutorial guidelines in charging Mikiren only with conspiracy to money launder.

In the plea agreement signed with Miken, only a few of his numerous criminal acts were mentioned, and none of those that took place in 2009 and 2010, prior to the CFIUS approval of the Rosatom purchase. Finally, the FBI pressured the chief informant into a non-disclosure agreement, which was subsequently used to prevent him from filing a civil suit against Tenam and Mikiren for kickback payments he made to them, and more recently from testifying before Congress about what he knows and about what he heard of Russian efforts to curry favor with Ma and Pa Clinton.

As McCarthy sums up, the Rosatom purchase is no longer just a Clinton scandal; it is an Obama administration scandal. The administration acted to prevent its "reset" narrative from being exploded, and to do so, it required the cooperation of the FBI and DOJ.

NOR WAS THE MIKIREN INVESTIGATION the only assist given by the FBI and DOJ to both the Obama administration's "reset" narrative and the Clintons' efforts to advance the Rosatom sale. The day before Bill Clinton was scheduled to deliver his half million dollar speech to Renaissance Capital in Moscow, the FBI arrested a ring of ten Russian spies living under false identities in the Boston-Washington D.C. corridor.
The FBI operation, under the code name Ghost Stories, was the agency's biggest counterintelligence bust in history. But again, it did not get the bells and whistle treatment that usually attends such a coup. Hillary Clinton quickly arranged a one-sided spy exchange with Putin, which took place over the July 4 weekend, when Congress was not in session. In return for ten young and highly-trained spies, Putin exchanged an American double agent, an open source researcher classified by Amnesty International as a political prisoner, a colonel who had spied for Britain, and an elderly ex-KGB operative from the Soviet era.

A Clinton spokesperson denied that she was in any way the target of the Russian spy operation. But that is almost certainly false. J. Michael Waller of the Daily Caller reports that redacted evidence submitted by the FBI in federal court shows that the SVR (Russia's external security service) tried to burrow into Clinton's circle as early as 2008. SVR agent Lidiya Guryeva, who was working as vice-president of a high-end tax service company under the alias Cynthia Murphy had Clinton and five members of her inner circle as prime targets.

FBI counter-intelligence head Frank Figliuzzi explained the timing of the spy arrests: "We were becoming very concerned that they were getting close enough to a sitting U.S. cabinet member that we thought we could no longer allow this to continue." The unclassified FBI information identifies that cabinet member as a former high-level officeholder from New York involved in foreign policy. Only then Secretary of State Clinton fit the description.
The Daily Caller's Waller raises several pertinent questions based on his reporting. First, why was Secretary of State Clinton so eager to conclude a one-sided spy exchange deal and get the Russian operatives out of the United States, and thereby put a quick close to the matter? Second, why was the FBI so reticent about celebrating one of its greatest triumphs?

The intelligence community has been the source of many leaks during the Trump presidency. Large sections of the salacious (and thoroughly discredited) Fusion GPS dossier, prepared by former British intelligence operative Christopher Steele, were leaked. Then FBI director James Comey thought enough of the document to brief both President Obama and President-elect Trump on its contents last January, and the fact of that briefing also reached the press. Why, then, have there been no leaks about the 2010 spy bust when charges of Russian election interference first surfaced.

Fusion GPS had previously acted as unregistered agents for the Russian government to oppose the Magnitsky Act, which bans certain named Russian officials believed complicit in the 2009 death of Sergei Magnitsky in prison. Magnitsky had been investigating fraud involving senior Russian tax officials and the country's oligarchs, and was imprisoned on trumped up charges. In prison, he was denied medical treatment and ultimately beaten to death. Hillary Clinton expressed her opposition to the Magnitsky Act as part of her "reset" initiative with the Russians.

Another one of her first acts in office was to arrange for 28 American tech CEOs and venture capitalists – 17 of them Clinton Foundation donors – to visit the Russian high-tech hub in Skolhova. The U.S. military characterizes Skolhova as an above ground "alternative to industrial espionage."

DONALD TRUMP'S FRAGILE EGO AND NARCISSISM render him incapable of remaining disinterested enough to be a credible guardian of the public interest. It is even more clear, however, that Hillary Clinton's insatiable greed and quest for cash to keep Clinton, Inc. well-oiled made her an even more untrustworthy guardian.
As the story grows of all the places the Putin's tentacles reached, Democrats have more to fear than Donald Trump. And those charged with sorting out the mess have themselves been implicated.

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller was the FBI director at the time of almost all of Mikiren's racketeering activity and at the time of the arrest of the ten Russian undercover agents. The man who appointed him and granted him an apparently unlimited mandate to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and all related matters was none other than Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the U.S. Attorney for Maryland, with chief prosecutorial authority, during the Mikiren investigation. And the head of DOJ's Fraud Division, who signed off on the plea bargain with Mikiren was Andrew Weissman, currently one of Mueller's top assistants.

All of which raises the question with respect to Mueller, Rosenstein, and Weissman: Who will investigate the investigators?

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