Thursday, August 28, 2014

Two Conflicting Problems and Would Liberals Bring Themselves To Even Vote For God If He/She Ran As A Republican?

These cartoons are from Australia.  They get it!
We are faced with two conflicting circumstances.

We have a president who plays golf, goes to fund raisers so , like Horatio, he can collect enough money to ward off the rising tide against Democrats and his declining popularity.  Thus, he, and his family  are being paid an enormous sum, considering the cost of all the perks, while not doing much of anything effective  to earn what tax payers cough up .

Since he is incompetent and makes decisions, or fails to, which do more harm aren't we better off if he just plays golf and hangs with his fat cat Liberal Hollywood and Wall Street buddies?

But, do we not need someone to make decisions to ward off the threats from Obama's failed policies and feckless leadership?  Yes, but then who among his third rate hacks can rise to the occasion - Biden?  God forbid. So I guess we just have to suck it up and pray the next two years will pass quickly.

Meanwhile, should Obama decide to attack something no doubt Fox T.V would be his first choice.

I am bemused by the reaction of my befuddled friends who voted for Obama, not once but twice. They sheepishly, acknowledge their disappointment.  

However, though they engaged in only a smidgen of  reasoning when they voted for Obama they now seem very concerned about whom Republicans will select in 2016. I constantly hear  'yes, Obama has disappointed me but who is your party going to select to replace him?' 

On occasion the truly defensive remind me that though Obama's performance has been disappointing it is all because GW who should never have invaded Iraq, never balanced the budget and presided over a terrible economy blah, blah, blah.

It is not easy to admit a mistake.  We are not raised as children to do so.  We spend much of our life in denial. We look in the mirror and see someone we like,who we believe is good,  has many virtuous attributes and whose judgement is generally smack on. 

Liberals tend to be among the biggest abusers because they tend to believe, so fervently, in their ideas because they are so virtuous. After all, they care more about the welfare of others than conservatives who are constantly warring against women, taking food and milk from children and who are racists to the core. Even though liberal policies have failed to produce the results they espouse, failure is always based on not having enough money.

Thus, they eagerly bought Clinton's line about how he' felt our pain' and Obama's pitch that he would reduce racial tensions, run an open administration, reduce spending and bring our troops home.

What, of course has happened, is one scandal after another but no 'smidgen' of same.  What has actually happened is a greater divide between black and white. What has actually happened is a total rejection and distrust of American leadership. What has actually  happened is a ballooning deficit, and what has actually happened is a world  more unstable than at any time since  WW 2, while we are told it is more 'tranquil.'

I doubt liberals, who are disappointed by Obama, could bring themselves to even  vote for God were he/she  to be on the Republican ticket in 2016.  Why?  Because most liberals no longer believe God ever had or even now has anything to do with America. We have become a godless society and it is all because of GW.

But most of all, conservatism is no longer a philosophy that sells because it preaches eternal values no longer cherished and embraced. If truth be told, even The Republican Party has strayed from its own principles and , being an old fashioned conservative, that is a fact that irritates me to no end.

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