The combination of energy innovation across North America and Mexico's bold economic reforms creates an opportunity to build a stronger continental economic base. Mr. Obama should capitalize on this opportunity with new North American energy infrastructure, upgrades of Nafta, modernized and faster border crossings, and partnerships on issues ranging from human capital to security. The U.S. should be helping Mexico's reformers show the benefits of liberalization through, for example, grid interconnections that would lower electricity costs. Yet the Obama administration has instead thwarted North American integration by blocking the Keystone XL Pipeline from Canada and blocking the participation of Mexico and Canada in the TTIP negotiations with Europe.
The tragedy of Central America's children fleeing the violence and poverty of their home countries is a sad reminder of the security risks south of the border. In the late 1990s, President Bill Clinton worked with his Colombian counterpart and a Republican Congress to design Plan Colombia, an initiative to foster better security and governance in a country torn apart by terrorists and narco-traffickers. Today, Colombia is a successful democratic partner in the region. A new Plan Central America to promote better security, governance and economic development in the region should mobilize support from Mexico, Colombia, Panama and Canada.
The U.S. also needs a new partnership with Germany, the most important country in Europe. The first step should be a customized intelligence arrangement. The U.S. government doesn't need to spy on Chancellor Angela Merkel or the German Bundestag, but it does need information on terrorists. Despite an embarrassing incident, the administration ignored German political opinion and bungled again by paying an inept spy to get information of questionable use.
The best antidote to Russian aggression is for Ukraine to become a successful democracy with a strong economy. If Ukraine makes economic reforms, as it is starting to do, the U.S. and Europe need to mobilize more resources. We can choose to invest in success or pay the price of failure. We need to work with Ukraine's political factions as they build a republic worthy of its courageous people. And we should provide Ukrainians with weapons and intelligence to resist the Russian subversion strategy that NATO's Supreme Commander Phil Breedlove recently described in an op-ed for this newspaper. The U.S. must also reinforce East European NATO allies in their efforts to improve defenses against Russia's use of sleeper cells, cyberattacks, and internal strife.
The Obama administration's "pivot" toward Asia hasn't fared much better than its "reset" with Russia. Since the Sunnylands Summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping more than a year ago, the administration hasn't taken steps to define what it and Beijing are calling "a new type of great power relationship." China's economic reformers seek to increase consumption, expand service industries and open capital markets, goals that could fit well with U.S. interests, while China's defense hawks seek to push the U.S. out of the Western Pacific. Yet the administration appears to have no one connecting the strands of Sino-American relations. The U.S. will be better positioned to deal with China if it strengthens ties with longtime allies in the Pacific, especially overcoming tensions between Japan and South Korea.
The wider Middle East now faces a long period of upheaval—with conflicts between Sunni and Shia, Arabs and Persians, and tribes and modernizers. The rapid expansion of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham shows the danger of disengagement. If the U.S. does not want to fight enemies directly, it needs to supply partners who share our interests—whether they be Kurds, Free Syrians, or tribal leaders. Instead, both friendly Gulf States and Israel fear they cannot count on the U.S.
The president can also take a strategic lead through actions at home. The House and Senate have passed competing bills to strengthen private-sector cybersecurity, with no compromise in sight. As a matter of national security, the president should press Congress to reach a compromise.
President Obama must do more than claim to be on the right side of history. His predecessors shaped history. The rest of the world is watching to see if the U.S. will again mold the world to mutual advantage.
Mr. Zoellick has served as president of the World Bank Group, U.S. trade representative and deputy secretary of state.

5c)  Scorched Earth Politicians

Barack Obama’s poll numbers are plummeting -- for many good reasons -- as the midterm elections approach. Republicans naturally are trying to nationalize the election, since the GOP can legitimately claim every Democrat has empowered Barack Obama to fundamentally transform -- that is, damage -- America. Since Barack Obama is increasingly considered a failure -- his former secretaries ofDefense and State are both openly criticizing, if not mocking, him (with more to follow as officials seek to rewrite history) -- he and his fellow Democrats are desperate to cling to whatever power and seats they can. As Mike Lillis writes inThe Hill, Democrats are throwing the kitchen sink at Republicans ahead of the midterms. But they are doing more than throwing issue after issue at Republicans. They are – and have been for quite a while -- engaging in disgraceful conduct that should earn the contempt of all Americans -- a contempt that must be shown in the voting booths this November.
Recall Barack Obama’s declaration that so electrified America back in 2004:
“There is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is a United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America, a Latino America, an Asian America, There is a United States of America.”
As Ben Shapiro notes, he repeated this promise to unify us many times. After his Iowa caucus victory he said:
You [voters] said the time has come to move beyond the bitterness and ager and pettiness that's consumed Washington; to end the political strategy that's been all about division. And instead make it about addition; to build a coalition for change that stretches through red states and blue states.”
He repeated variations of the same pabulum many times -- the slogan and game plan was basically plagiarized from Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, who had previously used David Axelrod as his campaign strategist.
How nice the sentiments; how sweet the words. They meant nothing.
They were only words -- con man patter cleverly crafted to create votes and then dispensed with after elections.
But Obama’s words and actions once in office have had the opposite effect. He has created divisions in America -- and made us less whole.  
He is in fact the most polarizing president ever. He has sought do divide America into discrete groups -- slicing and dicing the population so he could win elections by compiling enough electoral votes. He and his fellow Democrats have practiced identity politics at its worst -- stoking the fever of racism among African-Americans and Latinos. He has taken the Alinsky adage to “rub raw the resentment of the people” to gin up class warfare and made it the only organizing principle (as Hillary Clinton might say) of his otherwise chaotic presidency. He and his fellow Democrats have damaged all of America in doing so and when his presidency comes to an end those wound will remain raw.
“Out of many, one” has been transformed into “out of one, many”.
Democrats routinely shift blame for their own failure to Republicans who are repeatedly characterized by Democrats as bomb-throwers, hostage takers, terrorists, obstructionists motivated by greed.
The most inflammatory charge has been that Republicans and many whites are racists. Joe Biden charged that Mitt Romney would “put y’all back in chains”. Democrats have all but depicted Tea Party activists and their sympathizers as being KKK members whose robes were at the dry cleaners. When Democrats such as John Lewis and Emanuel Cleaver claimed that racial epithets and saliva were hurled at them, they offered no proof and the late Andrew Breitbart compelled the New York Times to issue a correction to the claim that the Tea party had done so. But the race card is too useful to be left in the deck.
Barack Obama’s enforcer, Attorney General Eric Holder, cannot stop claiming racism is pervasive in America. We are a nation of cowards when it comes to discussing racism (circa 2009 but a sentiment he still holds as of July, 2014); racism was behind the “treatment” meted out to him and to President Obama (circa April 2014); the question was not when affirmative action would end but when does it begin… when do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled; his people are not Americans but African-Americans, are so it can be surmised given his retort when questioned about his refusal to pursue a clear-cut case against the Black Panther Party for voter intimidation.
Alexander Jaffe of The Hill wrote in “Democrats push race issues”:
Democrats are injecting race into the 2014 midterm elections amid fears that a drop-off in minority voters could severely cost them at the polls this fall.
Democratic leaders in Congress and administration officials have suggested GOP opposition to policies ranging from immigration reform to ObamaCare are, at least partly, motivated by race.
Democrats haven’t shied away from using it as a tactic. Earlier this year, both Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel (N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suggested Republican opposition to immigration reform was partially motivated by racism.
Their comments came the same week that Attorney General Eric Holder told a crowd of civil rights activists that his tenure had been marked by “unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly and divisive adversity.”
More recently, retiring Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) drew a firestorm of criticism when he suggested some of the GOP’s opposition to ObamaCare was based on race. And just two weeks ago, longtime civil rights crusader Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), never one to ignore the issue, said the Tea Party opposed Obama because of his race.
The list of Democrats charging Republicans with racism is a long one. Amplified by networks such as MSNBC (Chris Mathews and Al Sharpton have verbal tics on this issue; a form of Tourette’s that should be treated -- a medical leave of absence would probably help ratings of that beleaguered, Obama-lovin’ network) it has created a corrosiveness in the American body politic that will last long after Obama has left the Oval Office.
Democrats have a penchant for rubbing raw those wounds of discontent.
Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and President Obama have cheered on the antics of the Occupy Wall Street protesters (a vulgar collection of phonies, public defecators, trespassers, criminals, and anti-Semites) who preached the need for class warfare. Pelosi semi-sanctified them when she said “God Bless Them”. Obama embraced the movement,stating that “we are on their side” and -- giving credit where credit is due (something as rare for him to do as a solar eclipse) -- told them “You are the reason I became president.” Now we know who to blame.
Democrats have certainly stoked class divisions in America, constantly harping on the greed of doctors, bankers, insurance companies, energy companies, and basically every productive and profitable enterprise in the country (not one of which was built by the people who built them; somehow they just appeared in ready-to-tax form).
Companies legally seeking to minimize their taxes to be competitive with foreign companies are derided as “unpatriotic.” Are they as unpatriotic as Michelle Obama --Princeton, Harvard, fancy law firm, overpaid job created just for her, White House -- who was proud of her country for the first time only when her husband was nominated for the presidency? Barack Obama should be careful hurling charges about others’ patriotism.
Democrats seek to create controversy with false charges -- facts be damned. They want to stoke anger and division. Former White House Senior Adviser David Plouffe disclosed what has been called the “Stray Voltage” political strategy:
The theory goes like this: Controversy sparks attention, attention provokes conversation, and conversation embeds previously unknown or marginalized ideas in the public consciousness.
So a fake statistic on the pay gap between men and women can be ginned up as agitprop to rile up women, play into the War on Women theme, and depict businesses and businessmen -- and the Republicans who are there proxies -- as misogynists. Facts don’t matter; smoke (screens) are perceived as being caused by fires. Fantasy impeachment stories are floated for fundraising purposes and to anger the base and floating the idea that Republicans want to impeach the nation’s first black president will further hurt Republican support among blacks.Democrats are obsessed with impeachment; not Republicans.
It is a disgraceful practice that uses lies to generate anger among us. Hypocritically, it is Obama who constantly hectors Americans not to be cynical about politics. How could that ever happen?
What Hillary Clinton claimed was the politics of personal destruction has been honed and wielded by Democrats.
Mitt Romney was brutalized by one unfair accusation after another as he became the first actual human carcinogenic. Senator Harry Reid devoted much of his time as Majority Leader accusing Romney of law-breaking; he was protected from lawsuits by making his attacks from the Senate floor (so much for the so-called do nothing Congress).Reid has become kooky on the Kochs -- further inflaming the unhealthy conspiracy theories that course through America at times. And of course, before all that was caustic commentary and lies about McCain and Palin.
Climate-change skeptics are derided as climate-change deniers (redolent of Holocaust deniers); members of the Flat Earth Society who believe the moon is made of cheese. Does all this mockery of Americans make Barack Obama feel good? If your coworker engaged in endless sarcasm would you want to work with him; would you want a leader to be so addicted to this uninspiring, cheap tactic?
People who want secure borders are xenophobes (i.e., Republicans) who hate Hispanics and want them eaten by alligators (Barack Obama, 2011 ; they should be punished as enemies (has Barack Obama ever identified Islamic extremists as America’s enemies?) since people should vote for revenge.
People should vote for revenge -- has any American president ever said anything so disgraceful? Obama’s legacy will be an ugly one.
Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats have plotted and planned to divide and conquer America. “Out of many, one” has been “fundamentally transformed” to “out of one, many”.
As the failures of their agenda become even more visible (trust in government is at an all- time low) they will increasingly engage in divisive rhetoric and actions. Barack Obama has privately expressed his desire to going Bulworth in his second term. Can anyone imagine the hate speech that will follow as his bitterness spews forth?
He and his allies should be denied the power to do more harm to America. They should not be allowed to control any branch of government. Obama should be isolated and Democrats should no longer be allowed to do his bidding in Congress. Then he can experience firsthand the feeling of the sores of discontent being rubbed raw.
Maybe we should abide by Barack Obama’s express wish and vote for revenge; but even better, vote Republican.