Monday, October 24, 2022

Homicides Rise- Thanks Soros. HO, HO, HO Or NO, NO, NO.


Homicide Rates Surge in Cities Run by Soros-Backed DA's

By Aaron Kliegman, JTN


 I find it inconceivable those who have and/or intend to vote will ignore inflation, the elevated cost of all consumables, the border invasion, spreading criminality, drugs flooding into our country, and all the other serious problems inflicting pain upon our nation.  

This is why I believe the vote tally favors Republicans greater than being forecast. Matters are bleak, attitudes are sullen and thus positive votes are unlikely to come down The White House chimney and land on Biden and Democrat's welcome mat.

This is supposed to be a happy time of the year.  One of good cheer, children getting their wish list filled and bonuses given out. Eat drink and be merry is the theme and good tidings in the air.

Instead, what we are getting, in addition to the above, are sightings of a  president falling asleep during an interview and in denial regarding the economy, the unpleasant prospect of a sexual abuse law suit if you take advantage of hung mistletoe and you know the rest.

Attacks on our institutions are overwhelming, disturbing and sap one's enthusiasm. I do not mean to be glum but this is the reality I see and it is unhealthy.

Externally matters are not much better, because the world is being threatened with the prospect of a "small" nuclear war by a Russian leader whose world is collapsing and no one really knows how he will react to his army's questionable performance. We also must not  ignore the visual of a high up Chinese official being led out of the chamber because Xi felt threatened or displeased.  If that is not distressing enough,  virtually everything you read is "we lose" should Xi chose to confront us militarily.

Meanwhile, we are busy instructing our troops in social etiquette and encouraging our youth to find nothing positive about our nation and expecting them to come "to the aid of their countrymen" in the event China chooses to challenge us for world dominance.

On the economic front, I do not believe 2% inflation is likely to occur and if The Fed seeks that level they will surely cause a severe recession as interest rates crush consumer hopes and attitudes.  Consequently,  I suspect, The Fed will conclude 4 plus % is the new acceptable base level for the time being.  And yes, for those who look, Joe's Government is devouring 96% of the nations' GDP, the FBI remains corrupt and Ms.Cheney pursues Trump because she hates the man. 

If anyone thinks we are rid of Obama think again. His holdovers are in control.

As for the stock market, is is rallying from an oversold position because the next 2 to 3 months historically are good ones and prospects are building that November will be the last time The Fed raises rates 3/4 of a%. 

A big "R" is being readied for the globe in 2023 if you believe the mass media folks and assorted gloomy economists.  The most positive scenario is a mild "R" which is currently being discounted. Now that would be a nice package to find under one's tree.

Stay tuned as events unfold.


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