Thursday, June 24, 2021

Neanderthals and Deplorables Need To Be Indoctrinated. The Uprise Is Finally Gathering Some Steam. The Coffee Fly. General Milque-Toast Made Me Puke.

We are finally beginning to see some push back regarding Critical Race Theory nonsense.  

A guest, Katie Couric, on Bill Maher recently said  those who protested and displayed their concern about the direction of our government, when they attacked The Capitol, need to be reprogrammed.  In other words, if "Neanderthals and deplorables" hold different views than liberals or other radicals associated with the intellectually corrupt Democrat Party,  they need to be re-educated so they will learn how to think.  The "founding fathers" must all be turning over in their graves and wondering what happened to the First Amendment they though we might think was worth more than the parchment on which it was written..

Critical Race Theory May Violate Civil Rights Act, the Constitution: Dr. Carol Swain



A Victory for Free Speech

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Students Free Speech Rights

Today, the Supreme Court of the United States issued an opinion siding with high school cheerleader Brandi Levy. After Levy posted on social media stating, “Fuck school fuck softball fuck cheer fuck everything,” she was subjected to disciplinary action by her school. In an 8-1 decision issued this morning, the Supreme Court declared Levy's post is indeed protected by the First Amendment and not subject to disciplinary action by the school.

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) covered the case in depth.

“The rights of students at institutions across the country, from K-12 schools to graduate schools, are more secure because Brandi Levy had the courage to take a public stand to defend her First Amendment rights — even if it was ‘just’ for a Snapchat post with a few four-letter words.”

Read the full article here.


If you were a fly on the wall when the U.N convenes would this sound familiar?


The Italian - throws the cup, breaks it, and walks away in a fit of rage.

The German - carefully washes the cup, sterilizes it and makes a new cup of coffee.

The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.

The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.

The Russian - Drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra with no charge.

The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, sells the fly to the Chinese, sells the cup to the Italian, drinks a cup of tea, and uses the extra money to invent a device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.

The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling into his coffee, protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to purchase explosives and then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman, the Chinese, the German and the Russian are all trying to explain to the Israeli that he should give away his cup of tea to the Palestinian so there will be peace.

The Gory Details of H.R.1
Ellen Weintraub shows the dangers of the Democratic ‘voter reform’ bill.
 By  Kimberley A. Strassel

To understand the real threat of Democrats’ “voting rights” bill, consider a little-noticed decision from an underappreciated federal agency. H.R.1 isn’t about reforming elections or protecting voters. It’s about raw power, unleashing Ellen Weintraub s on the world.

Ms. Weintraub is the most partisan member of the Federal Election Commission. For four years she trolled the Trump presidency, egging on the Robert Mueller investigation and spinning accusations that the White House illegally solicited foreign political help. So it was astonishing last week that Ms. Weintraub quietly voted with pro-free-speech GOP commissioners to dismiss a case involving a clear Democratic solicitation of foreign help in the 2016 election.

Such partisan flip-floppery might normally go unnoticed; this is Washington, after all. But it deserves attention, as it perfectly highlights the extraordinary dangers of H.R.1. The left’s express purpose with the bill is to weaponize this sort of behavior—to enable the likes of Ms. Weintraub to punish their political opponents and absolve their friends.

The FEC in theory holds extraordinary power, in that it regulates speech in elections (via campaign-finance law). The protection against partisan abuse of this power is the commission’s structure. Its congressional creators wisely designed a six-person commission, with three members from each party. At least four votes are required for commission action.

Democrats despise the deadlocks. The more they’ve struggled to sell their agenda, the more they’ve turned to trying to strangle their opponents. Democrats have been campaigning for years to restructure the FEC as a partisan regulator. H.R.1 would do that, getting rid of staggered terms and creating a body with only five commissioners—all nominated by the president. There’d be two from each party, while the fifth would be an “independent.” The bill’s procedures virtually guarantee that “independent” would be a pro-regulation, anti-free-speech stalwart who votes with Democrats.

“The FEC would lose any semblance of impartiality and credibility if enforcement decisions were turned over to a 3-2 partisan majority,” says Lee Goodman, a Republican former commissioner.

How would this work in practice? Consider Ms. Weintraub. Most FEC commissioners at least attempt to project impartiality. Ms. Weintraub (whose first term expired 14 years ago) instead remade herself in the Trump years as a loud partisan critic. So much so that a fellow commissioner in 2019 publicly scored her for “harming the legitimacy” of the agency.

In June 2019, Ms. Weintraub excoriated Donald Trump for saying he’d be willing to accept information on an opponent from a foreign government. “Let me make something 100% clear,” read her outraged statement. “Anyone who solicits or accepts foreign assistance risks being on the wrong end of a federal investigation.” She also suggested Mr. Trump committed a crime with his call to the Ukrainian president.

In fact, it’s arguably unconstitutional to claim that information constitutes a “thing of value” or a “contribution” under campaign finance law. The Mueller team debated going after Trump officials on this basis but decided it wouldn’t stick. The Justice Department found Mr. Trump’s call didn’t violate campaign-finance law. And the FEC has taken a narrower view of what counts as a foreign contribution—focusing on gifts of tangible value, including money and loans.

If Ms. Weintraub truly believed her expansive definition, she had her chance with last week’s decision. A Trump ally in 2017 filed a complaint against the Democratic Party and one of its consultants, Alexandra Chalupa, accusing them of breaking the law by soliciting the Ukrainian government to make statements damaging to the 2016 Trump campaign. The FEC’s pro-regulation staff, eager to expand the definition, recommended the commission proceed. Two of the commissioners, Democrat Shana M. Broussard and independent Steven Walther, showed the courage of their regulatory convictions by voting to pursue. The three GOP commissioners held firm to their own constitutional principles and voted to dismiss.

And Ms. Weintraub, that great opponent of foreign solicitation? Her decision when faced with a clear example of what she insisted is a crime? She voted to dismiss—saving the Democratic National Committee. Though she also conjured her own absurd and technical reasons for ending the case—thereby preserving her broader right to apply her “foreign assistance” argument against some future conservative group or candidate. Indeed, Ms. Weintraub has spent months on a new effort to stall procedurally the official closing of cases, the better to revive them at a more opportune time. Say, after the passage of H.R.1.

This FEC case study is only one of hundreds of examples of how H.R.1 is designed to stack the deck against conservative candidates, voters and free-speech advocates. At the very best, it would supercharge a pro-regulation Democratic FEC majority that crushes speech under government diktats. At worst (or best, by Democratic lights) it would empower partisans like Ms. Weintraub to punish and reward behavior selectively.

This is the gory reality behind the left’s lofty rhetoric of “voting reform.” And it’s why Senate Republicans were duty-bound to block the bill this week. 


Democrats love to lie and repeat their lies.  More people are voting and registering than ever before and more than 80% of the voting population believe identification should be shown when seeking to vote.  

Never let a crisis go to waste and if there is none create one.
So far Biden seems to govern by striking down whatever Trump did so crime is exploding, illegal entry is surging, education is collapsing, whites are reaching the end of their  patience as evidence by the video above, inflation, which serves as a tax on our lowest socio-economic citizens, is rising and all that perfumed crap Biden spread about bringing America together smells more like political fertilizer.

His press conferences appears  like the mass media are wrapping him in gauze, his responses to their soft balls are bizarre. More recently he told citizens they must go nuclear to control our government , Thursday he whispered raise wages to get people back to work and he can't even remember the name of the police chief he was talking about.

Thursday, General Mark Milley, Chairman of The Joint  Chiefs of Staff, and a pitiful  milque-toast if I ever saw one, threw his hat in with the Race Theory Crowd  when he suggested  our troops must also be indoctrinated so they can love one another. Our adversaries have to be licking their chops. I puked.

Why Are They Woke?
Victor Davis Hanson 

The systemic con behind wokeism.

There are lots of reasons why wokeism spread like wildfire once America lost its collective mind during the pandemic, quarantine, self-induced recession, and rioting of 2020. 

Wokeism was never really about racism, sexism, or other -isms. Instead, for some, it illustrated a psychological pathology of projection: fobbing one’s own concrete prejudices onto others in order to alleviate or mask them. 

So should we laugh or cry that Black Lives Matter’s self-described Marxist co-founder turns out to be a corporate grifter? Patrisse Cullors has accumulated several upscale homes and is under investigation by the IRS for allegations of the misuse of funds from one of her foundations.

Is it the case that the more Cullors professes Marxist ideology and damns toxic whiteness, so all the more she feels at home living in a $1.4 million Topanga Canyon home, in an almost exclusively ritzy white neighborhood?

Consider outspoken liberal icon Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). He’s one of the Senate’s most woke. Yet Whitehouse turns out to be a mostly unapologetic member of a de facto all-white prestigious “beach club” of elites in Newport, Rhode Island. Is Whitehouse committed in the abstract to rooting out white privilege so he can concretely relax amid it with fellow bluebloods?

Barack and Michelle Obama occasionally venture out of either their multimillion-dollar Washington, D.C. mansion or their Martha’s Vineyard estate to lecture the country on its systemic racism. They express worry over the dangers that apparently white people pose to the very safety of their own daughters.

Does such sermonizing square the circle that the Obamas have no desire to return to their Chicago home—a city where nearly 700 African-American males were murdered in 2020, the vast majority by other black men? So far, Chicago in 2021 is on a trajectory to suffer over 30 percent more murder victims than last year.

Joe Biden about every two weeks lectures America on its racism. And he unleashed the bureaucracies of the federal government to root out mythical white supremacist conspiracies.

Does Medieval penance explain Biden’s fixation on systemic racism? After all, when he condemns anonymous white racists, does his outrage mitigate his son Hunter’s habitual use of the N-word and anti-Asian riffs?

No Washington politico has compiled a longer record of racialist put downs than Joe Biden. So apparently, the more Biden hunts for a white racist under every bed, the less necessary it becomes to look in the mirror or at least to beg his son Hunter to knock off his racist slurs. 

The second catalyst of wokeism is the distraction it provides from scary problems that threaten the very existence of American civilization. While the country consumes itself in demanding more than 12 percent representation of black actors in television commercials, it is nearing $30 trillion in national debt. Eventually, the astounding red ink will require recessionary belt-tightening, more inflationary money printing, or both. 

The woke Biden Administration cannot stop 2 million immigrants this year from crossing illegally and with exemption into the United States. Almost all are in need of free American health care, housing, food, and legal subsidies. Violent crime is spiking at an astonishing rate. Yet few dare say why that is—or how to stop it. 

America also cannot face the likely truth that Chinese researchers engineered a gain-of-function virus—with oversight from the Communist Chinese military, and subsidies from Drs. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak. 

So instead of offering real solutions to these crises, we war with each other whether the deceased children’s book author Dr. Seuss or the plastic toy Mr. Potato Head was racist or otherwise exclusionary. 

When our elites are clueless about national debt, inflation, illegal immigration, crime, soaring gas prices, and a global pandemic, they reassure themselves that at least they can cancel out Father Junípero Serra or knock down another statue of Robert E. Lee. 

Finally, the hysterias of wokism are being channeled for profit—if they do not already reflect the reality of many of our most woke being the richest among us.

One reason why Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle, and LeBron James hype charges of white racism is that their oppression reminds America that one can become rich as Croesus yet remain sympathetic victims.

For next-generation grifters, like Ibram Xolani Kendi (a.k.a. Ibram Henry Rogers) and Robin DiAngelo, to claim that America was, is, and always will be racist, means more than just speaking gigs and book sales.

The solutions for the pseudo-crises they invent are mass reeducation of self-confessional  whites—with lucrative consulting fees for both, and tens of thousands of others.

America is systematically being conned by those who disguise their hypocrisy, who manipulate the guilt-ridden, who have no interest in solving America’s most dangerous problems, and who get or stay richer by hyping an America in need of massive rebooting—and with it their own careerist remedies.

About Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness and the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is an American military historian, columnist, a former classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. He has been a visiting professor at Hillsdale College since 2004. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush. Hanson is also a farmer (growing raisin grapes on a family farm in Selma, California) and a critic of social trends related to farming and agrarianism. He is the author most recently of The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won and The Case for Trump.


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