Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Anti-Semitism Will Bite Everyone If Not Addressed. Review of David Goldman's Book On China's Goal of Assimilation. And Much More.

If you are Christian and do not speak out against anti-Semitism you may feel you are safe and it is not directed at you and you are partially correct because you are not Jewish.

The other half of the story is that you have allowed a dangerous trend to become acceptable and that eventually will be followed by other tragedies that will effect you.

Anti-Semitism is a viral  disease and it's consequences will turn into a pandemic.


The Walgreens SF story is becoming a common one ... UNBELIEVABLE!!!

How Blue City Governance Is Destroying Blue Cities | GOPUSA

You Will Be Assimilated -China's Plan to Sino-Form The World By David Goldman

The author begins by stating everything you heard about China is wrong and then  discusses 5 Myths:

Ch 1 An Empire of Emperors What is China and what about it

Ch 2 You will be assimilated : China's plan to take over the global economy

Ch 3: World Domination, one country at a time

Ch 4: America's Losing Tech War with China : Biggest Strategic Disaster in U.S History

Ch 5 The twilight of the spooks: Quantum Cryptography and the end of American Sigint America's economy is not bigger than China's

Ch 6: Thucydides Claptrap: How China plans to win without firing a shot

Ch 7: Sovereignty Tripwire in Hong Kong

Ch 8: How America can remain the world's leading superpower

We fail to believe an impoverished nation, in a brief time, has risen to challenge America. Huawei is the key and the bird on whose wings they plan to fly so as to dominate technology through information gathering and collation. It is through Huawei that China intends to collec the world's data.  This, in turn, has created a new challenge, ie. who controls "chips" and who has the best access to acquiring them. Since Taiwan dominates the market it raises an issue of whether China will seek to take over Taiwan.  At the moment, Goldman points out, China is hiring Taiwanese to work in China's nascent chip industry.  
Facial recognition is another issue that has been raised and is Huawei being used to to promote political oppression?. Obviously Huawei denies this and asserts they are in the business of selling products an how they are used is the purchaser's decision. In China's case, they are racing to become the first nation to implement pervasive  algorithmic surveillance. 

Next comes the issue of robots and Goldman cites the example of what this will  do in the case of, say,  mining.

Though Trump reversed 60 years of wishful thinking regarding China, he was only able to address symptoms and not causes. Yes, China stole it's way but along the way developed superb and proficient capabilities. They are dangerous because they embraced science as their growth driver as America did and now they are overtaking us in key areas in large part because the west underestimates Asians.

America's economy is larger in terms of the U.S Dollar but not if you figure in the relative cost of goods and services. China is about $4 Trillion larger.

China is not poor and backwards. Their consumption/person has risen about 8 fold based on individual consumption, which has risen 10 times for a person aged 30 versus the previous generation. They have the longest highway system, housing available for moving around 600 million from the rural areas to cities and the largest high-speed rail network etc.

They graduate more scientists and engineers by a factor of 6 times America. Their advanced programs are also more rigorous. China is catching up to America in research spending. and spends 10 times more than we do on quantum -computing. Their government's support of  AI dwarfs ours.

China's government  debt is high but not likely to crush the nation because of the way it is structured and capital inflows.. Central government debt in China is about half of GDP whereas in America it is around 100%.  China's financial system has serious deficiencies and imbalances. However,  they have begun  allowing private companies to fail rather than encouraging  banks to paper over the problems. 

China, to some degree, is accused of manipulating it's currency but the dollar buys more in China than in  America and it's currency actually has risen for the better part of the last quarter century and is worth twice as much as in 1994.

Another myth Goldman disputes is China has a secret plan to replace America because there is nothing secret about their intentions or plans. He argues China aims for assimilation and indirect not imperial control unlike Michael Pillsbury asserts

Goldman does not believe China is seeking to go to war and it's military is being  made large and strong enough to avoid war. It controls its borders and surrounding coastal waters in a manner that makes America's military ineffective. Neither does Goldman believe America can manipulate the Chinese to overthrow the CCP. He believes, if China is successful in 21st century key technologies,  America will become poorer and less secure and we will be forced to dance to China's tune, so to speak. Why?  

Because we are competing with 1.4 billion intelligent and industrious/ambitious people whose school children begin their day at 7:30 and return home at 5 etc. China is going through a golden age but historically cruelty is the norm in Chinese governance and that is something difficult for western culture to grasp. Also China is more a polyglot Empire.

As for China systematically bringing one nation after the other under it's sway, it has begun doing so through the Belt and Road Initiative and, again,  through technology by  helping nations develop their infrastructure through loans, many of which have become onerous, resulting in significant projects to fall into China's hands and domination. In many cases this has become an irritant because the projects are used to create Chinese versus local employment and the loan structure and project size is often beyond the needs of a particular nation but becomes  a  way for China to obtain what it seeks by way of roads that allow nations to increase commerce with China or for China to have port access in order to conduct commerce etc. China has made significant inroads in Mexico and Brazil as well as in Asia, and Africa.

In many instances, because of Chinese arrogance and inability to soften their interpersonal relations they have botched many deals if not turned potential relationships into unintentional adversarial ones.

 That said, the Belt Road remains, for the time being, the only game in town.  America has failed to challenge China's efforts.

Goldman believes, as noted earlier, the biggest disaster is the abdication by America  of taking the lead in 5G mobile broadband technology as well as in the intelligence war.  I have no competence and/or ability to judge his assumptions in this regard.

Hacking microchips is another issue Goldman  believes is significant because reliance upon  sensitive equipment we purchase from China, particularly in the arena of the military, increases America's vulnerability and exposes us to additional theft of intelligence and loss of industrial secrets etc.  This type of theft has become so developed we run the risk of vast intrusions into highly secret and technical aspects of our economy if not our entire way of life. In other words, the security threat is beyond comprehension.

Where we now find ourselves is in a trade versus tech war.

The loss of data security and that China may well have gained the advantage in Cryptography first is extraordinarily worrisome to Goldman. The theft of data is one thing, serious as that maybe, but the additional ability of China to blind the U.S in Signal Intelligence drives Goldman over the hill. I can almost see him pulling out his hair roots .

Returning to China's winning without firing a shot evokes a discussion by Goldman regarding China's superior capabilities in surface to ship missiles, than can swamp our anti-missile capabilities and China's alleged ability to take outs, blind and/or destroy our satellites and destroy our assets in the Western Pacific and/or disrupt our ability to protect commercial seas lanes compounds Goldman's concerns. Perhaps his greatest concerns is China's Electronic Warfare Weaponry and .their breakthrough in quantum radar.

Goldman believes America continues to excel in transportation of troops and equipment while China lacks the ability to project power globally. I found it interesting he  states China spends $1500 to arm an infantry man versus nearly $18,000 for his American counterpart and I know Russia is creating an entire battalion comprised of  robots,  The other facts I found interesting in Goldman's book is his discussion of the  relative disparity of costs vis a vis weaponry. An example:  a several million dollar missile can do serious damage, if not wipe out, a significant part of a multi billion dollar fleet. I know Israel's Iron Dome costs multifold times the missile it is aimed at and at some point disparate costs must enter the warfare picture. 

As technology advances and China builds an impregnable military deterrent as well as an overwhelming offensive capability it may well result in a waste of trillions of dollars of U.S expenditures on armament no longer capable of accomplishing intended goals. The F 35 could turn out to be a costly boondoggle.

 Goldman believes America's interest in spilling blood in warfare is waning and  even when American and China's interests intersect that necessarily will not result in a confrontation. mostly because the tradeoff between cost versus benefit does not compel either to engage in a confrontation. Goldman acknowledges a level of paranoia on the part of China because they have historically been taken advantage of by foreign powers, particularly from the Western part of the globe.
However, the Chinese Empire has more to lose than gain . China's (read CCP) interests are driven by ensuring domestic stability. Consequently, China is particularly sensitive to the rise of terrorism as to it's domestic stability and thus its tragic actions towards the Uighurs.

 As for Hong Kong, Goldman believes China does not seek a Tiananmen blood bath before TV cameras. However, any infringement of any part of its territory threatens the whole and China has nightmares over its history of foreign intervention and regional divisions and this explains why China is sensitive to any talk about an outside invasion of Taiwan or an attack on their  South China Sea Islands.

Goldman revives the view that Britain sold out Hong Kong and China was not eager to take over the island in 1997.

In his concluding chapter, Goldman sides with Sen. Rubio and believes America must rebuild its industrial base and manufacturing prominence and not rely upon tariffs. The reason is the need to maintain our strategic superiority as well as provide jobs for our future middle class. While America subsidizes sports facilities, China subsidizes chip plants, it is as simple as that. This invites the question of what role the government should play in relation to corporate America?  In other words efficiency versus national security issues. The right kind of an industrial policy will become more critical and challenging. 

My thoughts:

American technology played a central role in winning the Cold War and will become essential again but America is financially weaker, culturally divided and internally on a political path toward national suicide. Democracy's have an inherent inability to respond rapidly to challenges because it takes a coming together of the populace and that requires time. As a culture we cannot best Asians when it comes to long term thinking, planning and patience.  Our freedom provides a generosity of creativeness once we martial ourselves. Pearl Harbour and 9/11 come to mind. 

I am by nature a pessimist. Thus, time will tell. Because of the Biden presidency, or is it the Obama-Kamala presidency,  I have increased  pessimistic pangs of doubt.
Today, my computer guru explained, for the umpteenth time, how to paste so what I paste will stay within the width lines so my commentary should no longer run off the page. 
I have so little time to learn so much.

Actions always speak louder than words:

Threats Rise, U.S. Defense Falls
Biden talks tough to adversaries even as he shrinks the Pentagon.
By The Editorial Board

President Biden is telling the world in Europe this week that “America is back” as the leader of global democracies. Sounds good. But China, Iran and Vladimir Putin would be more impressed if Mr. Biden wasn’t cutting America’s defense even as he rightly stresses the challenge from the world’s authoritarians.

Unremarked in the White House spending deluge is that its trillions for “infrastructure” include little new for defense. Mr. Biden’s $715 billion Pentagon budget for fiscal 2022 is a 1.6% increase over last year. Adjusted for inflation, this is a cut. The bipartisan National Defense Strategy Commission and other experts say the Pentagon needs steady 3% to 5% real increases annually to address threats from “near peers” such as China and Russia.

President Trump increased defense spending modestly, but that fillip has passed and spending is still at its modern norm of about 3% of GDP. America is rapidly piling up debt past 100% of GDP while shrinking its defenses.

The brightest budget spots are places where the Administration declined to make matters worse: The Administration didn’t slash the Army; active-duty end strength holds at about 485,000. But the service requested about $3.5 billion less than last year’s enacted budget, in part due to a drawdown in Afghanistan.

The Biden Team also overruled progressive critics and asked to fund upgrades to an aging nuclear deterrent. The anachronism known as the “overseas contingency operations” fund will be folded in the normal budget, a more honest accounting.

But nowhere is underinvestment clearer than in the stormy forecasts for the U.S.Navy. At roughly 300 ships the Navy soon won’t have the size or capability to compete with the more than 350-ship fleet China is minting. In April China reportedly commissioned three warships in a day.

The Navy’s 2022 proposal would hasten the retirement of two cruisers to save money. The Navy would procure eight ships; only four are combatants. The request for the shipbuilding account is down about 3% from last year’s level. The Navy is worried about readiness, particularly overworked carriers, and that a larger fleet won’t be properly manned or maintained, which are real concerns. But that is a case for more investment.

A consensus in Congress agrees the Navy should grow to 355 ships, but the officer briefing reporters on the defense budget conceded that with “a 300-ship navy and a 30-year life, you have to recapitalize at 10 per year and so eight is not going to do it.”

The 355 number is not holy writ, and Pentagon press secretary John Kirby weighed in with the obvious that “a fleet of 355 tugboats” wouldn’t mean much for American defenses. But as many naval experts have noted, what a carrier and a frigate have in common is that they can only defend one sea at a time, and quantity has a quality all its own. There is a narrow window to turn around the decline. Building ships takes years, and the U.S. is deciding today the fleet the country will have if China provokes a maritime conflict in 10 or even 20 years.

The Biden team says it will “divest to invest,” or send about $2.8 billion in old stuff to the bone yard to free up dollars for more modern equipment. As ships and planes age, they become expensive and time consuming to maintain, draining readiness accounts. And the military does need to spend more on innovations like hypersonic missiles.

But new equipment seldom arrives on time or as promised. In any event, proposals like the Air Force plan to retire more than 40 workhorse A-10 bombers are unlikely to survive impact with Congress. The Biden Administration also undercuts its tut-tutting about “hard choices” on spending by marking $617 million for climate change. This money will inevitably be spent in ways that make the F-35 fighter program look cost-efficient.

The responsibility for these budget shortfalls doesn’t fall only on civilian leaders. The case for more resources is tougher to sell to the public when flag officers take shots at cable news hosts over the culture wars or promote progressive books about “anti-racism.” The brass need to be honest about actual threats rather than indulge in woke politics. It took a decade for the military to rebuild after the damage from Vietnam, and decline can come again as Hemingway described bankruptcy—gradually, then suddenly.

Congress will massage the Biden request, and members should level with the American public: A military that is large, modern and ready to fight is expensive. We’ll be the first to endorse military health-care changes or civil-service reform to reduce ballooning personnel costs.

But the choice America is facing is not whether to buy more ships instead of tanks. It is whether to defend itself adequately or pretend to do so while shrinking defense to fund an ever-growing social-welfare state. Adversaries can see the trend even if the White House would rather not acknowledge it.
Is this positive article by The NYT's and effort on their part to make amends for their anti- Semitic attitude when  Bibbi was the Prime Minister and they are now sucking up to Bennett as America's mass media does with Biden?


Even Galston says what Bennett/Lapid are doing,  by removing political gallstones, is a lesson for American politicians:
Putin rides horses bareback so his muscles show and he is a KGB trained black belt. Biden is America's  tripping pitiful mental midget.  Need I say more?

Russia provokes US ahead of Putin-Biden meeting in Geneva
Headline: Russia provokes US in largest military exercises since Cold War before Biden-Putin meeting

The First take: What did you expect? Putin is a master politician with his origins in the KGB. This is a distraction. Keep your eyes on what the Russian leader is doing with Biden, not with his military.


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