Thursday, July 4, 2019

Will 2019's 4TH Prove A Watershed Period in Our Nation's History. I Fear So.

Stella, Max's beautiful and loving big sister.
Our Republic holds by a thread and Ben Franklin's comments ("We have a Republic if we can keep it.") should be a stark reminder how fragile it's survival.  Yes, Biden is a more centrist candidate radical Democrats could nominate but the AOC's control and speak for their party which is busy self-immolating. Furthermore, as I have oft said, Biden has not been right about most anything since birth, amassed a fortune for  family members while spending 50 years in Disneyland and must move far left to get the nomination.  He would make a disastrous president because he is a pushover.

The best hope for America is that the black population will begin to break away from their self-induced enslavement ( and Hispanics will see how they have been played for fools by the Democrats who only want their vote while creating havoc for other's of their race.

Second, all Americans who care about our nation's survival must reject Political Correctness and replace it with Yankee Common Sense. 

I believe this is a very tall order and fear we have lost these battles to the organized efforts of radical advocates and the destruction of our own education system which has been taken over by those who hate America and all it stands for.

Trump's re-election would be a first step toward rejection of the knife Democrats hold at our nation's throat but, unless Republicans recapture The House, hold The Senate, any progress Trump could make will be stymied as they increase their embrace of radicalism.

This year's 4th could prove to have been a watershed period in our nation's history. Taking back our nation and re-establishing the dominance of the American Character may be beyond our grasp. I admit to leaning toward being a  pessimist for two reasons:  
a) I have met too many optimists in my life and
b)Much of what I feared and warned about has come to pass.

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