Thursday, August 2, 2018

Oh, Those Liberal Appellate Courts. NYT's Editorial Appointment. The Internal Rotting and Transforming Of America.

Once again lower courts believe they have more authority than the president when it comes to the power of states to disregard the laws of the federal government.

In essence, if states refuse to uphold a federal law, apparently, this Appellate Court believes not only can they defy the Federal Government but also can prevent the Federal Government from de-funding  for disregarding federal laws. (See 1 below.)
Let's hear it for the New York Time's  new editorial board appointment. (See 2 below.)
The mass media and those who wallow in their biased black ink are so consumed by their blathering and hatred they miss the essence of what Trump is all about. They remain trapped in their own cocoon of  the anti-Trump Syndrome Virus. This king is not as naked as the mass media would have you believe. (See 3 below.)

Actually the mass media are the ones running around unclothed. They know they have become Trump's foil but they also do not know how to stop being sucked in by him.  He plays them like a violin and throws them red meat when it suits his purpose. Then they attack him for jerking them around and they wonder why their ratings are around their ankles.

Meanwhile, let's look at/discuss some other happenings:

a)  Obama has now begun to bless Democrat candidates with his endorsements which, in a rational world, would be the kiss of death for several reasons.

First, Obama was a disaster of a president and we are paying the price.  Police are being shot (34 this year already killed and 67 in 2016), illegal immigration has exploded and an economy that produced food stamp recipients at the cost of jobs is not the model  the Democrat Party should  embrace but have.

Increased killing of police is directly related to Obama's policies/rhetoric that spread through social media messaging.  Radicals who want to destroy our nation understand the impact of creating chaos by using our freedoms to destroy our nation. They are good at manipulating  liberals who feel/think with their hearts, believe socialism preferable to capitalism and haven't a clue how they have become political pawns.

However, when it served Democrat interests to sing another message they did so. What hypocrisy.

b) In San Francisco illegal immigrants can now vote in local elections and for the school board.  You may not remember but I wrote about Professor Cannon warning some 20 years ago that eventually Muslims and illegal immigrants would eventually run for local office, would take over local school boards and also become media personalities advocating policies that were anathema to the views of our founding Fathers.  It is now happening and only took 20 years to destroy free speech on college campuses.

c) Identity politics has become a weapon of choice used by Democrats to destroy reputations of their adversaries and to intimidate their opponents.. The attacks on Sarah Huckabee and the entire Trump family are perfect examples and do not forget how Obama's appointees  manipulated federal agencies to  deprive citizens of their freedoms, to quiet their voices, to cause them to give up seeking their constitutional rights because the cost of being affirmative was beyond their reach.  (Read Kim Strassel's book on "Intimidation.")

d) By manipulating antipathy toward Trump, a duly elected president,  the mass media,, America's intelligence agencies and Hillary and the DNC employing false documents have been able to undercut the effectiveness of the current administration.  This has spread distrust and weakened and divided our nation.

The Democrat Party is also being destroyed by the takeover from the extreme left, (the Corey Booker's who are actually using these same ploys to press for the election of radical candidates.

Booker's candidate for Governor of Georgia is basically financially bankrupt but because she is a  black women who went to Yale, she is automatically qualified to run our state.  We already have seen what a black male lacking qualifications has done to our nation under the guise of  caring for the underdog.(See 3a below.)

If you think I am off in the woods, I submit what is happening also encompasses one of our favorite sports.   Perhaps too subtle to make a connection but I submit it is evident to me.(See 3b below.)

These are just three little pieces of evidence of how America is falling apart, is being attacked from within.  This is the real masterful Russian Collusion and it is working .  Wake up America, or is it too late?  I perhaps it is.  For sure we will never be the same. You decide.

1) Court Deals Devastating Blow to Trump

President Trump's Executive Order threatening to withhold funding from sanctuary cities has been ruled unconstitutional by a Federal Court of Appeals. The court in question was undoubtedly the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

According to The Hill:
A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday ruled that President Trump's executive order threatening to withhold funding from so-called "sanctuary cities" is unconstitutional, according to The Associated Press.

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district judge’s ruling in favor of two California counties that sued the Trump administration for threatening to withhold money from jurisdictions that have declared themselves sanctuary cities.

Cities across the U.S. have declared themselves sanctuaries since Trump's election, meaning they will not provide information about the legal status of immigrants within their jurisdictions to the federal government.

Trump in January 2016 signed an executive order that stated sanctuary jurisdictions that refused to comply with federal immigration enforcement would be ineligible to receive some kinds of federal funding.
This is a major blow for President Trump immigration enforcement efforts. It is unclear when or if the Supreme Court will take the case.

2)  New York Times' Racist Hypocrisy EXPOSED

The newest member of the New York Times' editorial board has a vendetta against white people – who she has referred to as "groveling goblins," "bulls**t," and "dogs." 

The Daily Caller reports (language warning):

NYT announced on Wednesday that they hired Sarah Jeong to join their editorial board. Jeong previously wrote for the Verge and authored “The Internet of Garbage,” a book about online harassment and free speech.

Shortly after Jeong’s hire, Twitter users unearthed old tweets in which she expressed an extreme distaste for white people.

“Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” she tweeted in 2016.

Another tweet reads, “oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get from being cruel to old white men.”

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3) The American Art of Renewal
How democracies can turn on a dime

‘Make America Great Again” is the oft-caricatured slogan of the Donald Trump presidency. When Trump was elected, he boasted of jump-starting the economy to achieve an annual economic growth rate of 4 percent.

Experts laughed him off as a naïf who did not understand that structural changes in demography and technology made such growth impossible. Many economists predicted that Trump would crash the stock and job markets.

Yet less than two years into Trump’s presidency, the economy achieved 4 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018.

Unemployment rates are at near-record lows. The stock market and oil and gas production are reaching unprecedented heights.

Such radical turnarounds have been common in U.S. history. As the ancient Athenian historian Thucydides noted, large democracies are by nature volatile, they can mobilize quickly, and they can change on a dime — sometimes in the right direction.

In late 1983, Ronald Reagan was being written off as a practitioner of voodoo economics. The country was still mired in a recession caused by Reagan’s efforts to break runaway inflation.

In the 1982 midterm elections, Republicans lost 27 seats in the House and one in the Senate. The man likely to be Reagan’s Democratic rivaltwo years later, Walter Mondale, was considered a good bet to win the presidency, given his youthful vigor, his prior service as vice president, and his incorruptibility.

Yet in the twelve months from November 1983 to the 1984 election, the economy grew at an astonishing quarterly rate of better than 7 percent. Unemployment dropped. Almost every economic indicator showed an unprecedented boom.

Mondale was defeated in one of the largest Electoral College landslides in U.S. history, largely because the economy had been reinvented almost overnight from a bust to a boom.

In 1940, Depression-era America was recovering from yet another downturn. The New Deal had not restored prosperity after the 1929 crash. Europe was largely under the control of Nazi Germany. Only the United Kingdom was left of the European democracies that had fought Hitler. The Soviet Union was aiding Hitler. Imperial Japan was preparing to gobble up most of the Pacific, especially orphaned European colonies rich in oil, rubber, agriculture, and precious metals.

The United States was torn apart politically between isolationists and interventionists. Fights broke out in Congress over whether the country could afford to rearm. The U.S. Army was smaller than Portugal’s. In almost every area of armament, America was far behind the armed forces of the Axis powers.

Then the world again flipped upside down. After Pearl Harbor, the United States engineered the greatest economic expansion in history.

Within four years, the U.S. economy was greater than those of all its enemies and allies put together.

The U.S. Navy had become larger than all the navies of the world combined by 1944. A once virtually unarmed America now had more military aircraft than Germany, Italy, and Japan combined.

A war that in early 1942 looked like it might either go on for years or end in an Axis victory was over less than four years after the U.S. entered the conflict. The Axis powers were not so much defeated as ruined.

World War II was not the first instance of a rapid American turnaround in wartime. In the summer of 1864, pessimists warned that the North could not win the Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln faced opposition for the Republican-party nomination, and even if he won it, he was considered likely to lose the November election to Union general George McClellan.

General Grant’s Army of the Potomac was being bled white in Virginia in vain attempts to dislodge Robert E. Lee’s defenders from their entrenchments around the Confederate capital of Richmond.
Gruesome encounters such as the Battle of Cold Harbor and the Battle of the Wilderness had given the depressed Northern public nightmares.

Then, suddenly, fantasy became reality. The maverick General William Tecumseh Sherman unexpectedly took Atlanta on September 2, 1864. Euphoria swept the North. McClellan’s sure-thing candidacy crashed.

The mercurial Sherman then headed off with his huge army on the famous “March to the Sea” through Georgia. He next plowed through the Carolinas to the rear of Lee’s army in Virginia.

In less than nine months the entire Confederate cause collapsed. The supposedly endless Civil War ended with a sudden and absolute Union victory that no one had foreseen.

Pundits should be careful with their sure-thing predictions, especially in the matter of a powerful, unpredictable, and explosive America.

With the risk-taking and unconventional Trump — and the hysterical opposition to him — we are entering another unpredictable and volatile era in American history.

Radical and unexpected economic recovery can happen at home and abroad. Such fundamental change in the status quo can swing the November election — quickly and in unforeseen ways.

3a) Dear MoveOn member,
Stacey Abrams is an inspiring and game-changing candidate running to be the governor of Georgia. And when she wins, she'll become the first Black woman to be elected governor in America. Will you click here right now to help out?

President Trump knows she can win and has started to attack her.1 He hand-picked her Republican opponent, Brian Kemp—a man who calls himself a “politically incorrect conservative” and who in campaign ads threatened to personally round up immigrants in his pickup truck.2

Stacey won’t back down and continues to break new ground. Enthusiasm for her grassroots campaign is off the charts, and she’s energizing people who haven't voted before and who sat out the 2016 election.

Stacey will win if she’s able to turn out voters on Election Day, and that's why I'm writing to you now. Peter, will you chip in $3 now to help Stacey Abrams build an unbeatable grassroots team? 100% of your contribution will go to her campaign.

The New York Times describes Stacey as "a brainy Yale Law graduate from Atlanta.”3 While that's true, Stacey is above all a fighter for freedom and justice.
Stacey grew up with little and rose to be the highest-ranking Democrat in Georgia and the first Black woman major-party nominee for governor in America. In the process, she's registered hundreds of thousands of voters. She delivered time and again for Georgia's working families in the state legislature, and she's also a small-business owner and an award-winning novelist (really!).4

Stacey can win this race: The demographics in Georgia are shifting dramatically. Just six counties in the nation swung from red to blue in the 2016 presidential race … and half of them were in Georgia.5

But Stacey is facing the same big-money corporate interests that are backing Trump. And she needs to overcome the blatant voter suppression that got her opponent into the voter suppression “hall of shame.”6 Kemp led the purge of 600,000 registered voters from the rolls last year.7

The whole world is watching this race, because it’s a fight for the soul and future of America. Can a Southern state like Georgia really turn blue? And become the first state to elect a Black woman chief executive?

In my heart, I know the answer is yes—if we all get in this fight and make it happen together.

I’m on Team Abrams. Will you join me?

With deep gratitude for all you do.

1. "President Trump calls Stacey Abrams 'crime loving,' weak on vets," Atlanta Business Chronicle, July 25, 2018
2. "GOP candidate boasts he would 'round up criminal illegals' himself in new ad," The Guardian, May 10, 2018
3. "In Georgia Governor’s Race, a Defining Moment for a Southern State," The New York Times, July 28, 2018
4. "Meet Stacey," Stacey Abrams for Governor, accessed August 2, 2018
5. "For Democrats, the elusive dream of a blue Georgia hinges on rapidly diversifying Atlanta suburbs," The Washington Post, July 30, 2018
6. "Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp," Voter Suppression Hall of Shame, accessed August 2, 2018
7. "Georgia cancels registration of more than 591,500 voters," Politically Georgia, July 31, 2018

3b) NFL History
Try this one on. A person pays to see a ball game and in the stadium are captive for what occurs on the field. Did they pay to see a football game and related entertainment or PAY to see a demonstration??? 
 NFL History ... a history rarely reported or "leaked" to the ticket holders ...

I hope this helps open eyes to understanding just when the public’s respect for the NFL organization started to crumble .... * In 2012,  the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling for each game to pray, They also had an issue with Tebow wearing John 3:16 as part of his eye-black to avoid glare, and made him remove it.

* In 2013, the NFL fined Brandon Marshall for wearing green cleats to raise awareness for people with mental health disorders.

* In 2014, Robert Griffin III (RG3) entered a post-game press conference wearing a shirt that said "Know Jesus/Know Peace", but was forced to turn it inside out by an NFL uniform inspector before speaking at the podium.

* In 2015, DeAngelo Williams was fined for wearing "Find the Cure" eye black for breast cancer awareness.

* In 2015, William Gay was fined for wearing purple cleats to raise awareness for domestic violence. (Not that the NFL has a domestic violence problem ?????)
*In 2016, the NFL prevented the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal on their helmet in honor of 5 Dallas Police officers killed in the line of duty. * In 2016, the NFL threatened to fine players who wanted to wear cleats to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11.

So please tell me again how the NFL supports free speech and expression. All of a sudden it seems quite clear, based on the above facts, that the NFL has taken a position against any action by NFL players demonstrating RESPECT for any issue: For God, social causes such as mental health, cancer, domestic violence, for cops killed arbitrarily for being cops, for the Memory of 9/11...

BUT, they allow demonstrations of DISRESPECT for our National Flag, our National Anthem, for America , and for the American People ... if it will help mollify a particular group and its supporters. That is who and what the NFL now has shown itself to be. Any comment?

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