Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Got To Love Those Radical Liberals? Feinstein and Her Chinese Driver Spy.. Giving It Back In Spades. Where Was The Mass Media?

Liberals love to engage in wars. They have had wars on Poverty, Smoking, Sugar type Beverages , Pollution, Wall Street, The NRA, alleged  Police Brutality, Kid's Lemonade Stands, Obesity, Animal Brutality and, of late, anything Trump does etc.. You name it and they are most likely to declare war on it if it falls within their philosophical malcontent spectrum.  It does not take much to bring them  to the point of war.  Generally a hand full of protest dollars and assorted signage will accomplish and/or evoke a violent response.

Liberals do not enlist trained military forces to their cause because they abhor the military but rather they attract an assortment of radical types who smash cars and store windows, prevent others from exercising their various Civil Rights, steal merchandise from their fellow citizen store owners, disrupt traffic and, for sure, attack police among other assorted disturbances. Of late they disrupt those who are eating at restaurants.

Other activities radical liberals engage in are to disrupt funerals of military personnel, wedding ceremonies of police,etc.

When they finally leave the scene of protest it actually does look like an authentic war zone.

On occasion they protest the use of guns by shooting aimlessly. Chicago is a venue of choice, mostly on weekends

Now you may think this is a strange way to behave and, if you do, I would agree but what these radicals really are about is not rectifying a special/treasured cause but creating chaos against law and order.  They seek the destruction of a civil society because they are incapable of articulating their discontent so being physical is their tactic of choice. Radical liberals, also,  tend to be bullies and hypocrites.

In the final analysis, radical liberals seem to disregard and/or totally ignore that being a citizen of this nation is a privilege.  To benefit from a nation whose constitution favors the rights of individuals over a crushing government is a privilege. To have the opportunity to live in a nation whose citizens respect the rule of law should be a privilege.  How these privileges can be utterly ignored and/or trashed is beyond my comprehension.  There is no greater nation in the world when it comes to the protection of the rights of individuals than America and, obviously, this is why millions sacrifice to come here but they must do so within legal strictures. That is the basis for all conservative arguments protesting the nonsense of radical liberals and progressive Democrats who obviously lock their doors each night yet, demand America's borders remain unlocked to all who wish to come.

If current immigration laws are in need of  change we have mechanisms for such.  We have Congress and then a court system to enforce laws. The street can bring attention to the need for change but it is not the venue for overseeing, adjudicating the change. Once we allow the street and radicals, from either extreme ,to dictate our Republic is finished.

Conservatives have issues that concern them as well. They also protest, march, make speeches.  A general difference is when they leave  you would not even know they were there.  No feces on nearby cars, no trash, no broken signs, windows, theft of merchandise, vulgarity towards police etc.

Naturally liberals will deny everything I have stated above and would say I have been too general, all too encompassing and I grant I have cast a wide net but I believe you get the point I am trying to make even if I have over-dramatized/stated my claim.

On occasion, liberals do bring attention to some cause that need to be addressed and/or rectified but, I submit, resorting to destruction is self-defeating and generally sets back their cause and is anti-scoial.

In the coming months, as the mid-term elections heat up, I expect we will see a rise in violence, rage, protests and incivility because radical liberals and Democrats must win at any cost in order to impeach Trump and regain the reins of government..


Sen. Diane Feinstein's personal Chinese driver of 20 years infiltrated her staff and when The FBI told her he was spying for Chinese Intelligence she fired him.  She serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee and the entire matter has been hushed up until recently.  Her response is that when she found out she did not attack The FBI as Trump has been doing but took action. On the other hand the FBI told Feinstein but in the matter of Trump The FBI spied on him and his people and the mass media has disregarded reporting. Another instance of double standards?

Because FOX reported the Feinstein story my liberal friends will make their usual disparaging comments about FOX .  I noticed ABC is now advertising their New TV Show on FOX.  Now why would they be doing this? More eyes on Fox? (See 1 below.)


Trump haters are attacking Trump for his attacking the mass media as the enemy of the people.  If the truth stings so be it.  The mass media have become the enemy of truth and objective reporting and therefore, no longer serve as the nation's ombudsman.  Their contempt for Trump may sell papers and create increased interest in TV reporting but it is done for the purpose of manipulation and to perpetuate entertainment. The reporting is not only biased but it is shallow.  Those involved have a predetermined agenda and fit the report to validate their "leg tingles."

The mass media does not come into the court of  public opinion with clean hands.They would not know truth if it hit them in the face and therein, lies the trouble and the essence of Trump who, avowedly, has thin skin and a large ego. That said,  he also has every right to defend himself and to do so by any means available.  Unlike his predecessor, there is no evidence he tracks reporters as was done with  FOX's.

Yes, it would be healthier if the mass media did their job, then the need for Trump to respond would be diminished but until the mass media changes their approach and tune I am delighted we have a president who speaks out, is feisty, and will not take crap without giving it back in spades..
Russia and Israel reach Golan accord. (See 2 below.)

Meanwhile, the exact billions given to Iran by Obama through the stroke of his pen is not actually known but it probably exceeds more than Trump seeks to build his structural impediments on the Mexican Border and Trump's construction is basically self-funding.

What Obama did was clearly outside the purview of his authority but no big deal since the "anointed one" had free range.  Obama was not a deplorable he was an untouchable as were those who served in his administration. This is the real collusion that has infected our nation and it is called a double standard in lawful abeyance. The hypocrisy that surrounds/is engaged in protecting Obama and his minions is what is choking our nation and we can blame the mass media for both covering it up and protecting him.

Obama was able to plunder the treasury and where was the mass media?
1)SHOCKING: Red Chinese Infiltrated Dem Senator

Senator Dianne Feinstein’s office has been infiltrated by foreign spies. Fox News reports:
Revelations that Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s former driver and aide was probed by the FBI for allegedly acting as a Chinese spy have spurred claims of a double standard concerning how the bureau handled suspicions of Russian coordination with the Trump campaign.
The California Democrat, in a statement last week, said the FBI informed her of its concerns regarding the staffer in her San Francisco office five years ago. Feinstein said she then ousted the staffer “immediately.”
But this has renewed questions among President Trump’s allies about the bureau’s approach in 2016 to suspicions regarding his campaign aides’ potential Russian ties. In one case, the FBI briefed Feinstein; in the other, the bureau proceeded to use an informant and surveillance warrants to get information on Trump campaign figures.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who has been a staunch Trump defender throughout the federal probe into Russian meddling and potential collusion with his campaign, complained that Feinstein and Trump were handled differently.
This is a shocking development – one wonders why Dem Congressmen keep hiring foreign spies after the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz scandal.

Russia and Israel reach understanding on Golan border line

Israel and Russia have reached an understanding to ensure the preservation of the 1974 cease-fire line on the Golan Heights, according to Israel’s Ambassador to Russia Gary Koren.
According to a TASS Russian News Agency report, Koren – who met with Russian journalists in Stavropol in southern Russia Monday – said, “we coordinated the arrangement under which Russia pledged to make sure, as it were, that the Syrian Army will not cross the cease-fire line established under the 1974 agreement. It looks like everything is functioning for the time being. I hope it will be so in the future, as well.”

Koren said Israel insisted on the full withdrawal of Iranian troops from Syria.

The 1974 Separation of Forces Agreement between Israel and Syria, which followed the Yom Kippur War, separated Israel and Syrian troops and created a 235-km. buffer zone in the Golan Heights. Israel demands the buffer zone be respected, even as it is deeply concerned that Iranian or Shia forces moving south with Syrian President Bashar Assad’s troops may try to violate it.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed during his visit to Moscow in July that respecting the Separation of Forces Agreement was a red line for Israel in Syria.

UN peacekeepers, augmented by Russian military police, returned to the border last week to carry out patrols. The day before, Alexander Lavrentiev, Russian president Vladimir Putin’s special envoy on Syria, said Iran and Shia militias have withdrawn 85 km. from the border on the Golan.

“There are no units of heavy equipment and weapons that could pose a threat to Israel at a distance of 85 km. from the line of demarcation,” Lavrentiev was quoted as saying in TASS.

Israel’s stated position remains as the removal of all Iranian forces and their proxies from Syria, although Netanyahu made clear during his Moscow talks the immediate priorities were to move these forces away from the border, to remove Iran’s long-range missiles from throughout Syria, and to ensure the separation agreement will be honored in full.

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