Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tragic Path Chosen By Democrat Party. Big Brother Alive, Well and Amoebic. Protective Versus Dominate? Freedom Versus Enslavement? Written Before Eye Surgery.

"Good morning! I read your bit on the FBI. Alas, history shows humans as deeply flawed, irretrievably biased, confusingly emotional and fatally tribal in interacting with other humans. Maybe this history is part of what makes humans...well, human. If you seek unemotional, unbiased, apolitical beings for the FBI, you might want to look to another species.

In the meantime, I think it was Donald J Trump that first said, all the world's a stage, and humans make good theatre. Enjoy the show... J---"
The direction the Democrat Party has chosen for itself and the embrace of the Peter Fonda, DeNiro extremist Hollywood crowd is a dangerous , disturbing and sick trend.  These type of extremes begin small and only grow/multiply.  The silence from the Democrat side is even worse.

Erick Erickson discusses the James Hodgkinson anomaly.

Bob Livingston relates the story of modern tyranny and states the: "The No. 1 goal of all governments historically is to control and dominate their own citizens..." 

In fact, I believe, the Number One goal of government should be protective, ie. defend its citizens.

Distrust forms the basis of liberal's love of big government. Conservatives are less likely to distrust and understand bigness is costly, dangerous and inefficient. That said, both political parties have morphed into one basically and there is little difference between them because: "Big Brother" is alive, well and amoebic.

Finally, was Comey trapped in Obama's deceptive web? (See , 1a  and 1b below.)
Reportedly Russia continue to sanction Israeli attacks. (See 2 below.)
Written before my eye surgery today.
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1)Brown Shirts, Black Shirts, and Progressives' Dangerous Games

James Hodgkinson is looking less like an anomaly and more like the beginning of a violent progressive movement.
The Nazis are national socialists. They are kissing cousins of the democratic socialists, communists, and the fascists. The supposed anti-fascists, or ANTIFA, can call themselves "anti," but they are engaged in the behaviors of the brown and black-shirted thugs of 1930's Europe. Progressives in America are playing at a very dangerous game.
First, they have directly compared the separation of children at the border from their parents to Nazis. They've called the camps concentration camps. While I can agree with them that the policy is wrong, the Nazi comparisons are wrong too. Hitler would have never provided air conditioning nor would he have processed children out of the camps into a foster program. But that is what Trump was doing in compliance with American law and legal precedent Barack Obama himself used.

I was opposed when Barack Obama was doing this, but all these people comparing Trump to Hitler were perfectly fine with it then. The problem now is that the left has decided violence against the policy is moral because they have determined the policy is immoral. They have released a horde of angry young fascists to go after government employees and cabinet secretaries. This is as wrong as the policy of separating families, if not more so, before the separation of families is a policy with which Democrats themselves were once okay.
For those who thought James Hodgkinson, who attempted a mass assassination of Republican members of Congress, was an anomaly, it looks more and more like Hodgkinson was a starting point to something violent. "Democratic" socialists stormed a restaurant in Washington to disrupt dinner until the Secretary of Homeland Security fled. Hollywood celebrities have encouraged the kidnapping and raping of the President's child and his press secretary's child. Government employees who work for Homeland Security have seen their home addresses put on the internet and, in some cases, pictures of their family displayed by activists intent on harming them.
President Trump engaging in a zero tolerance policy and separating all parents from their children at the border was not normal and was yesterday reversed. But the left is more and more normalizing violence and harassment against their political opponents and justifying it with the language of morality. What should not be normal is becoming normal, and that is a dangerous game. This will not end well for anyone. Violent extremists on the left, including Hollywood celebrities, are only going to emboldened more James Hodgkinsons. It is going to happen. And the condemnation from the left will become more and more faint as it does. They have decided the President and his supporters get what they deserve.
This won't end well.

1a)How modern tyranny works
By Bob Livingston

The No. 1 goal of all governments historically is to control and dominate their own citizens. The more deceptively it can be done, the more complete and long-lasting the tyranny. 

Police state totalitarianism went out with World War II. The "Gestapo" knock at the door in the middle of the night and barbed-wire detainment camps are history. But that does not mean we are not living under police state totalitarianism. 

Modern tyranny has a new face. It is benevolent totalitarianism. Benevolent totalitarianism is an advanced stage of people control through mind control, mass psycho political manipulation and abusive regulations created under the color of "law" by alphabet soup government agencies and enforced by their regulators, who comprise part of the "standing army" of government the Founders feared and warned us about. 

"Police power is the power of the state to place restraints on the personal freedom and property rights of persons (individuals) for the protection of the public safety, health, and morals..." – Black's Law Dictionary. This says that "public policy" is the federal government's monopoly of police power to manipulate, restrict or extinguish human liberty and property for the benefit of the state. This extends into legislating social relationships and even morality. This is the same cult that drafts the laws of the land that have reduced us to serfdom, all as "public policy" and "in the public interest," — modern inventions to conceal legal plunder. 

The government is very jealous of its authority. Its authority is the control mechanism designed to ensure compliance and conformity.

When backed by the propaganda of "public policy," "public interest" or "for the children," anything can be done under the color of law and the people accept it upon the assumption that law and justice are the same. The result is that the lack of distinction between law and justice has been destroyed. The epitome of plunder is the manipulation of the conscience to accept law and morality as being the same. 

We are taught from an early age that government is an agent of good (morality), that it seeks the betterment of society and it only promotes policies that make life better for everyone. All public schools are government training grounds for this philosophy. The state builds its political power on deception and false pretense, finally leaving the people with no inner imperative to question or oppose the New Order. 

The term "public policy" is a household term in America. Black's Law Dictionary defines "public policy" as "community common sense and common conscience, extended and applied throughout the state to matters of public morals, health, safety, welfare, and the like..." 

I really doubt that one person in a million knows that the term "public policy" is synonymous with government purpose and enforced with government power. 

Police power is not limited and does not come about by due process but by usurpation and wrongful seizure of your mind and body through deception. Police power extends from the top of government to the bottom. It may be and sometimes is employed upon the top members of the political, social or corporate classes (Martha Stewart, Thomas Drake, Bunny Greenhouse, Paul Manafort) when they fall out of favor or expose government corruption, or to accomplish some greater end. But more often it is employed against the average citizen, and to great effect. 

The Robert Mueller investigation is an example of police power in action. Unable to establish any links or collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian government operatives, Mueller's investigation has turned into a form of Star Chamber where force and intimidation are being employed to "convince" people to testify and then they are charged with the non-crimes of making false statements. 

These statements may or may not have been intentionally false. They may have been the result of faulty memory or a clarification of something previously said. 

Mueller has charged Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Richard Gates, Alex van der Zwaan and Manafort with the "crime" of making false statements to the FBI. In other words, no crime was found to have been committed before the investigation, but a "crime" was committed (created) as a result of the investigation. 

As the Inspector General's report has shown, top brass at the FBI and Department of Justice likely committed crimes during both the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the Trump-Russia "collusion" investigation. This is police state tyranny as seen in Third World backwaters, not in constitution-based governments that profess to be "democracies" and based on the rule of law. 

An acquaintance of mine, a business owner, is currently dealing with federal tyranny via the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). After using OSHA's manual to defend his company against two baseless citations, the OSHA enforcer said, "You need to understand something. We can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. If you want to do it the hard way, we will bury your company." 

As the business owner stated, "When a prosecuting authority, with the resources of the federal government, uses (its) power to prosecute, guilt and innocence mean little. The accumulation of a lifetime can be burned away quickly as one tries to self-fund a defense." 

It was this "prosecuting authority" employing threats against Flynn's children, along with the prospect of bankrupting legal bills, that prompted Flynn's guilty plea to charges of making false statements... statements evidence now show may not have really been false. 

The U.S. Government has for many years been quietly deploying unregulated agency armies against its own citizens. Armed federal agents – outfitted as if they're raiding a terror house — have been "fighting crime" by raiding Amish farms and stores for selling raw milk, pig farms for growing the wrong color pigs, supplement makers for using customer testimonials in their advertising, children for selling too many rabbits and keeping them in cages that were a quarter inch too small, and magicians for using a rabbit in a show without having a "rabbit disaster plan" in place. 

What I'm trying to tell you is, you are a part of the herd. The only way out of the herd is to first recognize that you are in it. What does this mean? It means that you are on one side and the government and its politicians and bureaucrats are on the other. No, they don't want you to know this or they would lose control — we have bigger numbers but massive propaganda makes the difference in the balance of power. 

Our nation is in the midst of an invasion from within, and it's being carried out through mass deceit and uninformed consent and under the color of "law." 

Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™ 

1b) Scandals sanitized with linguistic trickery

Victor Davis Hanson

By Victor Davis Hanson

Throughout Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz's massive report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation are lots of strange things. One of the weirdest is the extent to which the FBI went to make up words and phrases to disguise reality.

An early draft of the 2016 FBI report on the email scandal was reportedly subjected to linguistic surgery to exonerate the former secretary of state, who at the time was the Democratic nominee for president. Clinton was originally found to be "grossly negligent" in using an illegal email server. That legalistic phrase is used by prosecutors to indict for violation of laws governing the wrongful transmission of confidential government documents.

Yet the very thought of a likely President Clinton in court so worried the chief investigator, FBI Director James Comey, that he watered down "grossly negligent" to the mere "extremely careless."

FBI investigators also had concluded that it was "reasonably likely" foreign nations had read Clinton's unsecured emails. Comey intervened to mask such a likelihood by substituting the more neutral word "possible."

Former President Barack Obama was found to have improperly communicated with Clinton over her illegal server while she was in a foreign country. Obama had denied that fact by falsely claiming that he never knew of her server until much later, after it was publicized.

The FBI hierarchy under Comey tried to hide the embarrassing details of Obama's conduct. As a result, the FBI deleted Obama's name from its report. In its place, the FBI inserted the laughable "another senior government official" -- as if the president of the United States was just another Washington grandee who had improperly communicated on an illicit email server.
According to Comey's congressional testimony, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch ordered him not to use the supposedly incriminating noun "investigation" in connection with his investigation of the Clinton emails. Instead, she instructed Comey to use the benign-sounding "matter."

One of the oddest mysteries of the IG report is the FBI's delay in addressing the fact that disgraced former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner had a number of Clinton's private emails on his unsecured laptop. They were all forwarded to him by his wife, Huma Abedin, an aide to Clinton. Their Washington-insider marriage had been widely publicized. Yet Comey, the nation's premier public investigator, claimed he had no idea that Weiner and Abedin were married. Comey would have the inspector general believe that Abedin had forwarded numerous emails from Clinton, some of them classified, to a mere acquaintance.

Stranger still, Comey asserted his ignorance of the Weiner-Abedin marriage in an Orwellian manner: "I don't know that I knew that [Weiner] was married to Huma Abedin at the time." Translated, that means Comey claimed that he was not sure at one point that he was sure at another point that Weiner was married to Abedin, at least at the time when the emails came to his attention. Therefore, he did not act as he should have.

What were the common themes in the FBI's linguistic distortions?

Two realities: One, the FBI made sure that Obama, the boss of most of the wayward FBI and DOJ officials, was not to be entangled in any scandal.

Two, seemingly everyone at the Department of Justice and FBI assumed Hillary Clinton was going to be president. They were sure Donald Trump was headed for a humiliating and well-deserved defeat. Therefore, in the heat of the 2016 campaign, the FBI and DOJ did what they could to ingratiate themselves with those they expected to be in power during a likely eight-year Clinton presidency.

The inspector general's report on the Clinton email covers just one scandal. Presumably, the IG and other investigators will issue reports on a number of other ongoing scandals that involved the 2016 campaign.

How did government officials, by hiding information about the so-called Steele dossier, mislead the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to get warrants to spy on U.S. citizens associated with the Trump campaign?

How was it decided that the Clinton campaign would pay Christopher Steele for gathering dirt on the Trump campaign, and how did the information from the dossier get to intelligence agencies?

How was an FBI informant inserted into the Trump campaign?

How were names of U.S. citizens unmasked by Obama administration officials and leaked to the press?
If the IG report on the Clinton email scandal is any guide to these upcoming investigations, expect widespread abuse of the English language to warp reality.

The media is using the antiseptic "informant" in place of the cruder but more accurate "spy" or "mole."
The off-putting but accurate "wiretapping" has become the more professional "surveillance."
The sanitized "improper" always sounds cleaner than the more accurate "illegal."
In sum, "2016" could make a logical sequel to "1984."
2) Israel struck Iranian-backed Shia militia in Iraq with Russian approval
Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Tuesday that Israel carried out an airstrike on a Shi’ite militia in Syria with the approval of both Moscow and Washington.

On Monday an airstrike killed and wounded dozens of members of Iraq’s Kata’ib Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed Shia militia which has been operating near the Iraqi border in Syria. According to Al-Jarida, Israel carried out the airstrike and killed 52 members of the militia. It came after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel would strike Iranian forces throughout Syria and that Iran should leave Syria. 

“Russia now considers that Tehran is playing a role recently that is disrupting Russia’s goals,” the report states. Russia and Iran are the main allies of the Syrian regime in Damascus, but they do not always see eye to eye on policy. Iran wants to extend its influence in Syria and create a corridor of influence from Tehran via Baghdad and Damascus to Beirut, while Russia is mainly interested in strengthening the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Ir558973an’s drive for regional hegemony, which threatened Israel, has the possibility of destabilizing the Assad regime, as Tehran uses the regime for its own ends.

The Al-Jarida report notes that the airstrike appears to make Tehran’s route to the Meditteranean more difficult. A second report at the same newspaper on Tuesday also claimed that the airstrike was aimed at sending a message to Iran to remove its forces and militias it supports from Syria. Kata’ib Hezbollah has close relations with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force and also with Lebanese Hezbollah.

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