Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Brent Bozell Talks! My Advice To Trump and Crooked Hillary Sounds About Right.

 Palestinian murderers. (See 1 below.)

I had the distinct pleasure of having lunch with Brent Bozell yesterday. Later he spoke to a public audience under the auspices of the SIRC.

In his public comments, Brent began by ticking off a laundry list of bills and actions by the radical left to totally amend the First Amendment. What they seek, based on their legislative efforts, is to criminalize opinions that conflict with their own thinking. Fortunately, to date,  all their efforts have failed but the degree to which they are trying to under gird freedom of speech is frightening and continuing.

What is even more frightening is the radical left have become openly and increasingly blatant about their desire to gut the First Amendment.

He then discussed the fact that spineless Republicans have run campaigns promising action on amnesty and Obamacare and yet, have done nothing.  In fact, Republicans have funded all the legislation they profess they were going to eliminate and, in Brent's view, they now own Obamacare.

Adding insult to injury, Bozell pointed out nothing has come from the various Republican investigations.  The corruption in the IRS - pass, the corruption by Hillary and The State Department regarding Bhengazi - pass and the list is endless.

As to Trump, Brent acknowledged he was a Cruz man and has been mystified by Trump's success. He stated Americans are not angry just at Washington but at about everything.  They feel they have been lied to consistently and Trump cleverly sensed their frustration and has proven attacking the press and the media is not only doable but also elevates.

As for the media and press, they currently enjoy only a 6% favorable rating and it is Bozell's view they will now circle the wagons on behalf of Hillary having dropped her like a hot potato, to her extreme displeasure, when she ran against Obama.  It is pay back time.

Regarding Trump, he should expect no help from the press and media and, in fact, they will do whatever they can to report him in the most negative light. Trump, to his credit, has manipulated them to his advantage and will continue to do so.

The credibility of the media has reached such a low point and their lack of truthfulness and objectivity has become so obvious, it has become dangerous.  Why?  Because the public needs reliable and unbiased information in order to make reasoned decisions.

Even more grievous than biased reporting is the complete and utter lack of reporting and ignoring matters of critical importance.

Brent told the audience the documentary entitled "Clinton Cash" was going to be released shortly and would provide evidence that Bill Clinton raised hundreds of millions of dollars for their foundation from a variety of sources, foreign and domestic for which various favors were exchanged,  Furthermore, Trump's charge that Hillary used her State Department tenure in a questionable manner as she too raised millions of dollars by granting favors in exchange for foundation funding.

One balancing hope is being able to use social media which offers the opportunity to level the playing field. Facebook , Bozell pointed out, is the exchange of information among friends and this raises both receptivity as well as the credibility. He said TV ads have a 15% acceptance whereas the same ad sent via social media by one friend to another achieves a 75% rating of acceptability.

Republicans are behind the curve when it comes to understanding and implementing the benefits of social media usage.  But then, Republicans seems to be behind the curve on virtually everything when it comes to winning as a party and in answering questions Bozell said they best thing Republicans can do is send a clear message to their leaders they no longer will be given free rides for failing to execute on their commitments.

In an answer to increasing disruptions accompanying  Trump events Bozell acknowledged they were staffed and led by professionals, stated that Soros spends $200 million supporting his various causes and such disruptions would get uglier because this is the way anarchists believe you make progress.

Bozell began the Media Research Center some 30 years ago and its "...mission is to bring balance to the news media..."
My advice to Trump on what to say to voters in order to capture The White House. (See 2 below.)

Why Even-Handed Isn’t Pro-Israel

2) Trump needs to set forth broad policy themes and get away from his pissy fanny personal attacks.  He does not have to flesh them out in great detail but he does need to provide some insights so voters can focus on him as a serious candidate and not just a media star phenomenon.

Were I advising him I would tell him to propose the following:

1) Emphasize and connect the need why America must lead from strength and that entails, above all, living within our means and paying down our debt.

2) In this regard I would urge him to:

a) Overhaul the tax code making it simpler and more equitable so he could reduce staffing at the IRS and save on costly worthless spending.  This agency has proven to be as corrupt as its tax cheating customers.

b) Take a fine tooth comb and eliminate wasteful spending, duplicate programs and redesign transfer programs for the economically and physically disadvantaged that address their legitimate needs in a positive and not demeaning manner. The word welfare needs to be stricken because is has a negative connotation.

c) Eliminate entire government agencies beginning with the Department of Education and reduce the level of employment and responsibilities in other such departments as Energy, EPA etc. Any worthy programs can be transferred to other agencies.

d) Put The Pentagon on a diet while increasing their funding for new equipment and personnel in order to rebuild our military capability. Bring back senior officers who Obama fired and lift the PC burdens from operational planning.

e) As  last measures I would address the illegal immigration issue and offer a path to citizenship with appropriate costs for those who wish to apply and impose fines on employers who hire illegals who do not apply for citizenship. Those who apply would be issued work permits and checked for any criminal behaviour and barred accordingly.

Finally, Obamacare should be reworked in a manner that allows the free market to solve the problems associated with lack of portability and eliminate other restrictions that have burdened the system and inflated costs.  Let doctors engage in the practice of their profession.

This is a lot to accomplish in four years but it would go a long way toward restoring America's faith in itself, in government and it would cause the markets to feel more confident as well.

Down the road I would address a whole host of others issues such as a return to making the dollar sound as a curb on unrestrained Congressional spending, the powers of The Fed, the plaintiff bar, the legitimate role of lobbysists etc.,

I have every belief a program along the lines I have outlined coming from a successful business entrepreneur would appeal to the uncommitted core of voters and sweep The Donald into the White House.

In conjunction with the above program Trump should explain to the voters why it is critical they return a Republican Congress so he can accomplish these worth goals and tell the voters that if members of his party do not perform they have every right and , in fact, the duty to sweep them out of office.

In terms of how he should  conduct himself in regard to attacks from Hillary and biased press and media, I would leave him to his own devices because it is obvious he has been phenomenal in cutting off  their legs and tying them up in knots. Crooked Hillary sound about right to me!


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