As you know I love humor good, bad or just corny:
Our 2016, SIRC President Dinner Speaker is fed up with the GOP because of the omnibus tax bill among other reasons. One cannot blame Allen West but, like the solid soldier he is, he has chosen to stay and fight. (See 1 below.)
Another year of Hope and Change has passed and, from a foreign policy standpoint, the ISIS JV team seems to be racking up points.
The Middle East is a mess. Russia has occupied Syria and dictates policy. Iran agrees to a deal which they refuse to sign and flouts its terms and we do nothing.
At least Obama has identified the greatest threat we and the world faces - climate change not radical Islamic Terrorism because of unemployment.
(I have been unemployed three times in my life, due to circumstances beyond my control, but I did not go out and kill anyone. I simply sought and found re-employment.)
Obama appears to continue his contempt for Constitutional Law and illegal immigration has become an accepted fact as our borders remain porous.
Though, energy prices and unemployment are down, racial divide has widened. Americans are mostly dispirited at a season when they should be joyous.
Recently, radical Islamist terrorism erupted in California. Meanwhile, the stock market reflects the sullen mood which is not only volatile but also heading south.
Federal spending remains out of control and Obama has pledged to release more terrorists so they can return to the battlefield.
A candidate with a funny hair do has brought these matters to our attention and is running ahead of his challengers because he says what most are afraid to say since they are choked by PC'ism.
The leading candidate of the opposition party is being investigated for allegedly breaking laws, enjoys a challenging trust factor and low likability.
Some kids, on a prestigious Ivy League campus just signed a petition calling for the repeal of the First Amendment. .
This is America, 7 years after Obama's Hope and Change.
Be honest and ask yourself are you better off? Do you feel your future and that of your children is brighter? I hope, for your sake, you can answer affirmatively.
I daresay you are in the minority. This is the price our once great nation has paid for electing and re-electing an incompetent who feels and displays little attachment to our nation.
Fortunately, he is on vacation now but regretfully, he will return in two weeks.
========================================================================1) Will Allen West Leave the GOP?
Conservative hero Allen West is not happy about the direction of the GOP, and he's sounding off. Will he leave the GOP? No, he's going to fight for it!
I’ve never seen a bigger group of defeatists in my life. Yes, I was there and recall the countless times I had to hear, “this is not the fight, the real fight is coming.” I must deliver a message to the GOP: you’ve shown the American people you have no fight in you. The consequences of this week’s Omnibus bill will be felt far into next year, in primary elections and in the general election. There will be the noise emanating from the progressive socialist left that the Republican party is being taken over by “right-wing extremists.” That’s just more Alinsky fear mongering and we’re not listening. The real extremists are Obama and his minions and we need a group of dedicated patriots willing to make the stand for this republic.
And I’m very familiar with the GOP establishment and what they’ll do to someone who threatens them. I know how many fundraisers I attended on behalf of my colleagues. I know how much money I raised for candidates who are now members of Congress, and I’m disappointed with those supported by the Guardian Fund who voted for this Omnibus bill. However, I won’t be discouraged because my oath is to the Constitution and the American people. Therefore, I’ll fight harder and recommit myself even stronger.
Those who are discouraged by this week's omnibus bill should console themselves by looking at the collection of political outsiders that are currently dominating the polls, while establishment favorite Marco Rubio fails to gain the traction that political professionals keep saying he will. The omnibus bill might look bad, but every other indicator suggests the grassroots are taking over. As West concludes:
Will I leave the GOP? Nope, I’ll get this fixed, regardless of these behind-the-scenes folks with money who feel they are in control — message to y’all, you ain’t!
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