Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hillarious Will Likely Come Out Ahead Because We No Longer Care About Truth!

Today Hillarious will likely clear her name because  Republicans fumbled the ball by virtue of the unwitting comment by the former aspirant to The Speakership and the ability of committee Democrats, most particularly Rep. Cummings, to run with the ball given them and paint Rep. Gowdy into a corner. Obfuscation and self serving comments will prove the key that unlocks the gates!

Furthermore, the format of these type of Congressional investigations are not structurally suitable in terms of the pursuit of and determining the unvarnished truth.

Even the scope of this hearing has already  been limited and will probably not explore the involvement of Blumenthal with respect to his questionable behaviour in Libya as he sought preferential financial treatment from the then Sec. of State and many other pertinent details.

The Clintons are more adept at escaping from their misdeeds than those in pursuit of the truth. Even when Hillary finally says she takes full responsibility one can conclude that too is a lie because mouthing these words has meaningless consequences.

I find it ironic that when GW relied upon information about weapons of mass destruction, which proved not totally correct, he was vilified but when Obama put out a knowingly false narrative pertaining to a  Benghazi  video, nothing stuck.

Hillarious has lied her way to the top for over 30 years and nothing has stuck nor is it likely to stick.
Why? Because powerful political interests are threatened by the truth and will do whatever it takes to prevent it's revelation.

Perhaps the FBI will conclude her use of a personal server violated laws and exposed her and our nation's security to theft but, in the end, what difference does it make will probably save her because we no longer value ethical behaviour and accept the fact that far too many officials lie knowing it will not cause them pain and suffering,  only legal fees which are deductible.

Yes, Doofus remains in the wings should Hillarious stumble.  Obama, our Constitutional lawyer, has already told us Hillarious did not violate any laws.  This from our president-lawyer who speaks out in advance of final evidence when it suits his political purposes.

Yes, there is much that is rotten in D.C and were Shakespeare alive he would have a field day. (See 1 below.)
1)Afterburner — Got Law? How Hillary Clinton's Lawlessness Gets Ignored…

Hillary Clinton breaks the law, gets people who work for her killed, and she lies to the American people. How is she still the media’s darling? You need to watch this one “Afterburner” video — certainly before the deluge of media coverage surrounding her Benghazi hearing, or maybe lack thereof, comes your way today.

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