Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Levine' Book. Dad Honored Posthumously. Wish He Was Here. Pritzger Gets Lesson. Sign Prager Petition? More.

I have not read Mark Levine's new book :"The Democrat Party Hates America" because Kim promised me she was sending her new book and I want to read that first. 

 It is evident, however,  by reason of their many actions, Democrats only care about power, winning at all cost and hate the Constitution because it empowers "we the people" and refers to a dispensing God. 

A Free-Speech Lesson for J.B. Pritzker
A federal judge scolds Illinois Democrats for trying to silence abortion foes.
The Editorial Board

Democrats are eager to make their states havens for abortion, and in Illinois they’re willing to violate free-speech rights along the way. That’s the finding of a federal judge who has enjoined a law to silence groups that run pregnancy help centers.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker recently signed a law amending the state’s Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act to sweep in pregnancy centers that counsel women against abortion. The law, drafted by Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul, regulates the antiabortion groups on grounds they engage in “deceptive business practices.”

The law “is both stupid and very likely unconstitutional,” federal Judge Iain Johnston wrote in an Aug. 4 order granting a preliminary injunction. “It is stupid because its own supporter admitted it was unneeded” and had no evidence supporting its claims of deception, he wrote. “It is likely unconstitutional because it is a blatant example of government taking the side of whose speech is sanctionable and whose speech is immunized.”

The speech of abortion providers is “specifically excluded from being sanctioned under the Consumer Fraud Act,” Judge Johnston wrote. Regulating pregnancy centers for deceptive practices while exempting abortion providers is viewpoint discrimination. In Reed v. Town of Gilbert (2015), the Supreme Court held that laws regulating speech based on content are “presumptively unconstitutional” and violate the First Amendment.

The law was challenged by the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates and others. John Jansen, a project coordinator for Pro-Life Action League, submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the AG’s office seeking information about what fraudulent or misleading conduct by pregnancy centers had prompted the AG’s crackdown.

His declaration to the court says the FOIA found no patient had “ever lodg(ed) an actual complaint with the Attorney General against an Illinois pregnancy help ministry, much less for a violation of the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practice Act.”

Messrs. Raoul and Pritzker know that the sidewalk counselors and pregnancy centers aren’t engaged in commercial transactions. Sidewalk counselors are typically volunteers and often from religious organizations. “There is no remuneration of any kind and there is no economic motivation of any kind,” the judge noted in his order.

Mr. Pritzker is gaining a reputation as a hard-left culture warrior who is happy to silence political opponents. He told CNN that the law is “just like the case against President Trump. You have a right to free speech, but you don’t have a right to lie.”

But special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment specifically says Mr. Trump has a right to lie. Mr. Pritzker apparently thinks that invoking the name Trump is a justification to get away with saying or doing anything. Not under the U.S. Constitution.
One can  legally argue, as I am sure Trump's law teams will,  all of these suits should be in Federal Courts not state courts.  The end goal of these various district attorneys is to disrupt the former president's ability to campaign.  He has a constitutional right to run for the presidency and purposeful prevention of same should be unconstitutional.

The same goes for Weiss' foot dragging so critical laws Hunter broke are now barred by the passing of the statutes of limitation.

Biden's Judiciary has run totally roughshod over the Constitution.  They know what they are doing and give not a whit. This is why "we the people" seem to have rallied around Trump because American's are generally fair minded.  It may take us quite a while to come to the right decision but our laws grant us the opportunity.  Otherwise, the black population would never have attained their civil rights which radicals amongst them continue to disregard.  This is the predicate that allows them to feel justified in smash and grab, hustle pathetic/weak corporate officers/directors and berate "whitey."

When the black community stands idly/silently by and allows a minority minority to commit heinous acts the general black community look pathetic just as silent whites did during the segregation days. 

My father walked the plank for the Birmingham Jewish community, with a few others, during that time and risked his law practice but he felt compelled, as a lawyer, to do what was right. I was very young and did not comprehend the consequences/risks of his actions. He is now being honored posthumously as our Birmingham Synagogue opens a permanent Civil Right's Museum, in October,  honoring those local Jews who stood up and fought Bull Connor, The Klan and White Citizen Groups.

I seriously doubt my father would be proud of the Democrat Party today and would probably be on Mark Levine's side of the room. He was a liberal when being a liberal meant doing what was right. Today being branded a liberal is something one, in their right mind, should avoid. I wish he was here so we could discuss all of what is happening.

I believe he was too bright, too moral, too good a lawyer to remain a liberal, a Democrat.
Prager U stands up for American values. Liberals seek to prevent his message from getting heard and read. Sign the petition.

Have you heard the news? Gavin Newsom, the left-wing governor of California, recently took to Twitter to express his outrage over PragerU’s wholesome and patriotic content now being state-approved educational materials in Florida schools.  

Governor Newsom isn’t the only one attacking us for our educational and pro-American content. Mainstream media outlets can’t stop talking about PragerU. We’ve received an explosion of press—from Time and USA Today to ABC, MSNBC, and NPR—much of which falsely labels PragerU as “right-wing propaganda.”

We need your help to push back against the lies told about our content.

In an effort to give a voice to millions of Americans who want PragerU in schools, we launched this petition for teachers, parents, and the American people to show their overwhelming support to get PragerU in classrooms nationwide. Watch the announcement from PragerU’s CEO and sign the petition to support PragerU in schools.

Watch and Sign the Petition
Florida was the first state to officially approve PragerU’s new K-12 supplemental resources for classroom use. More states are coming on board, encouraging educators to share PragerU’s educational videos and lesson plans with their students.  

In the past, teachers have been disciplined—even fired—for showing PragerU videos in their classrooms. Now, PragerU videos are not only being allowed in classrooms, but superintendents and education commissioners are actively encouraging teachers to use PragerU’s content to educate their students.

Thousands of American teachers and school board members have contacted PragerU desperate for wholesome, quality, engaging resources to help educate their students. They are sick and tired of curriculum laced with radical political agendas—from Critical Race Theory and gender fluidity to overt anti-Americanism. Educators have been asking PragerU for help to give their students a sound (and fun) education to prepare them to make good decisions. PragerU is answering this call to serve our great nation on the most important front—the education of America’s youth.

For more than a decade, PragerU has provided millions of Americans of all ages with educational and entertaining content. Many Americans already use PragerU’s videos, books, and magazines every day to supplement their students’ education. More than 1,000,000 households have downloaded PragerU’s free app for phones, iPads, and TVs. They trust PragerU to educate their children at home. Now, their children can also learn from PragerU videos during their school day. 

Sign the petition to get PragerU in schools across America!

PragerU Kids materials are being packaged as free turnkey lesson plans for public, private, and charter schools. These supplemental educational resources use videos, activities, and worksheets to cover multiple educational standards in one lesson that is fun, interactive, and entertaining. PragerU Kids offers an easy, cutting-edge way to teach core knowledge in subjects ranging from civics and history to entrepreneurship and financial literacy. 

Right on cue, the left is already calling for PragerU videos to be banned from schools. Left-wing media outlets and teachers’ unions continue to attack PragerU. These biased organizations are outraged because PragerU effectively counters the left-wing propaganda they are pushing on children. They don’t want children to be exposed to an education grounded in our nation’s founding principles and traditional values that inspires self-reliance, gratitude, and a love of America!

All Americans who want a better education for today’s youth are encouraged to sign the petition to get PragerU in schools.

Please take one minute to sign the petition. Together, we can change the future of education in America. 


Marissa Streit, 

CEO of PragerU 


Hoover Daily

The West’s Long Demonization Of Israel

by Bruce Thornton via FrontPage Magazine

Shameful moral idiocy and cowardice.



I have always believed the CIA was involved in JFK"s assassination as the FBI was in MLK's.


RFK Jr. Unveils CIA’s Dark Secrets and Untold Story of JFK’s Assassination

In a riveting revelation, Democratic presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shed light on the clandestine operations of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its alleged involvement in the assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr. unveiled the intricate web of conspiracy that has been shrouded in secrecy for decades.

Kennedy Jr. shared that his daughter-in-law, Amaryllis Fox, a former CIA agent, informed him about the inner workings of the agency. According to her, out of the 24,000 employees at the CIA, 20,000 are patriotic Americans dedicated to public service.

However, it is the remaining 4,000 who operate in the shadows, involved in covert activities that often undermine the very principles of democracy they are sworn to protect.

The CIA is divided into two main divisions – the Espionage Division, responsible for gathering and analyzing information, and the Plans Division, which carries out covert operations such as assassinations, election manipulations, and government overthrows.

Kennedy Jr. revealed both his father and uncle had plans to separate these two divisions, a move that could have potentially altered the course of American history.

Next, the 2024 presidential candidate discussed the controversial Warren Commission, which was established to investigate JFK’s assassination. He criticized the commission for labeling anyone questioning the Single Gunman theory as a ‘conspiracy theorist’.

He further claimed the CIA had influenced over 400 senior editors in the American press to propagate this narrative

In a shocking revelation, Kennedy Jr. named several individuals associated with the Miami Station, the largest CIA station at the time, as being involved in JFK’s assassination. These included Bill Harvey, David Atlee Phillips, E. Howard Hunt, and David Morales, all of whom had significant roles within the CIA.

Kennedy Jr. also touched upon the strained relations between the CIA and JFK, following the Bay of Pigs invasion. He suggested JFK’s decision to halt attacks on Cuba and his growing friendship with Khrushchev may have angered certain factions within the CIA, leading to a plot to assassinate him.

Despite laws requiring the release of all documents related to JFK’s assassination by 2017, thousands of classified documents remain undisclosed.

Presidents Trump and Biden refrained from declassifying these documents, raising questions about what institutional interests they might be protecting.

Finally, Kennedy Jr. highlighted the involvement of mob bosses like Johnny Roselli, Sam Giancana, Santo Trafficante, and Carlos Marcello, who were working with the CIA to assassinate Castro.

These mobsters, who owned casinos in Havana, had hitmen at their disposal and were training sharpshooters for Batista. Some of these individuals were allegedly redirected to assassinate JFK.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s revelations have opened Pandora’s box, shedding light on the dark corners of the CIA and its alleged role in JFK’s assassination. As the nation awaits further disclosures, one thing is clear – the truth is often stranger than fiction

This article appeared in The Conservative Brief and has been published here with permission.


Judicial Watch Sues National Archives for Records of Its Role in Trump Records Dispute

Judicial Watch announced recently that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for records of the Archives’ role in President Trump’s White House records controversy; whether it offered Trump a secure storage location other than the National Archives; and if the Archives consulted with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence regarding the classification or declassification procedures of any of the alleged classified documents found at Trump’s Florida residence.

Read More


Is it possible Biden and Blinken have come to their senses?


Biden’s New Approach to the Middle East

As Iran balks, Israel and Saudi Arabia are now seen as crucial to U.S. global strategy.

By Walter Russell Mead

As the Biden administration offered the mullahs in Tehran a $6 billion ransom for five American citizens, it was also offering Iran’s archrival Saudi Arabia unprecedented defense commitments and cooperation on a civilian nuclear program to help persuade Riyadh to normalize relations with Israel.

Inquiring minds want to know: Why is Joe Biden working so hard to do favors for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman? And why is he shoveling cash to the mullahs while working to empower their enemies?

These are good questions. Brokering a Saudi-Israeli peace deal will be expensive. It will cost in the region, where both Israel and Saudi Arabia will look to extract as many concessions and sweeteners as possible before giving Washington what it wants, and it will be expensive at home. The human-rights activists who dominate much of the Democratic Party’s foreign-policy apparatus will scream bloody murder if Mr. Biden embraces Bibi and MBS. Isolationists in both parties will ask why the Biden administration is deepening American security commitments in the Middle East instead of continuing to withdraw.

Two perceptions seem to be driving the new Biden approach. First, while continuing diplomatic outreach to Iran demonstrates that Team Biden hasn’t given up on reaching some kind of understanding with Tehran, for now at least it is accepting that the mullahs don’t want to play ball.

Second, the administration appears to have a new appreciation of the importance of the Middle East, and therefore of leading powers like Saudi Arabia and Israel, for American global strategy. Being the primary security and economic partner of the countries that dominate the world’s most important oil reserves still matters. America’s position in the Middle East gives us leverage over China’s energy supplies. It can ensure that the Middle East sovereign wealth funds prefer our tech and industrial sectors over those of our rivals. It can maintain the profitable defense relationships that help keep American arms makers ahead in a competitive arena.

This was all as true in January 2021 as it is today, but after 2½ years in office the administration now seems to get it. Team Biden now appears to understand that diplomatic relations and deepening formal security ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia could be the foundation of a new regional security architecture that secures critical American interests while reducing the long-term need for American military presence in the region. Getting the Saudis and the Israelis to “yes” will be difficult, but success would be transformational.

The biggest problem with the new approach is a familiar one: Iran. The mullahs will inevitably see a U.S.-backed regional security system aligning Israel and Saudi Arabia as a direct threat to their drive for regional hegemony. Iran has the capacity to cause a crisis in the Middle East any time it likes. It can accelerate the production of enriched uranium. It can attack shipping in the Gulf. It can order its proxies to launch missiles or stage terror attacks.

Team Biden seems to be hunting for a mix of carrots and sticks that will keep Iran quiet as the U.S. collaborates with the regime’s most bitter foes to build a powerful regional security architecture. Pallets of cash here, Marines on foreign-flagged tankers there. Can the U.S. pacify Iran while reassuring allies? We shall see.

There will be other problems, also familiar. Getting to yes will require the cooperation of two leaders who have little respect for Team Biden. Biden-era policy toward Saudi Arabia, pivoting awkwardly from icy contempt to oaths of undying affection, is a series of what my students would call “big yikes”—cringe-inducing rookie mistakes. And the chemistry between Mr. Netanyahu and the Democratic foreign-policy leaders of the Obama-Biden era has never been good.

Then there are the Palestinians. Although decades of Saudi and broader Arab frustration with Palestinian political incompetence have substantially reduced their influence in the region, the Palestinians haven’t fallen off the map. Saudi public opinion, and the government’s self-respect, will not permit Riyadh to reach agreements with Israel that set the Palestinians entirely off to one side. With most of the Israeli cabinet dead-set against any concessions, and the Palestinian leadership at a low ebb of authority and legitimacy among its people, addressing this problem could be even more difficult than usual.

Nevertheless, the Biden administration’s embrace of the Trump-era vision of Middle East regional security based on Arab-Israeli reconciliation with American support has opened the door to new and perhaps more creative diplomacy in a region that is critical to the global balance of power and world peace. That is a very good thing.



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