Monday, October 28, 2019

Why I Cannot Vote For Democrats.

I am a conservative who generally casts for Republicans.

I want my nations' borders safe so I cannot vote for Democrats

I believe in the rule of law so I cannot vote for Democrats.

I tend to be patriotic so I cannot vote for a Democrat.

I believe if you incur a debt you should pay it so I cannot vote for Democrats.

I believe Capitalism is better than Socialism so I cannot vote for Democrats.

I believe in free speech and the right to defend yourself through gun ownership but am not opposed to appropriate background investigations so I cannot vote for  Democrats.

I favor background checks for those who want to immigrate to America legally and am willing to hear an argument that we should skew immigration towards those who benefit our nation as opposed to random selection so I cannot vote for Democrats

I believe in assuring that voters are who they say they are and this is why I cannot vote for  Democrats

I believe we have allowed citizen desires to become entitlements and thus, constitutionally mandated when in fact they are not so I cannot vote for Democrats

I believe anti-Semitism is wrong and attacks on religion are sick and therefore I cannot vote for  Democrats.

I believe a core and rigorous education is essential and therefore I cannot vote for Democrats

I believe PC'ism is dangerous and therefore, cannot vote for  Democrats.

I oppose political tactics like character assassination and calling people racists because they express different views is wrong and thus, cannot vote for Democrats.

I believe Supreme Court Justices should not make laws but should interpret the language and seek the intent of the Founding Fathers and  found what progressive radicals did to Justice Kavanaugh despicable and therefore, I cannot vote for Democrats.

I believe impeaching of Trump, because radical politicians do not like our president, is dangerous and thus, I cannot vote for Democrats.

I believe one of the president's first responsibilities is to protect and defend our nation and that means a strong military so I cannot vote for Democrats.

I am a supporter of our best ally in The Middle East - Israel - so I cannot vote for Democrats.

I cannot forget what Obama's IRS did through intimidation  so I cannot vote for Democrats.

I also cannot forget how Hillary and Obama lied about Benghazi so I cannot vote for Democrats.

I also cannot forget how Atty General Holder never responded about how his Justice Department lied regarding shipment of guns and weaponry to Mexican drug dealers so I cannot vote for Democrats.

I cannot abide by the way cities and states have chosen to become sanctuary cities and thus, cannot vote for Democrats.

I cannot support Obama's denigration of police and therefore, cannot vote for Democrats

I believe it is important we protect the environment but not bankrupt the nation in pursuit of unscientific proposals simply because some radical youths want to engage in a cause celeb-re and use this  as an opportunity to engage in rioting leading to the destruction of commercial establishments and other properties. Consequently, I cannot vote for Democrats.

I believe a women has a right to an abortion but I also am opposed to what progressive radicals  propose  with respect to late term abortions and thus, I cannot vote for Democrats.

I cannot vote for Democrats because they promised to do many things that cry out for solutions and have been engaged solely in impeaching Trump through Gulag type methods.  Trump has made intense efforts, against all outlandish odds, to carry out his commitments.

I am insulted that WAPO chose to turn a heinous terrorist into a benign  professor and this is another reason why I will not vote for Democrats  and the lines others in the mass media chose to take regarding Trump and our magnificent Special Forces .

More recently, I am disgusted with overpaid sports figures disrespecting my nation and last night being told  a bunch of yahoos were booing our president. They have every right to express themselves but there are appropriate times and ways to do so.  Consequently I cannot vote for Democrats.

Since I save my very rare hatred for those who truly deserve it, I cannot vote for Democrats who are indiscriminate in those whom they hate.

I could go on for another 20 or so reasons why I cannot vote for Democrats but I do not want to appear biased. I believe I should allow the mass media to continue making money off their bias and not compete.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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