Democrats continue spastic over Kushner when they should be concerned about The Iran Deal, N Korea's missile launches, the doubling of the deficit in the last eight years, a bankrupt health care plan but all of these ominous events caused by Obama and his legacy must be protected and polished at all costs even if it means bringing what is left of our nation down even more.
The Democrat goal is to Impeach Trump and everything else must take a back seat.
It is going to prove fascinating how Trump handles the N Korean hot potato he inherited and which constitutes a serious component of the "mess" Democrats argue does not exist. I seriously doubt China will provide the reliable help Trump expects. Eventually we may have to strike N Korea with everything we have and do so without warning. As for Sec. of Defense Mattis' comment that it will prove a catastrophic event, the answer is yes, but the threat N Korea poses has become only more so with all the failed diplomatic niceties and initiatives.
Like with all tyrants and bullies, you feed them and it simply increases their appetite. This is the same case with Abbas, with the Castro brothers, and was with Chamberlain's Hitler. There comes a time when action , decisive action, is the only thing they understand. Weakness is the food on which bullies feed and Obama proved a dangerous dreamer and totally wrong on so many fronts from defense to health care, budget deficits and transforming our society while ignoring Islamist Terrorism..With each passing day it is hard for me not to conclude Obama did not want to cripple and defang our nation Even the timing of his recent trip to Europe made him an interloper in my eyes.
A preemptive strike on N Korea would also send a clear message to Iran, the other "mess component" Trump inherited from Obama, is left to solve and Democrats deny exists. They scream about Trump and his son-in-law colluding with the enemy. Democrats are the true party of traitors. The Republican Party is simply one filled with zombies who fight among themselves while talking about what they plan to accomplish and never do.
When will Trump's Justice Department start re-opening some of the investigations regarding The IRS scandal, Hillary's uranium deal, the selling of illegal weapons to the Mexican Dope crowd etc? When will Republicans call for another "Mueller type" to take up these investigations?
Start fighting back Trump! Don't depend on the Republicans, they are not going to defend you. They don't even know how to defend themselves. The longer you sit silent the mass media and their Democrat lackies will be allowed to paint you in the corner and with your own brush.
The elected no longer govern us. (See Kim's latest op ed from last week below and read Ken Buck's "Drain The Swamp.".)
This was sent to me by a dear friend and fellow memo reader. (See 1a below.)
as was this. (See 1b below.)
The current owner of the Washington Post and founder of Amazon may become the Soros equivalent of the media world.
Interesting investment article by Mauldin entitled "The Great Reset" . (See 2 below.)
1) Anatomy of a Deep State